Floating Life Stealing Love

Chapter 22 Husband and Wife

Wait for Yuer to lie down on Sheng Qian's bedside and slowly fall asleep, Wei Fuyan helped her put on a blanket and close the door and leave.

I just felt nowhere to go for a moment. She made up her mind to leave early in the morning, so she was never interested in learning about other places, so that now she doesn't know where to go after leaving Enron Garden.

The night is getting darker, and only the guards patrolling the night can be seen. Every few steps, someone saluted her. She seemed to return to the life in the most familiar palace, but the depression gradually began to be in the bottom of her heart. Gradually, she has completely lost her way. Obviously, she can send her to a familiar place by calling a bodyguard, but where can she go?

"Princess!" A voice shouted nearby.

Warm up? She hasn't seen Hui Nuan for a long time. In the past, she heard Qiyun say that Hui Nuan has been serving the master. Why does the master live here?

"I've met the princess!"

"No gift," Wei Fuyan asked, "Where is this?"

He looked surprised and said with a smile, "It's the prince's library and study Hanmo building."

Wei Fuyan immediately understood the smile of Hui Nuan, and I was afraid that she came to Zhou Huaiyi specially. Since it's okay to see Zhou Huaiyi, who can I tell him about the Peony Flower Meeting and Sheng Qian's attack?

"Tear me!"

When the warmth returned, he immediately took the order to turn around and take her straight forward. In spring, there are still no flowers here, but many green bamboos have been planted. At first glance, it looks like Lancuizhai in the palace of Yanjing.

After crossing the bamboo forest, she saw a small building and wrote the three characters "Hanmo Building". Wei Fuyan recognized that it was Zhou Huaiyi's ink treasure. She was surprised that the Yanjing Huai Palace did not purely copy the boudoir of Huang Wanqing, the princess of Ping, but perfectly integrated the mansion where the two lived before. Wei Fuyan suddenly didn't want to step in here, but the warmth had already opened the door and waited for her to enter.

"The first floor is the place for the collection of books, the second floor is half of the collection of books, half is the place where the prince sleeps temporarily, the third floor is half of the collection of books, and half is the prince's study."

The more Wei Fuyan thought about it, the more strange she felt. What did she do when she went to Zhou Huaiyi's bed at night? But since there is nowhere to go, staying here and reading is a good way to kill time.

"Okay, send me some food." I've been busy all night, and I still have time for dinner.

Warm up and smile, nod and salute back.

The first floor is the place where books are collected. Wei Fuyan saw the stairs at a glance and thought that he would not go upstairs. She was very hungry and didn't have the mood to read. She just wanted to have tables and chairs to rest in such a place, so she looked for nothing and turned over some books, intending to wait until she was full before reading.

She only took a few steps in and saw that there seemed to be a bright light in front of her. She was afraid that there were tables and chairs, so she went straight to find the bright light. It's just that the closer it gets, the more strange it is. It seems that there is not only a bright light, but also a small sound. However, it looks brighter than this side and warmer than this side. Wei Fuyan does not feel panic.

At the end of the bookshelf, Wei Fuyan saw a screen. This screen was not unusual, but there was no calligraphy or painting on the screen, and it was a pure white screen. Wei Fuyan looked a little smelly and turned around the other side of the screen.

Almost immediately, Wei Fuyan turned around with a cold breath, but his heart was a little stunned. Doesn't the recovery mean that Zhou Huaiyi's temporary bed is on the second floor? How can I see him just getting dressed here?

Zhou Huaiyi turned out to be her and was slightly surprised. Seeing her stiff back to her, she squeezed her lips and said with a smile, "What are you avoiding?" Haven't you seen it?"

Wei Fuyan was even more embarrassed. Zhou Huaiyi thought about it before smiling and said, "Yes, you really haven't seen it." The first time she was knocked unconscious, the second time he was covered with a quilt, and twice he just looked at her.

"Hui Nuan said... The place where you sleep is on the second floor, and I..." Wei Fuyan said angrily, "I just want to read a book, so..."

"Did you say that about the recovery?"

"She said the second floor!" How could she not remember what she just said?

"Didn't she say it started from the underground floor?" Zhou Huaiyi couldn't help laughing and said, "I know you have nowhere to go. I have ordered Qiyun to take you to other rooms. It seems that you have gone wrong!"

"Then I..."

"Come here!"

Wei Fuyan was even more helpless. In fact, she didn't see anything. Zhou Huaiyi put on clothes with her back. If she really said it, it was just a back. How beautiful is it?

She didn't move, and Zhou Huaiyi came to her, but she couldn't help laughing when she saw that her face was flushed.

"I just looked like that, but now I can laugh again?" Wei Fuyan simply opened his eyes.

"That or this, no one can see it," Zhou Huaiyi smiled deeper and said, "Come on, do you really have nothing to say to me?"

Wei Fuyan thought that he still looked good when he was lonely. After all, that's what she is used to. Now Zhou Huaiyi is as talkative and smiling as the one in the snowfield in Yanjingbian City. She really doesn't dare to deal with such Zhou Huaiyi.

"I really have something to tell you." Wei Fuyan followed him around the screen. It was really simple, just a soft couch, a round table and two stools.

"Your Majesty!" It warms up outside the screen.

Zhou Huaiyi smiled and looked at her resentment for the warmth, pressed her shoulder and asked her to sit on the stool by the table and said, "Come in!"

