The beggar's wife is enchanting

Chapter 40 Huaguan Festival is involved in danger, Guan Guan's death

After one night of treatment by the nine elders, Jia and his wife woke up at dawn. The maid brought ginseng porridge and fed them to drink.

When the sun went up, the outside of the house was already full of people. Jiuyuanlao asked with a smile, "Yesterday, it's as heavy as a level, but if you want to sit in the government office, you have to pass at least two more levels. Do you give up or stick to it?"

Jia Yubo's face was gray and he didn't dare to say anything. Su Xier stood up and persuaded in a low voice, "Have you and I been hungry and frozen when you came to Yanlan City? If it weren't for the livelihood, would you leave me halfway? I don't want to make you suffer anymore."

After saying this, Su Xier took his hand and said, "Brother Jia, you have to believe that you can carry anything with me by your side!" I'll stay with you for the rest!"

Jia Yubo's nervousness did not ease, so he stood up with her.

It was still yesterday's location. Zhu Yusan sat next to a high stove, holding a charcoal fire with an iron bar in his left hand and a fan in his right hand, burning the fire. Above the stove, there is a large pot full of brown oil. Because the fire was fierce enough, it wasn't long before the oil began to bubble.

Xue Qianwu said, "What kind of trick is this?"

Dongfang Biren replied, "If you guess correctly, it should be called 'hot'!"

"Isn't it for Jia Yubo to put his hand into the oil pan?" Xue Qianwu asked in surprise, as if a red pig's trotter appeared in front of him.

Sure enough, the nine yuan said, "This level is 'hot'. You have to soak your whole hand until your hands are covered with oil! If the degree of immersion is not enough, do it again!"

In this pot, the oil has rolled up. Jiuyuanlao made way and urged Jia Yubo, "Come on, the heat has arrived. Don't delay."

Jia Yubo's hands trembling, and big drops of sweat flowed into his eyes.

Su Xier also retreated. Originally, she wanted to block it for him, but skin is more important than anything else. In case of severe burns, it will be a lifelong scar.

When Jia Yubo hesitated, the nine yuan old man looked at Su Xier: "It seems that this new government office is a little lacking in courage!"

Su Xier naturally understands the meaning. Brother Jia is difficult to hold a job if he doesn't pass this.

Su Xier gritted her teeth tightly, with a sense of sadness in her eyes. She rolled up her sleeves, and her soft and white slender hands. After a slight temptation, she suddenly reached into the boiling oil pan.

Close your eyes and wait for the feeling of frying. As if after a long time, the imaginary severe pain did not come, and the hand seemed to be stretched out in the warm water, even a little comfortable.

Su Xier opened her eyes and was a little surprised. Jiuyuan said with a blank face, "Mrs. Jia, please take out your hand and let the new government pass through!"

Everyone's eyes gathered in Su Xier's hands. Except for being more moist, there is no damage. Everyone stayed on the spot and didn't understand what was going on.

Jia Yubo opened his eyes unbelievably and paused for a long time before holding her hand and looking at it over and over again.

Su Xier said, "It's really okay. It's not even popular. Hurry up and break through. I'm afraid there will be some accidents later..."

Zhu Yusan only felt haunted. He was in a hurry and added a lot of charcoal to the stove, and the oil rolled more violently. Although Jia Yubo witnessed Su Xier's miracle, he was still hesitant. After a long time, he reached the edge of the pot and shrank back.

The nine-yuan old man sighed, "It will never be decided, and the disaster will come."

Su Xier was very anxious. She resolutely grabbed his hand and pressed it into the oil pan.

A sad male cried and howled. Jia Yubo bounced, stagnant far away, ploped and fell to the ground, and rolled straight. Some oil drops also splashed on Su Xier's body, and she also screamed.

Everyone was confused. In an instant, what happened? The reaction would be so different?

Looking at Na Jia Yubo, his body curled up into a ball, and his whole arm twitched sharply. The back of his hand showed a kind of burnt brown, large and small full of blood pus-like bubbles. It makes people feel shocked and tremble, and they can't bear to look at it.

The nine-year-old led by

took out a bottle of ointment for burns and gently applied it to him. Jia Yubo cried for his mother with pain and fainted. Su Xier was stunned for a long time and said with tears, "How could it be like this?!"

