Floating Life Stealing Love

Chapter 50 B bitterness

As soon as Wei Fuyan arrived at the door of Wanxiju, she saw Liu Qingzhou. Now she knew that this person was her biological brother. Suddenly, she couldn't help crying when they met. The three wandering brothers and sisters had not known each other for so long!

Liu Qingzhou was saying something to Zhou Huaiyi. He looked as relaxed and slightly humorous as when they first met. He smiled and narrowed his eyes slightly, with deep dimples on his face. I don't know whether his injury is good or not, but there is always an indifferent and elegant manner between his hands and feet, and the warmth between words and smiles happens to form a sharp contrast with the lonely Zhou Huaiyi.

My biological brother. Wei Fuyan bit his lips and smelled the heaviness behind these simple words.

Zhou Huaiyi saw her at a glance and asked with a smile, "Are you back so soon?"

The smile on Liu Qingzhou's face immediately dissipated. After getting up and saling her, he said to Zhou Huaiyi, "I'll go and see Qinghe."

Wei Fuyan was immediately sad. The two of them were entangled for a long time, but they were obviously getting farther and farther away. They could protect her for her status as a princess on the mountain, but aside Zhou Huaiyi, he didn't even want to say a word to her!

Zhou Huaiyi picked up an empty cup, poured tea and pushed it aside and said, "Your expression is like a bitter love for Qingzhou!"

Wei Fuyan stood next to the position where Liu Qingzhou had just sat, and his heart was even more sad when he heard Zhou Huaiyi's words.

Zhou Huaiyi tasted tea and said leisurely, "But it's really a pity that I just agreed to marry Shen Qinghe in Qingzhou. Speaking of which, you are really my nemesis. I brought two maidservant and abducted the two leaders of the king's hidden line. If you want to bring a few more people, you are afraid that my hermit will be destroyed by the whole army!"

"What did you say?" Wei Fu said, "Qinghe is my maidservant. Why don't you tell me about such a big thing as getting married now?"

After Wei Fuyan finished speaking, she realized how funny she said. This is Zhou Huaiyi's mansion. Not to mention that she is a fake princess, didn't she also be compelledient when she completely believed that she was a real princess?

Zhou Huaiyi looked at her appearance and said with a smile, "In early April, let Shen Qinghe go back to Luodu with Motan and his wife, and then marry Qingzhou in Luodu. There are Qiyun and Hui Nuan in the house to take care of you, and there is no shortage of such two people.

If Shen Qinghe's identity is doubtful, and if Qinghe is the key figure in the so-called "big chess", will he let her marry her brother?

Wei Fuyan said resolutely, "I won't agree!"


Wei Fuyan turned his head and saw Liu Qingzhou standing at the door with Qinghe in his arms. Qinghe's pale face showed surprise. Liu Qingzhou just kicked the threshold. He did not withdraw his feet but slowly lowered his eyes, and his expression gradually turned into a deep resentment.

Wei Fuyan looked away with difficulty. Even if Qinghe is not a real princess, Jiao Bo and Sanhuatang will definitely insist on taking her away. At that time, whether Liu Qingzhou will be implicated or not, he will inevitably be sad!

But Liu Qingzhou is her eldest brother!

Zhou Huaiyi tasted tea and said, "If Shen Qinghe agrees, you won't stop it. Isn't that what you said? Forgot?"

Wei Fuyan didn't dare to look at Liu Qingzhou and Qinghe, so she had to look at Zhou Huaiyi motionlessly and said, "I said it. I regret it!"

"Isn't that good?" Zhou Huaiyi looked at her and smiled, and then asked without looking back, "Miss Shen, tell me what you mean, do you agree?"

He called Qinghe "Miss Shen" and was already very polite, but Wei Fuyan clearly saw Qinghe shuddering and had a cold war. After a long time, her face returned to her usual gentleness and quietness. She looked at Wei Fuyan and smiled gently, and then said clearly, "Your Majesty, Qinghe did not agree!"

"Qinghe!" Liu Qingzhou looked at her in consters and said, "Qinghe, we agreed! The prince also agreed. Let's go to Luodu and go as soon as you get better! What are you afraid of with me?"

Qinghe still looked at Wei Fuyan and said with a smile, "Liu Shiwei, please send Qinghe back to your room. I won't bask in the sun."

Liu Qingzhou reached out and stroked Qinghe's face and almost begged, "Don't look at her! Qinghe, don't look at her, look at me! Don't think about those messy things this time, just think about me! Qinghe!"

"Thank you, Liu's bodyguard for your love. Please send Qinghe back to your room!"

Liu Qingzhou looked at Qinghe with a smile in pain, and then suddenly looked back at Wei Fuyan and roared: "Why on earth? I would rather destroy ten temples than dismantle a marriage. How much hatred the princess has for Liu Qingzhou to do this to us!"

Wei Fuyan's eyes were sore, and he secretly gritted his teeth and did not speak.

"I have agreed, and the princess has no final say. Qingzhou, take Miss Shen out and bask in the sun!"

Zhou Huaiyi got up and took her out of Wanxiju. As soon as Wei Fuyan came out of the door of Wanxiju, she broke away from his hand and whispered, "You actually don't want Liu Qingzhou to marry Qinghe at all, but you want me to say this!"

