The beggar's wife is enchanting

Chapter 73 If two hearts get together, you will get hurt

After the funeral, Miss Yu Miao woke up. Unexpectedly, she didn't seem to know anyone except Yutai. The mind stays in the immature years, and the weight of dependence is heavier, and the eyes are also a kind of panic and transparency. There are three points of ignorance, staring at everyone. Finally, her eyes fixed on the doll in Xue Qianwu's hand.

"What a lovely doll, can you give it to me?" Yu Miao asked timidly with expectation on her face.

Xue Qianwu looked at Yu Miao, and a sourness surged up in his throat. Should he refuse her now? Unconsciously, I have lost the idea of punishing her. A little heavy and hesitant, his hand trembled for a moment and handed it to her.

Yu Miao took the doll, played with it carefully, and gently stroked the long hair on the doll's head, like a precious work of art. I'm afraid that if I miss it, it will be broken. Is this the initial goodness of human nature?

Xue Qianwu can't yet. There is enough evidence to relate the doll to Yu Miao. Even if it is related to what can be done, Yu Miao has become the appearance in front of me. I feel pity and can't provoke people's temper.

Yu Miao held the doll, looked at it dotingly, pressed it on her cheek, closed her eyes, and immersed herself in a dream-like world. After a long time, she half opened her eyes and whispered like gentle water: "I had a dream that I lost a toy, which I made myself. In order to make her more realistic, I put a lot of effort into her long hair and embroidered a dress with a name for her... She was in my heart. It's so important that it almost filled my heart. I'm afraid that people will see her and take her away, so I tried my best to hide her... I don't know where she is hidden. It's about a well with bottomless water in it. I can't see anything. Only a place where I can't see the light is best to hide secrets..."

As he spoke, Yu Miao fell asleep. He leaned his head against the bed rail, curled up slightly, and still held the doll of Yanzhi tightly in his hand.

Xue Qianwu was confused, and Miss Yanzhi had engraved a deep mark in Yu Miao's heart. But I don't quite understand. Is this the love between teachers and sisters or hatred? It is hard to distinguish from the bones and complexity.

With a sigh, Xue Qianwu pulled a quilt, covered Yu Miao, and then said to Yu Tai, "Take care of her."

Yutai nodded with difficulty, and there was silence in the room. Everything has been completely white. The doll of Yanzhi girl is sure to be made by Yu Miao, but what can she do?

Forget it, the matter is over, and there is only a lingering Geng Jie left in people's hearts. There is no need to mention it again, and there is no need to hurt.

Xue Qianwu and Dongfang Biren are just passers-by of Shanyuan Temple, and this experience will also turn into precipitation in life.

It's time to go. Xue Qianwu, Xiugu and Dongfang Biren did not stay any longer, so they left Shanyuan Temple.

It is worth mentioning that Xu Zhanchun built a simple wooden house in the Xiangzhu forest, where the elder of the division died. Contrary to the layout of the Xu family, he abandoned those complicated and lively, gorgeous and luxurious, and chose extremely monotonous and simple.

Xue Qianwu knew about this, because Xu Zhanchun had revealed this idea to them before leaving. The meaning is that this can be closer to Miss Yanzhi. If she comes back one day, he can see her in time. Xu's house had something urgent, so he went back to help take care of it; when he could get out, he ran here to be quiet alone.

Maybe it's for compensation, maybe there is guilt, maybe it's true feelings, maybe it's already tired. From now on, this Xiangzhulin will be under the care of him, Xu Zhanchun.

Xue Qianwu suddenly had a feeling that people are going to grow up.

The waiter of one side of the forest is steady. It opened a dividing line and left the capricious teenager on the other side and became Xu Zhanchun today.

If Yanzhi sees this scene, it is estimated that all kinds of tastes will bloom, or will it float a relief sadness? Sadness and joy are intertwined, which is normal and coexists, and there is no single joy and sadness.

Yutai, the head of Shanyuan Temple, stayed in front of the gloomy bed, with an absent-minded look and a sad face. Who is he distracted and restless for?

