The beggar's wife is enchanting

Chapter 82 When a woman sees a woman, she has a knife in fire

Yan Qingru swayed and had never met such an unpredictable strange guest. This pair of master servants, with great disparity in status, one is restrained and shy, and the other is half-psychivil. The superior master, who should have been a frivolous master, is like a virgin; the humble and low follower, but he is very arrogant and not serious at all.

Is it that she has too little knowledge of being a flower leader, or is this combination itself too strange?

Now she was a little stunned when she heard Xue Qianwu shouting to change clothes. Dressing is not a problem, the key is for whom.

Yan Qingru was a little afraid of Xue Qianwu. She calculated for a while with the remaining IQ, thinking about whether the master was still the master. The servant shouted to change clothes and did not specify which one to give. She chose to change clothes for the master. There was no fault in human kindness and justice. Even if the choice was wrong, the master and inferiority of the master and servant were reasonable. It can also be prevaried. What's more, although the little man is beautiful, he has an indescribable feeling, like a bottomless magnetic field. As soon as he approaches, he can't escape, which makes her afraid for no reason.

When her mind was confused and entangled, Hua Kuiyan Qingru finally made a choice, slightly trembling a pair of plump white jade hands, slender fingers, and moved close to the neckline of the embroidered aunt, ready to undress and untie.

The embroidered girl was scared, her face was gray, and she said incoherently, " stay away..."

Yan Qingru was hit hard. Although she is on the left and does not have the reputation of beauty and intelligence as authentic Huakui, at least she is famous for her beautiful appearance and stands out from the sisters. But who is not confused by her beauty and is fascinated by her? How can he have any reason to say "no"?

It is the first time that I have been rejected so ruthlessly. Her heart is numb, and she is so uncomfortable. She can't help touching her smooth cheeks with one hand. She is confused and self-confident. Has she reached the point where her charm is declining and there is no one to ask? If so, why are you so disliked?

Or grievance, or self-pity and self-sadness, the Hua Kui's eyes turned red and stopped there with tears.

The embroidered aunt was even more at a loss and cast a look at Xue Qianwu for help.

Xue Qianwu reacted slowly and realized the brain-damaged in his words just now. He was busy getting rid of the encirclement for the embroidered aunt and said, "Who told you to change clothes for her? Didn't you hear that Uncle Ben is calling?"

Sure enough, the slave was bigger than the sky. Yan Qingru panicked when she heard the words, forced herself to bear her tears, answered "The slave family was wrong", and then lowered her head. Her eyes were half raised and she dared not raise them. Her hands turned to Xue Qianwu's waist belt.

Xue Qianwu sat firmly and his expression did not change at all. Aunt Xiu opened her stunned eyes, and her heart hung up with trepidation - if it was untied, won't it be exposed?

The fire can't be wrapped in the paper, and it's difficult to change the gender of clothes. It's better not to do this kind of immoral thing like a man dressed as a woman to go shopping in the kiln in the future.

Aunt Xiu didn't know that Xue Qianwu was not the first time she had experienced such a scene. In the face of danger, the psychological quality is absolutely first-class. The ship naturally goes straight to the head of the bridge and is forced to survive in danger. It can't be stopped. What's the use of being anxious? Even if the clothes are taken off, they are all women. You don't have to be too ashamed. At most, it's not easy to end.

Xue Qianwu is really the best leathery material. When Hua Kuiyan touched him, he suddenly giggled twice, grabbed her hand and looked at her. He laughed and said, "You must have a pair of charming hands, cut like green onions, weak and boneless, even more pleasing than her face. Heart... Beauty, come closer and let me take a look at your palm..."

Yan Qingru's hand was improperly held by her. Obviously, she was restrained and could no longer move. With ten fingers connected to the heart, there is an indescribable warm current, flowing leisurely in the bottom of my heart.

