Floating Life Stealing Love

Chapter 50 Left and Right Mountains and Rivers

Floating smoke suddenly looked up.

He is not as elegant and clear as ordinary Jiangnan scholars, and he is not as murderous as a general who has been fighting all year round, let alone as free and easy as ordinary Jianghu people. He sat there like a spring mountain, which existed quietly but weighed heavily. Wei Fuyan suddenly felt thirsty, his lips were dry and his mind was flustered, and he was completely defeated in the moment of their eyes.

Wei Mingchen squeezed his lips and smiled, and the pear vortex suddenly appeared.

"When it comes to subverting the world order and redistributing the power relations of the three countries... Qian Yuanwei has a very interesting name for me, maybe you know?"

Wei Fuyan forced herself to calm down and blurted out without thinking too much: "God?" After saying that, he immediately felt regretful, so he added, "They are loyal to you."

Wei Mingchen seemed to hear a joke, and his smile became more and more joking: "Is it loyalty or admiration in your heart? In fact, you know better than anyone else. You have always known my ability. Why don't you guess today that I am in control of today's situation?

Such a conversation made Wei Fuyan feel tired. She smiled dryly and said, "You set up a chess game, I abandoned it for the chess pieces, and let me praise you for your wisdom and martial arts. You are really good to me."

Wei Mingchen smiled gently, but the gentler he was, the more unusual it became, which made Wei Fuyan feel colder and colder. He only listened to him say leisurely: "Under the whole world, the Three Kingdoms City. Let me tell you clearly that I have chosen the emperor of the Three Kingdoms, I have balanced the power of the Three Kingdoms, and I have guided the world. Even now you are sitting in front of me listening to the truth, which is already in my expectation. Do you say, am I a god?"

"Emperor of the Three Kingdoms?" Wei Fuyan was shocked, "Obviously..."

"What is it?" Wei Mingchen smiled softly, but his mouth was aggressively, "Chen Kingdom, I pressed Jinnian step by step, making him hate me to the bone, and finally let him score three points, so that he was able to force the palace to be emperor! Yueguo, do you think I don't know when Shan Liancheng saved you from the lotus pond? Shan Liancheng pretended to be crazy and stupid to protect himself, but I had to ask him to help him ascend the throne. For Shan Liancheng, he will either not rob this country, and once he grab it, he will be completely happy, so he will never allow me to intervene and contain it. If you want to win and get rid of me, who else in the Three Kingdoms can help him? Only you, only your husband. It's not bad at all, it's all my expectation!"

Wei Fuyan gradually eased from the shock at the beginning and said rudely, "Although Liancheng has the heart and intention to join hands, it is not that he went to find Huaiyi, but to Liancheng with the intention!" She originally wanted to get rid of Wei Mingchen's spirit, but before she finished speaking, she suddenly remembered that it was difficult to distinguish who was more active in the cooperation between Huaiyi and Liancheng. After all, before Zhou Huaiyi found Liancheng, Liancheng had arranged for Princess Jingyu to go to Li Guo to find Zhou Huaiyi to publicly show her love. In this way, what Wei Mingchen said is really not bad at all.

"Oh, Zhou Huaiyi..." Wei Mingchen chewed the name and said in a low voice, "It's this person who almost destroyed my whole layout. If there is anyone in the world that I really hate, it must be your husband Zhou Huaiyi!"

Wei Fuyan sneered and said, "It's a great honor!"

Wei Mingchen knew that he was in a gaffe and immediately became a gentle man with a smile. He bowed his head and took care of the white silk soft robe and said, "When you were with me, I gave you a piece of white jade and wore it on your neck with my own hands. It was later given to Shan Liancheng by Huaiwang as a trading chip as a rebel. You must have never believed in the treasure. What I gave you is the real treasure of the Moon Kingdom.

Wei Fuyan sneered, stood up and walked a few steps away and said, "Why do you remind me that even the gift you gave me, which I once cherished extremely, is just another conspiracy?"

