The beggar's wife is enchanting

Chapter 137 Sister-in-law is happy, but the urn is discouraged

As soon as the sky was bright, the embroidered aunt and the Lotus Tu couple hurriedly came. They opened the wooden door and saw Xue Qianwu's boat leaning against the shore. She was squatting in the cabin, holding her cheeks in her hand, and her eyes were half-closed, as if she was doting in fear.

The Dutch woman quickly reached in front of her face and looked left and right to see if there was anything wrong. Xue Qianwu finally came to his senses and giggled at the three people. Aunt Xiu pointed to her clothes and asked worriedly, "Why are you so wet?"

Xue Qianwu was stunned and hurriedly said, "Last night, when I was sleepwalking, I saw a lotus as white as snow in a trance. There was a pink jade doll sitting in the stamens. I liked it very much, so I ran over and hugged him. As a result, I almost overturned the boat. I fluttered for a long time before I stabilized myself, but I was splashed water and wet my clothes. ......”

The three of them looked at each other in con'sinuum. However, looking at her sleeping like this, it is indeed like the kind of night travel, beating people, kicking quilts and getting hiletic, and all bad habits are possible. The Dutch woman covered her heart and booed with pity, "Fortunately, my sister's balance is good. You said that if you accidentally fall into the water and can't swim or something, we won't die if we are not around..."

Xue Qianwu saw that she was about to cry and hurriedly comforted, "My sister-in-law, don't worry! Don't you think I'm fine?"

The embroidered aunt also said, "Dream is a good dream! Dreaming of lotus blooming seems to indicate harmony and beauty; the white and fat doll is even more a good omen..."

The Lotus Tu couple were reminded by the embroidery aunt that they were all thinking about the connotation of this dream. Xue Qianwu is a little guilty. After all, he made it up nonsense. How can he take it seriously? So a sentence interrupted your thoughts: "Is this unclear? The watery lotus naturally represents my sister-in-law! A fat doll grows in the lotus flower, hey hey..."

Xue Qianwu squeezed his eyebrows and smiled, "Isn't it just that my sister-in-law is going to have a fat son?"

As soon as the words came out, I saw some sadness hidden between the Dutch woman's eyebrows. Only then did Xue Qianwu realize that he had said something wrong. The couple has been married for two or three years. The couple have a very good relationship, but there are no children around them. It is not difficult to conclude that the Dutch woman has never been pregnant.

Hehua Tu saw that his wife was not happy and quickly persuaded her, "Don't worry about it. My sister has no intention and inadvertently mentioned it..."

Xiu Gu and Xue Qianwu are both unmarried. When they encounter such distressed things, they have no experience and don't know how to persuade them. Lotus Tu's clumsy tongue, and the woman may have been ashamed of this, covering her face and crying softly. Lotus Tu rubbed his hands. Xue Qianwu and Xiugu stared at their small eyes. Just as they were so uncomfortable that they didn't know what to do, the crying woman suddenly had a nausea and bent down and vomited.

This change is surprising and then suspicious. Lotus Tu only thought that it had hurt his stomach and urgently asked Lang Zhong to see it. Langzhong took his pulse seriously and said with a happy smile, "She is happy. It's been three or two since I watched this pulse, and there hasn't been any reaction?"

The lotus slaughter bloomed happily, stood there and fainted for a long time, and suddenly jumped up and down and shouted, "I want to be a father!" I'm going to be a father!"

The Dutch woman was also so happy that she had no time to talk about her forgotten husband. She answered Langzhong's words: "Occasionally, I just thought it was because of heatstroke, and it was okay to rest. Unexpectedly... What a surprise..."

Lang Zhong said with great understanding, "How long have you lived?"

"Two years and three months..." The Dutch woman lowered her neck and said.

Lang Zhong nodded and said, "No wonder I didn't pay attention! I thought I wouldn't come, but when I was discouraged, I came unexpectedly!" Then there were a lot of instructions, from all aspects of diet, living and maintaining mood. Xiugu and Xue Qianwu listened, which was both shy and novel, and they also took a fertility class in advance.

After the Langzhong left, Xiu Gu and Xue Qianwu, left and right, held the Dutch woman and returned to the yard. Lotus Tu was full of excitement, but he couldn't get his hands in. He was so anxious that his face turned red and scratched his ears and cheeks. He was very cute.

