The beggar's wife is enchanting

Chapter 42 If you are wronged in your mother-in-law's house, there is also your mother's family

Jia Yubo's coma is seven days and seven nights. His body was cold and hot, itchy and painful. In endless nightmares, he repeated the two words painfully, but he couldn't hear it clearly.

The maid thought that he was calling his wife's boudoir. She had been carefully identified for a long time, but her mouth was inconsistent, as if she was calling her "mother".

Su Xier was pitiful and must feed him something in person. When he unconsciously swallowed some porridge, Su Xier gently untied the gauze and changed medicine for him.

She quietly looked at Jia Yubo's deformed hands, and the bones protrude out. One was burned in the oil pan, and the other was blurred by the iron chain.

I can't help thinking of the doctor's words. Although the hand bones are not broken, they have been disabled since then. The heavy objects are impossible to lift, and it's good to barely pick up the chopsticks.

Su Xier sat stunned and made these sacrifices, is it worth it? The position of the government office was finally saved, and Brother Jia's half of his life was also played.

From now on, no one dares to bully them in this place. Yanlan City belongs to Brother Jia, and Brother Jia is hers. Now she is a prestigious lady. The father of the rich man in Shu will be very happy to know this.

How ridiculous the fate is. If she marries the son of the county magistrate and fights to death, she will be just a lady with no grade in her life. She has endured many hardships for love. Today, these are what she deserves.

All she can do now is watch Brother Jia wake up. Without this lover, this husband, all her strength and struggle will become meaningless.

They no longer need to rely on people's shelter, and there are no rich girls to rob Brother Jia.

She stroked Jia Yubo's face as before. There is a vague but different one. I have worked hard until now, but what happened later? Are they still the poor couple?

The road ahead is too far to be unimaginable. If possible, she is willing to accompany him all the time on the road. But how much will Brother Jia suffer from eating and camping on the road?

Then go to the end and live a stable and prosperous life.

Don't you look forward to it? Yes. When Brother Jia woke up, he became the prominent parent official of Yanlan City, and the surname of the Jia family will also be mentioned on the gate of this high mansion.

It is no more quiet than the high house. At this time, the Water Margin Xianzhai is in a mess. In fact, this statement is not appropriate, because the chaos is not the scene, but the heart of each member.

In just a few months, they have developed a deep dependence on the village owner. Now she is going to enter the capital with Dongfang Master. How can they not make people feel that the pillar has collapsed and there is no sense of direction?

Are you going back to your past life again? Are you starving and being laughed at?

They gathered around Xue Qianwu, some holding her legs, some people pulling her arms, some holding her clothes, some people holding her neck, crying sadly and darkly.

Xue Qianwu's body was full of all kinds of **, but she was confused for a moment and had no time to take care of it.

But fortunately, I don't have time to take care of it. Otherwise, according to her in the spirit of seeking the bottom, she will tirelessly explore and distinguish the composition of these ** clearly. Do you want to eat in the future?

The beauty of the world lies in muddle along and ambiguity. Exactly.

Xue Qianwu's heart was also full of bitterness and reluctance. He persuaded this, coaxed that, and finally scolded himself angrily: "You all hit me, curse me, let the thunder, let the fire burn me, let the car hit me, let the rice chop me to death... I am a sex friend. Unsent! As soon as I saw Dongfang, I couldn't control the direction of my footsteps. No matter where he went, I wanted to follow his buttocks! I'm just a nymphomaniac, the servility in my bones..."

Dongfang Biren was worried when he heard this and frowned and patted her, "I'm ashamed to say this. I took you away. Don't take it all on yourself.

Xue Qianwu also cried and threw himself into Dongfang's arms again, choked uncontrollably.

Dongfang Biren was overwhelmed by her and had no time to take care of too much. So about half of Xue Qianwu's tears and snot rubbed on his clothes.

"Okay, don't be too sad..." If you ignore this atmosphere of parting, Dongfang Biren is the most happy, so she has to shoulder the heavy responsibility and comfort the beggars: "Even if she goes to the capital, she will still be your village owner in the future! She will contact you often and pay attention to everyone from afar!"

"When will the owner of the village come back?" They wiped their tears and asked.

"This..." Dongfang Biren couldn't answer, so he smiled and said, "As long as she is not far away, when she wants to go back to her mother's house, I will take her back."

The beggars were stunned and went back to their mother's house? In an instant, I understood that the Lord Dongfang took the village owner back to the capital to get married!

In this case, what's the pain? Is it possible to let the village owner not marry for life and be a nun? That can't be done. The village owner has always been extremely enlightened and even cares about the marriage of his brothers. How can she be left alone?

In their eyes, except Lord Dongfang, no man is worthy of the village owner!

