The beggar's wife is enchanting

Chapter 162 The noble concubine is drunk and bury her selfishness

(I'm very sorry, readers, this time has begun to be busy again, resulting in intermittent update time, really shameless ~ I tried to make up for it, turned off the mobile phone and cut off the network cable, just to be able to finish this chapter quietly, and then connect to the Internet for more text~)

Xue Qianwu took off the shuttlecock from Si Luan's head and laughed endlessly. He shouted "I'll try it" breathlessly, and then kicked it up. Maybe it's because I haven't played shuttlecock for a long time. At first, I couldn't find the feeling of the past and kicked a little strangely. In addition, I was dressed thickly in winter and clumsily like a cute penguin. Slowly moved, becoming more and more skillful. Sometimes it rotated and kicked, sometimes with the heel, sometimes with the outside of the foot, and sometimes with the inside of the foot. Finally, the shuttlecock could fall firmly on the toes. This lasted for more than half a quarter of an hour, and the shuttlecock seemed to be inseparable from its feet. It looked like Gu and Si Luan's eyes were straight and their mouths cheered together.

Xue Qianwu never thought that he could return to his old skills and turn around so freely. He couldn't help but be more and more happy. His whole body rotated faster, as if he were dancing a beautiful and smooth dance. Although there is no rhythm, joy flows in my heart.

The interest was so high that I only heard a "sw" sound, and the shuttlecock was kicked towards the door. Then he heard a low cry, and when he looked there again, he saw that the flower shuttlecock was hitting Prince Zhao's chest.

He was slightly stunned, covered his chest with his backhand, and firmly controlled the shuttlecock in the palm of his hand. I frowned for a while, but I probably didn't see what it was.

Ru Gu smiled and said, "This is a special shuttlecock made by a girl! The prince didn't see it just now. The girl kicked the shuttlecock so beautifully that she made me jealous and almost worshipped her as a teacher!"

Xue Qianwu whispered, "Don't talk nonsense!" Don't go back, turn around and go into the room.

Prince Zhao didn't agree: "Why can Rugu and the two of them feast their eyes, but they look out to me like this?"

Xue Qianwu had to slow down and pretended to be serious and said, "The shuttlecock is a game played by girls. You are the prince. Why come here?"

Zhao Qian stared at her delicate and white face because of sweating, and his tone was a little forceful: "When have you paid attention to these gender and identity differences? I like to watch it. Just pretend that I'm not present and continue to play. I pretend that I didn't see anything.

Xue Qianwu thought for a moment and only had half of the fun, but he was interrupted. He really felt that it was not smooth. What's more, the shuttlecock made with a lot of needle and threading is still in Prince Zhao's hands. Seeing that he had no intention of returning it to her, Xue Qianwu was a little hesitant. Although the shuttlecock was not worth much, it was of a big deal. If he didn't ask him to come over, he would hide like this. In case he was accidentally seen by others one day, wouldn't he have to make unnecessary guesses?

When he came to the inner garden of the palace, he was no more free than outside. Xue Qianwu's carelessness was much more, and at the same time, he was alert and cautious. Under other people's roofs, because it is well hidden, there is no disturbance for the time being, but it is better to prevent everything.

He thought so and smiled cheerfully at the two maids, "Bring the shuttlecock!"

Ru Gu and Silan didn't dare to look at Prince Zhao. He immediately agreed, and his eyebrows were full of interest and joy. Several of them stepped forward and put the shuttlecock firmly in the palm of Xue Qianwu's hand. His fingertips seemed to be intentional or unintentional, touching Xue Qianwu's fingers. At that moment, he seemed to have an imperceptible tremor.

Xue Qianwu took it, but did not kick it. He only gave the shuttlecock to Silan with a smile and said, "Come on, show your foot to the prince!"

Si Luan said with some embarrassment, "How can I take it out of my level?"

Xue Qianwu said, "As long as you firmly believe that your feet and shuttlecock are like a couple and inseparable, I'm sure you will play very well!"

Zhao Qian listened to this strange metaphor and only looked at Xue Qianwu with a smile, with an unspeakable smell in his eyes.

After all, because of the presence of the prince, Si Luan kicked up stiffly. Xue Qianwu kept praising and cheering her. After a while, Si Luan seemed to understand the essence of Xue Qianwu's words and played much more freely. The figure suddenly rotated left and right, and the slender and beautiful neck came out of the thick collar, suddenly shining with a layer of crystal luster, which was extremely vivid.

Xue Qianwu couldn't help saying, "It's so beautiful!"

Prince Zhao was a little absent-minded and said frankly to Xue Qianwu, "I imagine that if it were you, it would be a hundred times more beautiful!"

Xue Qianwu only regarded it as pure praise and refused to put it on his heart. He stubbornly replied, "Things in imagination will always be more beautiful than what they actually show. In fact, I may not be as good as Si Luan, because you didn't see it. You only imagined galloping and listening to the one-sided words of Rugu, so I felt that my skills were better.

Prince Zhao said, "Don't deny it. Unless you try it out in person, I believe you don't play as well as her.

