Floating Life Stealing Love

Chapter 21 The Mystery of Qinghe

Zhou Huaiyi did not answer.

Wei Fuyan didn't ask much more, but whispered thank you when Zhou Huaiyi wrapped his clothes around her. What can I do if I ask the answer? There are still too many things to face in the future. What's there to worry about in the past?

"I have a proposal. Would you like to consider it?" Wei Fuyan wrapped his clothes and said, "In terms of power, you are the prince and I am the princess, and there is a whole country behind us. In terms of people and horses, although I am not as good as you now, once your master stands on my side, I will be evenly matched; in terms of intentions, I may not be able to beat you. We quarreled twice like this, and we knew each other's temper. Why don't we not disturb each other from now on? Why don't you check yours and let me pass me?

"What if what I found happens to interfere with your current life?"

Wei Fuyan smiled: "Then it depends on your own ability."

Zhou Huaiyi will not reply.

When she appeared in Wanxiju with the little wolf cub wrapped in Zhou Huaiyi's coat, Su Yue was about to cry and faint. Jiao Bo and Qinghe also looked worried. Only Qiyun ran over as usual and said, "Are you back?"

"Qiyun, go get hot water!" Qinghe hurriedly entered the house with Su Yue, who was trembling with cold.

Waiting for Qiyun to retreat, he heard Qinghe ask, "What's the matter?" Jiao Bo came back alone, after all..."

"It's Zhou Huaiyi! It's okay. It didn't do anything to me."

Su Yue stuffed the small stove into her hand and cried, "Have you quarreled with the prince again? If you do this, will the prince..."

Wei Fuyan comforted her and said, "Only by quarreling can we see what a person looks like!" Everyone is holding it, and they are even more uncertain.

"So what?" Qinghe asked.

Wei Fuyan smiled and said, "There are two Zhou Huaiyi in the world. One is suspicious, deceitful and cruel, and the other is frank, directly funny and cute. Let's just don't provoke the previous one!"

"What?" Qinghe and Suyue spoke in unison.

Wei Fuyan smiled from himself. When he took off Zhou Huaiyi's clothes outside, he said proudly, "Come and see, I brought a very interesting little guy back!"

Qinghe Suyue only looked at the clothes inside that were about to be torn apart.

Jiao Bo then said disgustingly, "Wolf!"

Qinghe and Suyue hurriedly stepped back. Wei Fuyan carefully stroked the sleeping little guy and said softly, "Don't be afraid. It's still so small. Don't you think it's as cute as an ordinary puppy?"

Qinghe looked at the little wolf cub in shock and asked, "But... where did you pick it up?" What's going on with you?"

Suyue burst into tears and smiled: "Look at you holding it and laughing, how can you hold it like holding the little master!"

"Little master? Do we have a little master?" Qiyun put down the hot water and twisted the towel. Looking at her broken clothes, she was excited.

Qinghe frowned. Wei Fuyan remembered what Zhou Huaiyi said in the forest, so she picked up the little guy and said, "Qinghe, take me back to my room to change my clothes. Su Yue and Qi Yun, prepare the food, Jiao Bo, go and close the door.

Jiao Bo took a look at Qinghe and said in a low voice, "Yes!"

Wei Fuyan wanted to release the sleeping wolf cub to **, and Qinghe stopped her: "Wait!" Finding an old dress and laying it at the end of the bed, the little guy curled up in silver gray and slept in her **.

"Zhou Huaiyi mentioned something just outside," Wei Fuyan faded his broken coat and said, "I'll say it directly, Liu Shiwei likes you, don't you know?"

Qinghe's face immediately turned red, and he lowered his head and stammered, "I...I..."

It turned out that it was not wishful thinking, but a real love at first sight. Wei Fuyan came forward and took her hand and said, "Do you like Liu Shiwei? Liu's bodyguard asked Zhou Huaiyi to ask me, and his meaning was already obvious. If you want, I'll talk to Zhou Huaiyi tomorrow and ask Liu's bodyguard to officially come to propose marriage. How about it?

Qinghe looked up at her and quickly lowered his head. After a long time, he said, "Qinghe... Qinghe is not worthy of Liu's bodyguard."

Wei Fuyan guessed this result, but asked more solemnly, "Qinghe, are you sure? We don't meet a good man like Liu Shiwei every day. If we miss this, there may be no better.

Qinghe was silent for a long time. He looked up and smiled and said affirmatively, "Qinghe is not worthy of Liu's bodyguard. Qinghe will explain it clearly to Liu's bodyguard himself. You don't have to be embarrassed. Qinghe, like Suyue, will stay with you all his life.

Qinghe helped her tie her scattered hair into a fallen horse bun. Wei Fuyan looked at the two people in the mirror and sighed, "Qinghe, if you don't have a good life, can I feel at ease? If it weren't for me, you wouldn't have to suffer.

"What are you talking about! Qinghe is a maidservant, as long as he sees you live a good life. Now King Huai has doubts about us, and someone wants to assassinate you. There are many internal and external troubles, and it is not the time to talk about marriage! How can Qinghe leave at this time!"

Wei Fuyan didn't know that Qinghe was thinking so much. Although she felt that there were too many troubles to deal with now, she never felt that she had reached the point of "crisis". I'm afraid that the secret in Qinghe's heart is also a heavy pressure.

Qiyun knocked on the door with joy: "Princess! The prince is here!"

Wei Fuyan and Qinghe looked at each other and didn't know what it meant for Zhou Huaiyi to suddenly appear without warning. She thought that Zhou Huaiyi was waiting in the flower hall, but she didn't expect that as soon as Qinghe opened the door, Zhou Huaiyi stood outside the door, and the one standing next to her turned out to be Lu Zhong!

