The beggar's wife is enchanting

Chapter 217 Black Wood Lotus

The head is dizzy, and the limbs don't seem to be their own, and they don't have the slightest strength. First, the ups and downs in the body, and then the scorching heat in the surrounding air. Finally, she was taken out and seemed to put her on a cold stone. The internal heat and the external cold collided sharply... Before it subsided, it seemed that she had been picked up and put on the horse's back, bumpy and galloping. She was still confused. Chanting: "Hot..."

The person on the horse seemed to be impatient. He didn't know how far he had walked and threw her down from the horse. She heard the sound of "poking" and asked, "What's ringing?"

As soon as the words were said, the warm and salty water poured in. She almost drowned. Was she drowning in the lake?

For good, after bouncing for a while, she automatically floated up again. Soft, slow, warm and delicate, what surrounds her?

When I opened my eyes, I saw the blue sky, the swimming clouds, and the warm sun. Did she go to a fairyland or did she travel through the world again?

By the way, where is she lying? She was stunned to sit up and found that she was a puppet floating corpse and could not make a decision at all. She was so anxious that she patted her hands straight and wanted to smash the dream, but it only splashed, and the drops of water flew down her face.

Oh, my God, she is in the water. It seems to be a hot spring lake, and people are still floating in it! It seems that the mineral content will never be low.

She suddenly remembered the sound of falling into the water just now. Was it caused by her?

If life is extremely tired, it is indeed the best to come here to take a bubble. However, when you can't move, you can only let the water take you to an unknown place, which is definitely not a happy thing.

When will this drift? Will it be soaked into a fish belly?

She suddenly remembered the legend of fish and birds, which was intertwined with helplessness and melancholy.

She has always had poems and songs to sing, whether she is in the water or on land. She exhaled, closed her lower abdomen, and said in a cheerful and slightly sad voice of the fish:

You said you wouldn't stop for me anymore

I know you long for freedom

So I won't stay

Just say all the way

Look at a bird passing by the sea

The fish prays for it in the water

If you want to fly high

It's time to forget the fish in the sea

Guess whether the fish will also be troubled

Birds fly away and have nowhere to look

I saw the fish laughing

Although it will never jump so high

Are you laughing when you listen to the sea

Smiling fish wait until old

Someone thought they would raise their heads

Tears will not fall

After reading it, the taste was complicated and touched. I don't know whether it was water droplets or tears. She slipped from the corners of her eyes to the hot spring lake. She sucked her nose and said, "Poor stupid fish!"

"Is there still a second half?" The enchanting male voice, I don't know from which direction, buzzing gathered in one place, but it seemed to be scattered in all directions.

The beggar still hasn't recovered from his own realm, as if talking to himself, smiling, "How do you know there is a second half?" Then he poohed and said, "What's the upper half and the second half, literary? This is not an ancient poem! It's just a vernacular poem, feeling the sad love from the perspective of fish and birds!"

"Oh, what's the bird's part?" The male phantom just now came up again.

Until this moment, the beggar did not think that there was another person, but felt that he was talking to the nature oozing from the depths of his soul. As for why it is a man's voice, maybe... She is biased towards men.

However, some women are very soft in their hearts. Just like her.

After listening to the dialogue of the soul, the beggar waved his shiny arms to the sky, with the movement of birds flying in his chest, and sighed passionately and sadly:

They say that the distance is a new sky

Birds have to fly high to live up to their wings

At that moment, I set out to fly

I didn't see the tears in the corners of your eyes

How high do you have to fly to find hope

How far do you have to escape to see the past

Prowing my dream is my destined sadness

There has never been an exact direction

I can't bear to look up at you

Only bury your regrets in your heart

From now on, will I be wandering forever

I will never come back to you

I thought I wouldn't get hurt if I flew away

My heart has always been in the past

So I can avoid the hunter's gun

but you can't escape the net woven by your eyes

After reciting, he confided to himself again: "This broken bird obviously likes fish in his heart. Why did he go far away to find hope? It doesn't mention that it has caused me to carry a heavy burden and never be happy, but also makes the fish miss and regret! If I were a hunter, I would kill him if I raised my gun! A bad thing that is heartless!"

After this scolding, she finally felt a little clear.

There is a faint lonely and sad breathing sound on the side of the ear. She was shocked. Did she have hallucinations again? Or is the fish breathing?

This place is quite strangely clean, as if it has not seen the sun for thousands of years.

The beggar floated for a long time, and his back was itchy and fluffy, like water grass. She grabbed her hand down and touched the sand. She was shocked and looked down. She saw a ten-square-meter-sized cylindrical sand about one meter deep on the surface of the water!

The water above Shazhu is clear and clear because it is shallow. The waters outside Shazhu are unfathomable, so they present a blue-black, cold jade-like, with a deep luster.

The sand on the surface of Shazhu is uniform, clean and white. Some floating water plants and vines grow from the sand zhu, as well as several vine plants that rise from the water.

Except for this sandzhu, it is estimated that there is no place to stand. Thinking of this, the beggar stretched out his arms and hugged a vine in the center of the sandzhu.

Finally, my feet stepped on the sand. The beggar looked up and looked around and saw the steep peaks around him. If he wanted to get out of this hot spring lake, it was really more difficult than climbing to the sky.

Do you really want to soak in hot springs for a lifetime? The beggar said with a bitter face, "Why did you come to the lake as soon as you came out of the desert? Is this a sign of the degradation from drought to water turtles?

After despair for a long time, the beggar's stomach cooed. Look around, you can't even see a fish! If I had known so sad, what kind of nerve did you have and read the song of fish and birds at that time? It consumes energy and mental strength!

It's not a good idea to wait.

The beggar had an idea and said, I have no way to go to heaven, can I still enter the earth without a door?