Back to the room, the two girls helped the Dutch woman who had not yet appeared to **. Then the two women showed their skills and began to cook, and everything was done for them.

During the meal, Lotus Tu thanked Xue Qianwu. At first, she was puzzled. The Dutch woman explained happily with a smile, "Didn't I borrow your good dreams and borrow your good words?"

Xue Qianwu's sense of holiness filled his heart at that moment. After breakfast, Aunt Xiu made it clear that she wanted to go home. The Lotus Butcher couple were reluctant to live and were very reluctant to stay. The two girls were so moved that they almost cried, but they couldn't live any longer.

When Lotus Tu asked where their family was and wanted to send them back, Xue Qianwu replied with a smile, "What can there be done in broad daylight! A few miles away from here, I will be home soon! Just take good care of your sister-in-law. Don't be busy with lotus ponds and fish fry. Everything will be put back!"

Is it? "It's just about the food and clothing at home! It is still necessary to work, otherwise the baby will suffer even more when it is born!"

Xue Qianwu listened and said in an ordered tone, "I won't bother you this year!" I have contracted this lotus pond, including the land, including the fish and lotus root in it, how much money is worth?

Lotus Tu couldn't understand his meaning and replied, "After calculation, it's just a hundred and ten taels."

Xue Qianwu said, "Then it will be mine from now on! Until the child is one year old, I will transfer the lotus pond to you! In these two days, I will send the contracted silver two to someone! The point is that in the days when I took over, even if the fish fry are dead and the lotus root is dry, I won't have to take care of it!"

Lotus Tu was stunned, and her heart was clear. She knew that this sister was trying her best to help her family, but she was afraid of hurting her husband's dignity, which made him not accept it, so she went around such a circle. Although there is a good intention to repay kindness, it is more of a sincere good heart.

The Dutch woman was moved and asked, "What does my sister's family do?"

When Aunt Xiu heard the words, she touched her beggar sister with her elbow. Xue Qianwu understood it immediately, but in fact, she knew it in her heart. It is inconvenient to reveal the identity.

Although the female owner of Kanping Shoe Village has no official title, she is also a famous figure in the capital. He is not only skillful and wise, but also has a deep relationship with Dongfang Ye. If the Lotus Butcher couple know their identity, I'm afraid they will have a sense of distance. What's more, Xue Qianwu's injury involves too much. If he is not careful, he will involve innocent outsiders.

Combining the above, Xue Qianwu made a kind lie and said, "My sister and I live in a hutong in the west of the city. My father is doing business abroad. My mother and sister are both skillful and often make some shoes for rich and noble families, and our family is quite superior. I'm a casual person who likes prodigal. My mother said that as long as I don't lose to come home, play nonsense outside, and let me make a fuss! It happened that I had already taken a fancy to my elder brother and sister-in-law's lotus pond, so I contracted to come here to play! Brother, you can promise. You can't go back on your word.

The lotus slaughter is very dull. Listening to this reason, thinking that the lotus pond that condensed her painstaking efforts will be ruined by her, I feel reluctant to give up.

The lotus woman's human body will take her painstaking efforts and said to her husband, "Let her go!" Believe my sister, she is hard-mouthed and soft-hearted, and she will definitely take good care of her!"

The lotus slaughter swallowed and said nothing more. Xue Qianwu was also afraid that he would regret it. He mischievly took a wooden stick and stained the ashes from the bottom of the pot and said, "Painting is proof!"

The Dutch woman couldn't help smiling, but she was so moved that tears were about to come out.

After dinner, the Dutch woman didn't listen to anything and insisted on getting up to give them a ride. Finally, under the persuasion of Xiu Gu and Xue Qianwu, Fang stopped dozens of steps away from the door.

In order not to suspect the Lotus Tu couple, they turned west before returning to Kanping Shoe Village.

When it was still far from the gate of Kanping Shoe Village, the guys recognized their bodies and almost cried with joy. The group came up and surrounded them. After being intimate for a while, Xue Qianwu asked Jingqi and Ronger, "Isn't anyone coming during this period?"

Rong'er replied crisply, "Brother Qin Yan, live in the backyard!"

