The beggar's wife is enchanting

Chapter 143 The Phoenix died and the Phoenix died, and the son was buried by caesarean section

"Hahaha..." Kuishan Taoist priest laughed wildly and said, "The Hongde Taoist priest you entrusted has already returned to the west. I had a short master-apprentice friendship with him. Later, although he did not recognize me, the master passed away. How could the apprentice not inherit his great cause? Naturally, I took over the task of guarding the cubs. Your two cubs' hips were engraved by your husband and wife as soon as they were born. If the expectation is correct, the rest of the cubs will also have it. They all have the words "rice grain" and "face" on their hips, and the words are purple, and there is a grass with a strange posture. Isn't it right? This word is not an ordinary tattoo, but is leached from the juice of the withered fairy grass, which penetrates into the skin for a hundred years and is difficult to invade. But do you know that this withered witch fairy grass has the strongest magic spirit. As long as you find a matching temperament, it can form a peerless witch?

"So it seems that you have found the drug?" Zhao Yu said coldly.

"Haha, the process attracted by this medicine is really 'breaking the chain and nowhere to find'. My pedantic master, that is, the Hongde Taoist priest you admire, his ashes are the best medicine! I used his ashes to draw a gossip net on the 'glow' on your son's back. In this way, how can you escape from my control?

Xue Qianwu is a little creepy. This southern barbaric land is indeed full of evil spirit. Just listening to the old man's words, such as drug introduction, peerless mages, etc., are really evil and mysterious, which makes people feel cold.

Zhao Yan looked up to the sky and sighed, "It seems that the traces of my children have been seen through. He...should have known it."

"No! I'm afraid no one in the world knows about this except me. How can I tell him? Those cubs have great benefits for me. When they need it in the future, they may not kill each other... So, how can I let their secrets be revealed to the world? Kuishan Taoist priest smiled and said, "What's more, I haven't found out the other cubs..."

"You bully and destroy your ancestors, it seems that you are going to kill me." Qin Yan's regretful voice was calm and soft.

Kuishan Taoist ** laughed a few times and pinched Qin Yan's white jade-like face and said, "You? You have no martial arts. Isn't it as easy for me to strangle you like an ant? He also explained a lot. I said, don't you just want to do it yourself? However, such a beautiful disaster is really charming. No wonder he said that whenever he finds you, he must keep his life, even when he is white-haired! It seems that it is still hard to forget! The woman robbed by the emperor and the two sages must be very good. Even if I want you to die, I have to enjoy it..."

As soon as the words fell, Qin Yan's face was firmly slapped with regret, burning pain.

Guishan Taoist priest scolded, "You little hoof!" The whole body has jumped up.

Xue Qianwu was anxious. Although the tortuous character relationship and the vague specific pronouns made her half-known, how could there be a shameless old man who blasphemed his wife in front of people? But he couldn't get involved. He was a useless person without martial arts and exposed it rashly. He not only lost a life in vain, but also made the couple confused. Therefore, I forced myself to continue to watch.

In Zhao Yu's gentle eyes, there was a little coldness, and he silently threw away the sword in his hand. His flying feet kicked the Taoist's thin dog-like body to the sky, and then he punched him two times, making him unpreparable. His mouth was full of blood and teeth, and his whole face was symmetrically swollen.

Kuishan Taoist priest became angry and got up in confusion and shouted: "Pick up the sword and stab yourself in the opposite direction."

Qin Yan regretfully exclaimed sadly: "Gang, you don't want it."

But the tip of Zhao's sword has passed through his neck. The blood flowed and dyed the rive white clothes red. Qin Yanhui's knees softened and climbed on him crazily, and his eyes fainted.

The change at this moment caught Xue Qianwu off guard. What kind of perverted gi can make people in a state of consciousness, their movements are not controlled by their minds, and they pick up swords and do not stab the enemy, but stab themselves? With this surging in his heart, Xue Qianwu could only grieve that this man named Zhao Yu was killed by Kuishan Laodao. Now there is a miserable wife with a baby in her belly. How should she live? For a moment, I repeatedly thought about how to save this beautiful woman from the poisonous hands of Kuishan.


However, Qin Yanhui entered a seemingly untrue dream after fainting. She heard a thin and tender voice: "Do you want to get your second son out of control? Do you want to break the peerless gib and make your soul transcend?

The voice seemed to be far away, and she couldn't tell where it came from. She desperately wanted to catch the empty voice and cried hoarsely, "Where are you?" Can you come out and help me kill this old man and avenge me?"

"I'm just a useless person who can't act now. How can I have that ability? Besides, what does your life and death have to do with me? Besides, anyone has the right to pursue what they want. What's wrong with this Taoist priest who is passionate about power, prosperity and money and beauty? This is the case in the world. Either you die or he loses. It is also his dream that he wants to replace the character on the dragon chair, which no one can take away. As for how far he can go, whether he will or not, it will change rapidly.