"What are you doing standing so far?" Wei Mingchen smiled and teased, "Don't forget that you stubbornly came to seek the truth. In fact, I have left the best ending for you. Isn't it enough for you and Zhou Huaiyi to sit in the city and completely stay away from the disputes of the Three Kingdoms? But that's what your nature is. You have always been so confused that you don't know what it is. If you are a little smart, you should leave here at this moment, return to Ping'an Town, guard the plum tree and wait for Zhou Huaiyi to come back, and then fly with him regardless.

Wei Fuyan looked colder, and the remaining family affection suddenly faded away. She couldn't laugh at all: "What a joke. Isn't my temperament cultivated by you? If it hadn't been for my serious business, how could I make your chess game go smoothly to the present? Don't say it until now. It was your big plan that I obediently did Xiaofu in Yanjing and have nothing to fight with the world. Don't say that.

Wei Mingchen smiled more when he saw her angry. He nodded and praised: "Yes, among the three most proud tools I have cultivated in my life, you are obviously better than Xiuji. Xiuji still needs my advice on everything, but you can also walk out of every step I want you to take with your own heart. You're right. I know that your nature can take every step you want to take. For example, if Sanhuatang made trouble in Yanjing, you will definitely investigate. For example, if the eldest princess of Xingguo was killed, you will be sad and want to protect yourself. For example, if you hate me to the extreme, you will definitely go to Luodu with Zhou Huaiyi. For example, you will treat him very well after Jin to Luodu, and he will feel that you have really been treated by me. When I return to Chen, I will force him to hate him step by step by step. It will break out, and I instructed people to hint that he would rebel and naturally take it seriously. You see, most kind people are easy to be used, and it is easier to trust each other, and you happen to meet these two conditions.

"Wei Mingchen!" Wei Fuyan was cracking. After all, he couldn't resist the hatred.

Wei Mingchen was obviously too lazy to talk about this matter. Before he finished speaking, his face was full of smiles. Seeing her angry, he added: "If there is really anything wrong, it is that you really love last week. If you really have any guilt, it is that when you were in Yanjing, I didn't know that you had one. A child, otherwise you will be protected by courtesy. However, Zhou Huaiyi brushed on you because of the same guilt, which was also regarded as asking for benevolence.

Wei Fuyan couldn't ignore the last sentence, and his clenched fist was almost crushed. She was angry and far away, but now she found that after standing far away, the smile on the other party's face was even more dazzling. His white robe has a very soft texture, which is generally incompatible with the smile on his face and this hate topic. Wei Fuyan stared at his eyes so much that he didn't want to speak again at the beginning.

She hated him, but she was annoyed by herself. Obviously, he is the one who lost, and obviously he is the one who is in debt. How come he looks peaceful, his words are soft, and his smile is like a spring breeze. On the contrary, she is impatient and impulsive. A few words will make her sad and hurt his liver.

Wei Mingchen naturally didn't miss this point and said with a very smile, "Actually, are you angry with me? How can you be like this? Even if you hate it, it will be quiet. You won't lose your identity like this. Let me guess. Zhou Huaiyi asked you to face me alone. I don't think he cares about you, so you are annoyed and upset?

The room was so quiet that a needle could be heard. At first, Wei Fuyan felt that his breathing was stagnant and there was a dead silence in his ear, but he heard the sound of thousands of troops and horses galloping, but it came from her heart.

"You talk too much."

Wei Mingchen's smile suddenly rippled in front of him, and the white silk soft robe was indescribably bright, which made Wei Fuyan feel uncomfortable. He said softly, "You may want to know why I specifically said 'what do you think'? Because..."

