The beggar's wife is enchanting

Chapter 78 Red and Pink Brothel Triple Door

Xiugu and Xue Qianwu are dressed in men's clothing, with folding fans in their sleeves, and walk to the "thousands of flowers" with different moods. Xiugu is trembling and awkward, while Xue Qianwu is full of excitement and novelty. Where a pair of eyes swept, the shock had long exceeded the initial imagination.

The Yiyuan in the capital is extremely luxurious, elegant, beautiful and charming. Following the winding bridge corridor, countless night pearls and white jade are inlaid between the stone railing walls, and the bright but not dazzling light is woven into an enchanting and illusory sea of gentleness. On the left and right sides, under the wide bridge, there is deep and dark water, surging silently, playing a slow and gorgeous pink song.

Xue Qianwu walked around and wandered freely, suddenly thinking of the Qinhuai River. He only casually put a ladle of water and took a sip of it on his lips. His teeth were full of faint pink.

Facing a vast water, the beautiful garden comes out and falls, just like Shazhu Island at the end of the water. This kind of fan is ancient and fashionable, charming and **, and romantic to the bone.

The seemingly fragrant wind and the breath of water flutter on people's faces, making people sleepy and unable to wake up. Xue Qianwu stretched his arms lazily and sighed. This kind of red and pink rouge land attracted so many men in vain. In the arms of the beauty, the tomb of heroes, I wish for a romantic life, drunken and sleep in the flowers.

literati use elegance, warriors in exchange for ecstasy, dignitaries to show their dignity, and rich merchants show off their wealth. The welcome and laughter of the beauty are all the vanity of men. This sense of achievement almost flows deeply in the man's blood. In all dynasties, it has lasted for thousands of years, and the years have been withered and beautiful, leaving a few sad songs of men and women.

For prostitutes, Xue Qianwu has no discrimination. They coexist with gravel and pearls, just like ordinary people.

Most of them may be shallow and vulgar, with no emotional intelligence or IQ, but only rely on a ** body. This is also good. People without thoughts will have less sadness and autumn, and add a lot of simple satisfaction and happiness.

And there are a few brothel women who are beautiful, intelligent, talented and heart-hearted. They come from a chaotic place and do not lose their integrity. In the ups and downs, they are painful and lonely.

This kind of woman is sad and distressing. They make a living materially and spiritually make love. Life and love, even for a "legitimate" woman, it is still difficult to get both, let alone falling into the wind and dust? It is destined to bear the lament of humility and expectation.

The various sufferings in life have also sharpened them into shining pearls. It is lively and fragrant, always living in the image of future people, like a pink flowing cloud, gently curling up. Floating and dissipating, you want to forget, but you can't forget.

Thoughts are mixed, and then go forward. The bridge under your feet has come to an end, and the light of pearl jade is more gorgeous, as bright as day. When you look up, it is the main door of Yiyuan. Where the waterfront meet, the green willows are like smoke, drooping, and there are thousands of amorous feelings according to the road. The shadow of the trees is half hidden, and some noble guests come in and out one after another.

The difference is that except for a few rugged men who are leisurely and maintain order, there are only a few beautiful maids standing in front of the door to greet them.

In Xue Qianwu's impression, the signature welcome scene of a brothel should be an enchanting figure, exquisite, sophisticated, and powdered old lady, smiling with a handkerchief. Whether it is a young man or an elderly uncle, she will smile with a flattering face. , he shouted in the same tone, "Brother, you haven't been here for a long time. I miss you so long!"

Isn't there an old roe in the capital Yiyuan? Xue Qianwu is so good in his heart.

Strangely, the leading maid greeted her with a smile: "Welcome, two princes, please go inside..." The smile was polite and natural, and a little unchievous.

Xue Qianwu was even more amazed, a good quality maid! Seeing such an elegant brothel for the first time, Xue Qianwu poked his head, grabbed the sweaty hand of the embroidered aunt, and walked inside.

After a few steps, Xiugu asked in a low voice, "If this garden is not expanded, there will be 360 square meters of small courtyards according to the scale of that year. There are three floors and thousands of rooms. How can it be easy to find a person? Why didn't you just say a few implicit words to ask them in front of the door?

I haven't played it all, and I haven't experienced the core style of the most prosperous and beautiful brothel. How can I be willing to give up and leave? Xue Qianwu casually said, "We pretend to be rich guys and go there for fun. If we ask others about this, it will inevitably cause suspicion! Why don't we sneak into it and find it by ourselves!"

The embroidered aunt doesn't say much. Xue Qianwu stepped into the first door, stood on the highest plane of dozens of steps, looked down, and felt that it was deep and beautiful.

In most of the courtyard, under the light of the moonlight and the pearl, it turned out to be a pool of early lotus. The tender and huge leaves were covered with clear water and blue waves. Originally pink mixed with a few white lotus flowers, because they were bathed in the light, as if they had been washed in milk, with a holy sunset.

