Floating Life Stealing Love

Chapter 54 Wife and Child

Zhou Huaiyi stood with her hands across the screen.

I calculated that Sanhuatang will come, but what can I do if Mr. Feng is staring at me? It was calculated that King Tuo's people would come, but how could King Tuo hurt her if he was going to force him to take Wei Fuyan back to Luo? The time was just right. Sanhuatang and the king of Tuo were caught in his urn, but after calculation, who would have thought that she was afraid of the lotus pond?

Afraid of the lotus pond, no wonder she couldn't stick to the lotus when she first came to Yanjing.

Afraid of the lotus pond, but his house is related to the lotus pond everywhere.

How on earth did she get through these three years?

Doctor Hu hurried out with a bow, hesitating and dared not look up.

How about it? To put it bluntly.

"The fainting is due to excessive shock, as for..."

Zhou Huaiyi saw that he dodged and guessed it. He suddenly closed his eyes in a cold heart. After a long time, he slowly opened his eyes and said, "Say it directly."

Doctor Hu hesitated and said, "The little master... is gone!"

Qiyun and Hui Nuan happened to come, and they took a cold breath when they heard this.

No... No? Before you really come... and suddenly left?

Zhou Huaiyi's hands were cold and his heart was blank. He walked to the bed and looked at the sleeping Wei Fuyan for a long time. His frightened and pale face shrank in the quilt, looking familiar and strange. The month between them was all mixed up, and all kinds of things were busy and entangled between them. In the end, he wanted to cut the mess quickly, but at the price was a child.

On the night of Baifengzhai a month ago, whether he felt that she was innocently involved in the battle for the throne, or whether she was stunned by her appearance in a wedding dress, or selfishly shouted that she could not let her die, which even he couldn't understand. If I had known that there would be today, it would have been better to let her die on that day!

No, if he had known today, he should not have stepped into Yanjing from the beginning. It would have been better to leave her here to live and die than now!

If Wei Fuyan wakes up and knows that there was such an unfortunate child between them...

Zhou Huaiyi said indifferently, "Rewarming up and changing clothes for her. Dr. Hu, Qiyun, come here.

Across the small study in the hall, Dr. Hu and Qiyun looked at Zhou Huaiyi nervously.

"Have she ever noticed that she is pregnant?"

Qiyun said, "I haven't heard the princess mention it."

"Has she seen the doctor this month?"

"No," Qiyun said, "the princess has praised Hu's excellent medical skills and strange medicine. She usually goes directly to Hu's doctor for illness and pain."

Doctor Hu quickly said, "About ten days ago, the princess had a stomachache and came to find a humble position to get medicine. At that time, she was not happy. Even if it's only a month now, if this hadn't happened, I'm afraid it would be difficult to judge now.

So she doesn't know at all...

Is it fortunate or unfortunate?

Zhou Huaiyi closed his eyes tiredly. He was used to being surprised by favors and humiliations. Now his heart is full of emotions, but he can't see anything on his face.

He finally said, "Give her medicine and let her sleep for a while. Don't let her know in your life!"

Doctor Hu and Qiyun were both shocked, but in a blink of an eye, they had to agree that the child was gone. Since the princess did not know it at the beginning, why did she have to experience the pain of loss?

"Yes, master!" Doctor Hu took the order. He turned around and wanted to leave, but he hesitated to turn around and said, "Master, the matter of returning to Luodu..."

Do you want to leave her like this and go back to Luodu? Zhou Huaiyi closed his eyes and said in a low voice, "Had."

After the room calmed down, Zhou Huaiyi slowly opened his eyes. He felt unprecedentedly powerless and was so tired that he couldn't sleep like Wei Fuyan, but Yu Guang saw Mo Tan standing at the door.


Zhou Huaiyi knew what happened when he came here, so he said, "Your excellency is fine."

Mo Tan was sent by Su Yue to ask about the situation. Now he only heard a sentence "the adult is fine" and immediately knew that the child was in good condition. He didn't dare to ask more questions. He simply reported, "Master, when he came here, when he saw Master Hua coming, he should be in Hexinzhai immediately!"


Zhou Huaiyi felt more tired at the moment, but he had to stand up and say, "I know, go to the flowers and ask Dr. Ji to help Suyue look at her legs, that is to say it's what I mean."

Mo Tan felt uncomfortable and lowered his head with red eyes and said, "Yes, thank you, master!"

Hua wrongly knew that Wei Fuyan was going to see him today. He changed his clothes and waited in the Shuangqi Hall early in the morning, but he waited for the news of the accident in the royal palace. Hua was uneasy and hurried, but he learned that it was not someone else who had happened, but Wei Fuyan!

If it's just the master, Zhou Huaiyi looked up and saw the magic doctor Ji following the master.

"What about floating smoke? How's the floating smoke? As soon as Hua made a mistake, he was anxious to rush to the floating smoke room. Zhou Huaiyi had to stop him and say, "The servants are helping her change her clothes."

However, unfortunately, Hui Nuan happened to come out with a basin of blood water, followed by Qiyun holding a blood suit. Both of them have red eyes.

Doctor Ji frowned slightly with three wis of clear beards.

Hua made a mistake and immediately said, "At the beginning of the season, go to the pulse!"

