Floating Life Stealing Love

Chapter 16 Unexpected

Wei Fuyan suddenly turned around, and his heart suddenly broke like a tight string! Did it still happen? Or did it happen?

Snake! Two snakes rushed out from under the smashed peony, and one had fallen on Princess Ping's feet. Princess Ping screamed and retreated repeatedly, but the snake wrapped her feet more tightly. Her maid, Lian Xin, had long been so scared that she held her head and shrank aside.


When Acacia saw that she had nothing to do, she immediately came forward and hugged Princess Ping. The snake quickly wanted to drill into Princess Ping's skirt. Acacia calmed down and suddenly stretched out her right hand and decisively stuck the little snake seven inches, and then hit the fake mountain beside it with a sigh of relief. However, a snake was still running around on the ground. Acacia let go of Princess Ping and pushed her to the lotus heart, and then decisively pulled out a gold hairpin from her head as a dart and threw it to fix the snake's head. The two snakes were flattened in an instant.

But Wei Fuyan's ear banged, and it happened... Princess Ping covered her stomach tightly and fell into Lianxin's arms, and Lianxin shouted: "Princes! Help, help! Save our princess!"

Wei Fuyan looked blankly at the people around her coming quickly like a tide. A man bumped into her arm and strode over and picked up Princess Ping and said repeatedly, "Wanqing, Wanqing!"

Zhou Huaiyi.

Wei Fuyan's heart roared like a cold wind, but the corners of her eyes looked at Zhou Huaiyi's still black robe. The complicated dark lines on her clothes were all the lines she had been familiar with for a long time. At this moment, she stayed in the place of her face and stayed on other people's faces.

There is still a trace of sobriety in Princess Ping's extreme pain. She knows that others will definitely misunderstand when they see it. While desperately pushing Zhou Huaiyi away, she pointed to Wei Fuyan and wanted to explain for her: "She, Princess Huai She... Ah!" Then he fainted.

The skirt became red, and the heartbreaking crying of Lianxin and the panicked voices of the people around her suddenly disappeared. Everyone came and went around her like a silent picture. Some people ran away, some people covered their faces and some people screamed exaggeratedly, but Wei Fuyan only saw a cold eyes looking at her from afar and quietly falling on her. The eyes were like a pool of deep water, which made her whole body immersed in it and could not escape, but it was so cold that her teeth trembled.

She opened her mouth to explain, but the man quickly withdrew his eyes at a glance, and then decisively picked up Princess Ping and strode away from her. Wei Fuyan was hit aside by him. She looked blankly at the gravel and smashed peonies on the ground, but she couldn't find the two snakes, and even the blood stains that should have disappeared.

"Princess..." lovesickness comes over.

The gravel in front of them was continuous, and they only guarded against the gravel. As soon as the last gravel fell on them, they were careless, but they didn't know that it was just a knocking brick that woke up the snake worm under the peony flower. Wei Fuyan closed his eyes weakly and leaned against the fake mountain and said, "Let them go!"

"No..." Acacia looked at the stranger in front of her and stopped talking.

Acacia is also the flower leader of Yanjing City. She has never been so twisted. Wei Fuyan knew that there was really trouble, so she laughed and opened her eyes. Today, I met a smart plan, and every step is just right. I'm afraid that the person who makes the trick doesn't want to really harm Princess Ping. I just want to see her Wei Fuyan's joke.

When I opened my eyes, I saw that the people around me had dispersed, and there was only a moon-white robe in front of me, warm as jade and concerned.

Wei Fuyan looked at him with a miserable smile and was unable to speak at all. His shoulder, which was hit back and forth by Zhou Huaiyi twice, seemed to be numb at this moment, and his heart gradually became numb.

Zhou Yuan looked at her sadly and finally said, "Syan'er, I'll take you home!"

home? How funny, home?

Wei Fuyan shook his head and asked with a smile, "That's your sister-in-law. Why don't you go and have a look?"

"There are already a lot of people there," Zhou Yuan said above, "It will be fine. Come with me!"

She stubbornly moved, clinging to the cold stone and asked, "Do you know what happened?"

Zhou Yuanzhi's eyes were like water, and he looked at her quietly and said, "I know it has nothing to do with you."

Wei Fuyan's nose was sore and almost cried. She turned her head to prevent Zhou Yuanzhi from seeing it, but Zhou Yuanzhi said first, "The palace is not worth crying. Let's go. I'll take you out of here."

Wei Fuyan leaned against the rockery and just said, "Okay, okay, let's go!" She nodded desperately and said several times. Finally, Zhou Yuanzhi couldn't help taking her hand and said, "Let's go, Yaner, I'll take you away!"

Acacia was alert because she didn't know that they were old acquaintances before. At this moment, she had no way to comfort Wei Fuyan, so she followed the two of them out of the palace.

Out of the palace guard, his hands and feet were cold, and everyone was busy taking care of Princess Ping, so no one investigated her as a possible culprit along the way. Princess Ping's finger before she fainted was afraid of being misunderstood by everyone, but how many people would stand beside her without asking anything like Zhou Yuanzhi?

No matter when, right or wrong, be on her side. This kind of words is really just saying.