Hua Kui was sweetly immersed for a long time, and suddenly caught a glimpse of Xue Qianwu's hands. Looking at them carefully, he couldn't help but be stunned. Generally speaking, as a little boy, he should have a pair of thick and strong palms. Not to mention that he has been seriously deformed and full of comebacks in years of work, at least he has to have some years of wind and frost. Take a step back, even if the little guy in front of him is very good and has a considerable position in the so-called Mr. Chen's family, he is at most tender.

The truth is that this little man's hand is not white and clear, but it is absolutely like a woman's hand, slender and beautiful, slightly skinny, natural skin tone and delicate texture.

Yan Qingru looked at it for a long time and opened her mouth and screamed, "You are a woman!"

Xue Qianwu's eyes suddenly narrowed, quickly covered the flower leader's greasy mouth, and threatened her lowly, "Aren't you stupid? You can actually see that I'm a woman!" Now I want you to say, what will you do if you know that I am a woman?

Yan Qingru didn't have time to answer. After a few more eyes, she said in panic and said, "Are you all women?"

Xue Qianwu is very depressed and not funny at all. This flower leader is really boring. Why did he wear it like this?

"What do you... want to do?" Hua Kui asked aggressively, "Do you want to enter Yiyuan to make a living, but there is no way out, so he specially came to entertain me and open up the link?" It's a pity that you two are so good-looking that the maid who lifts shoes for me can't be ranked. How can a man be moved when he sees it?

Sure enough, there is a place where men fight, and women see women, and their nature rejects them. A smart woman has a fire in the open and a knife in the dark, and a slightly stupid woman has a knife in the open and secret. The wind and moon places and the palace are especially good.

Xue Qianwu sighed and seemed to be in trouble.

Hearing Xue Qianwu's answer, Yan Qingru got up and ran out of the door and shouted with a pale face, "The female thief sneaked in!"

The embroidered aunt was so anxious that she almost fainted and was caught in such a fragrant nest. Even if she was not filled into the brothel, she would have to lose the old face of her ancestors. It's better to find a white silk and hang it on the tree outside.

Xue Qianwu was also embarrassed. If he did not take measures immediately, a large number of people and horses, together with samurai thres, would probably pour in.

Xue Qianwu was thinking about how to stop Hua Kui's second sound, so that there would not be too much shock, but all the sounds suddenly stopped in his ear. The sudden silence was like the destruction of the frozen grassland, and all the sounds completely ended.

The suppressed sense of urgency, with the complex feeling of the past, suddenly grabbed Xue Qianwu's thinking. Looking up, his eyes were a little tingling, thick black clothes like the mysterious water of the dark night, hunting and gorgeously floated into people's vision.

I haven't seen this strange and familiar, distant and close man for a long time. Or, it's as if I haven't seen you for a long time. Every time I see it, it is still such a thousand tastes. I can't say whether it's happiness or sorrow, hatred or regret.

Nangong Zhili waved his sleeves, and the courtyard door slowly closed behind him. The maids on duty, including the scholar shopkeeper who sent him to him, were all blocked outside. Hua Kuiyan Qingru's shouting, before it could be transmitted too far, as if it had been clipped off, echoing in the courtyard.

And she can't call anymore. Nangong Zhili somehow turned his arm around her neck. Yan Qingru swallowed two breaths with difficulty, and the light in her eyes gradually faded and extinguished like ashes.

When Nangong Zhili's arm moved away, the talented and delicate body, like a gorgeous butterfly that broke its wings, collapsed and fell to the ground without a cry.

Xue Qianwu has seen his fierceness and impermanence more than once, but every time there is a different creep.

"What did she do wrong? Why do you want to die?" Xue Qianwu was still stupid and asked such a powerless question angrily.

Nangong Zhili smiled indifferently, and his tone was full of mockery and contempt for the world's affairs: "No, I just don't want her to live."

His playful attitude angered her. Xue Qianwu frowned angrily, "It's human life and is deeply sinful. I blame you and wish you could die thousands of times!" I didn't want you to live for a long time. Why don't you die?"

Nangong Zhili's lips drew an ambiguous arc and smiled coldly, "I can influence her life and death and easily kill her. Can you kill me?"