The beggar's wife is enchanting

Chapter 57 It's not easy to meet, so you can enter the game

Xue Qianwu wanted to ask more questions, but Aunt Xiu was silent.

"Are you waiting for him here or going back to your residence?" Xiu Gu stopped the topic just now and said quietly, "I don't want you to tell him that you are trapped in the basement."

"If you don't want more people to know this secret, then I'll keep it for you..." Xue Qianwu smiled and said, "Although I'm very honest in front of him, his look can make me confess everything."

"What do you mean in the second half of your sentence?" Aunt Xiu's face changed.

Xue Qianwu said seriously, "Don't worry, since you told me, I have to remember anything. Resolutely establish a strong psychological backing to resist the infatuated eyes.

The embroidery smiled and closed the door of the pawnshop from the outside. If those two doors are set inside, it will really get in the way. I guess the house will be more crowded. Open it out, saving some space.

"Since that's the case, you can keep it a secret, then I owe you a favor..." Aunt Xiu said lightly, "If you come to me in the future, I should not refuse."

human kindness? What kind of favor is this? She never wants others to remember her feelings. She did something just to be light-hearted and free, and didn't want the other party to repay it. What's more, she and Dongfang Ye are unkind in this matter. The food plan they thought of is just cracking it with strategy.

If Aunt Xiu is vicious and will always imprison her in the dark and don't let her go, then you don't have to worry about leaking secrets. Or Aunt Xiu killed her and then ran away alone.

Thinking about it, it's really not humane. Aunt Xiu thought this was a favor and solemnly said to repay it, which only shows that Aunt Xiu has a sentimental heart under her arrogant appearance, so she reads favors, but she can't bear the weight of favors.

Xue Qianwu saw her lock the door and asked strangely, "Where are you going?" You don't live here?"

Xiugu replied, "Aren't you curious about how I got into the basement and how I got out?"

"It was really strange at first, but later I figured it out." Xue Qianwu of course said, "Why don't you start the floor, put a ladder down, fix the top of the ladder firmly, and then climb down?"

Aunt Xiu asked rhetorically, "If the thief enters the shop when I'm down there, won't the secret of the basement be revealed?"

"Yes, or are you well thought about it?" Xue Qianwu asked in a frenzy way, "Are there any other exits?"

The embroidered aunt shook her head and said, "I know, this is the only place. It is said that there is another exit that only the dead shoemaker knows.

Xue Qianwu was shocked and said, "There is another person who knows! It's the man in black!"

"Yes, he can't enter the basement from my feet!" Aunt Xiu looked into the distance and said quietly, "Actually, I don't live here in the middle of the night

"So where do you live alone? Why don't you consider hiring a bodyguard to be responsible for your safety..." Xue Qianwu said.

"People can only believe in themselves. People are naked individuals, why do they have to get involved with others? Aunt Xiu is a little desolate: "If this man dies and he is the only one who dies, there will be no killing."

"Do you know? Zhulian is the most horrible word in the world. Not only does it include the people of the people, but sometimes even the clan and slaves, and those who have worked with you, can't escape the bloodshed. So being single is the best state. What kind of close friends do you want, what kind of bodyguards and close relatives do you want? When they are blessed, they may be able to join in the fun. Even if they don't want to share the burden when the disaster comes, they can't. Aunt Xiu said such a paragraph inexplicably.

Xue Qianwu's eyes were sad. She has always hoped that the kind people around her can be happy and simple.

She doesn't want to immerse her sister-in-law in the sadness of life. She wants Aunt Embroidery to escape from her grief.

The so-called escape is forgetting. The so-called forgetting is to stop mentioning it, fill your heart with other meaningful things, and have no time to think about sadness.

"I'll take you back to your residence. Sleep well tonight!" Xue Qianwu smiled and said, "Don't you owe me a favor? From tomorrow, I will ask you to repay endlessly, so that you can use your whole life to repay me, hahahaha..."

Smiling, there was only a moment of empty space left, with a dry smile on the whole face, astringent and painful.

Xiu Gujing said, "Look at your surface, you are a person who breaks the casserole and asks to the end, but when it comes to some private topics, you understand it very well and don't blindly dig deep..."