The answer is obvious, but the result is confusing. When two hearts focus on one person at the same time, one is doomed to be injured.

Xue Qianwu and his entourage did not go to Xu's outside house again. He just asked Xu Zhanchun to send the words to Xu's parents' daughter-in-law: "Brother Chun and I are not suitable. He is a proud son among people, unrestrained and handsome, which is indeed touching, but after this journey, I understand that true love has always been around. Ask your sister-in-law, Fanghua will stay forever!"

Xu's daughter-in-law also gave up. She could not be forced, but only a few sighs. The strangest thing is that her unscrupulous brother, who has always liked to flirt and talk freely, seems to have changed into a person and behaved much more solemnly.

Xu's daughter-in-law, who has always been quick-mouthed, dared not tease him this time. Xu Yuanwai also felt rare, but he was happy in his heart. It's okay to calm down like this. Usually, he was most afraid that the child would cause trouble.

Back to the hostel I rented that day, Xiu Gu said lightly, "I'm leaving, go back to the shoe store. I have been off work for several days.

Xue Qianwu was a little anxious and asked Dongfang Biren, "When will you leave for Beijing?"

Dongfang Biren replied, "Now that this matter is done, let's set off tomorrow. Do you still want to stay?"

Xue Qianwu heard this, pulled Aunt Xiu, pressed her into a chair, and said sadly, "Don't rush back, okay? I want to discuss something with you tonight..."

The embroidered aunt looked at the two of them, and then looked at the only big bed. She was a little stiff and shy, and shook her head resolutely. Xue Qianwu understood what she meant and said with a smile, "Don't worry about not having a bed! We will sleep together and let this man stay outside the door and be the goalkeeper for us!"

Aunt Xiu smiled bitterly: "How can this work?"

Dongfang Biren hurriedly answered, "The matter of the beggar is bigger than the sky!" If you don't let her say tonight, she has to toss around all night, making it difficult for people to sleep! So this girl should follow her.

Xue Qianwu's forehead sweated when he heard it. Why is this strange, or did she think too much? Shaking his head, Xue Qianwu responded, "Yes, little moth, you still follow me. Otherwise, I will follow you wherever you go tonight.

This ruffian's words are really incompetable. Aunt Xiu said helplessly, "Well, I'm not in a hurry this night!" Anyway, I have been absent from work for several days.

Xue Qianwu smiled with his face, but thought in his heart that it would be nice if you could strike forever in Qinghe Town.

After dinner, Xue Qianwu squeezed his eyes and let Dongfang Biren stay outside the door. At the same time, he hinted that he should not go too far and listen to the corner of the wall in order to accurately understand the development of things.

Xue Qianwu pulled the embroidered aunt and insisted on squeezing at the same bed with her. Aunt Xiu was used to going alone and was very uncomfortable. She didn't close her eyelids in the middle of the night.

Xue Qianwu has a ghost in his heart and is thinking about how to speak. After thinking for a long time, he simply said bluntly, "Little moth, do you want to make a fortune?"

The embroidered aunt was stunned and expressed her puzzlement. Xue Qianwu said, "It is to use your talent to establish a solid foundation, expand your career, and establish a chain shoe store!"

The embroidered aunt subconsciously resisted and said, "The tree is big and the wind is blowing. I just want to care about life! It's enough to make a living."

Xue Qianwu saw that wealth was not very powerful for her, so he had to change his direction and said tentatively, "Although you have achieved a variety of shoes, you still have great potential to dig! And you walked into the alley and got stuck in the bottleneck, which is difficult to surpass!"

Xiu's face moved, and she felt very touched. She patted Xue Qianwu and nodded seriously and said, "Tell me more about what you just said!"

Xue Qianwu solved the riddle: "I'm a layman. Nonsense. Don't worry about it!"

When Xiu heard the words, she said with deep meaning, "If you don't say it, I'll go to bed."

"Don't, don't..." Xue Qianwu's fox tail couldn't hide: "I confessed it! I want you to go to the capital with us!"