"Do you think the Bibo Liulan was given to me?" Wei Fuyan suddenly interrupted him, "So the man you prepared for me at the beginning is not Zhou Huaiyi at all? You sent Bibo Liulan to me and cooperated with Liancheng in Yueguo. Later, Emperor Changxi of Liguo hated me for causing trouble for Zhou Huaiyi, so he mentioned that he would marry me to Yueguo. Is it possible that the position you reserved for me at the beginning turned out to be the queen of Yueguo?

She deliberately skipped the topic about Zhou Huaiyi, so this speech was very thoughtless and almost blurted out. However, Wei Mingchen nodded calmly with a smile: "Yes, that's right. You might as well listen to the story quietly, which is better than being angry with yourself because Zhou Huaiyi doesn't care."

Wei Fuyan bit his lips and stopped talking, so Wei Mingchen was able to continue to talk about his chess game: "The situation of Li is indeed the most troublesome. Emperor Changxi was too resourceful and refused to reveal who would inherit the throne. I was upset, so I decided to choose by myself. The eldest prince among several princes is weak and easy to control. However, the queen's family is slightly powerful and easy to cause the dictatorship of foreign relatives. At that time, the mountains and rivers will be far away, but it is easy to get rid of my containment. There is no need to say more about the second prince who died early. The third prince, King Tuo, is the most ambitious and capable, and is most suitable for cooperating with me, but this person is too easy to kill and not suitable to be a neighbor. As for this country, his interest in fighting the country is obviously greater than sitting in the country. If I cooperate with him, I will change his strategy every day according to his mind, which is not worth it. As for the ninth prince, his nature is too easy to control, but if you want to support him, you have to do two things, one is to eliminate the power of his wife's return home, and the other is to eliminate the power of his brother Huai Wang, which is not difficult for me, but it is indeed a little troublesome.

Wei Mingchen talked for too long, and obviously his mouth was dry and his face was tired. Wei's floating smoke receded far away, and he had a pot of tea at hand.

"So who is left? I have no choice, only the fourth prince, His Royal Highness, your husband Zhou Huaiyi.

Wei Fuyan was stunned and asked directly, "Do you want to... Zhou Huaiyi?" He..." She was in a trance. Even though she knew that Zhou Huaiyi had no intention of the throne, her heart was embedded in the chess game at this moment, and her mind instantly appeared that his yellow robe was attached to the king of the world. That feeling was very strange. She couldn't figure out who was involved in whom for a moment.

"I don't have a good impression of Zhou Huaiyi. The reason must be that you can see that the two of us are somewhat similar. If it is the same martial arts strategy, you will inevitably say that I boast a little, but other places, such as excessive indifference, such as stubbornness, such as protecting weak brothers, and even full of guilt for you... However, it is precisely this similarity that interferes with my chess game. We peeped into our own ending in other people's layout too early, and then opened it from it. I tried my best to seek change from the beginning. I regret that we even succeeded. This is really..."

Wei Mingchen sighed and shook his head. When he looked up again, he smiled strangely. He said, "That's all... Do you know what I mean to you?"

Wei Fuyan was stunned. When he came to his senses, his back was already in a cold sweat.

Wei Mingchen's smile was even more strange. He took care of his white robe and whispered, "Your look... Oh, for you, this kind of thing is close to brother and sister chaos (about this forbidden word, that...) Lun, it is inevitable that you are tired of it. However, I don't feel anything dirty about your heart. After all, since I put you in my heart, I have known that you are not my sister. There is no blood relatives, and there is nothing wrong with you. I like you.

He is in a soft silk white robe, smiling like the spring sunshine, with a little lazy in the bright light. Wei Fuyan was stunned, but he didn't laugh angrily for a long time: "You forced me to this situation step by step, and now you can still say that you like me? Brother, your love is really interesting!"

She specifically emphasized the sentence "Brother". Wei Mingchen naturally understood it. He nodded slightly sarcastically and said, "I know that if I tell you, it will end up like this, but it's better to be ridiculed than you never know it. It's all because of you that I haven't had a concubine. Without you, the world may not be meaningless. However, my luck is really bad. You have never penetrated my heart, but my father can see through it at a glance. He has suffered all the pain of the word "affection" in his life, so he thought that if I fall in love with a woman who is bound to become a chess piece, he will defeat his country. In any case, he will say that you have been sent to the distant Li country, and I can only be Chen in any case. The emperor."

