Floating Life Stealing Love

Chapter 47 Angry Green Pine

When she woke up in a daze, it seemed to be in the middle of the night. Her whole body was full of strange pain. Some places were like roasting, but some places were like being cut by a sharp blade. Her throat was dry and unbearable, so she habitually called: "Qiyun..."

Someone immediately grabbed her hand, which was big and his fingers were rough, but it was very warm.

It's Zhou Huaiyi. She knew that she wouldn't listen to him even if she couldn't see it, but she just knew.

Soon someone brought tea over. Wei Fuyan grabbed Zhou Huaiyi's hand and took over the teacup before he realized a problem, that is, even in the middle of the night, since Zhou Huaiyi and the tea pourer are still there, it should not be dark.

Wei Fuyan quietly took a sip of tea, then reached out and touched the gauze on her eyes. At this moment, she smelled a trace of medicine. She smiled and said, "Am I going blind?"

"What nonsense!" Zhou Huaiyi said simply, "The smoke is so fierce that it will take a few days to recuperate."

It was dark in front of him, and there was pain everywhere on his body. Wei Fuyan clearly felt his existence, as if she was the center of the world, she was the most important thing in the world, and everything else didn't matter.

She held the teacup and smiled. When she moved a little, she felt that the brocade was completely different from the bed she usually built, so she asked, "Where is this? Where's my father?"

"Lanyuan," Zhou Huaiyi was not used to her suddenly changing her name to call her wrong father, so she paused for a moment before saying, "Master has been staying for a day and a night, and has just been persuaded to rest."

"Lanyuan?" Wei Fuyan scratched the quilt with his fingertips and asked softly, "Do you want me to sleep in the bed that Huang Wanqing slept in?"

At the peony flower party, Huang Wanqing was frightened by the snake. The place where Zhou Huaiyi took Huang Wanqing was Lanyuan - the place where Zhou Huaiyi's biological mother Teng Luofu lived before her life.

"Well, even other people's men occupy it, so there is no need to worry about sleeping in the bed that others have slept in!" Wei Fuyan sneered, "How's Lu Zhong?"

The sudden change of her temperament made Zhou Huaiyi a little unprepared. However, looking at the thick gauze on her head, she still pressed down all kinds of feelings in her chest and said, "Lanyuan is not the only gums."

Wei Fuyan sneered. Is the place where Zhou Huaiyi's biological mother lived before her birth also that ordinary people can live casually? Huang Wanqing's position in his heart is very clear to her, but she used to be curious and envious, but now she is deeply disgusted.

Zhou Huaiyi did not mention Lu Zhong. Wei Fuyan clenched the teacup and quickly asked again, "Lu Zhong, what's going on?"

"The palace guards fled before they came." Zhou Huaiyi replied.

Wei Fuyan was a little relieved and had nothing else to ask. She took a sip of tea again, and the room was quiet for a moment.

"Master, Eunuch Wang brought the emperor's oracle and is looking for a meeting outside the door at this moment!"

is the voice of Men Qingsong.

The so-called pulling the whole body, the fire started by Xiuji, intervened by Zhou Huaiyi, and finally accidentally involved her Wei Fuyan, Lu Zhong and even Hua's wrong father. However, it is only now that the final result is beneficial to whom and how the fire will change the relationship between the people. Wei Fuyan was injured in the ninth prince's mansion, but was sent to the palace to recover. It is obvious that it is the emperor's intention, so at present, it is at least certain that no matter who is involved, she is still safe now.


Is there anyone else in the house? Wei Fuyan was shocked, and some hot tea in his hand immediately spilled out, but he heard the man continue to say, "That..."

As soon as he hesitated, Wei Fuyan knew who he was: "Domen Qingsong?"

"Ah, yes, it's a humble job..." Men Qingsong grabbed his head and looked at Wei Fuyan, who couldn't see, and said hesitantly, "There is a... unreciable invitation..."

Hearing the sound as if it was nearby, Wei Fuyan clenched the teacup and frowned, "Since it's ruthless, why do you have to open your mouth?"

"Master..." Men Qingsong has long been transferred from the herguard by Zhou Huaiyi and gave it to her. Now he also has the name of Wei Fuyan Yuwei on his head, but Wei Fuyan is clear who he is, so when he hears such an awkward "Master", he can't help but feel a little bored.


