The beggar's wife is enchanting

Chapter 127 Between the gravel heart, how to spend the years

"Is there anything fake?" Xue Qianwu's eyes were swollen, he pulled his fingers and said sadly, "There are still seven days left. They should all get married!"

Aunt Xiu was scared, but she didn't know what to say. She only said, "Well, in the next few days, I'm worried, you can live in the shoe village for the time being! You certainly don't want to see Master Dongfang become her groom. We just hide far away, learn how to make shoes from me, and develop the kind of shoes that the Empress Dowager wants..."

Xue Qianwu nodded and said tiredly, "When there is nothing to rely on, no matter what you do, it's just to pass the boring time!"

The embroidered aunt shook her head and objected: "Actually, it's not. That's because you regard your feelings as your support. If you take your favorite career as your support like me, you won't worry about gains and losses and feel bored.

"In the eyes of others, you are also very boring." Xue Qianwu said.

Xiugu smiled and said, "As long as you don't feel bored in the bottom of your heart, why do you care whether others are interesting or boring?"

Xue Qianwu was silent. After thinking about it, I decided to find a serious thing to do. It can be regarded as entertainment or as a profession. The key is that she can cultivate her mind and prevent her from thinking nonsense.

It is absolutely impossible to make shoes. She has nothing to do with this work for eight lifetime. It's okay to provide some inspiration ideas. If she is allowed to pinch the needle herself, it will definitely be torture. She is not suitable for cultivating her self-cultivation in silence, but for living in motion.

Therefore, Aunt Xiu wants this sister to learn how to make shoes, but I'm afraid it will be useless.

Xue Qianwu thought hard for most of the day and didn't come up with a suitable one for him. I happened to see birds jumping back and forth in the shade of trees, and a very devious idea came out. She greeted Qin Yan and asked, "What is your level of playing slingshots?"

Qin Yan didn't know why she asked about this. At the same time, she looked at the embroidered aunt's face and sincerely replied, "When I was a child, I often used a slingshot to fight birds and compete with my friends. I sent 81 rings in a row to see who killed more, and then faded the birds and dressed them into skewers for barbecue..."

Speaking of this, Qin Yan was embarrassed to scratch his head and added, "After following Mr. Dongfang, he didn't eat much meat and didn't advocate shooting these creatures, so I had to throw away all those slingshots and other things! In a flash, I haven't touched a slingshot or anything for many years.

Xue Qianwu said, "But with your aim, even if you don't need a slingshot, can you pick up a stone at will, a thisbulus, can you hit it?"

Qin Yan thought for a moment and smiled, "I really haven't tried this! But if you use arrows, it's barely possible to walk through Yang in a hundred steps!"

Xue Qianwu clapped his hands and said, "You have this unique skill. How about teaching me?"

Xiugu interrupted, "You are a girl, and you don't go to the battlefield to kill the enemy. Why do you learn from that?"

Xue Qianwu mysteriously said, "I don't want to learn that, I just want to practice the accuracy of my eyesight..."

"Is your eyesight not good?" Xiu's aunt Qin Yan asked in unison.

Xue Qianwu replied, "If you deal with daily activities, it's good enough; but I want to use the stunt for self-cultivation, you must have a sharper eye!"

The two were stunned when they heard this, and Xue Qianwu said very jumpy: "I want to plant a lot of jujube trees in the yard..."

"What else?" Aunt Xiu was alert and questioned her.

Xue Qianwu's crying gray face showed a smile and said mischievously, "To make jujube cake, nectar and jujube wine! Food can not only relieve stivation, but also cultivate temperament!"

The embroidered aunt looked at her suspiciously and shook her head to show her disbelief.

Qin Yan also thinks it's strange. Most of the people who generally study food are good wives and mothers. Like this tricky narrow-minded woman in front of her, she is restless without finding something for a while. How can she plant trees to make delicious food? Unbelievable!

In particular, she has just been traumatized, and I'm afraid she won't make some living in and out of the kitchen.

As expected, but I never thought of it. Xue Qianwu coughed and said, "I planted a large number of jujube trees, in fact, in order to get a lot of jujube cores!"

"What do you want to do with the jujube core?" Xiu opened her beautiful eyes and asked puzzled.

Xue Qianwu recalled thoughtfully, "I want to practice a unique skill of 'date core nail'!"

Being that they didn't understand the connotation of "date core nail", Xue Qianwu found a bead, which was contained in his mouth, and said hesitantly, "Look at it!" As soon as the words fell, I only heard a "poof" sound. The beads had been sprayed out by Xue Qianwu and hit the opposite wall.

"What are you doing?" Xiugu touched Xue Qianwu's head. I'm really afraid that this girl will be stimulated and her nerves will be wrong.

Xue Qianwu said at a length: "You can imagine replacing this round bead with a sharp and angular jujube core! If my eyesight is good enough to see the ants as big wheels and hit wherever they want, isn't it more powerful than the divine archer? If I cultivate my internal skills again and reach a certain depth, and stand here, I can shoot the core in my mouth dozens of meters away, and even break through the wall, what kind of realm is that? And this also requires strong skills, tenacity and cultivation! Decades are like a day, unwavering and tireless, to achieve positive results! Just like making shoes, jujube core nails are also a unique skill, focusing on heat and levels... This kind of practice can be carried out in silence, in motion, sitting, standing, or even lying on its side and hanging! As for what step I can cultivate, please wait and see!"

Aunt Xiu was stunned and trembled all over. It took a long time to find her voice: "It sounds creepy! If you practice, you will become used to nature. If you see people spraying people and birds, won't everything become scarred under your mouth?

