The beggar's wife is enchanting

Chapter 134 Wei Guifei is out of favor, the little prince's orphan

Xue Qianwu and the two sisters of Xiugu live a leisurely and comfortable life in the small farmyard, of course, if the back pain is ignored. Xue Qianwu couldn't see how deep the wound was, but faintly felt it. If there was no scar, it would be lucky. Taking a step back, if you can save your life, it is already the great compassion of the emperor Buddha Guanyin Bodhisattva. What scar do you care about? Anyway, if Master Dong has married a wife, he is likely not to marry. Whether the skin is good or not, it is covered in the clothes. You can't see me. What's the difference between one scar and one scar? Only in my heart, this is the price of love. Xue Qianwu always has various reasons to excuse his life, which makes him more relieved.

After living with the Lotus Tu couple for so many days, they slowly looked down on those vigorous life-and-death attachments and felt that it would be a great blessing to find a fun person to live a lifetime. Interesting is a wonderful word. It can happen between two people with different personalities or two people with similar habits. For example, the two brothers and sisters-in-law, looking at the appearance, are simply a type that can't be bound by the world. One is like drinking horse blood and slaughtering, and the other is like Jiangnan water for skin. Together, they can be compatible with each other.

It seems that interest in the heart is extremely important. It is only about fun, and it can be divided into many kinds, such as fun and fun. Different interests and feelings are naturally different, but they all have different tastes. What can make marriage or fate into a desperate situation is just boring. This kind of boredom is different from the boredom that often hangs in words, but a sense of boredom that grows in the depths of their hearts, so that people can't find fighting spirit, can't lift their motivation, and can't gather their mood, so they can expect a sense of emotional crisis.

Besides, Dongfang Biren, stood in the wind and rain all night. In the next few days, there was still no news from Xue Qianwu. In addition, he needed to accompany the princess through various wedding processes. He was physically and mentally exhausted and fell ill. Dongfang Biren's disease generally does not need to be treated. With calm adjustment, it can be cured without treatment. The premise is that there is no messy trouble.

Before Master Dongfang fell ill, when Princess Su Ko returned to the palace to visit her mother, Queen Li, Dongfang Biren said a few words and quietly came out. He went straight to the prince's mansion and saw Zhao Qian accompanying the crown princess to choose jade pendants. After meeting each other, Dongfang Biren examined the girl's appearance. Liu's Caipin, who only listens to the name, is a beautiful girl who comes out of the deep boudoir. She is gentle, virtuous and kind, and must be a good helper in taking care of the family. As for the number of plans and the depth of the city, it can only be found over time.

Compared with Princess Suko, Liu Cai's appearance seems to have changed qualitatively, not to mention combing the woman's bun, the bride's various expressions and reactions are inadvertently flowing out. It seems that Prince Zhao gave in and finally accepted the marriage. Many men and women who do not have the freedom to fall in love are cultivated in coexistence after marriage. It has nothing to do with the throbbing of the soul, but just a partner in life. Close to family affection, it doesn't seem to be so heartfelt. Over time, it can also be like lips and teeth, which are closely related, sharing honor and disgrace. It's not the person you love the most, but the most suitable person to stand beside you, standing shoulder to shoulder with you and bowing to the world.

Zhao Qian met Dongfang Biren, but he also cared about his friends' feelings and did not ask Princess Sucome any topic. That's their business. One is his own sister and the other is his good friend. If they accept or even love each other, it is naturally good. If there is a small conflict between the young couple in the future, as a brother, he can also be a peacemaker and mediate well, and laugh and make fun of a few words. But now the situation is different. As early as that day, after he picked up the princess and went home, he heard the maids quietly talk about the passiveness of Dongfang's wedding scene.

What can he say? This is not enough. Sister K'er voluntarily chose this road and was destined to run in for a long time. Just like he has no special feelings for the crown princess Liu Cai, but if everyone is married, can he go back? He has reached the age of the concubine, and others were almost fathers when he was so old. So in the gentleness of the crown princess, he obediently and became his husband.