The faint lotus fragrance disperses the smell of Luoqi red sleeve rouge powder, which is fresh and refreshing and has a different charm. Xue Qianwu looked envious and full of troubles. They were all thrown away from the sky. Only in such a warm pond can the lotus bloom early.

"Where are we going?" Aunt Xiu's voice suddenly sounded on her side.

Xue Qianwu then withdrew his eyes, looked down the threshold step, and took a cold breath. Nine paths, with the lotus pond as the center, lead to different directions, each corresponding to a room at the end.

Xue Qianwu thought for a moment and said to Aunt Xiu, "How about we come one by one and look at all the rooms?"

The embroidered girl replied, "I'm afraid it's not good. This is a matter of choice. Which road you take is corresponding to your own results, and there is no reason to return..."

Xue Qianwu's eyes widened: "What is this rule? If I'm really a man, come to pick up a girl and make a mistake, in case I choose an unsatisfactory woman, will I be invincible?

The embroidered aunt explained in a low voice: "I just heard... Don't worry, the ugliest girl in Yiyuan is also said to be extremely beautiful. She can be comparable to the fairy in the heavenly palace. When men see it, they will forget the purple and red outside world... The mystery and ** of the deep flowers in the capital lies in its unknown, which often makes those with People who hunt for beauty are happy to bet on the beauty bureau..."

Xue Qianwu's heartbeat was violently, tidyed up his robe, and said honestly, "As long as I choose any road and walk to a room at will, there will be warm and soft jade to accompany me?"

The embroidered aunt covered her mouth and smiled, "Where is it? It's still early!" We just passed a double door, and now we are facing a double door. The beautiful people are waiting in the triple door!"

Xue Qianwu is more and more curious. Is this setting up a maze? Why do you feel that the mechanism is mysterious?

Recalling what Xiugu said at that time, Xue Qianwu asked, "You just said that there are 360 square meters of small courtyards on this bottom alone... How big is the area of this garden? Can you build so many houses?"

Xiugu explained: "I am particularly impressed. When I was a child, I once climbed to the city gate and looked into the distance and knew the whole picture of Yiyuan. Yiyuan is an inverted cone as a whole. It walks through the water bridge and comes to the top of the main gate. The deeper it is, the wider it is..."

Xue Qianwu suddenly realized, "You said that Yiyuan is progressing layer by layer, and there is a room outside the room?"

The embroidered girl nodded and replied, "Although there are nine rooms in this double door, in fact, the function is the same. It is the cashier door and lottery door! Each door corresponds to a small house, which contains 40 single courtyards... Which courtyard will be drawn to, someone will take you there..."

Xue Qianwu's cold sweat flowed: "360 small courtyards, that's what happened!"

The embroidered aunt suddenly whispered, "Someone came to urge! Let's hesitate to delay for too long. Let's choose the road quickly!"

Xue Qianwu said, "I like to walk to the side door!" Then choose the leftmost side road!"

The embroidered aunt was speechless and followed her. The twists and turns, and the double door of choice is a large room of about 100 square meters, with hanging murals and ancient bottle flower arrangement, which has the simple and elegant feeling of a collection room. In several cases, there was a blue-skin registration book, and a beautiful scholar sat on the wooden chair next to the case.

It's new for scholars to manage accounts. Xue Qianwu was thinking about how to phrase and flirt. He only heard the man say gently, "There are many people walking on a bright and right path in the middle. Few people choose the left. We are also fate... Let's pay 99 taels of silver first!"

Xue Qianwu trembled so much that he could hardly stand. On the way, he listened to Xiu's aunt's words that he only needed nine taels! How come it has risen so fast in more than ten years! No wonder it is popular to say that the fastest price increase is the mistress except for the house!

I can't afford to kill them! Xue Qianwu turned around and said with a salivating face, "This handsome brother, you look more handsome than me!" You just said that we are predestined! Today, I was drinking outside and squandered too much money. It's not enough for a while... Can you be more flexible? I really miss the girls..."

The accountant's face was cold and he said contemptuously, "Have you ever seen a prostitute on credit? I think you obviously want to mess around and steal people's goods!"

Xue Qianwu was furious, and he had a good impression of him! Unexpectedly, it is extremely abominable to remove the veil of hypocrisy and reveal the original appearance! Xue Qianwu pretended to smile and touched his pocket and said, "I happened to touch it. I have a hundred taels!"

The accountant said, "Can't this work? Pay the money, you go in! That one or two will tip the girl!"

Xue Qianwu's hand stopped between the clothes and pouted at the embroidered man, "Then what should my brother do? We came together! His silver is with me, and the total is only one hundred taels! Can't you drive him away?"

The accountant glanced at them and said impatiently, "Ninety-nine taels, it's the cost of one person! One of you must go back! Get out of here!"

Xue Qianwu also sneered and dared to be tough? My sister has never been scared. She can really be called a master who eats soft but not hard! If it hadn't been for the loss, I would have barely made a smile for you. I guess I would have worked with you!

Since you don't know how to be praised, let's have an invincible battle of wits and courage!