The beggar's wife is enchanting

Chapter 21 Chicken Scrow in the Middle of the Night

Several nights are spent in the same mode. A lover lay side by side. When he heard the first cry of the chicken, Xue Qianwu insisted on getting out of bed, making Dongfang Biren calm down and sleep soundly for the rest of the time.

Xue Qianwu has formed a set of self-regulating biological clocks, but strangely, with a keen concept of time, she always feels that the chicken crow is getting earlier and earlier.

One day, after Master Dongfang was asleep, she quietly slipped out to find out which Zhou Peiper was playing tricks.

The sound seems to come from the ancestral hall, otherwise it can't be so clear. The Nangong Zhili is very suspicious, but no matter how high his martial arts skills are, if he sneaks into the inner courtyard, Dongfang Ye is not a vegetarian. How can he find the truth?

It seems that there is a reason for the incident, and there must be a thief. Xue Qian tiptoed his feet and looked around. The thief was very vigilant. He only shouted his head and hid, and then there was no more movement.

Xue Qianwu originally didn't want Master Dongfang to know about this. But when the man pretended to be a chicken, Dongfang Biren was not asleep, and Xue Qianwu could not come out to patrol. When Master Dongfang fell asleep and she came out again, there was no trace of her.

The chicken man just got through this loophole, and what can Xue Qianwu do?

It was night. Xue Qianwu found an excuse to put Mr. Dongfang to sleep earlier. Before the first chicken crow, he quietly found a hiding place in the corner and stared intently.

Sure enough, a strange figure appeared at the gate of the ancestral temple.

After he made his first cry, Xue Qianwu rushed forward, twisted his arm, and covered his mouth with one hand. The man looked at the owner of the village and suddenly collapsed.

Xue Qianwu fixed his eyes and carefully identified it. It turned out to be Wu Gang, the brother of the beggar gang.

"Why do you live up to my expectations? What's wrong with learning? Aren't you going to hang out in the village?"

Wu Gang was also a tough man. At this time, he was so afraid that he couldn't speak at all. He cried and said, "Little...little shame! The little one is fascinated!"

Xue Qianwu was stunned, loosened his arm and asked, "Who is it? Who told you to call it?

Wu Gang looked around and said uneasily, "A man in black with a mask! He said that as long as he acted according to his instructions every night, he would give me a daughter, and then protect me from the beggar's nest and marry me a Chang'e-like daughter-in-law!"

Xue Qianwu wanted to be angry and laugh. Thanks to Nangong Zhili, he could come up with such a **... Wu Gang with Chang'e is also a fairy-like pair!

Xue Qianwu asked, "What code did he use to command you?"

Wu Gang recalled: "His ability is high, and his accuracy is very big! I slept at the main gate of the ancestral hall, and he would throwing a stone at my face at a certain time! After waking me up, it's time for me to exercise my order!"

Xue Qianwu's eyes turned a few times, pulled Wu Gang into the ancestral hall, and whispered, "I don't blame you, but you have to show your sincerity of repentance with your actions!"

Wu Gang knelt down and said, "There are a large number of village owners!" I'm willing to do anything!"

Xue Qianwu said, "I'll wait for you here in advance tonight. As soon as you wake up, come and report quickly! Then follow the instructions of the man in black and learn how to crow!"

Wu Gang nodded repeatedly: "The owner is smart! The little one must do it!"

Late night came soon. In order to coax Dongfang Biren to sleep early, Xue Qianwu said endless meaty words. The more Dongfang Biren listened to the softer the earlobe, but the more interested he became.

Xue Qianwu secretly panicked and urged: "Good brother, dear brother, fairy brother, go to bed quickly!"

Dongfang Biren looked at her inexplicably and couldn't bear to make her anxious any more, so she closed her eyes and pretended to sleep slightly. Xue Qianwu breathed a sigh of relief, patted his buttocks and went to the appointment to catch the thief.

When Wu Gang went to the gate, Xue Qian rushed out. She bet that Nangong Zhili would not go far before Wu Gang pretended to be a chicken. As long as her movements are fast enough, she is sure to catch the current situation.

When I got out of the gate of the ancestral hall, I saw a phantom from afar and flashed into the vast night in the northwest.

Xue Qianwu chased for a while and didn't catch up. He couldn't go too far and turned back. Walking under a big tree, Nangong Zhili stood in front of her like a ghost: "You left your lover in the room. Where did you fool around?"

Xue Qianwu was surprised and asked in surprise, "Nangong Zhili? Why are you here?"

"I'm not here. Where should I be? I've always been uncertain about my whereabouts, and you don't know!" Nangong Zhili said with a smile.

"No... I mean..." Xue Qianwu pointed to the distance and said, "Didn't you just be chased by me... into the mouse hole?"

Nangong Zhili raised his light voice and said with a joke, "Are you chasing me? Are you sure you want to chase me?

"Yes!" Xue Qianwu heard that he did not miss the core word "chasing" and nodded hurriedly, which was cute and sure.

Nanggong Zhili made a little joke and whispered in a low voice, "I'm very happy that you can chase me... Just let me see how you chase me..."

After saying that, he floated away in black.

Xue Qianwu lowered his head and suddenly walked. He always felt strange, but he couldn't tell what was going on.

When he came to the room, Dongfang Biren was looking at her with his eyes open. Xue Qianwu was shocked: "You... When did you wake up?"

"Look at how nervous you are..." Dongfang Biren wiped the sweat from her temples: "Why don't you sleep well? Where did you go in the middle of the night?" The voice is as soft as Xia Yefeng. Although he is asking questions, he does not ask in a tone, but only a faint statement, slightly revealing concern and reproach.