But when I saw the abyss-like lake, I was timid. Will there be a shark underneath?

She is thinking nonsense. But I was so hungry that I had to jump down.

I jumped several times and failed. Because the water is strange and has a great buoyancy, it jumps down and immediately floats up like a ball, tossing the beggar with nowhere to vent.

I was annoyed. I saw an unusually lush vine on the edge of Shazhu. The branches were dense and flexible, so that the trunk could not hold on, and thousands of branches andvines hung into the infinitely deep lake.

The beggar is happy. If he grabs the branches of the vine and falls inch by inch, he doesn't believe that the water can still hold himself up! It's just how long will this vine be? Will it hang halfway and make people unwilling to climb up?

I can't take care of so much now. The beggar grasped three or four rattans with both hands and dived into the water. After about ten meters, the rattan is getting thinner and thinner, and it has reached the end. If you let go, you are afraid that your previous efforts will be abandoned.

When the beggar was disheartened, he found that there was a vine hanging across the wall of the cylindrical sandzhu. Although it was not bigger than the one above, it should not be a problem to hold up 200 pounds in the water. After discovering this secret, the more you dive down, the happier you will be, because whenever the rattan is about to run out, there will always be another rattan in time, interlocking each other, with quite a sense of "the mountains and rivers are poor and there is no way out, and the willows are bright and a village".

Creation is really ingenious. She doesn't think that these vines are artificially planted by masters.

Thanks to the beggar who learned the trick of closing the air in the water in his previous life, otherwise he would have died. In this way, after changing hundreds of vines, she finally touched a big stone as hard as a sword halberd. She held her desperately, and under the action of gravity, there seemed to be a surge of water rushing her in a specific direction. When I woke up again, the water had run away from another steep cliff. At the corner, I saw a stone wall with carved stone doors. The words "black wood cliff" were written on the door, which was carved into the stone wall three inches deep. She pushed away and walked in, suddenly cheerful, and a brand-new world appeared in front of her.

The place where she stands is the entrance to this world. Looking down at the overall situation, strange stones, like tripods, are mixed, forming thousands of small courtyards. A huge purple-black flower in the shape of a lotus, enchanting and in full bloom, mysterious, solemn and graceful, like a lover's smile in the dark night.

The beggar said, such a hidden and strange small country! I don't know what kind of people live in it. Can you understand people's words? If you go to beg, will you give her food?

With all kinds of uneasies, the beggar knocked door to door, but no one opened the door.

The beggar has lost patience. It seems that it is not a country of etiquette. It is more likely to be crooked and treacherous and stingy.

If that's the case, don't be sven. Act according to the opportunity, soldiers come to the earth to block the earth, and flood in the future. Anyway, nothing can stop her from foraging.

She saw a strange courtyard decorated differently from other families. The building is magnificent, and the white jade pillars are carved with exquisite purple-black lotus flowers, and the four corners of the eaves are shining golden. The combination of Xuanzi and gold, coupled with the texture of beautiful stone, has an unspeakable mystery and depth.

The two pits in front of the door are majestic. The door was open, the two doors were half closed, and the three doors were closed. The beggar passed through the three doors and went straight into the room.

There was a room in the room, and she turned around in a moment. After drilling for a long time, I came to a place suspected to study. There are tens of thousands of books, including rice paper, inkstone and brush on the table.

The beggar has no time to look more. Her goal is to find food to eat! There are thousands of pounds of millet in the book, which is not suitable for her hunger at this moment.

When he was about to leave disappointed, he tripped over an open cabinet door and almost fell down. She was so angry that she wanted to lift the door of the cabinet, but saw several plates of fruits, vegetables, pastries and fresh white fish in the cupboard.

She was ecstatic and took it all to the desk. It was full of wind and food.

At the end, she burped and dozed off a little. A strange but domineering fragrance in the abdomen dispersed from the throat with the exhalation.

At first, she thought she was very hungry and delicious. Later, I felt something was wrong, because the fragrance was unusual, and it was endless.

What kind of food is this? A woman won't become a fragrant concubine after eating, will she?

The beggar suddenly remembered the poisonous lotus, which seemed to walk all the way. Every place with this flower was strangely fragrant and light, just like the taste of food.

Is pollen mixed in the food? Will it be poisoned or allergic? When the beggar eats well, his worries come quickly.

For a hungry foodie, if she is poisoned, it is as simple as poisoning a kitten.

is a psychological factor. She faintly feels some stomach acid and abdominal distension. Sure enough, free things don't end well.

The beggar took a book from the bookshelf impatiently in an attempt to divert the pain. But a few lines of words suddenly appeared in front of him: "The Domineering Tujing is hidden in the room of the thousand-year-old mysterious ice, and those who get it get the world."

Dominating the picture scripture! The most primitive memories are mixed. The man who took him out of the cold palace that year forced her with a sword and asked her to hand over this thing!

Now... where on earth did she come to?

The fragrance of flowers on the tip of her nose seems to be there or nothing, and ghosts are sweeping over her. The sound of the soul in the hot spring lake floated again, this time with a touch of ridicule: "Who is coming? Dare to break into the forbidden place of the black wood cliff and still want to go out alive?

The beggar doesn't think it's his own imagination this time.

Looking left and right, there was no one around, but a steel wire fishing net came down from her head and tightened it, making her unable to move.

A man in black who seemed to be a messenger came and held a flower with a mechanical indifferent voice and no emotion: "For you, this is the black wood lotus, the flower I taught. You broke in, and you deserve to die."

Seeing that it's going to be an adult's meat zongzi, what else does the beggar want flowers to do? She struggled and shouted, "What is 'flower'? My name is Beggar, not Flower! Let me go quickly and ask you to come!"