"Yan'er, are you crying for him?" Zhou Yuanzhi took her hand and asked.

Wei Fuyan never let tears fall down. She bit her lips and shook her head but did not dare to speak.

Zhou Yuanzhi stopped and looked at her quietly for a long time and said, "Syaner, you are confused..."

Wei Fuyan bit his lips and shook his head desperately. Zhou Yuanzhi stretched out his hand and seemed to hesitate for a long time before falling on her head and patting gently.

"Let's go, eat delicious food, go shopping for interesting gadgets, and then ride to the sky together, and wait until the sun sets before sending you home." This is Wei Fuyan's previous habit. Every time Zhou Yuanzhi meets her in Yanjing, he has to eat, drink and play like this. Only he knows, and only he remembers.

Zhou Yuanzhi took her hand and walked forward without waiting for her answer. The bustling streets were full of the sound of hawking, fragrant osmanthus cake, and sweet and sour wild date cake. Zhou Yuanzhi knew what she liked to eat and bought a little of everything she liked. Wei Fuyan was not in the mood to eat, but Zhou Yuanzhi advised her to take a bite every time she bought it. It wasn't long before Wei Fuyan felt that her cold limbs were gradually warming up at this moment. The street is full of all kinds of interesting gadgets. Wei Fuyan followed Zhou Yuanzhi and bought many things, such as various embroidery threads, wood-carved hairpins, and five-color silk thread anti-evil bracelets. It didn't take long for lovesickness to avoid it in advance and leave the two of them alone. Pedestrians on the street stood shoulder to shoulder, and from time to time someone bumped into her shoulder like in the palace, but Zhou Yuanzhi held her hand and never let go.

Crossing the streets and alleys and eating delicious food, Zhou Yuanzhi bought two horses to ride to the suburbs with her, but when he arrived at the gate, he suddenly dared not move forward.

"What?" Zhou Yuanzhi asked.

Wei Fuyan seemed to be a little crazy when she looked at the front of the road outside the city gate from afar. She looked at it for a long time, and Zhou Yuanzhi did not disturb her.

"I'm not going," Wei Fuyan looked outside the city gate and said, "I'm not going, I can't go."

Just now on the street, Wei Fuyan's expression has recovered slightly and occasionally smile, but now he is at a loss again. Zhou Yuanzhi feels fiercely distressed when he looks at it. Is this the woman he once fell in love with, but now he is tortured like this by another person?

"Far away," Wei Fuyan turned his head and looked at him, "I can't leave. I'm afraid that I won't come back as soon as I get out of the city gate!"

Zhou Yuan's heart is indescribably distressed. What he loves most is the proud and bright Wei Fuyan in his memory, with a beautiful face flying, as if he is not afraid at any time. But now Wei Fuyan actually said "fear" to him!

"If I leave, what if they come..." Wei Fuyan muttered, and his brother Liu Qingzhou was about to return to Luodu. His sister Su Yue is on her way to Luodu at this moment and will arrive in a few days. How can she go at this time?

Obviously, nothing has been done wrong. Obviously, it's just let that lonely eyes pierce. What is it to leave now?

"Far away, I will definitely go, but not now," Wei Fuyan sighed tiredly, "It can't be now, so far away, go back!"

"Yan'er, whenever you make up your mind to leave, I will help you, even if you don't choose me in the end."

Wei Fuyan couldn't help shaking her head with a smile and said, "Far away, don't wait for me."

Zhou Yuanzhi smiled: "If you liked me in those years, you would follow me desperately, but if you didn't, I would know your answer. I don't want to grow old with you, but I'm waiting for you to live a good life.

Wei Fuyan looked at Zhou Yuanzhi and burst into tears. After enduring all the way, she finally couldn't help it, but as soon as the tears fell, she felt embarrassed. While wiping her tears desperately, she covered it up and said, "Look at you, you have to say such a thing..."

"Yan'er, we've known each other for almost four years. Don't hide your happiness or sadness in front of me," Zhou Yuanzhi handed over a handkerchief and said, "I can see a lot of things outside the bureau. I also know what you mean to him for sure. I'll cry happily, and then I'll send you back."

Wei Fuyan quickly wiped away her tears with a handkerchief and said, "What's your intention? What do you understand? It's just to get what you need, and soon after the matter is over, I'm going to leave! What am I crying for? Go back, I'm going back!"

Zhou Yuanzhi sighed and turned her horse's head and walked with her to the royal palace.

Thinking all the way, when it comes to Wang Fuyan's heart, there is a plan, but Men Qingsong has been assigned to do things. At present, she only has only one lovesickness in her hand. Even if Jiangbei comes back, there are only two people, and nothing is not enough to do.

"Far away, can you do me a favor?" Wei Fuyan asked.

Zhou Yuanzhi smiled and said, "Of course, anything is fine."

Wei Fuyan suddenly felt sad when she heard this sentence. She reluctantly smiled and said, "How can you say anything like this? Well, Lu Zhong, whom you met when you were in Yanjing before, is my brother, but now I don't know where he is. Can you help me check it secretly?

"Okay, I'll check it for you." Zhou Yuanzhi answered her, but he said in his heart that I had never said anything to you. Everything I said was serious.