Prince Zhao didn't see the scene of Dongfang's bridal chamber, but it can be imagined that it will not be smooth. Occasionally, Prince Zhao's heart is also thinking about the burning woman. I don't know what she looks like, or does she still live with that sister in the shoe house? Whenever I think about it, I will be slightly distracted. It was not until someone came over and shouted him out of meditation that he returned to normal.

Princess Suko visited her father Zhao Yuan and Empress Li, and then went to visit Empress Dowager Gao with her mother. Next, she was Liu Shufei, and even Wei Guifei. Going to see Wei Guifei is not the main purpose. The key is to see how the little prince Zhao Shuo is doing.

It still doesn't seem to get better, and my face is full of saliva. Not to mention that, the stupidity in the sleeping phase is really obvious. Normally, Princess Sucome has successfully married a woman, and Wei Guifei should slowly become happy. However, after all, this is a very mysterious bet. Only on the day the princess left the palace in a big red wedding dress, she burst into tears with joy. After that, her heart hung up again and watched the change of the little prince every day without blinking.

Looking forward to the miracle, my son can jump up again, feel smart and amuse everyone. Unfortunately, it's hard to stay up every day and night, and there is no better at all. Emperor Zhao Yuan came more often than usual, and every time he came with hope and disappointment. Asked about the mage who said he was going to marry the princess, the man also said that only when the princess and her husband reach a real couple will the little prince's condition slowly get better and need to wait patiently.

The latter part is full of nonsense, focusing on the first sentence. The emperor and Wei Guifei are also smart. Naturally, they understand the voice over voice, but it is difficult to ask Princess Sucome. How can they ask the younger generation**? I couldn't let go of the little prince, so I hinted to Empress Li and asked her to ask her daughter in private what was going on.

Empress Li closed the door while Master Dongfang was away, rejected the maids, and prepared to have a heart-to-heart talk with her daughter. When Empress Li looked at her daughter's bun between the girl and the young woman and asked why she didn't comb the woman's bun, Princess Suko's eyes turned red and she cried for a long time. She said sadly, "Brother Dongfang has hardly entered the new house. He went there once in the wedding night. After coaxing her to sleep, he stood outside the door all night! Not only the parents-in-law, but also the maids and maids in the prime minister's mansion, almost everyone knows these situations and wears their own women's buns. Isn't that a joke? However, after getting married and combing the girl's bun, I felt even more embarrassed. After thinking about it, I changed it a little and combed a hairstyle between the two..."

Queen Li was helpless and said with frosty face, "He doesn't go to your room. Where does he spend the night on weekdays? Isn't it going to the little beggar's shoe store?"

Princes Sucome shook her head and said, "My aunt saw that he was very strict. If she couldn't see it for a while, she sent people to look around, so the eldest brother of the East usually spent the night in the prime minister's house... However, he rarely slept, either standing outside the door or standing on the pavilion without saying a word, which was extremely scary... Extremely occasionally, he When he was sleepy, he casually laid a floor outside and slept alone, but he didn't dare to call him..."

Queen Li sighed and patted her daughter sadly and said, "Mother understands."

Princess Sucome listened and said uneasily, "What does the mother want her daughter to do?"

Empress Li asked, "Koer, Ren'er is naturally good, but he doesn't have you in his heart. Are you sure you don't regret it?"

Princes Sucome nodded and bit her lips and said, "Since the moment she came out of the sedan chair, Koer has been determined. Even if you live in the prime minister's mansion and watch him guard him, you will accept his fate!"

Queen Li's eyes were wise and calm, "Do you really accept your fate? Will he leave you cold in the empty room?"

"What can I do?" Princess Suo said bitterly, "I just waited. One day he suddenly changed his mind, saw my good, moved by my waiting, and then ended my unrequited love..."

Empress Li was melancholy and patted her daughter on the shoulder and said, "As the daughter of the emperor, how can she grow up in the emperor's family? Or an incompassable tendon?"

