The beggar's wife is enchanting

Chapter 185 Strike East and West, Wait for the Rabbit

Since you dare to take medicine, I can't bear to let you down too much. Xue Qianwu praised "good fragrant tea", raised his neck and pretended to swallow it. In fact, how can you really drink it? Only quietly under the cover of the sleeves, he poured the tea in along the wide cuffs.

The tea flowed down the arm to the armpit, wet the clothes and sticking to the body, which was a little uncomfortable. Xue Qianwu couldn't care about these, made a staggering and light-headed illusory state, and returned to the place where he had just waited for the prince.

He fell sideways, his eyes were half open, but his heart was sober and keen. An uncontrollable whisper came out of his mouth and stared around. He saw a maid's figure, hiding behind the lush locust tree and monitoring Xue Qianwu's every move.

Xue Qianwu rolled back and forth, gasping and calling: "Ru Gu!"

The maid didn't seem to expect that Xue Qianwu could shout out and shrink her body in an attempt to hide more secretly.

It came out like a valley. When he came to Xue Qianwu's, he was anxious, as if asking Xue Qianwu what was wrong. Xue Qianwu wink at the big tree at a hundred meters away, but said, "I'm very hot. Go and find the prince to see if there is a good medicine to reduce fever."

Ru Gu turned around, went straight to the tree, grabbed the maid, and grabbed her to death. The maid was obviously shocked and began to struggle to scream. Ru Gu couldn't help covering her mouth and bringing it to Xue Qianwu.

Xue Qianwu sneered and said, "Ru Gu, let go of her mouth! Let her scream hard!"

Rugu let go puzzled. The maid was shocked, stunned and afraid. Hearing Xue Qianwu's words, she was puzzled and dared not shout.

"Why don't you scream?" Xue Qianwu said, "You shout loudly, wake everyone up, and come and watch the fun!" It's good to see how I deal with thieves. Kill chickens and monkeys, and warnings are strong enough.

The maid looked at her showing rare evil spirit and heard the words "kill chickens and monkeys". At that time, her legs softened and she cried, "Don't kill me... Don't..."

Xue Qianwu sneered, "You still have the face to cry!" In fact, I would like you to make trouble, the bigger the noise, the better, until the master behind your scenes can see with his own eyes how useless the maid he instructed! Before the matter is done, you can expose yourself first! Do you think your master will still give you a way to live?

The maid sobbed, "Please forgive me!" I don't dare anymore."

"What don't you dare?" Xue Qianwu raised the corners of his lips and smiled coldly: "I haven't been interrogated yet. Do you want to do it?"

The maid only cried and dared not answer. Xue Qianwu said, "What a boneless coward. Since you want to confess so much, I won't embarrass you. Just confess it.

The maid raised her eyebrows slightly: "Really? Won't you embarrass me?"

Xue Qianwu said, "You are also pathetic. What do you care about being forced to use?

The maid burst into tears and said, "I am next to the princess... After she married Dongfang, I was assigned to the prince's mansion to do chores... That day, the prince asked me to wait in the ghost courtyard. I had heard rumors that there were ghosts in this courtyard. I was afraid and didn't want to come over. It happened that the princess happened to enter the palace and sent her heart around. The abdominal maid came to threaten the maidservant, saying that she would abolish the maidservant's hands if she didn't come to Ganlin Hospital, and the maidservant came..."

At this point, the maid's voice trembled so much that she couldn't go on.

Xue Qianwu said expressionlessly, "So you are subject to her and have to be a traitor until you frame me?"

The maid nodded with tears on her face.

"What's your name?" Xue Qianwu asked carelessly.

The maid whispered, "Autumn... Sa..."

Xue Qianwu sighed, "Thanks to such a proud name."

