Floating Life Stealing Love

Chapter 27

Wei Fuyan touched the silver-white soft fur of the little wolf cub indifferently.

It doesn't matter if you haven't put on your shoes, and your feet will be frozen as soon as you go out.

It doesn't matter that I worshipped strangers for the second time in my life, and now the broken wedding clothes and dirty covers are randomly thrown on the cold ground.

It doesn't matter that the place where the candles have not been burned out before the worship hall is already in chaos, with corpses everywhere, wine and vegetables everywhere, and blood dripping everywhere.

It doesn't matter. So many people outside the door silently watched Zhou Huaiyi sitting on her side on the horse. There were hermits, royal guards, and many people in gorgeous clothes. The luxurious but strange blade should come from the flowers.

It doesn't matter that Zhou Huaiyi, who just wanted her to break herself but didn't allow her to die, is now riding the same horse with her, firmly holding her waist with one hand. She can't see her face and can't distinguish between joy and anger.

Many times it's not whether you don't care or not, but what can you do even if it's clear?

Alive, still alive.

Wei Fuyan suddenly grabbed the reins and shouted, "Drive!" The horse immediately hissed and galloped forward, and the wind roared in his ears. The little wolf in his arms whined and drilled into her arms, and the hand on his waist suddenly tightened and slowly loosened.

Zhou Huaiyi didn't say anything and let her vent in the gallop. The woman in her arms suddenly broke out like a silent beast. She lowered her body and galloped forward and looked straight ahead with a pair of eyes. Zhou Huaiyi knew that she could ride a horse, but she didn't know that her horse skills were so good, but even the cold wind could not make her face have a trace of blood color. A small face was close to the snow-white fox's Fur. Transparent, there is a bleak piece of black on the forehead, and there is a new scab on the lower lip that has already been bitten, which is terribly swollen.

It's time to send someone to stare at her.

If it is not certain that the "double-tailed scorpion" is the third person, Zhou Huaiyi is afraid that he will doubt Wei Fu's cigarette head again. He clearly remembers Wei Fuyan smiling and saying, "Are you so sure that I can't do anything?" Maybe if you don't find someone to stare at me today, everything will be out of your control!" Unexpectedly, the development of the matter was indeed not unexpected. He openly sent people to assassinate Chenguo and his own princess. Lao San did not have the ability to bear the consequences of the incident. Therefore, Lao San's plan should be to turn the chip of Zhou Huaiyi's marriage into a useless move. As long as the princess dies in an accident or Zhou Huaiyi takes the initiative to divorce his wife, even if the road of Chen Guo is completely cut off. Speaking of Zhou Huaiyi has no combat achievements, the only thing that obviously wins over Lao San is the relationship with Chen, just Zhou Huaiyi. I have never taken the heart to take advantage of it.

If the bodyguard hadn't met Qingsong by chance and Qingsong chased him all the way to the woods, Zhou Huaiyi was afraid that he would not find any trace at all. If the little wolf cub hadn't recognized the smell of Wei Fuyan and took him to the mountain, he really wouldn't have guessed that she was marrying someone in the nest of mountain thieves. This is the real way to kill people with a knife. Now Baifengzhai has become a scapegoat for no reason, but the third brother who is far away in Luodu has not even lost a single horse. It is appropriate to use people, one blow will be hit, plan strategies, and win thousands of miles, okay!

It's time to go back to Luodu. If he doesn't play with him seriously, he really thinks that Zhou Huaiyi is the ignorant fourth brother when he was a child.

Not to mention the Wei Fuyan in her arms. Although marrying a prince is inevitably involved in the struggle, even Zhou Huaiyi feels that she is innocent and pitiful this time. She was captured, married, drugged and forced to have a bridal chamber overnight. How many fears and grievances there are in the middle. Do you know how hard this woman was to marry him?

In front of Wei Fuyan, there is only the horizon where heaven and earth meet. Obviously, it was dusk when she went out yesterday, but now it turned out to be red clouds all over the sky. How fast the long night that has been feeling many shallow dreams for three years suddenly became! She stopped and quietly looked at the eastern sky.

Once in Chenguo, she loved to get up early to watch the sunrise. She pulled up Fan Fangtong and Yidielan to ride all the sky, and then watched the color of the sky change little by little when the grass and birds were singing. First, it was indigo, then it turned into Qingdai, and then there was a bright trace of orange red mixed in, and then large pieces of big red and orange. Red, rose, orange, golden, goose yellow, snow blue and moon white are mixed into a whole oriental canopy that is cut and closely connected. After that, the sun first appeared on its forehead. At first, a touch of red, it jumped out in a flash like someone playing a red lantern in the sky. Wei Fuyan always stares at the wonders of the sunrise. She likes the colors that can't be named and can't be distinguished. She likes the beauty that is changing and gradually bright. She likes the sun that will always appear again after rainy and snowy days. Whenever she saw the sunrise, she always felt very stable and down-to-earth. It seems that although many things are inevitably changing, there are always some who still stick to the past and accompany her hand in hand.