Princes Sucome looked at her mother confusedly and only heard her say lightly and resolutely, "If you don't love him, abandon him. If you love him, take him away!" The so-called love is just a game of grabbing and grabbing! Whoever is more ruthless and more skillful can win the final victory! In the end, in fact, you will find that love is no longer important. You have become the only and most capable person around him.

Princes Suko thought for a moment and said, "Does the queen want me to win the heart of the eldest brother of the East like a woman in the harem to compete for my father? But Brother Dongfang is different. His mind is very firm..."

Queen Li laughed and said, "What is firmness? It's a big mistake to think that men are firm! Men are the most unstable and brave animals in the world. They are very weak. It depends on how you can touch their weakness.

Princes Sucome asked, "Does Brother Dongfang have any weakness?"

Queen Li praised: "Ren'er is extremely resilient. They all say that 'benevolent people enjoy mountains, wise people enjoy water', but both of them are compatible and stored in him, looking relaxed and impeccable."

"How can the daughter touch his weakness?" Princess Sucome is still puzzled.

"It's a little too early to tell you this now. After all, the mother still doesn't know what Ren'er is thinking..." Empress Li added, "Your Eastern brother's weakness lies in filial piety and sense of responsibility. These two aspects are originally advantages, but in many cases, the advantages are people's fatal weaknesses..."

Princes Sukou was a little dumbfounded and asked stupidly: "Since the weakness is fatal, why did the mother let her daughter touch the weakness of Brother Dongfang?" So you don't want his life? My daughter is determined not to!"

Queen Li suddenly became a little disappointed with her daughter when she heard this. It seems that if you want to teach her some strategies now, you will only be self-defeating, and maybe even your mother will be shaken out.

Let her suffer some inner pain first and practice it. When she has enough in her heart, when she can quietly suppress her sadness and joy, when she can hear the sound of words, when she has enough courage and determination, that's when she really grows up.

However, now, she needs to suffer some emotional pain. Although as a mother, she doesn't want to see her daughter suffer. The road of the rest of her life depends on herself. If she does not develop a certain quality, she will never be able to go to the end. Therefore, Queen Li chose to be silent and dusty and refused to say another word.

If you say it too early, it's wasted, and it's better to accumulate. In the future, she will only stand behind her daughter, secretly guide her, help her get up when she falls, and sum up the lessons to make her realize the cruel reality.

After the family visit, Dongfang Biren and Princess Su Ko returned to the prime minister's mansion together. Emperor Zhao Yuan asked Empress Li, "How are they doing?"

Empress Li only smiled and said, "Ren'er is a shy real gentleman. She has been treated as a brother and sister since she was a child. Young people are thin-skinned and can't change roles for a while, so it's difficult to adapt... After a long time, the couple's gifts will naturally work... Don't be in a hurry. Let them find feelings and come slowly."

Zhao Yuan sighed, "I didn't expect these awkwardness between them. It's nothing, but I'm worried about Shuo'er's condition.

Queen Li wiped her eyes with a veil and said sadly, "This is just a mage's statement, and it may not be accurate. Shuo'er may not have been like this after that fall. The emperor knew that Shuo'er was a premature baby. When the midwife gave birth, it was slightly bigger than the emperor's fist. Although he has been healthy and has not been bad since then, no one knows if there is any hidden danger... As a result, Koer's mistake..."

Zhao Yuan heard this and was a little angry: "Are you defending Koer?"

Queen Li saw that the emperor was annoyed, knelt down quietly and cried and said, "Koer has a bad temper. Although it has something to do with my upbringing as a mother is not enough, does it matter if the emperor has always spoiled her and condoned her mistakes? Now Shuo'er's illness, my concubine dare not dare to make ablous decision that it was caused by Ku'er, but Ku'er is the most direct factor, and no one can escape this... The noble concubine said that she would marry Ku'er, so the concubine listened to her and was reluctant to marry her daughter in advance. The noble concubine said that she wanted Ku'er to become a real woman, and the concubine gave up her face to ask. The reason for Koer's boudoir! Shuo'er is the son of the Zhao family. If the emperor loves him, won't the concubine hurt him? But it has happened. In addition to blaming Kor and driving her out of the palace to marry, how can we force her? Isn't Koer the emperor's son? The emperor still has Qian'er and newly accepted the crown princess. How many times does the emperor want to visit them?

