The beggar's wife is enchanting

Chapter 224 Ecstasy Fumigation

Nangong Zhili came and went without a trace, and occasionally pretended to play tricks on beggars. Although he was angry every time, Chen Guang seemed to be so long that he didn't even have anyone to accompany her to get bored. He told her that the brothers and sisters in Yanlan City, Dongfang Ye and Major General Ximen were barely fine, and warned her not to cause trouble again, so that she could live in isolation and live a stable life on the black wood cliff. In fact, she knew that under his bad appearance, his bright and dark heart had been thinking about her, and neither of them would admit it.

This night, she dreamed of Aunt Xiu and woke up in a cold sweat. The elegant embroidered sister-in-law's feet are swollen and her stomach is bulging, so fat that she can hardly recognize her. She reached out to hold her. She shouted "beggar sister", but she always had an arm apart and couldn't get close. The beggar was so anxious that she wanted to shout, but she couldn't make a sound. Aunt Xiu's voice and smile slowly disappeared, as if she had melted into the hazy moon, water, hazy and rain.

When I got up in the morning, the beggar's eyelids were a little floating, which was affected by a nightmare. Uneasy, she wants to go out for a walk.

The scenery of the black wood cliff is unique. Finally, she walked out of the maze-like main hall of Nangong Zhili. She walked along the stone path reflected by the black wood lotus, brushed the branches and leaves, smelling the fragrance of flowers and walked slowly. The frost and cold dew, and a touch of sunlight from the cracks hit her forehead, setting off her white face shining with crystal light.

I don't know how long it took to walk to a vast lake of ten miles. The lake is cold and there is no ice. The clean pebbles are like good jade in the deep lake. The winding cloister leads to a courtyard in the center of the lake. This courtyard is divided into seven small courtyards, each of which has an upper room, a front hall, a back hall, a wing room, etc., with flowers and grass fences, which are simple and quiet.

When the beggar looked from afar, he felt that his troubles were gone, relaxed and happy, and he wanted to see what was going on.

She held the railing and walked all the way along the endless corridor. No one stopped her.

At the end, there is a step. On the steps, the white wall, the gate tower is towering, and there are five gin characters of "Penglai Xiaoyao Island" written on a huge brown wooden door. The font is romantic, slender and flexible, and each character looks like an enchanting and blooming wooden lotus flower, with different postures, graceful and elegant.

The beggar's mind moved. Isn't this the residence of seven, seven or forty-nine wonderful people, thinkers, ceremonial people, etc.? I heard from the guard in black that it would take seven or eight days to walk here from the temple of the patriarch. Why did she arrive after walking for half a day? Could it be that he lied to her?

Impossible. There must be another mystery.

This is fate, and beggars are rare. Anyway, since she bumped into here, she has been in the heart of visiting for a long time, so she can't come here for nothing and laugh, "There is no place to find on the railway. It doesn't take effort to find it all!"

The beggar walked in and found that the seven small courtyards were closely connected, as if seven large boats were tied together, floating on the water, indescribably quiet and independent.

The beggar turned to the first yard on his left and saw a large stone more than one person high engraved with the three words "Joyenfang". The beggar said to himself, was it a master specializing in musical instruments?

There was Hongmeng in the music and did not dare to disturb it. The beggar stopped to listen, as if there was a complaint like crying, slow and urgent and high and low, but it was extremely low, as if the silk thread that was broken at the touch of his hand.

After listening for a while, the beggar heard the mystery of the three points. When she is impetuous and thinking, she can't hear anything; only by listening attentively can she hear the complete tone. High mountains and flowing water, thousands of troops and horses, Huawu birdsong, green shade... are not enough to describe its beauty.

In admiration, the beggar walked to the first yard on the right side and saw the three words "Spirit Cave" written. He stretched out his head and looked in. He saw that the arches were heavy, strange flowers and grasses were hidden. This should be specially managed by cultivation.

However, she can't stay for too long. Her ultimate goal is the execution woman who leads the seven wonderful people.

The beggar is very curious about what kind of woman can match the evil of Nangong Zhili in the hearts of the believers. Imagine how domineering a charming woman with superb martial arts and in charge of the execution law of killing without blood should be.

The beggar knocked three or four times in front of the open door to show that he had greeted him in advance, not secretly.

No one answered. The beggar walked through the lane and went straight to the main room.

The smoke slowly dispersed from the house, and the courtyard was filled with light cages. The fragrance of the wooden lotus became stronger and stronger. The beggar covered his nose, and the fragrance still lightly penetrated into her internal organs.

Curiosity drove her to retreat and finally stepped into the main room.

What is shocking is that auspicious beast phoenix tail and strange-shaped incense burner with a mouthful tripod with a steamer on it. The smoke, water vapor and fog make people dizzy and want to fall asleep. The beggar rubbed his eyes hard to avoid being blocked. She wanted to see what was in the incense burner.

There are still three long steps, and the strong heat flow washed her away. Almost burned.

The beggar felt more and more stuffy and just wanted to go out for a breath of fresh air, but the scene she suddenly saw made her heart beat faster and she couldn't feel herself.

Deep in the smoke, among the seven transparent large open glass bottles, there stood a naked girl. Their black hair rose high, closed their eyes, and looked calm. It may be because of the high temperature and thin oxygen. Their faces were hot and sweaty, making them look white, fat and slightly red. The heat scattered on the wall of the glass bottle, gathered into water droplets, and went down the river. On the bright stone water mill floor, seven bright streams converged into a fragrant stream, which flowed to the yard and penetrated into a beautiful land of wood and lotus flowers.

The beggar opens its mouth wide and carefully distinguishes their eyebrows and faces. It should be Xuanzi, ice blue, goose yellow, night black, pear white, lake green, and red gold! What mistake did they make to be punished by this high temperature, semi-sealed and fumigation?

Is it an idea that Mrs. Han came up with? The beggar wanted to learn from Sima Guang to smash the jar and smash the glass bottle to save them. But I don't understand Mrs. Han's human temperament, and I'm afraid that impulse is the devil, which will make them more severely punished.

She decided to endure it for a while. When the punishment was over, it was not too late to ask.

The beggar was about to suffocate, so he walked out of the house and sat on the stone bench and waited. Until the light gets darker and darker, the smoke in the house is still continuous.

The beggar stood up anxiously and walked a few steps. He was a little dissatisfied. At least I was a guest. The teacher was quite arrogant and punished the apprentice for leaving me here for so long. I've been here for a long time, and the figure is gone!

waited for a cup of tea again, and the smoke slowly decreased. The beggar exhaled and laughed at himself, "Three visits to the hut, waiting for such a long nap. I've only been here once, so I have to wait for three naps.

The voice of the woman who was as clear as nature sounded: "Let the distinguished guests wait for a long time."

Hearing this, the beggar's anger immediately extinguished. This sweet sound quality is like a mountain spring, which quenches people's thirst. The beggar was stunned for a long time and muttered, "Where did talk?"

A piece of snow-white silver yarn floated in the light fog, and the beggar said, is it pear white?

No, the pear white clothes are a milky color, white and soft, no more white than the one in front of them, cold and noble, beautiful and dusty. The beggar's eyes widened, trying to see the blurred figure in the depths of the fragrant fog.

It's close, it's finally close, and I can see it clearly. The beggar was stunned and self-shame.