The beggar's wife is enchanting

Chapter 219 Backrest

In an instant, life and death are very different.

At a critical moment, when the first meeting appeared in front of her, Nangong Zhili forced her to hand over the domineering picture scriptures. In order to slow down the soldiers, she gave him the treasure map she carried with her, and then he disappeared into the snow valley valley, leaving the only word left: "I am Nangong Zhili, the master of the black wood lotus religion."

After many confrontations, he hardly mentioned this identity. After tea and dinner, although she often heard that the guys spread the black wood lotus religion, the beggar did not see the scale of the religion with his own eyes and thought it was a small organization played by Nangong Zhili. She did not associate the huge, complex, strict and mastered Blackwood Lotus Religion with Nangong Zhili, and subconsciously felt that it could not be equal to him.

The beggar can't believe that the careless and romantic Nangong Zhili in his memory has such a leadership deterrent.

He is the leader of Black Mulian, but he is so unrestrained. Why do he control a group of strange talents?

It must be a treacherous and unspeakable and despicable means. The beggar secretly defined him.

Black wood lotus? Yes, it's this kind of vicious flower! She must be the sharp weapon of Nangong Zhili, which makes people servility, submission and rationality to succumb to the pain of the body.

If the antidote of Black Wood Lotus is developed to save everyone from the worry of losing their lives, they may be able to get rid of the control of the crooked cult.

Nangong Zhili, who has lost the toxicity of black wood lotus, will definitely be like an eagle that has lost its wings in the future. No matter how sinister it is, it will not be a big climate. The beggar looks forward to the future and is a little gloating. He admires that he can catch the cow's nose and catch the key in everything.

Thinking of the vague process of being kidnapped in the frontier a few days ago, the beggar was also annoyed by the quiet and secret behavior of Nangong's confrontation.

According to reason, she was hit by the rejuvenation sweat medicine. When she woke up the next day, she should be paralyzed. Why didn't she wake up? Did you wake up in the lake? How many days have you been on the journey from the barracks to Nangong's nest? What did Nangong Zhili convince her to fall asleep? Did he take advantage of people's danger to do something inappropriate?

All kinds of images were entangled in series, and the beggar suddenly sat up. The messenger in black and the seven wonderful people were shocked.

The beggar pulled the fishing net and said angrily, "Why don't you let me out? Do you really want me to break a fish net and pull your back to die together?

The messenger in black shook his head repeatedly: "I don't want to!"

"Then won't you let me out?" The beggar asked angrily. Finally, I can be arrogant for a while. Just now, fate was manipulated in the palm of his hand, not to mention how aggrieved it was.

Knowing that Nangong Zhili is their leader, she is much more stable. I'm not afraid of your unfathomable leader. Are you soldiers still afraid?

"I can't let you go yet. We can only wait for the Lord to come and fall. The messenger in black said humbly, "As for whether you can apply for a lucky card to avoid death, it depends on your ability and the will of the god."

"If I can't apply, will you really die with me?" The beggar asked uncertainly.

The messenger in black said, "That's right."

The beggar whispered, "Is there any precedent for surviving the death of a mistake? If so, what will the master ask and how to deal with him?

The messenger in black said, "The master can ask whatever he wants to ask. In the most inadvertent question, there is a profound mystery. If you can't hear it, you will answer wrong. Even if you avoid death for a while, a suspended sentence is enough for you to survive.

The beggar muttered, "This doesn't matter. When will he come? Don't exhaust my patience and polish my inspiration.

"When I came, he knew that someone had violated the law. When Qi Miao Man begins to fumigrate you with the black wood lotus fragrance mixed in his internal force, he can feel it. Generally, a moment of fumigation is enough, and it only takes me a moment to inject the extract for you. So it is calculated that half an hour is enough from fumigation to death. After half an hour, the death knell will not ring, which proves that you are not dead, and he will come to inspect in person!"

The beggar closed his eyes and yawned, "Your master pretends to be old and mysterious!" Then wait for him for a while. I'll see what he can do."

When the messenger in black heard the words, his face turned pale and looked at the seven wonderful people. After a few minutes of silence, the beggar said curiously, "You black wood lotus religion, beautiful women are like clouds, and there are thousands of pinks. I don't know if the master has married his wife?"