Bring a food box, take out the simple dishes in the food box and put them on the table one by one, and then take someone to remove the bathtub.

Wei Fuyan saw that the dishes were all hot, and they were all Zhou Huaiyi's favorite food. She thought that she deserved to be warmed up and joked, even if she didn't eat.

"Eat it!" Zhou Huaiyi pushed a bowl of rice and said, "I can't treat you badly by working for me!"

Wei Fuyan was so hungry that he didn't want to be polite to him, so he started to eat. Zhou Huaiyi looked at it for a long time before he picked up his share and ate it. The room was quiet for a moment.

Zhou Huaiyi picked up vegetables for her, Zhou Huaiyi served soup for her, and Zhou Huaiyi smiled at her. Wei Fuyan felt more and more unable to eat, and he didn't understand why Zhou Huaiyi suddenly changed from the lonely and fragile person in the small study to her current appearance. He always had enough to catch her off guard.

She pushed away the bowl and said, "I'm full!"

"Do you only eat that little?" We ate together all the way from Yanjing to Luodu. Of course, he knew how much she ate at each meal.

Wei Fuyan nodded and said, "Let's start talking about business!"

The more Zhou Huaiyi saw that she was uncomfortable, the more funny she felt. Such a generous person was not afraid of anything, but he would be uncomfortable when he saw him. He helped her hold a bowl of soup and handed it over and said, "Speak while eating."

Wei Fuyan had no choice but to take over and complain, "Don't you think your current appearance is strange?"

Zhou Huaiyi smiled: "I don't think so, but I think you are very strange."

"Forget it!" Wei Fuyan said hatefully, "I went to the palace today to check the peony flower meeting, so I'm here to talk to you."

Zhou Huaiyi casually drank the soup and replied, "Hmm."

Wei Fuyan told Zhou Huaiyi what she saw today. Of course, she skipped the part when she went to Lanyuan to see Princess Ping, and finally said, "So Xiuji is behind the whole thing. First, she mentioned that Chai Guifei borrowed a knife to kill people and poisoned Tong Fei to force Yu Si to enter the game. If the plan succeeds, the king's mansion and our Huaiwang's mansion will not be able to coexist peacefully. If the clams compete with each other, the king's mansion will benefit from the fishermen. If the plan doesn't succeed, Princess Chai only needs to wait for us to find Yu Sikou, and then she can eradicate Concubine Tong.

Zhou Huaiyi then said, "Then Xiuji sent someone to find Yu Sikou to help. For example, let Zhao Jue, the 'double-tailed scorpion' of Tuowang Mansion, help Yu Sikou.

Wei Fuyan nodded and said, "That's how it should be."

Zhou Huaiyi made people drink soup do nothing and said, "What do you think?"

"I don't know, I don't understand what Xiuji can get from this move. Is it really to support King Tuo to take office? Is God crazy? Do you want King Tuo, a murderous king, to be his neighbor?

Zhou Huaiyi couldn't get used to calling Chen Huang as a "god", but she continued to say: "And Sheng Qian's matter is even more strange. The hermit, the palace guards, the palace guards, and so many people can hurt Sheng Qian, which shows that there are so many masters on the other side! But in this way, it is clear that he can kill people directly, but the other party is just poisoned, and the poison happens to be the time of Sheng Qian's wedding, so the other party only wants to stop Sheng Qian's marriage, in other words--

"I want to weaken the power of the lieutenant and the empress dowager, and then weaken the power of our side," Zhou Huaiyi followed him, "so it is still the work of the Tuo Palace."

It seems that the two of them want to be together!

Wei Fuyan felt that the feeling was very wonderful, as if he knew what he was thinking without opening his mouth. That kind of tacit understanding made her feel warm in her heart.

It's just a pity that their tacit understanding is only in these court affairs.

"I just sort out these things, so I don't worry," Zhou Huaiyi said to her, "The more so, the more I feel that the Xiuji and the Emperor Chen behind her don't really want to support King Tuo. If you were Emperor Chen, what would you do?

Wei Fuyan asked him to ask, and his right index finger tapped on the table and thought about it carefully before saying, "If I were a god, I would let Yu Sikou kill Princess Ping directly, and then Pingwang Mansion and Huaiwang Mansion would fight, and King Tuo would benefit from it. Then he told the world about this and killed King Tuo with a leisurely mouth. Now the only ones who are most likely to ascend the throne are King Ping, King Tuo and King Huai, and these three will be eradicated. No matter which one of them is emperor, they are much better controlled than these three now!"

Zhou Huaiyi nodded with satisfaction and said, "Sure enough, I like smart people! So what about Sheng Qian's matter?"

Wei Fuyan suddenly appeared in his mind and blurted out a sentence: "You mean that he chose Sheng Qian? It's impossible!"

Zhou Huaiyi shook his head and said, "Sheng Qian is a cover. Emperor Chen wants us to think that he has chosen Sheng Qian. Therefore, he was only injured but not killed, and was not allowed to get married so that he would not return to the lieutenant to control the government after he ascended the throne. These are too easy to think of, so Sheng Qian is just a cover, and things won't be so simple. Is that what you mean by 'impossible'?

Wei Fuyan was a little powerless about such a tacit understanding, but he heard Zhou Huaiyi smile and said, "We have a good heart and advance and retreat together. Is this the legendary 'husband and wife'?"