"When you get along with each other for a long time, you will naturally gradually understand the details of someone, which will be easier to accept at that time." Xue Qianwu said frankly.

The embroidered aunt sighed, "However, when I knew the details of the other party, it was too late, and I even regretted it."

Xue Qianwu was about to answer when he suddenly saw a dark shadow and went into the dense forest. He felt awe of heart and said to Xiugu, "Where do you live? I'll visit you tomorrow."

"I live in the remote woods in front of me, hang a rope casually, and I can sleep soundly." Thinking that she had something else to do, Aunt Xiu said to her, "Go back first so that you don't have to go wrong with your husband."

"Sleeping on the rope? Have you ever practiced the Jade Girl's Heart Sutra? Xue Qianwu rarely said.

The embroidered aunt smiled and said, "What kind of jade girl's heart scripture? After a long period of embroidery to make shoes, I have worn out my determination. If I hadn't met you, I wouldn't have shown my heart.

"Then I have to learn to make shoes. I have the most determined temper!" Xue Qianwu pulled her in a messy posture: "Shall I worship you as a master?"

"Look at what my poor shoemaker has become! Every year, I wear a needle to break my intestines and make wedding clothes for others! That's all you envy!" The embroidered aunt smiled in surprise.

Xue Qianwu curled his lips and said, "That's because you are good-hearted and take making shoes as fun. The manual fee is too low!"

The embroidered aunt looked helpless: "Okay, it's all up to you! Go back quickly..."

"That's it!" Xue Qianwu said, "I'll watch, you go first!"

When Xiu heard the words, she turned around and sank into the jungle. Not long after, Xue Qianwu suddenly heard a woman's scream from not far away.

Isn't Aunt Xiu killed? Thinking of the dark shadow again, his heart skipped secretly and didn't care about safety. Xue Qianwu rushed over.

When he came to a shrub vine that was not knee deep, Xue Qianwu took a closer look and saw a long body suspected to be Nangong Zhili lying among those branches andvines. Xue Qianwu's fire came from his heart, and his slap was full of the strength of his life, and he patted his lower abdomen. Although his martial arts are powerful, he is weak here, and he is unprepared and will definitely suffer.

If she doesn't slap Nangong Zhili half to death and sleep nearby, she really can't rest assured.

Before the slap fell, Nangong Zhili stretched out his fingers and clasped it on Xue Qianwu's pulse door. He smiled gloomically and said, "Is it easy for me to see you?"

"Didn't you see it?" Xue Qianwu said angrily, "What do you mean by appearing in Aunt Xiu's basement?"

Nangong Zhili said, "If I say that I appeared in this way just to see you and win the opportunity to get close to you, do you believe it?"

"Ghosts believe in you! Just walk to me openly and get close to me! Why bother, sneak, and exploit all the loopholes that can be drilled? Even if you know people's hearts, aren't you tired of calculating like this? Xue Qianwu exhaled angrily.

"Now it's not as before. It's not easy to see you alone..." Nangong Zhili whispered, "I don't want to fight head-on with your oriental lover, so you will make it difficult."

"Meeting me, if you are serious, doesn't that mean you are in conflict with him?" Xue Qianwu still thinks it's too stingy.

"I'm afraid that you will smell my breath at a close distance, and your heart will hit like a deer, which will make you taste like an oriental lover..." Nangong Zhili slipped again.

"I see you, because the master is by my side, and there is a little wind blowing, he can feel it, so you dare not follow me!" Xue Qianwu giggled and said, "but it is unforgettable to have a deep affection for me, so he used a trap to separate me and Master Dongfang for a while and meet me alone!"

"You're not stupid!" Nangong Zhili stared at her and said, "But what needs to be clarified is that I don't want to conflict with him head-on, not because I'm afraid of him, but because the time has not come..."

Xue Qianwu's heart began to beat in panic again. She turned around and said as she walked, "I see you, you can go wherever you should go." Master Dongfang can't find me at this time. I don't know what's going on. I have to go back quickly!"

Nangong Zhili stood silently and turned into a shadow in the dark night. He didn't say anything more and didn't stop her.