"This is the private matter of the patriarch. If he doesn't say anything, we never ask." The messenger turned to say, "However, if he has not married publicly after the age of 28, we will jointly select the most highly regarded and famous girl in the religion as the wife of the master."

"It's quite interesting! It turns out that he also has the possibility that he has no choice but to hit a bachelor!" The beggar laughed and said, "I don't know who is the most intelligent and beautiful woman in the teaching?"

The messenger in black took a look at the woman in black and said, "Master of the Seven Wonderful Man, Mrs. Han."

Teacher? The beggar opened his eyes wide and said, "Isn't your Black Wood Lotus Religion too tricky? Even if the master doesn't marry at the age of 28, he can't choose an old woman at the level of teacher for him, can he? That's... too, not a good match!"

He glanced around and said, "Which one is Master? Is she here? Can I see her?

The messenger in black listened to her words and was still face fixed. "Although he is called a teacher, he is the youngest of the seven masters, only one year older than Xuanzi Miao."

"Does the master still have seven teachers? The level of the teacher is not limited by age. How was it selected?

"Marty, beauty, wisdom." The messenger explained, "Although Mrs. Han is young, she is very good at martial arts and extremely intelligent. Now she lives on Xiaoyao Island in Penglai with Jingshitai, Bo Shitai, Huishitai, Rong Shitai, Dunshitai and Yushitai."

Ah? Isn't it in this land?" The beggar said disappointed. I also want to visit to see what kind of immortals they are.

"Here, Penglai Xiaoyao Island is located in the southeast corner of the Blackwood Cliff. It will take about seven or eight days to walk from here."

The beggar can't help praising that this is a sightless underground religion, and the territory is still very vast.

"Since there are seven wonderful people under the hands of Master Yun, do the other six teachers also have seven followers?"

"Yes." The messenger said, "There are seven, seventy-49 people in total."

The beggar heard it with beautiful eyes and said strangely, "What are their names and what are their positions?"

"Let me tell you this from the articulate yellow. Say it all at once, my head is really big." The messenger pointed to the woman wearing a pale young goose yellow with wooden lotus ornaments.

The yellow Miaoren looked childish, and his voice was as crisp as a big bead and small bead falling on the jade plate. He replied in one go: "It goes without saying that the seven people who follow the class have been introduced to you. They are awarded the title of 'Miaoren' and are in charge of the criminal law. The seven men under Empress Jingshi are named 'Thinking for People' and specialize in sacrificial sacrifices, which are called Fengxian, Fengshu, Fengde, Fenggui, Fengyi, Fengqian and Fenghe. The seven men under Empress Bo Shi are in charge of cultivation and planting, and are named 'Spirit People', which are called Chaoyun, Morning Dew, Afternoon Sun, Sunset, Evening Moon and Twilight Raven. , specializing in water conservancy, the title of 'Sherman', respectively called Jingchun, Chuqi, Qingming, Grain Yu, Xiazhi, Autumn Cicada and Dongxue; Rong Shitai, specializing in charge of etiquette, title 'Yiren', respectively called Yunyuan, Combya, Meijing, Eye Ying, Earzhuang, Neck Show, Body Yao; seven under the hands of Dun Shitai, specializing in charge of marriage, title The 'good people' are called Feng'er, Huang'er, Yu'er, Li'er, Jin'er, Se'er and Xian'er; the seven subordinates subordinates of Yushitai specialize in vocal music and are named 'yue ren', and are respectively Yuqi, Yudi, Yuxiao, Yuqiang, Yuqin, Yuqi and Yuzheng.

After listening to Goose Huang's words, the beggar said "Ouch" and said strangely, "That's awesome! How many other women are there in the Blackwood Lotus Sect?

"I can't count. The ratio of men to women is about one to one. The goose laughed.

The beggar felt that his previous imagination was poor, and he underestimated Nangong Zhili. She has always thought that he is the "Three Wujun" who leads some friends and gangsters to pretend to be unscually do business. He is far less organized and disciplined than her beggar gang. How could he be so complete.

In anger, the beggar also oozed a little admiration from the bottom of his heart. Just as I was about to say something, a black hunting was involved in my eyes. The comer didn't know how he came over. He bent down, like long hair and flying unruly, brushing the beggar's stunned face.