Xue Qianwu couldn't react for a moment and said, "What's the situation? Why was Xi'er not burned when the oil was rolling? Later, Jia Yubo was burned. Is it a matter of character?

Dongfang Biren was calm, but his voice sighed: "The pot is not pure oil, but vinegar under the oil layer."

Is it vinegar under oil? Why don't you smell vinegar?" Xue Qianwu was only entangled in the appearance and did not think deeply. He raised his face and asked confusedly.

Dongfang Biren said, "No one can explain the reason for this problem. There was a chef who had this experience, which ordinary people had never heard of. Even if you hear it, no one dares to try it because it's too dangerous.

Xue Qianwu nodded as if thinking. At this point, the knowledge learned in the previous life suddenly came to life in my mind like an inspiration. She shouted, "I'm such a fool!"

Dongfang Biren looked at her: "What's wrong?"

Xue Qianwu said upside down, "I remember it, and I know what's in it! Because the density of oil is small, it floats on the vinegar and forms a uniform dense layer, so that the vinegar molecules cannot evaporate, so people can't smell the sour taste! Because the boiling point of vinegar is lower than oil, the first thing that churns is actually vinegar. The air in vinegar turns into bubbles and discharges up, resulting in the illusion of oil layer rolling. The oil is still far away. Of course, it won't burn people! When Jia Yubo reached in, the air in the bottom vinegar had steamed. At this time, all the oil was rolling, and it didn't explode into pig's feet!"

Dongfang Biren was half understood and half confused. He frowned and asked, "Why are there so many fresh and rare words?"

"This is a combination of physics and chemistry. The reason is very simple, but you ancients don't understand it. Even the nine elders are just using Jia Yubo as an experiment!" Xue Qianwu shook his head, thought for a moment and said, "I'll give you an example. Suppose we are caught in the gossip stove by the old man of Platinum Star, and the three flavors at the bottom of the furnace are really burning! You are underneath, and I'm lying on you! Your gentleman can't exude righteousness, because he is blocked by my evil spirit! At the beginning, the three flavors of real fire burned directly to you, so even if someone touched me, they didn't feel hot! When you turn into water and steam away, I will slowly melt into pulp. If someone touches me again, I will definitely be burned! Everything is so simple!"

After this, Dongfang Biren understood and said with a smile, "It's better to have a popular image! Just... don't be too much, okay? I can allow you to lie on my body, but I can't stand it. Someone came to touch you!"

Xue Qianwu smiled: "It's just a metaphor, don't care! The meaning expressed by replacing me as a heroine with a junior and a junior four is not the same!"


Jia Yubo just burned his palm. Under the drug sedation of the nine elders, his mood stabilized and his mind recovered. Jiuyuan patted him and said, "Have a good rest. Congratulations on passing the two levels."

Jia Yubo's eyelids were heavy. He wanted to cry but had no tears. He wanted to laugh but couldn't open his mouth. He only had half a breath left to lie there. Su Xier stayed by and didn't leave for a moment. She didn't recover from the shock, but she was supporting Jia Yubo.

The third day of Huaguan Festival arrived, and Xue Qianwu asked Dongfang Biren, "Guess what will happen today?"

"You don't know, how can I guess?" Dongfang Biren glanced at her.

"This is the sentence again! It's all your shield!" Xue Qianwu was so angry that he turned around and said, "I ignore you!"

Dongfang Biren walked up and said, "Then I'll go alone!"

Xue Qianwu looked anxious and chased him and said, "You don't know, I'm joking!" Who are you angry with? I can't be angry with you!"

Dongfang Biren turned around with a smile, put his arms around her neck and said, "Are you serious? How dare I leave you?"

Xue Qianwu smelled a strong love from his words and couldn't help smiling into a wrinkled flower.

Dongfang Biren said, "Jia Yubo's hand was burned like that. Even if he applied the ointment, it is estimated that he will become semi-disable in the future. Today's last pass must be even more difficult.

"If it's more dangerous, won't you scare him into a mental illness?" Xue Qianwu said, "Look at what he has become now!"

"That can't be changed either." Dongfang Biren said.