"But I'm also tired of this throne, so I set up a game for myself to get out. Your husband Zhou Huaiyi is the same as me. When the throne of the crown prince is abolished and he understands that I will not like a belligerent person like King Tuo to be a neighbor, he understands the ending I left for him. Oh, what a stubborn person. He really doesn't want this throne. He can get the throne by hooking his fingers. He is really lazy to ask for it. He is disgustingly stubborn.

Wei Fuyan didn't know what to say. Zhou Huaiyi hated the throne most of the time because his biological mother who died in the deep palace. She was very clear, but she was not very clear at this moment. She didn't know Zhou Huaiyi's plan so far.

The corners of her eyes were a little sour, and only heard Wei Mingchen continue to say indifferently: "Zhou Huaiyi is indeed a talent. He even pulled away from the status of a king earlier than me. He actually cheated to death. Obviously, everyone knew that he was alive, but the imperial edict told the world that he was dead. At least that identity could no longer imprison him. . This move is wonderful, and I appreciate it very much. As for his arrangement, oh, he can actually calculate the head of Zhou Yuanzhi, the second virtual marquis. I can't believe that he will find the father of the second virtual marquis, Prince Ping. I didn't expect that he could even afford to bet on a literati who has always been in the mountains and rivers. He is indeed quite bold.

Wei Fuyan was numb and muttered, "Far away, he is not only a literati. He has the talent to govern the country, but he is afraid of causing trouble to his father, so he has to pretend to be a landscape. He has never been just a literati..."

Wei Mingchen looked surprised for a moment. It was difficult for Wei Mingchen to ambush anyone beside him. However, it was only for such a moment. Next, there was a sneer in Wei Mingchen's words. He said, "As for the transaction between him and the second virtual marquis, you must know it. I admire it very much, so I'm too lazy to elaborate."

Wei Mingchen is too lazy to take a detailed account to praise Zhou Huaiyi. If Wei Fuyan is usually happy, just like others want to praise her, but at this moment, there are fine sweat beads on Wei Fuyan's forehead and his body is cold. She is indeed Zhou Huaiyi's wife, but she is not clear about these things.

"My original plan was that Zhou Huaiyi sat in the world and joined hands with General Yueguo Yelang to determine the frontier. General Yelang married his sister Princess Jingyu to Zhou Huaiyi. Zhou Huaiyi gave Bibo Liulan to General Yelang, and if Zhou Huaiyi married another princess for the throne, you would naturally disdain it. Of. At that time, if there is any trouble, it is impossible for your childhood partner General Yelang to sit by and ignore it, and then bring you to the Moon Kingdom together with Bibo Liulan. The world of Li and Yue will be settled. It's a pity.

"The only gratifying thing is that even if the process is not the process arranged by me, the ending is still the ending that I like to see. It goes without saying that on the side of Li, Zhou Yuan, the virtual marquis, has always not liked to fight, and now there has been a great change in our Chen Kingdom, and he really can't afford to fight. Secondly, after Zhou Yuan married Princess Jingyu of Yueguo, the two countries are still a seemingly solid but unstable way of marriage. After that, there will be many loopholes, and our Chen Kingdom also There is an opportunity to take advantage of it; three times Zhou Yuanzhi is modest and benevolent, but Jinnian is a person who acts strangely and cruelly. Jinnian and his opponent, I have no worries. Do you think I'm a god when this chess comes to this point?

"So," Wei Fuyan's voice trembled a little, "What about me? I can't see my role in this chess game. Why do I need to sacrifice myself? I don't understand.