"Oh, but you can also wait for me to say that you don't have that patience. Who do you blame?" Zhou Huaiyi looked at her and said, "I only bet 60% on the matter that you would not let Shen Qinghe marry Qingzhou, but I didn't expect you to be so resolute. I dare not look at the canoe from beginning to end. Do you really like it?

"Zhou Huaiyi, can you..." Wei Fuyan blurted out but stopped abruptly, and finally said hatefully, "It's as if you really care!" Then he shook his hand and went away.

How dare you call his name? Zhou Huaiyi looked at her back and said silently. Shen Qinghe's identity is strange. How could he let Qingzhou marry such a woman! But isn't Wei Fuyan looking at the light boat more strangely?

Is the secret she went to listen to today actually related to the canoe?

"Come on!" A dark shadow suddenly floated beside him.

"Follow the princess and report in time."


Zhou Huaiyi painted in the Hanmo Building, and he didn't hear the report until it was dark.

"Princess Qiyun sent a letter to Lu Zhong, and then Lu Zhong met nearly 30 people within an hour. In addition, Men Qingsong was removed from Jiao Bo on the grounds that the princess needed protection.

The only explanation for sending Qingsong, who has excellent martial arts, to Jiao Bo, is that this girl needs someone to watch Jiao Bo. Now that it is removed, it is not necessary for Jiao Bo to guard it. I'm afraid that this girl's next move is aimed at Shen Qinghe and Jiao Bo.

It can be seen that she didn't ask much on the mountain, and it is likely that there are still some urgent parts to be determined about the secrets she heard today.

I met nearly 30 people. Is the little girl going to set up a bureau?

"Where are the people of Sanhuatang?"

"There are more than a dozen people left, all around the royal palace."

Zhou Huaiyi looked at the woman wrapped in his white fox fur robe in the painting and frowned slightly and said, "Look, don't let them approach the princess."


Zhou Huaiyi looked at the painting back and forth twice. Her white robe was black, and there was a piece of blue and purple on her forehead. She bit her lips desperately. There was stubbornness that could not be hidden in her eyes, and even a hair was no different from her memory. Zhou Huaiyi looked at it for a long time and rolled it up with several other paintings on the table and threw it into the brazier.

The day after tomorrow, let her finish her game, and then Luodu and Yanjing, one life is 100 years old, and the two have no relationship.

"Dong!" Jiao Bo suddenly opened his eyes and made a third sound. It was not an accident! He jumped up from ** and held a dagger in his hand and carefully moved it to the door. He heard a rustling sound outside the door, and then it was silent. At this moment, it was dawn, and it happened that the guards of the royal palace changed shifts. When he thought of this, Jiao Bo was even more worried. He carefully opened the door and ran to Qinghe's room, but he didn't know that the door was open. Looking in, where was there anyone else?

Jiao Bo was immediately terrmented. Who would secretly take away Qinghe, who still can't walk? He immediately turned around and chased out in a hurry. Sure enough, he saw that the gate of Wanxiju, which was loosely guarded, was being carefully closed. Isn't the man in black on his back Qinghe?

Jiao Bo couldn't help thinking, is it Sanhuatang while chasing with all his strength? Except for him and Sanhuatang, who will allow Qinghe to leave the royal palace? However, Jiao Bo still did not dare to get too close. He was originally very skillful, but at this moment, he was unaware of chasing the other party all the way. In a blink of an eye, Uncle Jiao followed a dilapidated house. The man in black took the sleeping Qinghe into the courtyard to watch around and carefully closed the door.

"Big boss, someone brought it!"

"I'm locked up with that princess or something!"

Jiao Bo was stunned. It is not surprising that Qinghe lived in Wanxiju and could be taken away. How could the princess and the prince live in Hexinzhai?

Is this the intention of Huai Wang? He didn't know how many people in the courtyard did not dare to act rashly. After a while, he heard someone say, "Throw it in, boss!" Why is this mother-in-law full of blood and still can't survive?

Is it full of blood? Is Qinghe's wound cracked?

"It's none of your business whether you live or not. Besides, how many people have you seen here who can live? The world is so chaotic that it's a blessing for someone to send them to death!"

Jiao Bo secretly clenched his fist.

"Ok, brothers, leave two people to watch, and the others go to see the nest at the end of the alley with me!"

"The boss is still smart! Keep people in two places, and it's less than half a cup of tea time. It's convenient for us to find them, and we can escape neatly even if someone comes to find them! The boss is wise!"

"Hey, 14th, you are very good at flattery!"

When Jiao Bo heard someone walking out, he immediately dodged. A thief came out to explore the wind first. The street was originally remote, and there was no one at this time. Then a little fat man and two fierce people came out together. After a while, a big man took three or four people to the end of the alley. Uncle Jiao was anxious and did not dare to act rashly. After a total of five groups of people came out, he waited for a moment to be sure that he really had to leave. Jiao Bo gently jumped up and looked into the door with a cluster of dead vines next to him. Sure enough, there were only two people left!

The two people are holding big knives, a white-faced, tall and thin eyes, and a round face short and fat sleepy.

He suddenly said with dull eyes, "I'm hungry!"

I woke up drowsy and immediately: "Me too!"

He was immediately more sluggish, and said like a zombie, "Let's go and eat!"

The two really got up and left. Jiao Bo calculated half a cup of tea and arrived immediately. Without hesitation, he jumped into the yard and quickly walked into several broken houses to explore.