Xue Qianwu knows very well that he is using the exciting method and wants to see her perform kicking the shuttlecock. If you refuse, you will appear to be stingy; if you accept it, it will be a little awkward, and you will always feel that the woman is happy and lively. If you really want to kick the shuttlecock in front of the man, you have to be in front of the most beloved man.

Master Dongfang is the only candidate in her heart. She likes to bloom in his pupils, which is so clear that she is the only one. Her every move and every smile are doubled by the sharing of her loved ones. Or if Dongfang is accompanying Prince Zhao, she can also be calm and show the pure and unpretentious beauty from the bottom of her heart. Now she is asked to kick the shuttlecock alone, but she can't.

When he hesitated, Si Luan had stopped, bent his knees shyly, and whispered, "Let the prince laugh."

Xue Qianwu looked at her lovely mood like a bird and laughed and said, "I'm moved by your behavior!"

Si Luan pouted and said an annoyly, "You just like to play tricks on people." The look is unique to the charm of a small family jasper.

Xue Qianwu turned his eyes and said, "Prince, do you think Si Luan is good at kicking?"

Zhao Qian was stunned and responded dryly: "Okay! Great!" After shouting twice, he may feel embarrassed, so he patted Si Luan on the shoulder and aggravated his tone, "It's a good kick!"

At that moment, Si Luan's whole pretty face turned red and sounded like a mosquito: "Thank you for your praise."

Xue Qianwu joked, "I've been praising you!" Why didn't you hear you thank me? You are favored by one and the other, Si Luan, you are really biased this time.

Prince Zhao wanted to see the beggar kicking the shuttlecock, but he had a certain premonition of being led by her. He couldn't help but be a little anxious and quickly interrupted, "Don't change the topic! Who doesn't know that you are afraid that the prince will punish you for acting, so you deliberately turn everyone's attention to the maid..."

Hearing this, Silan was slightly distracted, and then lowered his head in frustration.

Xue Qianwu patted her on the shoulder and said with a sincere smile, "This shuttlecock is for you!" Practice more in the future, and you will be the best shuttlecock in the palace!"

"Really?" Silan looked at Xue Qianwu in surprise, and the afterglow of his eyes passed over Prince Zhao's face. He twisted his clothes with his left hand and said delicately, "But the prince wants to see you kick the shuttlecock!"

Si Luan said this, subconsciously, he originally wanted to test Prince Zhao's attitude. But the person who didn't mean to listen to the person's intention, and suddenly made Xue Qianwu's heart bang. After that, he finally bypassed the circle and came back.

Prince Zhao really seized the end of the words and did not give up this opportunity: "I don't know how many years it will be when Si Luan kicks the shuttlecock well. I want to see a high level now. The girls say that you play well, but you are very stingy. Today, I just relied on it. If you don't kick, I won't leave!"

After saying that, Prince Zhao was like an angry child, sitting on the stone bench under the withered vine, regardless of the unmelt ice and snow on it.

What should I do? Agree or refuse?

Xue Qianwu gritted his teeth. I already had an idea in my heart and quietly took over the shuttlecock.

Like a drunken person, he is staggering and disorderly. He thinks that he has no sense of beauty and is perfunctory. The shuttlecock flew into the snow every few kicks.

Ru Gu said, "It was not like this just now! This is pure mismanagement!"

Xue Qianwu didn't say anything and secretly looked at Prince Zhao's reaction. However, he read it with relish and said, "Go back to the wind and dance snow, like a dragon, and the noble concubine is drunk... but that's it."

Xue Qianwu jumped a lot and quickly stopped distorting his figure and could no longer kick it down. He raised his eyebrows and asked the prince, "Do you make fun of people like this?"

Zhao Qian coughed and said, "I sincerely praise you. If you don't believe it, you can kick the shuttlecock for me all my life. Let's see if I change my words.

Xue Qianwu was stunned for the rest of his life? This is ambiguous and too embarrassing. Why did he say these three words to her?

His heart was blocked and his throat was itchy. He was about to refute him with a ruthless word. He seemed to realize something wrong and quickly added, "Don't be too careful. I mean, if you marry Dongfangdi, I often go to your couple's place to play, and I always have a chance to see it.

Xue Qianwu was relieved, and that's all right. Since he said so, it can be seen that he still cares about his friends everywhere.

After that, the atmosphere was finally a little strange. Xue Qianwu felt bored and looked at the gray sky and said, "Winter is short and the night is long. The night comes early. It is said that it will soon get dark, and the road is slippery. It's better for the prince to come back early."

Zhao Qian said expectantly, "Are you afraid that I will fall on the road?"

Xue Qianwu stared, and Zhao Qian laughed in a good mood: "Forget it! I know you are not so considerate! That's all for me, but for Dongfang's brother, I'm afraid that no matter how big you are, you will become tender in front of him!"

Xue Qianwu's heart was in a mess because of his comparison. Why does he always compare with Dongfang? Her tenderness to Dongfang Ye or rudeness, what does it have to do with Zhao Qian? The more she thought about it, the more she had a headache. She sat in ** and looked at the back of Prince Zhao's departure through the window. Her eyes quietly added a little awe-dness.

walked out of the door far away, and Prince Zhao stopped and looked back for a while. Far away, it didn't feel very real. Xue Qianwu actually felt confused, and he suddenly had a reluctant feeling.