Floating Life Stealing Love

Chapter 11 The Wind and Moon are boundless

The carriage was so bumpy that the baby's body gradually cooled down, and Wei Fuyan gradually calmed down in the dark sound of the shadow.

"Baiyun'an is a grain and grass storage point for King Tuo. Only what we have found is that the grain and grass stored here is enough for 5,000 elite soldiers for a month..."

"Each room on the temple is provided with a white porcelain bottle shaped like a jade bottle in Guanyin's hand, and there is a green willow in the bottle...

"But there are only fake nuns in the nunnery, who eat meat, do not respect Buddha, and all know martial arts..."

"Xiuji has a very high prestige here, and it seems that all people only listen to Yu Xiuji..."

"Xianyun is still alive, and Xiuji and Youtan took her away from the tunnel..."

I'm afraid that Wei Fuyan's mind will still stay on the matter just now. The shadow speaks very slowly, and every time he finishes saying something, he pauses for a moment, giving Wei Fuyan time to digest and absorb. It seems that King Tuo's trust in Xiuji was beyond her imagination. At one time, she thought that a man like King Tuo could not be hindered by women, but now she not only told Xiuji where to store grain and fodder, but also named the tunnel, and even let all of them become Xiuji's people.

Are you an infatuated lover? How do you look like it?

However, in order to open a flashy serial bureau, is it possible to expose a military reserve point?

"Is there only grain and grass in it?"

There was a trace of joy in the shadow's eyes. Wei Fuyan was a little surprised, but the joy flashed by. The shadow nodded and said, "There are also weapons and gunpowder, about 6,000 people."

What does Xiuji mean by this step?

5,000 people's share of grain and fodder, 6,000 people's share of weapons and ammunition, these things can be given to Zhou Huaiyi, but will all be given to Zhou Huaiyi to find a disaster for him? A powerful prince's private use of grain and private weapons is a crime of rebellion, but what he sees today alone is not enough to denounce King Tuo and Xiuji...

"Yo Ji, how much prestige do Youtan and Xianyun have in the flowers?"

The shadow's eyes flashed again, and Wei Fuyan even suspected that he could not only see through his eyes, but even that she wanted to receive those grains and weapons. Indeed, she has this plan. At the beginning, she wanted to flourish in order to make herself strong. Now that she wants to do a fake play with Xiuji, she will inevitably have to turn over the cards with Zhou Huaiyi. At present, there are many crises, and her flowers should also strengthen the deployment to wait. Now these grain and grass weapons are really broken through iron shoes and nowhere to find, and it takes no time!

Yao Ji smiled sweetly and said, "Master, there is only one flower-like god. Youtan sisters and Yao Ji and others are all handy men, and they can't talk about prestige."

Listening to her mention of "God" Wei Fuyan's smile, it greatly eased the previous depression.

Yao Ji also breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile, "Does the master want to remove the people who have been close to the Youtan sisters from the flowers?"

"There's no need to clear it. Give me a list later."

Yaoji nodded and said "Yes". Thinking of Youtan, she asked, "What about the Youtan sisters?"

"Send someone to tell Youtan that she will come to me with Xiuji's secret within three days. I am willing to ask Dr. Ji, Dr. Hu and even the imperial doctor in the palace to treat Xianyun together, and ask Master Hua to let them live. Otherwise, I will give a flowery internal wanted order to make their sisters completely disappear from now on!"

The shadow nodded admiringly again. Although she was covered and wrapped in black, Wei Fuyan felt that the shadow had an indescribable kindness, and one of his nods could also bring her great encouragement.

The carriage bumped and soon arrived at the foot of the mountain. Wei Fuyan was thinking about it little by little. Jiangbei, who was driving in front of him, suddenly smiled and said, "Princess, King Huai has brought someone to pick you up!"

When Yao Ji heard this, she lifted the curtain in front of the carriage and deliberately stayed for a long time. So Wei Fuyan saw Zhou Huaiyi and more than ten people galloping towards him. Even if he couldn't see his look, the bursts of loess sand and dust rolled up where the horse's hoof clearly exposed his anxiety.

He is worried about her!

Yaoji slowly lowered the carriage curtain while holding an imperceptible smile from the corners of her lips. Xiuji just wants to separate them, but she has never seriously understood the story between them. No, maybe it's not a story, it's just a feeling. Now looking at Zhou Huaiyi, there is no resentment in her heart, but she feels at peace because he is in a hurry to find her. The feeling of being cared for, valued, cherished, and then making people feel stable and worry-free.

It's time to put the results of this thought into practice.

First of all, Yaoji.

Yao Ji looks sweet and looks very simple and harmless at first glance, but Wei Fuyan has seen the reason why her wrong father relies on her all the way. First, Yaoji stood on her side because of an order from her wrong father, indicating that she has absolute loyalty; secondly, Yaoji is wise, brave and delicate. Although she is still far away from Xiuji, she is never inferior to the sandalwood; thirdly, Yaoji has killer ** and calm at the same time, ** makes her alert and calm her calm; fourth... Fourth, she At the beginning, I slapped Yao Ji, which was quite a little atonish!

"Yo Ji," Wei Fuyan said, "You will temporarily settle the colorful brothers, so that they can recuperate and sharpen their knives and guns by the way."