Speaking of this, Empress Li has burst into tears: "Koer is married, Qian'er is married, and my concubine has nothing now. Has the emperor ever thought about my concubine's situation?"

Zhao Yuan listened to Queen Li's call, and his mood was indistinguishable. He gradually transitioned from anger just now to sadness, and even a little ashamed. For a long time, he pulled her up and said, "I know you have worked hard. You have worked too hard for Keren'er during this period! I am busy with my official business, and the queen should also pay attention to take care of her body!"

After saying this, Zhao Yuan left. Queen Li looked at his back and lightly wiped away the tears. Koer has become a daughter-in-law. Even if she has made any mistakes, will she still be led by fate? Queen Li sneered in her heart.

However, it was said that the emperor spent this night with Wei Guifei. Wei Guifei talked about Shuo'er's illness again and complained about Princess Suko in her words. Zhao Yuan was a little annoyed and said, "Don't blame Kou'er anymore. She is not on the intention!" At that time, there were so many people present, and no one caught it before Shuo'er landed, which only showed that it was God's will! Now Koer is from the prime minister's mansion, but she is rooted in the royal family and has been talking about this, which can make Koer's mother-in-law's family feel relieved? Can you make Koer live a good life?"

When Wei Guifei heard this, her heart was cold to her back. Is this a sign of losing her favor? I couldn't help sobbing and sobbing, "Then our Shuo'er... won't care anymore? Is the emperor going to abandon our mother and son?

Zhao Yuan turned over and said, "Of course it's all right! Continue to find the best doctor and treat him! If it can't be eradicated, it will be helpless.

Fe Concubine Wei was full of sadness, rising and falling from time to time, and tears wet the red pillow. It's not easy to have a son in my life, but what happened, who knows whether it was intentional or accidental? If my son can't get better, I will never let each of you go.

Zhao Yuan did not sleep soundly. Before the early morning, he put on his clothes and yawned. He didn't look at Wei Guifei again and didn't say another word.

Don't comb or wash until breakfast. The wet nurse came with the noisy little Zhao Shuo in her arms. Wei Guifei suddenly felt a sharp sense of distress in her heart and pinched her son's pink neck.

The dull and blunt little Zhao Shuo is completely unaware of the disturbances of the world. Even if his brain is not severely damaged, I guess he will not understand why his mother, who loves her as a sweetheart, suddenly goes crazy and wants to poison herself?

Little Zhao Shuo made a whining sound, and his eyes suddenly opened and closed. It was already white and black. The wet nurse was shocked and said with tears, "Your concubine, what are you doing?"

Wei Guifei gritted her teeth and said, "The son born in a concubine is of low status. No one will look up to him, let alone take it in his heart! I wanted to have an excellent and good son, which can change this fate! Now that he has fallen into a disability, what's the use of him? It's just to attract more ridicule for the palace! No one cares about him. It's better to strife him!"

The wet nurse is also a person who has been in trouble in the palace for a long time. Looking at this situation, it is expected that the noble concubine Wei will not be the emperor's heart. She has also seen with her own eyes the examples of defavored women, all kinds of strange and similar mental diseases.

I didn't care too much. I quickly pinched and bit, broke off Wei Guifei's hand, and left a back road for herself and said, "Your concubine, calm down! No matter what the little prince is, he is still a life! It's also the flesh and blood that fell from your body! Why are you willing to stride him? One day, if a miracle happens and the little prince gets better, won't it be extremely regretful? Besides, the emperor loved Shuo'er so much, maybe he was just entangled by official business for a while and didn't take care of her. What would he react if the emperor knew that the Empress had strangled Shuo'er with her own hands?

The nanny's words made Wei Guifei a little hysterical and calmed down a lot. She squatted down with her hands, covered her face, and cried sadly. Those plump and white hands, which were bitten by the wet nurse, kept bleeding out.