Lu Zhong greeted with a smile and said, "I got a thousand taels of your man. Now it's really comfortable and energetic. Why don't I buy you a drink?"

Wei Fuyan looked at Zhou Huaiyi and asked, "I don't know what's the prince's late-night visit?"

Zhou Huaiyi has changed his tile blue gown, which looks noble and kind. Wei Fuyan knew that Zhou Huaiyi was not dangerous at this time, so he rudely did not invite him into the house.

"Let me tell you," Zhou Huaiyi pointed to the end of the bed, "don't feed it cooked meat. By the way, your suggestion is good, and I agreed.

Lu Zhong suddenly got into her room and went straight to the little wolf cub and shouted, "Is this... alive? Living wolf! It's the first time I've seen this little beast so close!" With that, he was about to reach out to grab it.

The little wolf cub was immediately woken up, opened his mouth to bite Lu Zhong's finger, and immediately saw blood.

Wei Fuyan quickly went over and pulled him: "Why do you bully it?"

Lu Zhong shouted, "Yes, why did it bully me?"

Qinghe looked at the chaotic situation in front of him and didn't know whether to invite Lu Zhong out or the prince to come in. He just went to find medicine and cloth and handed it to Lu Zhong. Lu Zhong didn't seem to see her. He didn't reach out to pick her up at all. He just rushed to Wei Fuyan angrily and said, "Hey! It bit me. What are you comforting with the culprit? Is it your son?"

"Shh! Keep your voice quiet, it's going to sleep!" Wei Fuyan turned around and stared at Lu Zhong, but saw Zhou Huaiyi bowing his head and walking away with a smile.

Lu Zhong continued to shout: "You have been idle for the past three years! So if anyone says something nice, you will believe it, but if someone sends you something funny, you will be happy, like a fool!"

It's not like it's for her. Wei Fuyan ordered Qinghe, "You eat first. Lu Zhong and I have something to say."

Qing He nodded and retreated.

The little wolf fell asleep peacefully, and Wei Fuyan came to help Lu Zhong with medicine.

"You are such a generous man. You brought other men into your woman's boudoir in the middle of the night and then left silently! Cut it!"

Wei Fuyan helped him wipe his blood clean. While applying the medicine, he said indifferently, "That's because he knows that the two of us have nothing to do with the wind and moon, and even if it's really selfish, he doesn't matter."

Lu Zhong was speechless for a moment and asked for a long time, "I'm not curious why he brought me here?"

"Did you earn your 1,000 taels? By the way, ask me for a cup of tea or something. You are not bad luck. He is in a good mood now. I'm afraid that your skin will be removed three layers!"

"Real?" Lu Zhong snorted disdainfully.

"We just met in the morning, and now you come to see me. What's the matter? To make a long story short, I'm still hungry!"

Lu Zhong was even more depressed: "At least I'm a strange man I haven't known for a long time. Can't you pretend to be gentle and virtuous?"

Wei Fuyan smiled and urged: "If you have something to say, say it quickly."

Lu Zhong stared at a place and did not move. Wei Fuyan turned around and the clothes he had just changed were piled up messy. Lu Zhong looked at her thoughtfully. Wei Fuyan shrugged his shoulders and explained, "It's not what you think. His vision is not so bad."

"Whatever you want!" Lu Zhong said angrily, "Master really has something to ask you when he comes here."

He suddenly lowered his voice and said, "Wei Fuyan, do you tell me the truth? Do you have anything to do with Sanhuatang?"

Wei Fuyan was surprised: "Why did you say that?"

Lu Zhong looked serious: "So, you have never ordered your people to contact Sanhuatang privately?"

Wei Fuyan suddenly thought of what she saw when she was taken away by Zhou Huaiyi this afternoon. For a moment, she didn't know whether she should continue to ask.

"Yes or not?"

"No. Do you have something to say, who is it?

Lu Zhong whispered, "Your maid, Qinghe girl. Master, I accidentally saw it when I checked the Sanhua Hall. The girl went to the suburbs with the Sanhuatang people. She put a knife around her neck, but the other party was threatened so obediently. And the young master also saw a leader of Sanhuatang salute your maid. Good boy, if your prince sees this, nine lives will not be enough for you to die unjustly!"

Wei Fuyan bit his lips and meditated. Is it Sanhuatang who is in contact with Qinghe? So after the night attack, Jiao Bo asked Qinghe to go with him? What is the relationship between them? Are there so many people who need to salute Qinghe?

Lu Zhong saw that she was slow to speak, but he thought she didn't believe it. He patted the table and wanted to get up: "I'll say it for nothing!"

Wei Fuyan pulled his sleeve and whispered, "I don't believe you."

Lu Zhong knew that she was uncomfortable, so he said for a long time, "Don't do this... I won't comfort people..."

Wei Fuyan let go and smiled reluctantly and said, "Thank you, I know."

"Have you noticed something before?" Lu Zhong stared at her and asked, "No matter how much you trust me, I won't doubt the person who has been with me for many years because of one sentence."

"Maybe... right, it's just that thousands of mountains and rivers bring them here, always hoping to take them to a good ending..." He suddenly remembered that these words were said by someone in the forest today, so he turned around and said, "Just don't know that Qinghe and Jiao Bo will not attack me, that's enough."

"And that Uncle Jiao?" Lu Zhong said disdainfully, "It's really hypocritical. I obviously want to know it!" Do you think that the world can be peaceful and happy for a moment?"