Jing Qi was quite unhappy to hear Qin Yan's name. He stood aside sullenly and muttered in a low voice, "That man learned his own skills in vain, and he didn't know how to look for two landlords around and ran to the master's room all day to be stunned!"

Rong'er smiled and said, "Brother Qin Yan wants to see if the master has come back!" It's okay if you don't treat Dongfang Ye's guests well. He is always angry and wants to find faults!"

Aunt Xiu couldn't hear them mix up and asked quickly, "How is he now? Which room am I in?"

"It's the room where when you get up early, making shoes, eating and changing clothes are all in one place." Aunt Xiu's heart suddenly beat fast. She stopped saying anything and hurried to check.

Xue Qianwu heard the inner smell and quietly followed Sister Xiu and went in the direction of the room. Walking under the window, Xue Qianwu did not dare to take the liberty to move forward and was afraid of shocking the people he met. Looking in secretly, Sister Xiu paused and seemed to be a little hesitant. She approached the standing man and asked in a low voice, "What are you doing standing here?"

When he only heard the sound, Qin Yan's body was shocked. He suddenly turned around, and his eyes burst into a light of joy and excitement. He opened his mouth several times before he stammed and said, "Are you back?"

The embroidered aunt said with a cold face, "Let's go out and talk."

"Isn't it good here?" Qin Yan complained a little: "They haven't seen you for a long time. If they go outside, they won't have a chance for me to talk!"

The embroidered aunt didn't say anything when she heard this. Qin Yan was also not easy to speak. He looked at her in a daze, with meticulous and warm eyes. Aunt Xiu was uncomfortable and asked again, "Are you here all day?"

"When I couldn't find you, I went straight into this room as soon as I came back..." Qin Yan said this and suddenly remembered something important and looked around quickly: "Where's your sister-in-law? Sister-in-law, has she come back?

Xue Qianwu shook his head outside, sighed, and finally remembered me. Hurry back a few steps away from the window and pretend that you have just arrived here.

Qin Yan came out with Aunt Xiu. When he saw Xue Qianwu, he shouted in a hoarse voice, "Sister-in-law! ..." It seemed to contain too many words, only this sentence, and it was chok there.

Xue Qianwu's eyes are also a little sour: "Well, it's time to be happy!" What's the look of a dowman?"

"My sister-in-law is still in the mood to laugh!" Qin Yan said urgently, "Master Dongfang is worried about you and can't find you everywhere. In addition, he has all kinds of troubles. Now he is sick in bed and hasn't eaten much for several days!"

Xue Qianwu's liver and lungs were trembling, and his heart ached. He lost his voice and asked, "Where is he? In the new mansion or the prime minister's mansion?

Qin Yan replied, "Originally, I was recovering in the new mansion. The old lady couldn't let it go and said that she would take me back. Now there is a bed in the study of the prime minister's mansion, where I live..."

Xue Qianwu is a little broad-hearted, as long as he doesn't live in the wedding room. My heart was complicated, sour and painful, and I had no idea at all. In the face of Dongfang's close guards, I could no longer spit out a word.

Aunt Xiu was also anxious and said, "I saw his illness, mostly because of his heart!" Otherwise, according to his physique and medical treatment, how could he fall ill? It can't be delayed. The beggar sister should go to see him quickly! If you go this time, you will definitely get rid of the disease!"

Qin Yan also echoed, "Let's go there now!"

Xue Qianwu was worried and anxious, but his steps were very heavy. He reluctantly walked a few steps and suddenly stopped and said, "I still won't go!" Qin Yan wrote a letter and said that I had returned to the shoe village safely. Everything was fine. Tell him to calm down and don't worry about it..."

"How can this work?" Although Qin Yan knew that Mrs. Mei didn't like to see her sister-in-law, this time it was related to her body. She should not be mean anymore, right? So he pleaded, "Sister-in-law, let's go and have a look!" He is now in a state of coma, and it is rare to wake up once in a day or two! It's really worrying!"

Xue Qianwu thought of the prime minister's mansion and felt that it was like an urn, which deterred her. The first time I went to scold; the second time I went, I was not only scolded but also chased; what would be the result of the third time?

The unhealed scar on his back seems to be starting to hurt again. The pain penetrates directly into the blood through the skin and wakes up with each breath. He struggled and struggled countless times, and finally spit out two words fiercely: "No!"