When they came to the venue, the two hid far away from the tree and saw that the nine elders had come with Jia and his wife.

Jia Yubo's left hand was tightly wrapped in white cloth, looking at him with a weak expression, like a serious illness.

Strangely, I didn't see Zhu Yusan this time. There are no more props in the whole venue. Xue Qianwu whispered, "What about the three pigs? He is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Why don't he come to see the bustle?"

"Let's keep an eye on it! Anyway, be careful and never allow him to sneak up. Dongfang Biren said to her.

Jiu Yuanlao glanced at the scene and asked, "Have you ever seen the wind blowing and the goose feathers flying into the sky?"

Everyone was stunned and said unevenly, "How could I not have seen it! In an instant, it was scraped and disappeared..."

Jiu Yuanlao smiled faintly and said, "Today's last pass is the third series! I'll see it later."

Three series? It's horrible. Su Xier's heart was beating, and she held Jia Yubo tightly and said, "Hold up! This time, you can't delay and miss the opportunity like last time! You must make a decision immediately!"

What Jia Yubo wanted to say, but he didn't squeeze out the sound.

Jiuyuan Lao sat down on the spot and formed a circle, with a solemn expression. Suddenly, he heard nine voices coming one after another: "Please stand in the circle!"

Su Xier let go of his hand. Jia Yubo dragged his leaded legs and walked to them step by step. He said with a crying voice, "My hands can't move, and my body is very weak. I trembling and begging the elders to think about it!"

The first elder closed his eyes and said, "After these three levels, your resilience will come out! No matter what happens in the future, it can't be more terrible than this.

In Jia Yubo's trance, the nine-yuan old man made great achievements, and the nine forces converged to form a magnificent whirlwind. Jia Yubo was rolled up high above like a leaf.

The sand and stone crumbs, including the grass on the ground, were rolled up and flew to the sky with Jia Yubo!

The black figure is getting smaller and smaller, and it is gradually invisible. People's hearts rose to their throats. Where did they go? If you fall down, you have to fall to death!

The wind was much weaker. Everyone looked up and saw an iron chain erected on the top of a towering peak in front of them. Jia Yubo's body was laid on the chain like soft noodles.

Below the vertical of the chain is a vast bottomless abyss. As long as he is half careless, he will fall to pieces.

After a pause, he waited for Jia Yubo to return to his soul. Jiuyuan's voice was transmitted far away: "As long as you can move from one end of the chain to the other end and don't fall to the bottom of the valley, then even if you pass."

How is this possible? The chain is less than a foot wide and narrow, and the peak is so high, with white clouds surrounding it, and the soles of the feet are bottomless and deep valleys. Even with wings, it is not easy to fly over.

Su Xier trembled all over and knelt down: "Please have mercy on me and save my brother Jia!" In the future, I will repay your kindness by being a cow and a horse!"

"You don't have to hate revenge. Who still expects you to repay?" Jiuyuan said with a half smile, "If he can't get through this barrier, he will die without a burial place!"

Jiu Yuanlao's voice is not loud, but full of internal strength, haunting, and Jia Yubo, who was half dizzy and half dizzy, heard it very clearly.

On the verge of despair, he only wanted to live, so he grabbed the chain to death. At the same time, it caused the chain to shake and threw him down.

He grabbed the chain, like a monkey hanging from a tree and exploring the moon at the bottom of the well, with only his hands next to the chain. However, the burned hand was not strong, so I could only hold the chain with one hand.

He looked at the distance of several meters and moved forward little by little. The flesh and blood of his palm was blurred, and he didn't feel any pain. He unconsciously struggled for a glimmer of vitality and moved inch by inch to the other side.

Xue Qianwu opened his mouth and said for a long time: "Jia Yubo has a sense of responsibility. If he can be as strong as his sense of survival, he will definitely win a good reputation!"

Dongfang Biren frowned and said, "In this way, his hands are probably going to be crippled..."

Time passed by minute by, and Jia Yubo was only half an arm away from the end of the cliff.

"It's close! It's about to arrive!" Perhaps Jia Yubo's situation affected the kindness in people's hearts. They unconsciously turned the direction of Tianyubo to Jia Yubo. Seeing that he was about to succeed, they all cheered, applauded and loudly.