In other words, no man can appreciate the owner of the village!

In other words, no man can stand the owner of the village!

The natural village owner wants to marry a strange jade man like Dongfang!

It's also strange to say that they were in tears just now. At this time, they suddenly felt that it was a good thing, and their uncomfortable feeling was dispelted away, and they scrambled to express their feelings: "Water Margin Xianzhai will always be your mother's home! If you are wronged in your mother-in-law's house and remember that there is your mother's family, you must come back! At that time, the beggar brother and beggar sister will be angry with you. Let's go to the capital together and stand in front of the door of the Oriental House day and night to beg, and have to make the lord of the East poor!"

Dongfang Biren listened to these voices, with a smile, looked at Xue Qianwu and said, "My hair is straight and I feel so stressed."

Xue Qianwu beat him and said, "What they said is true! You have to coax me tightly and be careful that the beggars come to the door!"

"Okay, I remember." Dongfang Biren smiled solemnly and covered the back of her hand.

Xue Qianwu's heart was warm and he couldn't speak. If she is a bird, she should belong to the kind of very agile divine bird, but even if she can avoid all the hunter's guns, she can't escape the net woven by Dongfang Ye with gentleness.

When everyone accepted this fact, Xue Qianwu said, "Master Dongfang and I are leaving tomorrow. I'm in a hurry, so I have to arrange the affairs in the village today. After I leave, you still need to maintain this pattern in an orderly manner. Xianzhai is not allowed to decline, but only be strong!"

"Listen to the arrangement of the village owner..." They all knelt down!

Xue Qianwu was shocked and quickly asked them to stand up. Then appoint Lao Xuejiu as an accountant and Wu Gang as a security guard, regardless of hierarchy. Each title exists side by side, and each department has its responsibility to assist each other. The silver food and other food should be confiscated in the warehouse to ensure that all people have food to eat.

Everyone took the lead one by one. Xue Qianwu was relieved. He took off the only bone hairpin from his hair, broke it in two, and handed it to the old dove and said, "I can see it clearly. This hairpin is made of a hundred-year-old fish bone, on which the old learning dove engraved the four words 'band goddess beggar'! Now it is folded into two sections. The end of the 'beggar' is placed in the village and stored by the old dove. The end of the 'bandit girl' is in my hands! If I want to convey any message in the future, but I can't come forward, then I will send someone to use this half-section hairpin as a token! If it can fit with the old dove, then it's true! In addition, don't believe any traitor who tries to cheat in my name!"

With no sleep at night, Dongfang Biren asked her, "Have you arranged everything in the village?"

Xue Qianwu nodded and said, "It's almost... But it's always a little suspenseful and not very down-to-earth."

"This is also inevitable. How can it be so easy to rest assured?" Dongfang Biren touched her head: "Go to bed early, or you will be tired if you don't go far tomorrow."

Despite this, neither of them could sleep when they looked at each other. By dawn, Xue Qianwu quietly aroused Dongfang Biren and went to the post hall together. Otherwise, when those beggar brothers woke up, her nose was sore, and her head would have to be worn out for a long time, pulling and hugging her away.

If you don't see, it's quiet if you don't hear. Thirty-six tricks is the best strategy.

I briefly took care of the clothes in the post hall. As soon as I walked out of the door, I saw Su Xier standing in front of Jia Yubo, who had just recovered from a serious illness. When I heard that my sister was leaving, I owed Lord Dongfang and my sister so much that I can't repay them, so I can only give them a small trip. Su Xier's face showed a strong sadness and farewell.

Xue Qianwu hurriedly said, "Good sister, I'll take your heart!" It's just that this send-off is free. Taking good care of the government office of Yanlan City is more important than anything else!"

Su Xier looked at Jia Yubo and smiled affectionately: "Brother Jia, why don't you thank Lord Dongfang and sister Beggar?"

As soon as Jia Yubo bent down, Dongfang Biren helped him and said, "No, no!" After a lot of hardships, although it is a disaster, it is also a blessing. The people are full of expectations for you. You have to work hard!"

Jia Yubo nodded vigorously. Xue Qianwu and Dongfang Biren held hands and left step by step.

Behind him was the whisper of tens of millions of people in Yanlan City: "Lord Dongfang has taken away the bandit goddess!"

"Lord Dongfang is afraid that after he goes, the vice of the bandit goddess beggar will rekindle! So he used a beautiful man's trick to draw his salary from the bottom of the pot, and always remove the hidden dangers for the people of Yanlan City!"

"It's no big deal for the Lord of the East to promise the country!"

In front of you, the early morning sun rises and shines on the new dewy grass leaves. Another beautiful day, although the road ahead is full of difficulties.