However, after coming to Li, she did not go out to see the sunrise. She often can't sleep well, so she is forced to get up early. She leans alone on the ginkgo tree on the shallow slope outside the evening to see the sky in the east. She is probably tired and no longer feels stable as before. Instead, she will feel how boring the sun should be if she rises and sets again day after day.

Zhou Huaiyi looked down at the woman in her arms. The rising sun shone on her beautiful face, and her big eyes were clear in the light, as if they were watching the sunrise, and as if they had traveled thousands of miles. However, when the sun rose completely, Zhou Huaiyi suddenly felt that her look was devout as if she was looking at the miracle.

"I won't let you go."

Zhou Huaiyi was stunned and said indifferently, "Okay!"

"You can't bully me like this."

Zhou Huaiyi didn't know how to speak, but quietly looked at the woman who seemed to be intoxicated in a dream.

"Everyone can, but you can't."

Zhou Huaiyi suddenly understood that Wei Fuyan was not talking to him at all, and he was on a whim. Her face was not aggrieved, unwilling, sad or resentful. Instead, she looked fixedly at the morning sun and smiled slowly. First, she pulled a soft arc lightly at the corners of her mouth, and then her smile opened a row of neat white teeth, and then her eyes shined like gems. Finally, her whole face was full of sincerity and thoroughness. With a carefree, proud and bright smile, she raised her chin slightly, and her white face was covered with a layer of light gold by the sun. Finally, Wei Fuyan loosened the reins and lowered his head and patted the head of the little wolf cub in his arms and said, "Go back!"

Zhou Huaiyi felt that this smile was very familiar. After looking at it for a long time, she suddenly remembered the lost painting. Zhou Yuanzhi's painting is not exaggerated. Now he is more throbbing than when he first saw the portrait.

The former Wei Fuyan is back!

Probably someone specially ordered Qiyun, so Wei Fuyan returned to Wanxiju and immediately had a hot bath to take a bath. When she took off Zhou Huaiyi's white fox Qiu cloak, Qiyun gasped. Wei Fuyan knew how embarrassed she was now. The wound on her shoulder had not healed a few days ago. Now her forehead is blue and her lips are swollen and her legs are still blood-stained, not to mention that her hands and feet are frozen into blue and purple. But it doesn't matter. For the last time, it should be a souvenir. No one can hurt her again in the future.

After ordering Qiyun to retreat, Wei Fuyan soaked the hot water into her chin. She carefully untied the red gauze on her thighs in the water and played around her hand. Her whole body was sore and couldn't stop it from soaking for a while and was drowsy. After soaking enough and there was no sound before standing out of the barrel, he walked barefoot to the front of the bronze mirror and looked at his back.

The red mole in the neck was brought out of the mother's womb. The scar on the right shoulder was whipped by her father when she fell into the lotus pond. It was originally a large scar, but the royal brother could not remove the small piece on her right shoulder after all means. Later, even her mother said that the scar was like a flower, and she slowly she didn't care about it. No one should know these things. Why did the mountain thief shout "Miss Three" as soon as he saw her back? The mountain thief was not from Li. Could it be her Chen country? If you admit your mistake, why is your tone so excited and sure, and even the person who claimed to be "Anzhong" when Zhou Huaiyi attacked and came in later had to risk to find her?

Miss San... Is she not a princess as Zhou Huaiyi said?

This time, check.

After taking a bath, taking medicine and eating, I am energetic. Wan Xiju came two more maids and two bodyguards. Knowing that it was Zhou Huaiyi's instructions, Wei Fuyan didn't even ask her name. After all, she is short of people here. Other than that, Suyue always needs someone to take care of her like this. When she went to find Suyue, Suyue was sitting for dinner. As soon as she saw her face, Suyue immediately panicked and cried with heartache. When the maid in the room obeyed the order, Wei Fuyan said bluntly, "I'll go out. When I come back in the evening, I want to hear an explanation about your life saving the Liu bodyguard."

Su Yue immediately stammered, "I... Su Yue and Liu Shiwei..."

"Recuperate well."

Wei Fuyan rode a horse on the road under a veil, which attracted the attention of pedestrians. She found the corner of Mulan Street. At the entrance of the alley was an old locust tree, next to it, and there was a small brick courtyard with a book "Li Zhai".

It's normal here and doesn't live like a place like Lu Zhong, so she was a little surprised to see that Lu Zhong came to open the door in person after knocking.

"It's me."

Lu Zhong leaned on the door and held his arms and said, "Yo, this dress is so fresh and disfigured?" His poisonous tongue was still Wei Fuyan was not surprised at all. If there was anything strange, except that the courtyard was clean and tidy and did not match Lu Zhong's nature, and Lu Zhong didn't seem to have any intention of inviting her in.

"Go out with me." Wei Fuyan said.

Lu Zhong looked at her for a while and then obviously thought for a moment before saying, "I'll go back to get the sword."

When he came out, he led the horse and carefully locked the door before asking, "Where are you going?"

Does it look like there is someone in the room? Wei Fuyan looked away and said, "Bai Fengzhai."