Qin Yan regretted Yinghui Zhili, and she said for a while: "Think about it carefully. It's really as you said. But my only love in my life is to think about it. When I die, everything is like ashes to me. I also hope that the immortal Bodhisattva will give me some advice, not to kill the Taoist priest, but to break my child's gull, so that my man can get out of the shackles.

The voice sneered and said, "I'm not a fairy Bodhisattva. I am me. I may not agree with her fairy Bodhisattva to change my position with me. It's not difficult to fight back this old way, but you have to have the courage to save my life.

Qin Yan regretted and said, "Let me save your life?" If you talk about how to save it, I won't say a word even if I sacrifice myself.

The voice said impatiently, "Who made you pay for your life? I'm blind now and can't walk. It's easy for you to save me, but you have to drive the Taoist priest away first. I don't want this Taoist priest to see my original appearance.

Qin Yan regretted having an exquisite heart and quickly asked, "It seems that you have come up with a solution?"

"The method is dead, but how to use it is alive. A carelessness may lead to a failure. No matter what kind of scheme you use, as long as you can sprinkle the blood of your wrist on the heavenly spirit of Kuishan Taoist priest, the trick will be solved. Why can the withered witch spirit grass form a peerless witch after meeting the ashes of Hongde Taoist priest? Because the withered grass meets the withered ashes, isn't it a withered and unglorn? The blood of the wrist is connected with the heart, which can be said to be tearful. For the withered witch grass born from blood and tears, it is just a rain-like nourishment and comfort. After the withered witch spirit grass is watered with painstaking efforts, the entangled witch will solve itself, and it can also make 30% of the power of the witch planters. Of course, the blood must be your own, because the word 'Yan' on your eldest son's back is not blocked by the ashes.

Qin Yanhui asked with an expected face, "After solving the maggots, can the Lang be returned again?"

"The tip of the sword passes across the neck, and no one can have such a way to come back to life."

Qin Yan regretted and said with a sad smile, "I just asked this, and I didn't think it would be possible. How can I save you?"

The voice seemed to meditate for a while and said, "After you drive the old road away, wash your wrists, and then find some thorn buds and flowers to paste them. The grass leaves are wrapped up to avoid excessive blood and death."

"This... I often walk around the world with Jianglang, and naturally I will understand something. Since I have received your favor, I will only say how to save you.

"After you drive away the old road, pick a few softer leaves, the bigger the better. I don't wear any clothes. I need to cover my body with it when I come out later. After making these preparations, you go to the small cave on the east side of Jingjian Lake, find a thin stone like a beast, make a sound to me, and cut a crack about half the length of tribute incense..."

"Where did you make a sound? I heard your voice coming from all directions. Qin Yan regretted and said urgently.

" your stomach."

"What?" Qin Yan trembled regretfully and woke up from a faint dream. She rubbed her painful head and only heard the last silky voice: "Don't worry... That animal bone stone was formed in ancient times, and its special ingredients have the effect of stopping bleeding and abating wounds, detoxifying and removing silt. You're just equivalent to having a caesarean section, and you'll be fine for a while... Be sure to let me get out of this dark, chaotic and oxygen-deficient place.


At this time, a dark shadow came to her. It was the Taoist priest of Nakui Mountain. He said with a drooling face, "Beauty, are you awake? Your man has been angry for a long time, and he can't come back to life. By the way, you have to mourn. If it affects your complexion, you won't be watery..."

Qin Yan regretted looking at his thatched tank face shaking in front of him, and there was a blood in his throat, and he couldn't help spitting out with a "wow".

Xue Qianwu saw all this in his eyes. I just waited for Qin Yan to deal with it. I had no choice but to protect this beautiful woman even if she gave up herself.

Kuishan Taoist priest learned to be good and jumped away in a hurry, but he was still sprayed on his face. That / swollen / swollen / face is blue and red, ferocious and terrible. He thought in his heart that if a good thing had not been achieved, he could not let her commit suicide, so he suppressed his anger and advised, "Beauty, you can't be too tragic. The body and the child are important.

The reminder of the Taoist priest made Qin Yan regret and suddenly remembered the details in his dream. Looking at Zhao Yu, who died tragically, there was no sadness or joy in her heart, and her eyes were as cold as cold as a cold spring. A smile appeared on her face and said, "Taochang Kui, the deceased has passed away. What's the benefit of the living? I am a lonely woman without any martial arts. I just want to be calm and stable in this life. I hope the Taoist priest hides me in a deserted place and avoids the man's pursuit. In this way, it can also make the Taoist priest... enjoy the happy days.