But Jia Yubo's body is suspended under the chain. How can he climb to the steep peak? It's a place where he has no feet at all, and the situation is even more not allowed to return his hand!

The peak wall was enlarged in front of Jia Yubo's eyes. He finally couldn't stand it. He fell down and lost his hand with the sun.

People forgot to exclaim and were stupid on the spot. Suddenly, a whirlwind swept across the air, holding up Jia Yubo's fallen body and rolling him up again. I don't know how long it took him to fly. His body, like a wild goose with broken wings, was thrown into a deep and rapid river!

The crowd instinctively rushed to the river. The water is surging, where can there be any people?

"Go to Moli Lake to collect the body! He will float up!" After saying that, Jiu Yuanlao disappeared in an instant. The dark fragrance floating in the air, but their last echo is long: "These three series are called 'shaky up', 'flat step green clouds' and 'middle mainstay'!"

Xue Qianwu stroked his chest and said, "These three series of lives have been scared to lose!" Especially 'Pingbu Qingyun', which is simply bullying people. How can it accommodate the next half of the steps?

Mo Li Lake is in the lower reaches of the river, and there is no grass around it, but strangely, anything that falls into it can float like being held by a lifebuoy.

Xue Qianwu hurriedly pushed Dongfang Biren: "Let's go! Get your cousin's body! After rushing so far, he probably drowned!"

Dongfang Biren replied, "People are floating in Moli Lake!" As long as he doesn't drown in the river, he won't drown in Moli Lake!"

Xue Qianwu is Nahan. Is this Moli Lake as magical as the Dead Sea?

The two took a shortcut and came near Mo Li Lake. Because there is no shelter, they can't get too close to the crowd and just look behind a huge stone.

People rushed over and saw that the lake was calm and the undercurrent was surging. Except for some debris, how could there be half a figure? Where is Jiafu Office? Didn't you get rushed in? Did Jiuyuan Lao make a mistake, or did something happen halfway?

Everyone guessed in their hearts, Su Xi'er called "Brother Jia" in a panic, and there was no movement. Her feet softened and paused on the ground.

Several strong young men have jumped into the lake and began to look for people around.

But the water is so deep, what can you see? If Jiafu is really in this water, why doesn't it float?

"The nine elders won't lie, will they?" Xue Qianwu doubted, "Are they attacking the east and west to lead us here, and then their nine elders find a place to kill your cousin Jia?"

Dongfang Biren toured and thought, "It's easy for the nine yuan to kill him!" It's not enough to lie. Let everyone go to Mo Li Lake, right?

"Look, they made Jia Yubo like that and obviously wanted him to be disabled to death. Why don't they kill him?" Xue Qianwu said.

Dongfang Biren was speechless. After thinking for a while, he definitely said, "Jiuyuan Lao will not harm him! Let's forget one person, Zhu Yusan!"

"Yes, yes!" Xue Qianwu heard the words and slapped himself on the head: "Jia Yubo must have rushed down. Jiuyuan is right! Let's look for it quickly, or he will really be drowned!"

Huaguan Festival has passed, and things are very critical. Xue Qianwu and Dongfang Biren no longer avoid the crowd and appear with them to find them.

Along the river that Jia Yubo fell into, until the corner around Mo Li Lake fell, it was seen everywhere, and there was still no trace of Jia Yubo. Xue Qianwu asked, "Isn't it here?"

"In full view of the public, it is impossible for Zhu Yusan to take him elsewhere!" Dongfang Biren walked a few steps, looked at the lake for a moment, and knew it in his heart: "That Zhu Yusan is probably hiding under the water..."

Xue Qianwu said urgently, "If so, Jia Yubo was pulled under the water and couldn't float up. After such a long time, I'm afraid he will drown?"

"Is it dead or not? It's easy to talk when you see the body! The key now is to find people!" Dongfang Biren issued an order: "Everyone scattered around the lake and keep an eye on it to prevent any suspicious people from escaping from the lake!"

Xue Qianwu echoed and said, "Everyone is watching the play! This is not called 'inviting you into the urn', but 'catching turtles in the water'!"