Zhou Huaiyi stopped in front and said, "Zhong has been diagnosed, nothing serious..."

The people in the brocade have always only listened to the wrong orders of flowers. Doctor Ji opened Zhou Huaiyi's hand and went straight into the room. After a moment, he came out and whispered beside Huacuo.

"The quack doctor! The quack doctor said nonsense!" Hua was shocked and instantly became angry, "Get out of here!"

Zhou Huaiyi stretched out his hand to stop the flower that was about to go to the room and said, "Master..."

"Get out of here!" Hua made a mistake and pushed away Doctor Ji and pointed to Zhou Huaiyi angrily, "You don't think it's a big deal! That's what you said. It's nothing serious! Yier, what on earth is going to be her going to be hurt?

Zhou Huaiyi was silent and finally had to whisper, "Master, let her rest!"

Hua wrongly watched Zhou Huaiyi gradually turn from anger to sadness and lowered his voice and said, "Yi'er, how did you teach you as a teacher? Strategy, strategy and layout are all to protect what is worth protecting! Now that you have become a big weapon, you have to deal with Sanhuatang and fight with Prince Tuo, do you think your wife and children are just a burden? If your people don't have time to protect her, tell your teacher that you can send flowers to protect her! Yier, you said that even if you keep her in Yanjing, you will protect her well. Yier, is this your promise to be a teacher? Yier, you have changed, and you have finally become like this..."

Zhou Huaiyi bowed his head and did not defend himself, but the hand behind him became tighter and tighter.

"What the master said is that I'm sorry for her."

Hua shook her head and burst into tears: "Are you sorry for her? No, no, I'm sorry for her as a teacher. I know that you will marry her in the future, but I can't teach you well, so that she has to find such a powerful person to entrust for life! Yier, even if you have no feelings, it is your wife who lies in it and loses the child! You can also do this!"

Ji Benchu brushed three wisps of clear beard and watched everything. The princess was only one month pregnant. I'm afraid the prince didn't know it at all before. The charges in the master's mouth were really too big! However, King Huai still did not defend himself, but bowed his head and looked as if to burn a hole in the ground.

"Master, I mean, don't let her know about it."

Hua wrongly looked at Zhou Huaiyi and shook her head and stepped back: "Don't let her know? How long can you cheat? Yi'er, do you really have to teach such a teacher?

"She doesn't know that she is pregnant, and now she knows that all of them are not only sad, so please don't mention it."

Hua wrongly heard this and slowly calmed down, but her eyes fell into the memory again: "I always have to wait until the injury is hurt before pretending to compensate! But I have already suffered pain. How can you make up for it... Why do you think that the wounds I have suffered can slowly heal? Why do you think I will forgive you? Why..."

Doctor Ji saw the recurrence of the master's old illness and quickly took out a piece of tiger skin from his arms and opened it. He picked up a few silver needles in one hand to find the acupuncture point and stabbed it down. Hua made a sudden sleepy and fell asleep. Zhou Huaiyi hurried forward to help the master, but saw Doctor Ji clean up the tiger's skin and said, "The prince doesn't have to think too much. The master is waiting to see the princess early in the morning, but it is such bad news that he will inevitably be a little excited when he speaks. In the master's heart, the princess is his daughter. How can she not be anxious to be a father if her daughter has an accident?

Zhou Huaiyi reached out to help the master wipe his tears and said, "Thank you, Doctor Ji. Come on, lead the way to the Sakura Pavilion.

He Xinzhai calmed down.

What happened to Sanhuatang? What happened to King Tuo's people? Qinghe Jiaobo, who secretly followed Qinghe Jiaobo, who fled, suddenly felt that everything was boring.

When Wei Fuyan woke up in a daze, it seemed to be at night. Her mind was blank and she didn't know what had happened, but she felt pain all over her body with a little movement.

"Don't move."

Wei Fuyan looked at it for a long time before he recognized Zhou Huaiyi. Zhou Huaiyi's whole body was about to disappear in the night, and the swaying candlelight in the room could not even see his look. He seemed to have been sitting by the bedside for a long time. Wei Fuyan immediately shrank back when he reached out. Zhou Huaiyi's hand stiffened, and then tucked the quilt for her.

Wei Fuyan was surprised by his behavior. After a long time, she remembered and asked, "I...this is..."

"I fell into the lotus pond." Zhou Huaiyi answered indifferently.

The lotus pond? Oh, yes, Sanhuatang, Tuowang, lotus leaf lotus pond...

She laughed silently and turned her head to avoid Zhou Huaiyi's eyes.

"What are you laughing at?"

Somehow, I always feel that Zhou Huaiyi's voice is full of fatigue. Wei Fuyan laughed at himself weakly: "If you have seven words, you can stop being a serious illness. My appearance... You have a great reason to divorce your wife."

Zhou Huaiyi asked another thing: "What's the matter?"

Wei Fuyan did not answer, but turned his head to the other side weakly. After a long time, he said, "You are well planned." Sanhuatang, "double-tailed scorpion", Zhou Huaiyi all remained motionless, just waiting for such a day to retreat as a step forward and for all. Zhou Huaiyi is really powerful to win or lose with one move.

"Oh." It took a long time for Zhou Huaiyi to answer in a low voice.