"Master, that day, the prince ordered that as soon as the fire started, let the humble job take you to escape to another courtyard. Later, when I saw that you fell into the lotus pond, I took you there first. It was a place where the fire could not be burned, and no one thought that you would break into the sea of fire by yourself..."

Wei Fuyan smiled coldly and said, "Domen Qingsong, I'm cheap. I deserve it. Is that what you mean? Do you also need to remind me?"

Never heard the princess say such a thing, Men Qingsong knelt down and said, "There is absolutely no such intention in a humble position! The princess deeply felt affection for the prince--"

"Bang!" Wei Fuyan threw the teacup in his hand, and the tea and broken porcelain residue splashed on Men Qingsong's hand, and it was immediately full of small wounds.

"The humble position is over, and the humble position knows the mistake! Lord, forgive me!"

This sound of "bei zhi" made Wei Fuyan feel extremely uncomfortable. Whether in Yanjing or Luodu, Wei Fuyan sincerely treats Men Qingsong as his own person. This person likes strange gadgets. Where there are trees, he will climb trees like monkeys. He likes to be awkward, but the whole person is very interesting.

Not to mention that on the day of Sheng Qian's wedding, he rescued her from the lotus pond. What's wrong with being angry and angry with others?

Wei Fuyan sighed and said, "Fed down! What exactly are you going to say here?

Men Qingsong did not open his mouth for a long time.

"Say it directly!" Wei Fuyan regretted his loss of state more and more.

Men Qingsong took a deep breath and seemed to have made great determination to say, "Master, the prince has been guarding you. Now he has been sleepless and night without dripping water. The brothers of the hermit and Qiyun are very worried, so they come to plead with the master..."

"I know..." Wei Fuyan interrupted him, "Is there anything else?"

Men Qingsong was stunned and shook his head quickly, but suddenly remembered that she couldn't see.

"Are you shaking your head if you don't talk?" Wei Fuyan asked.

Men Qingsong was surprised and looked up at the thick gauze on Wei Fu's cigarette head in a daze. She had a beautiful side face, lowered her head slightly, and unconsciously grasped the corner of the brocade quilt with one hand.

Wei Fuyan asked, "Gate Qingsong, how did you get to know Zhou Huaiyi back then?"

"Because, because I met Brother Liu..."

It turned out that it was because of his brother Liu Qingzhou, Wei Fuyan sighed and said, "I stayed with you that day. First, I was greedy for your martial arts and wanted to ask for protection. Second, because you are his person. With you, he will no longer send people to spy on you."

But what's the use? I could hear it clearly in the Hanmo Building that day. Zhou Huaiyi has been sending people to monitor her, and many times, no matter how high the martial arts skills are, people can't be unharmed.

Zhou Huaiyi walked to the door and suddenly heard Wei Fuyan say, "Go back to the hermit!" Continue to be your hermit, and you won't be my feather guard in the future! Go away!"

men Qingsong was surprised and subconsciously said, "Master..."

Zhou Huaiyi looked at the kneeling door green pine and the fragments of tea residue on the ground, thinking that there was a conflict between the two of them. As soon as he stepped into the room, he heard Wei Fuyan say again, "Get back!"

"Master..." Men Qingsong stammered, "Being...Being..."

"Recede!" Wei Fuyan said for the third time.

Zhou Huaiyi stepped forward to see the two. Wei Fuyan looked calm, and Men Qingsong looked frightened, and neither of them looked like they had just seen.

This change is sudden. Obviously, none of her feather guards are around, and there is only Men Qingsong around her, but she also pushes Qingsong back to the hermit? Is she really going to get to that point?

"Qing Song, retreat and treat the wound first." Zhou Huaiyi ordered.

Wei Fuyan's hand holding Jin quilt suddenly shook and couldn't see anything. Unexpectedly, he came in. This feeling was very bad.

"Domen Qingsong, did I hurt you?"

Both Men Qingsong and Zhou Huaiyi saw the trembling in her hand, sympathizing with pity, and each of them was slightly stunned.

"It's okay," Men Qingsong replied, "I'm leaving!"

Zhou Huaiyi looked at the broken porcelain pieces and tea dregs on the ground and helped her pour a cup of tea and handed it over again. She was afraid that it would scare her again, so she didn't come to the bed and said first, "Drink tea."

"You don't have to do this," Wei Fuyan leaned against the head of the bed and said, "Is it true that you haven't slept all day and night?"

Zhou Huaiyi did not answer, but went to her and took her hand and stuffed the teacup into her hand.