"I never thought that under the cover of such a warm and sweet thing as jujube cake and nectar, I would be so cruel!" Qin Yan's tone was praised, degraded, and praised. Finally, he actually brought some meanings to let it go, reminding Xue Qianwu, "Your internal strength is insufficient. I'm afraid that if you don't practice this, you will never reach such a high level! It's okay to scare children, but it can't even hurt half a bird! When you meet a master like Dongfang, it's like playing!"

Xue Qianwu was very discouraged. This Qin Yan also looked at people in the cracks of the door and flattened her! Xue Qianwu is secretly angry. Once he gets a little good in the future, he will take you as an experimental product!

Aunt Xiu looked at her angrily, looked at Qin Yan, and said with a faint smile, "What are you doing to hit her? This time she is going to make a relationship with you!"

Qin Yan doesn't understand. Is it wrong to seek truth from facts? I really can't figure out what these little girls think. Because Aunt Xiu said the words, Qin Yan listened comfortably, so he thought about it and didn't say half of the words incongruous.

Xue Qianwu looked at them. **I noticed that the surging loom appeared in love. So he resolutely stopped being a light bulb, turned around and left the house, closed the door with his backhand, and left a sentence, "I haven't seen you for many days. You two can complain to yourself. I won't be here anymore."

She has had enough time with Dongfang Ye. If you can spend more time with the people you love in your lifetime, then this moment is memorable, white, gentle and exquisite. Even if the separation is lost due to various compelling reasons, the evening love exists and the old idea is there.

Xue Qianwu went to the back garden and picked up some old pine nuts, kernels and so on. Before she planted jujube trees, most of the time, except for buying some dates, she could only use these reluctantly.

With a jujube nucleus, Xue Qianwu wandered leisurely and walked to the side of Biluotang. The water and grass inside are green, and there are all kinds of fish swimming around.

Xue Qianwu got up and stared at a fish with flower spots on his back. With a "sw" sound, he aimed the jujube core nail and shot it out. She was happy and said that the stupid fish must have been stunned by me.

After the water wave calmed down, I opened my eyes and looked at the bottom of the water. How can there be half a fish shadow?

After staring for a long time, another group of sneaky fish came over. Xue Qianwu was unwilling to use all the weapons that could be used in her pocket. Unfortunately, she was so tired that her cheeks hurt. After all, her broken jujube core nails could not match the flexibility of swimming fish.

At this time, Xiugu Qin Yan was frozen in the house, both restrained and didn't know what to say. Qin Yan's mind unconsciously remembered the meeting, just in time for the scene of the embroidered aunt changing clothes. The exquisite body was in his mind again, and his black face turned red.

The embroidered aunt seemed to feel something. She took a sip and said uncomfortablely, "Are you going out or shall I go out?"

Qin Yan gave a sound and subconsciously said, "I... I'm going out..." Although he said so, his footsteps did not move at all.

The embroidered aunt said angrily, "What are you lingering about? If you don't go out, I'll just go out!"

As soon as the words fell, he really walked away from Qin Yan's side. Qin Yan was anxious. This was originally someone else's house. How could he be noisy and let Xiu go out?

So he didn't care about avoiding suspicion. After all, the martial arts man was rude and grabbed Xiu's arm. Aunt Xiu didn't know that he would be so bold, with a pale face, his body slipped, the soles of his feet slipped, and he fell into Qin Yan's arms.

Qin Yan only felt that his nose was fragrant and delicate, filling his daughter's delicate fragrance. Under his red face and red ears, his arms involuntarily hugged the embroidered aunt mechanically.

Probably the two people's thoughts were broken. One was willing to hold him, the other did not move, and the situation was quietly deadlocked there. Aunt Xiu even felt that under the cover of a breath she had never tasted, her mind was a little dizzy, and her body was gradually drained away. She was as soft as drunk, and her happiness was as open as a lotus.

Is this evil? Xiu Gu lay on Qin Yan's broad chest. Qin Yan circled her in panic, excitement and joy, and his heartbeat gradually coincided, as if he had me and me in me, which was integrated into harmony.

After Xue Qianwu consumed all the jujube cores, he forgot why he went out at the beginning. He foolishly returned to the house and kicked the door. The first love couple who were immersed in the wonderful feeling not far behind the door were so shocked that they let go of each other. Xue Qianwu was a little unfavorable. He reacted for a long time and said, "Why is it like this again?"

Qin Yan was extremely embarrassed and had nothing to say: ""

Xue Qianwu sighed, "Last time I touched my waist with one hand, and this time I put two arms around my waist!" It's really a taste of eating marrow, and you have to get an inch! I've been taught, I've been taught!"

Qin Yan didn't understand for a moment. Xiugu was intelligent and thorough. She immediately understood what Xue Qianwu meant, and she was so ashamed that she couldn't even breathe smoothly.

Qin Yan thought for a long time. If he realized something, it turned out that one hand and two hands were typing a secret word. Looking at the poor appearance of Aunt Xiu who couldn't straighten her head, Qin Yan straightened her waist, coughed, raised her eyebrows and said to Xue Qianwu, "What's the beauty? If the scenes of you and Master Dongfang are exposed, it will shock the eyes of the whole world.

Xue Qianwu heard him mention Dongfang Ye, and his heart was blocked, and he couldn't bear to recall those years of love. He said sadly, "You are so together! I'll just take some things and go out in a minute.

The embroidered aunt Qin Yan looked at each other and didn't know how to enlighten this sad little resentful girl. I watched her rummaging through the boxes and cupboards, and went out without saying a word.

The embroidered aunt Qin Yan was inserted by her. Anyway, she didn't have the atmosphere just now, and she followed her out one after the other. It's not easy to disturb, but curious. He stopped far away and looked at Xue Qianwu's strange behavior.