Xue Qianwu's heart was hanging, and his tongue went straight and said, "I also just got up... a small solution..."

"Then be more careful. In the future, get up and call me. I'll guard for you in the room.

Xue Qianwu didn't know whether to be excited or giggle. Anyway, he was about to collapse. How embarrassing it would be if this was seriously implemented. In the dead of night, everyone is quiet. His voice, big or small, echoes in the ears of Master Dongfang. Do you still want to live?

Dongfang Biren looked at her aggrieved expression and couldn't help laughing, touching her head and saying, "The person you wanted to chase just now must be very handsome."

Xue Qianwu opened his eyes and said pitifully, "Did you see it?"

Dongfang Biren sighed, "If I see it with my own eyes, I will be distressed. Besides, you don't want me to know that I really went to see it, but it's boring. When he spoke, I inadvertently heard it, and it was too late to plug his ears.

Xue Qianwu raised his hands in a hurry and said, "That's not what I mean... I'm not going to chase him... This is an ordinary chase, not a special sense..."

"Oh?" Dongfang Biren asked, "How many realms do you have when chasing men?"

Xue Qianwu's hand hung down weakly and said with a sad face, "You said that there is a realm, even if there is...woo..."

"What is this doing?" Dongfang Biren looked at her like this and panicked: "Don't cry, don't cry. Can't I let you chase a beautiful man? As long as you remember not to touch him, you can only appreciate it from a distance and come back to me after chasing him, okay?

Xue Qianwu burst into tears, but couldn't help laughing, "How can you talk like this? I can't argue, but I'm ashamed to be under the ground, and I'm about to become an ostrich..."

Dongfang Biren is suffering. She was originally a victim, and she had to comfort her and promise such an unequal treaty. If it were another man, he would feel that it was simply "losing power and humiliating the country"! But is Dongfang's magnanimity blown in vain?

As long as she is happy, what can't she do? What's more, she is just a playful person. If she really chases her, will she abandon him and run away with others?

Finally, Dongfang Biren said, "The confidence to listen to him seems to be an extraordinary Jianghu man. Those chivalrous people have their own internal rules. As long as they don't harm people's livelihood or affect the court, they are usually very free. I have no restriction on them, and I have little contact with them.

Xue Qianwu secretly breathes cold air. The immortal brother has good ears and can judge a person's ability just by listening to his voice! Fortunately, there was no fight! Otherwise, if the sand flies away, the sky will be dark, will it still be okay?

He nodded vigorously a few times, and Xue Qianwu said, "What's his ability? I can barely win! If I compare with you, it's the little witch against the great god!"

"You can shoot!" Dongfang Biren smiled and annoated her: "I only know some people who are not worried! If I am harmed by them one day, look at you still talking big!"

Xue Qianwu stretched out his finger and proudly praised, "You are an immortal!"

After such a disturbance, it's time for Dongfang Biren to get up and be busy with official business. Xue Qianwu sent him out, and then gathered the members of the village to carry out a rectification campaign.

Xue Qianwu said sadly, "If we want to eat and wear clothes, why do we have a foothold? It depends on building a solid gang! If our Water Margin Beggar Gang wants to make a famous name, how can we keep the evergreen? It depends on the backbone of your brothers and sisters! If we want to live a demeanor, where should we start? In the final analysis, remember a few words!"

They asked together, "Which words?"

"Poor can't move, wealth can't **, mighty can't be subdued! We should prevent the subversion of the outside world. Men should guard against power and beauty, and women should guard against money and beautiful men. These are sugar-coated shells! Once it is blown up, he will be discredited and doomed. He will drive out the beggar gang and have no friendship! Don't blame the past, but each other's constraints in the future!"

Wu Gang's sweat rolled all over his face. Xue Qianwu looked at him and paused for a long time. After thinking about it, he added, "Don't worry, I will lead everyone to work hard to make money. According to the principle that you are willing and don't plunder or rob, every once you have saved enough money, you will find a serious professional matchmaker to find some objects for the brothers in the village. Both sides agreed. This is Anjiazhai! Daughter-in-law are also members of the village, and everything is according to the rules here!"

The beggar brothers were silent for a long time, and the last one roared, "If the scale of Xianzhai has not been achieved, how can you think it is home!"

Xue Qianwu said, "Don't say such heroic words that exterminate humanity like Huo Zi went to the disease! They are all men, how can they be homeless? If you don't build a family, why do you want to make money to settle down? Brothers, don't forget that after creating a biography, you are contributing to the beggar gang! More people are powerful, and more beggars and grandchildren, the better!"

Everyone is crazy. After this class, Xue Qianwu slept with his head in his arms.

At night, Dongfang Biren returned again, and Xue Qianwu rested at the head of his bed. What has been gained is that the chicken crow has not arrived for a long time.

Wait until the sun rose and Dongfang Biren woke up. The first sentence was: "It's too late! Why didn't you call me earlier? I didn't even hear a chicken crow!"

Xue Qianwu is also confused. Is this chicken dead?

After the immortal brother left, Xue Qianwu sent the beggar brother to inquire nearby. A few hours later, the spy reported: "The little one walked all over Fangyuan Village and town and said that all the roosters in the family were killed overnight. The reason is unknown."

Xue Qianwu jumped up from the chair. Is there a plague?! Or who was killed by a thousand knives, in a narrow sense of revenge, in anger, killed all the chickens to vent his anger?

Auntie, this matter must be clarified!