Wei Mingchen smiled pleasantly and gently, and looked at her words lightly: "Use your marriage to make Jinnian hate me, in order to set the Chen Kingdom, use the Bibo Liulan I sent you to lead the single city, in order to set the Moon Kingdom, use you to attract Zhou Huai, in order to determine the State of Li. Of course, the most important thing is to fix my heart with the only woman I have been moved in my life. If you are not in this chess game, I will inevitably lose interest in this chess game early. You see, how important you are and indispensable.

The only window in the room was closed, and there was a big tripod with charcoal fire in the room, but Wei Fuyan felt chilly. Half is because of Wei Mingchen's words, and half is because of Zhou Huaiyi, who is late for the future. There were too many things she heard today. She was calm for a moment, annoyed for a while, angry for a while, impulsive for a moment, proud for a moment, and confused for a while. Now that the story is coming to the end, all the emotions have come to her mind, causing her headache to crack.

The tea was at hand. She took the teacup and teapot, but there was a mist in front of her, and her hands also shook and splashed the tea. The tea was not hot, but she suddenly couldn't stop crying. At this time, she stretched out a hand from the side, with good soft silk white sleeves and a clear and thin hand. The hand stabilized the teapot and let Wei Fuyan see that the blue tea soup gradually filled the white porcelain teacup.

The person behind her did not speak, and she stubbornly did not look back. The cold wind outside is as sad as a ghost howling, beating the wooden lattice window like tyrannical. Baixiu's hand stroked her wet (forbidden...words...) wet cheeks, and her cold fingers wiped away her tears little by little. Her heart moved, as if she were back to her childhood. At that time, she didn't cry often, but once she really cried, he was like this. She didn't open her mouth to comfort her, but stubbornly wanted to wipe away her tears, as if there were no wound without tears.

When he was a child, Wei Fuyan suddenly grabbed that hand. Wei Mingchen did not want to break free for a moment. On the contrary, the hand was unexpectedly cold, which made Wei Fuyan stunned.


"Bang!" The cold wind suddenly rolled up their clothes and long hair, and swallowed the second half of Wei Mingchen's words. The wooden lattice window was blown open by the wind, and Wei Fuyan found that a large courtyard was covered with silver, and the outside was already windy and snowy. Through the white snow curtain, she could see a faint crimson, and the cold plum fragrance was coming with ice and snow.

Wei Fuyan suddenly closed his eyes, and when he opened it again, the window had been closed, and the people behind him had also circled in front of him.

Wei Mingchen stroked her crying and swollen eyes again, and the corners of his mouth smiled and said, "I lied. I can't see others control this chess game, and I can't see others control your fate, so I will do it myself. Just like when you were young, the whiplash on your back relapsed, I always thought that since it would hurt, I personally took medicine to hurt you, which was much better than others to hurt you. I know that I can't stay with you in this life, and I can only try my best to ask you for an eternal position in your heart, so you can hate it.

Wei Fuyan staggered back half a step with a bleak smile: "If it weren't for today, even if I knew that you had been using me, I would have tried my best to excuse you from the bottom of my heart. While hating you, I can convince myself that you are the king of a country. You shoulder the rivers and mountains of the country. You sacrificed me for the people of the country. What can I say? After all, you have spoiled me so much for 17 years, and I should be rewarded for your feelings and gifts. But now I dare not look at you. You should know that I have never really been loved by my parents. The most love I received before I got married came from my brother Wei Mingchen. He is so good and almost perfect. He is a god who can really protect me. But you destroyed him word by word today. The person I once cherished most and loved and could give up the statement died in your words today. You're right. I want to hate you. There's no reason why I don't hate you, and there's no reason why I don't hate you..."

She stumbled and opened the door and rushed out. Her pale hair was messy and her manners were lost. In a trance, she heard what Wei Mingchen said. However, she fell into a wide embrace without careful distinction. Her arms were strong, in black, with complicated dark lines on her clothes, and cold plum fragrance on her body.

Zhou Huaiyi.