The beggar's wife is enchanting

Chapter 63 No love, no love

Xue Qianwu leaned close to the corner of the wall, moved forward step by step, and approached Xu Zhanchun's room under the cover of the dark night.

The embroidered aunt looked at it in surprise. Although she was a person who had been used to it, she was still very clear about all kinds of inappropriate things for lonely men and women because of her age. Layers of confusion flashed in his eyes and asked Dongfang Biren, "What does she want to do? Did you make her mess around so much that she went to other men's rooms in the middle of the night? Even if you can trust her, Xu Zhanchun is not a monk!"

Dongfang Biren's throat knot stagnated, half infarction and half hoarse: "My ear strength is good enough."

There is no need to say more. Whether Xue Qianwu made a mistake or Xu Zhanchun played three dirty tricks, he could not escape the monitoring.

The embroidered aunt no longer makes a sound. She really doesn't know what to say about Xue Qianwu and Dongfang Biren, the two best people.

Dongfang Biren's eyes are moist and deep, and she squeezed her lips and condensed, looking at the movement on the opposite side.

Time passed second by second, and Xue Qianwu finally arrived at Xu Zhanchun's door. She stretched out her hand and gently knocked on the door three or five times.

"Who is it?" Xu Zhanchun sounded lazily with a tired voice, put on his clothes and exposed his chest, and opened the door with one hand. Seeing Xue Qianwu, he couldn't recover for a long time, with surprise and dullness in his eyes: "Sister? It's so late, what can I do for you? I almost didn't recognize it!"

Dongfang Biren looked at Xu Zhanchun's amazing eyes, and his heart was complicated and difficult to distinguish. The palm was unconsciously clenched, the knuckles burst out, and the iron fist became a fist.

Xue Qianwu was afraid that he would speak loudly, squeezed into the room, closed the door with his backhand, and said quietly in a soft tone, "In order to avoid people's ears and eyes, my brother went into the room to talk."

Xu Zhanchun was also afraid of being seen, but even the latch was inserted after Xue Qianwu closed the door. After Xu Zhanchun finished all this, he held it with his hand to ensure that it was strong and stable before he was relieved.

Xue Qianwu hung his head and stood there, just like a lilac in the rain with resentment, quietly blooming in the quiet night.

This scene made Xu Zhanchun have an illusion for a moment. His eyes were full of infatuation, and he took her hand and said, "I'm waiting for you..."

Xue Qianwu pulled out his hand: "You are dazzled."

Xu Zhanchun woke up from his fantasy, still shaking his mind and said, "Sister..."

Xue Qianwu was faint and didn't look at him. With a little sadness, he said to himself, "I've thought about it. The melon is not sweet, so I gave up. I'm going to leave with the teacher the day after tomorrow."

"sister!" Xu Zhanchun looked at her and overlapped with another person in his mind, and the images overlapped with each other, unable to distinguish each other. He didn't know whether it was out of nostalgia for another person or fell in love with Xue Qianwu, and he became reluctant to give up: "Sister, let's stay for a few more days!"

"No..." Xue Qianwu whispered, "I'm very stupid. I've always been unable to distinguish the priorities of life. To tell you the truth, the teacher who followed me has not been married yet. He is deeply in love with me, but I don't know how to cherish it. I always admire what I can't get and stubbornly follow him! Now that I have been hurt and ruthlessly rejected, it is my teacher who has used all kinds of care to save me from emotional entanglement! I am grateful, so I decided to promise him for the rest of his life!"

Xu Zhanchun can't accept this sudden fact. Yesterday, he had to stick to his stupid sister desperately. How did he change his dress? His temperament and temperament have all changed.

This made him a little uncomfortable, like being abandoned and no longer loved by a child. He suddenly wanted to catch the woman who originally belonged to him. Xu Zhanchun took a step forward and frowned and said, "Sister, you have to think about it! The matter of getting married is rough. Are you sure you are in love with your teacher?

Xue Qianwu asked with a lonely smile, "What do you think?"