As soon as he heard that the meaning of this was to take a big action, Yao Ji's eyes immediately flashed with glory. Unexpectedly, Wei Fuyan continued to say, "After the colorful things are settled, I will ask King Huai to send you to the prince. In the future, you can send me a copy of the news from the prince and protect the prince at the same time!"

Although Yao Ji was puzzled, she nodded and said yes.

The second one is Jiangbei.

The sound of horses' hoofs gradually approached, and Wei Fuyan simply ordered Jiangbei to stop and invite him in. Then he said in a short story, "Jiangbei, go back and tell Lu Zhong that I will fight the first battle and tell him to watch the change and not interfere." After saying that, I felt the increasingly stiff body of the baby in my arms, and my feelings fluctuated abnormally for the first time and said, "And the hatred of Li Shaotang's family is the same. It's up to me!"

Only then did Jiang Bei know that the inexplicable baby in his arms was Li Shaotang's daughter. Although he was not familiar with Li Shaotang, several people were also guarding Wei Fuyan for a period of time, so when he saw Wei Fuyan, he felt that Li Shaotang was particularly kind. He looked at the baby strangely and didn't say much.

The third is the shadow.

The sound of horses' hoofs is getting closer and closer, but at least it hasn't stopped. Jiangbei and Yaoji got off the carriage at Wei Fuyan's order. For a moment, there were only her and Shadow, but they looked very quiet.

"Shadow, how long have you been with Huai Wang? How long has it been since King Huai sent you to follow me?

This question suddenly, the shadow thought about it and asked cautiously, "How long does it take for the shadow and Huai Wang to trust you?"

The shadow was not even put into the hermit. Wei Fuyan knew that this was Zhou Huaiyi's personal guard, which was much closer than the guard of the hermit guard, so Wei Fuyan had no doubt about the shadow.

"Please don't think too much. Although I don't know you, I completely trust the person who bothers you to protect me. There is something I want to bother you to help, provided that you are familiar with the people around Huai Wang and the people around me.

The shadow paused and said with a slight smile in his eyes, "Three years and seven months with King Huai, and you have followed the princess for three years and seven months."

Wei Fuyan was extremely** at this number. As soon as he heard it, he couldn't help asking in surprise: "Since I got married?"

"What does the princess think?" The sound of horses' hoofs outside has been chaotic. I think I saw that Jiangbei and Yao Ji had already disembowed, but the shadow spoke smoothly. "Princess, you married as Princess Duanyang of the State of Chen. Even if Huai didn't mean to you at that time, how could you let you be stared at by King Tuo in Yanjing?" To be honest, the shadow has followed you since the day you got married - appointed by King Huai.

"So..." So how could there be so many misunderstandings between each other when she first saw Zhou Huaiyi?

"Shadow and Huaiwang have never exchanged information, so Huaiwang does not know about the situation in Yanjing. Huaiwang is cold-tempered and it is difficult to open his heart to a stranger. The reason why he sent me to protect the princess is just because of your identity.

The shadow was extremely frank. At this time, Wei Fuyan almost heard the voice of Zhou Huaiyi rushing over and was not in the mood to sigh too much about the past, so he said bluntly, "There is a spy of Xiuji around King Huai. This person knows the separation between me and the prince, and has the opportunity to see Li Shaotang and his wife, and Have the ability to enter the Huaiwang Mansion and carry the baby out. I ask you to keep an eye on it!"

Wei Fuyan naturally wanted to hold the fourth person. She hoped that such a skillful person as Shadow could help, but the shadow laughed at her: "You should tell the prince directly about this kind of thing!"

The voice of Yao Ji's request to Zhou Huaiyi has come.

"One can't startle the snake, second, it's inconvenient to shake people's hearts, and third, it's inconvenient to have no one."

If Zhou Huaiyi wants to investigate, he will definitely give it to the hermit. But what if that person is a hermit? Even a small investigation will inevitably startle the snake, and an excessive investigation will shake people's hearts. At that time, all the investigation will lead to no one available, and now is the time to use people!

The shadow smiled with satisfaction and said, "You are better than I thought."

Before Wei Fuyan had time to be surprised by this brainless words, the curtain of the carriage was suddenly lifted.

The bright sunlight seemed to be splashed in by someone, and it all sprinkled on her. It turned out that the sun was already setting, and there were large golden and red fiery clouds in the sky. Zhou Huaiyi's face suddenly broke into her sight in a fierce golden red light. Her face was as cold as ever, but her eyes were full of uneasiness.

She couldn't help giving him a smile to reassure him, but she saw Zhou Huaiyi's hidden guard in front of her at a glance. Half of the people were masked and murderous, but several others, including Men Qingsong and Motan, were often convinced and were relieved to see that she was safe and sound. The open and dark lines in the hermit have all come. Who is the fourth person and is it in front of us?

"It's Li Shaotang's youngest daughter." Wei Fuyan explained first.

Zhou Huaiyi took her on the horse together with the dead baby in her arms without hearing of it, and regardless of the guards behind her, they rode away alone.

He was silent all the way. Wei Fuyan knew that he had been worried before, so he couldn't help gently touching his hand firmly around her waist. He rubbed his voice for a long time and asked with a smile, "With you and me, with this fiery cloud, it can also be called a boundless wind and moon! Isn't that right?