Qiu Sa paused for a moment, slowed down and continued to say, "A few days ago, when I heard that Master Dongfang was going to take you out of the palace, the princess called me over and gave me some powder to your tea bowl. The maidservant is very scared. I'm afraid it's poison or something. Drinking it will kill you. Then, once the Dongfang master is tracked down, the maidservant can't keep a hundred heads. Even if you are lucky enough to keep it, the maidservant will feel guilty for life when she sees that you treat people so well. She is worried about being punished by God and the gods are angry... The princess told the maidservant that this is a sweat medicine, and she will only sleep for a while and lose her physical strength after drinking it. The maidservant asked why you should drink this medicine? The princess replied..."

Xue Qianwu looked at her hesitation and asked, "What did she say?"

Qiu Sa's tears came down again: "Princess said that you used to be a thief and left the palace the next day. I don't know what treasures to take away. It's really unpreventable. The night before leaving, if you fall asleep, you can't steal it... I thought that as long as it was non-toxic, it was not sweating medicine, but **. At that time, I was shocked and at a loss. The princess peeping in the distance whispered to the maidservant that the medicine was under the maidservant. If you knew about this, you would definitely be annoyed and killed me. The only one who can save my life is the princess. For a while, the maidservant was fascinated. In order to save her life, she completely abandoned Ganlinyuan, so that when the princess came to me to drug me again this time, I knew what the medicine was, but I had no choice but to do it.

Xue Qianwu shook his head and said, "Although the princess is stupid, she is accurate to my character. She knew that once that kind of thing happened, with my temper, she would never follow Dongfang again. Even if Dongfang chooses to forgive me, my happiness is not so pure. She is going to ruin my happiness."

Qiu Sa said shyly, "Actually... If Master Dongfang knows these details, he will definitely forgive you. Otherwise, the maidservant will risk it and tell all this to Master Dongfang, and he will not misunderstand.

Xue Qianwu closed a few rays in his ear, and his voice was tired: "No need. It's all God's will, and I don't want to struggle anymore. Let nature take its course."

Qiu Sa wanted to say something more. Xue Qianwu said, "Don't mention the topic of Master Dongfang for the time being. Let's talk about Rugu.

Qiu Sa glanced at Rugu and said palely, "The princess heard that the prince was going to let you go, so she went to stop it. Unexpectedly, Rugu heard the conversation outside the window and learned that ** was instructed by the princess. The princess refused to let her go. Anyway, she had to take her away and use all kinds of means to torture Rugu. In order to prevent Rugu from telling the truth, after learning that Rugu could not write, the princess gave her dumb medicine... At that time, the princess also threatened the slave. Can you see the end of standing in the wrong queue?

Xue Qianwu nodded: "Sure enough, it's her. I know she hates me, but her heart is so cruel that she is so innocent.

Qiu Sa knelt down: "The princess's words worked, and the prince was reluctant to let you out of the palace. In order to prevent future troubles and prevent you from cutting off your former relationship with Dongfang Master after leaving the palace, the princess asked me to** several times. I want to... Under ** aphrodisiac, you and the prince are much more intimate, and you can no longer recover the pure love of the past. You even want you to empathize with the prince and conceive the prince's flesh and blood, and the prince will never Maybe I let you out of the palace..."

Xue Qianwu smiled and said, "It's really a good calculation."

Qiu Sa cried, "Master, please get out of the palace quickly!" Otherwise, there will be no chance!"

"What if there is a chance, what if there is no chance?" Xue Qianwu said, "It has forced me to this point. What else does the princess want!"

Qiu Sa said worriedly, "I'm worried that if you don't go to the palace, even if you are favored by the prince, according to the princess, it won't be so cheap for you to make you rich and prosperous all the way up! She wants you to climb higher, fall heavier, and taste the heartbreaking pain!"

"Is that what she said?" Xue Qianwu grinned and said, "I didn't expect you to look up to me so much!"

Qiu Sa didn't know what to say, but knelt down and said for a long time, "It's over. It's too late to regret it. It's only up to the master of Ganlinyuan. The slave finally pulled her horse from the cliff and was worthy of the word 'man' on his deathbed.