"You are not loving him, just grateful!" Xu Zhanchun reminded: "Because you have to be grateful, you have to make a promise. When you pass the impulse and your life is flat, you will regret it! Marriage is not a child's play. When that time, you want to quit, but you have dragged your children, and the situation is not allowed!"

"He will treat me well..." Xue Qianwu's eyes overflowed with sadness and said, "The husband and wife ask for each other is just the word 'love'. Grace has love, no love, no love, no love, so marriage should be based on gratitude!"

After saying this sentence, Xue Qianwu said lightly, "And love is just a moment of vigor. After falling in love, it will be cold. If you don't believe it, may I ask who can keep the childhood sweethearts of the past and never grow old? Whose memory can always be fixed in each other's most beautiful years? The rogue of Wei Feng in the Book of Songs is a typical example. At that time, they all had the simplest and brightest smiling faces. It can be said that they were two little guessless and sincere. However, after men and women married and slept together, only three years, the tender green mulberry leaves turned yellow, and the woman in the man's eyes was no longer It's the beautiful and touching girl at the beginning! Years destroy the beauty, and people's hearts will also become tired. The so-called first love together is still the result, not to mention that after several twists and turns, the feelings have become turbid and strange!"

Hearing a paragraph, Xu Zhanchun was not only stunned, but also sighed with all kinds of emotions in his heart.

He didn't expect that not long ago, she was so stupid that there was only a beautiful shell left, but tonight she could be so thorough, deeply understand the taste of life, the language is broad and wonderful, and the love is gentle and melod, which is not as good as the Yanzhi girl from an empty door.

He is puzzled. Who on earth made a mistake? He doesn't think he will be so stupid that he doesn't know anyone! But this sister, which is very different, is possessed by a ghost?

She in front of him is admired and moved by her.

Xue Qianwu looked at his look and knew that he had fallen into the heart. Xue Qianwu continued to alienate and said, "Mr. Zhan Chun is a dragon among people. He has a good family and is handsome. He must have belonged to him! Since I can't get your heart and love before marriage, let alone after marriage! And my teacher has always known my details, understands me, tolerates me, and is the only one in his heart. If my husband is like this, he loves you and is considerate of you. What else can he ask for?

Xu Zhanchun was quiet for a long time and asked, "Forgive me for being blind, because the time to meet my sister was short, I couldn't get to know her deeply before! Now I take the liberty to ask, if I are willing to marry you, will you still marry me?

Xue Qianwu was happy, but said with a wry smile, "Are you serious? Aren't you not going to marry me?"

Xu Zhanchun sighed, put his hands on Xue Qianwu's left and right arms, and added, "However, I can't let you be the main room!"

"Have you decided on a wife?" Xue Qianwu said in surprise.

Xu Zhanchun shook his head: "I once promised a girl that my wife's room would always be empty for her! Although this is only my one-way will, since I say it, I will keep my promise. Even if she doesn't follow me, the front room will keep it for her!"

Xue Qianwu thought that Xu Zhanchun sometimes looked at it. Although he was improper and affectionate, he also had an infatuated side!

His main room is naturally reserved for Yanzhi. But Miss Yanzhi, how can a man with three wives and four concubines like you?

It is useless to make irreparable mistakes and then stick to this kind of mind to make up for guilt. Xu Zhanchun seems to be a little hypocritical.

What else should I do now? Xue Qianwu was hesitating when he suddenly heard Dongfang Biren coughing secretly. It seems to come in a secret sound, and it doesn't sound very clear.

Xue Qianwu realized that perhaps because he had stayed for a long time, Dongfang Ye could no longer hold on.

I have to make a long story short and said affectionately, "Although I like you very much in my heart, I have made a decision to marry a man I don't love! I will leave Qinghe Town the day after tomorrow.

Xu Zhanchun shook her: "Why? Obviously, it's me that you like!"

"Like is one thing, and getting married is another..." Xue Qianwu's resolute eyes filled with tears: "I will open the teacher and the little moth tomorrow night. Can you come to my room and spend the last night with me? It's also a short fate to meet and forget each other. Let me remember your face!"

Xu Zhanchun was sad and said emotionally, "Yes! I will definitely go tomorrow night!"