Kuishan Taoist priest was never expected. The talented strong woman now said such soft and charming words. For a moment, she couldn't help but ripple and look forward to the future. That kind of day is really like a fairy. Although he is suspected of fraud, can he swallow herself as a weak woman? He laughed and said, "Are you serious?"

Xue Qianwu couldn't help but move compared with the woman's strange expressions. I guess I've been forced to do it, and I have to make a plan. Xue Qianwu's eyes did not blink, and he was excited, full of resentment and strong interest, and secretly encouraged the beautiful woman.

With the promise of the beauty, Kuishan Laodao was so anxious that his hands and feet were restless. Qin Yan's regretful face was still cold. Then she thought that she was acting, so she dodged and shouted in pain: "Oh, it hurts. Taoist priest, you can't be in a hurry. There is one more thing wrong.

"What's wrong?" The Taoist priest asked.

Qin Yan regretted staggering a few steps, bent down in pain, and moaned in a low voice, "My child is probably going to give birth prematurely. If the Taoist priest forced to do that stubborn thing at this time, wouldn't even the gods be punished angrily?

Kuishan Taoist priest looked up to the sky and laughed wildly: "I don't believe in karma!" I prefer the appearance of your big belly. I really feel sorry for you, but I don't know what kind of ecstasy..."

Qin Yan regretted seeing that he was so impathetic and shameless, so she had to risk everything. She gritted her teeth and pretended to be breathless and said, "The Taoist priest has this hobby, and I shouldn't have refused. But I'm afraid that when you are in love, it's a good thing to suddenly give birth to a living person. If a bunch of dead rats or cats, dogs and five poisonous insects are born, won't the Taoist priest be unlucky?

Speaking of this, Qin Yan regretted a burst of annoyance and spit out a place/dewdness/thing. She knew that it might have angered the creatures in her stomach, so she had no choice but to brace herself and say, "I beg the Taoist priest to let me give birth to this child first in that place with thick fallen leaves and deep vegetation. When I call you after giving birth, you have to come to me immediately to stop the bleeding, otherwise I may lose my life in a flash. When I have a short rest, I will serve the Taoist priest well. Is that okay?

Guishan Taoist priest couldn't help but feel scared when he heard her ridiculously. He secretly thought, can the cooked duck fly? Finally, he reluctantly nodded and said, "Okay, go quickly. You have to call the Taoist master later. Don't let me wait too long."

Qin Yanhui's face was sweaty, Chu Chu smiled, and the unspeakable charm flowed. She said, so I went.

The Kuishan Taoist priest was a little scared when he heard a chilling sound from the depths of the grass. After waiting for a while, Qin Yan cried in a low voice: "Taoist priest, Taoist priest."

He rushed over and saw her lying on her side face, shaking sharply, and there was still blood on the ground. She said weakly, "Taoist priest, bend down and make yourself happy for me, or... I won't have a chance to serve you."

Kuishan Taoist priest was in a hurry to see this scene. He has galloped/played/touched countless women all his life. But this is the first time I have encountered the matter of giving birth to a woman. However, this woman is so charming that she wants to die.

Qin Yanhui saw him sit down and put one arm behind him, while the other wrapped around his neck and sat up slightly. Kuishan Taoist priest was about to work hard, but he suddenly felt that the heavenly spirit was hot, and he reached out and touched it. He was shocked, "What are you doing?"

Qin Yan regretted eating and laughing, got up from his arms and walked a few steps away. She said frostyly, "I sacrificed the withered witch grass with the blood of my wrists. The witch you planted for my child has been lifted..." After a pause, she bluffed him and said, "If you don't roll back to Middle-earth within three hours and let Dr. Chen in the palace save you, I'm afraid that this peerless martial arts will be abolished."

"You witch, I'm going to kill you!" The fierce light suddenly appeared in the eyes of Kuishan Taoist priest.

While admiring the beautiful woman, Xue Qianwu clenched her fist and made sufficient preparations. As long as Kuishan Taoist priest took action, she immediately rushed out and scared him out of nervousness! He may have been a little afraid just now, but now he is a person who will be useless in martial arts. What is there to be afraid of? For the villain in her heart, bullying has always been her strength. And she knew in her mind that whether Zhao Yu's name was a coincidence or not, she could expect that their relationship with the palace would definitely be very shallow just by listening to Qin Yanhui talking about Chen Yisheng in the palace.

Qin Yan said regretfully, "You only have three hours. You can arrange it yourself."

Kuishan Taoist priest was ready to go, but he ran away because of his anger. In addition, he lost a few successful husbands. Unexpectedly, he couldn't concentrate his strength and couldn't help but be stunned. He took a step back like gold paper and turned around and went away.