The beggar's wife is enchanting

Chapter 227 Tumoral Birthprint

Because Nangong Zhili asked the beggar to wash quickly, he will have to take a bath later. The beggar was at a natural disadvantage, so he had to rush away his tired sweat, wiped his wet hair with a towel, randomly grabbed his pajamas and put them on, wrapped the changed clothes, and came out.

She walked out of the bathroom with her forefoot, and Nangong Zhili's heels flashed in. The beggar checked her things and was very embarrassed and depressed. Her close-fitting clothes fell into the bathroom!

What should I do? When Nangong Zhili takes a shower and picks it up, according to his treacherous and evil character, if he threatens her, won't he lose his reputation and succumb to him in his life?

No! Before he washes at this time, he must get it back!

But he hesitated again. What if he has taken off all his clothes?

When he was entangled, the beggar bit his teeth. No matter, he was even more powerless to return without clothes. At worst, he picked up his clothes and ran out. He didn't believe that he could still chase him out naked.

On the contrary, it is not conducive to the beggar's skill. Nangong Zhili's strength and martial arts skills are high. It's not so easy to tear up with him.

Thinking of this, the beggar threw his half-dry hair behind his shoulder, took out a posture of a strong man who died first, and rushed into the door.

Nangong Zhili just opened the water and was ready to wet his hair. He saw the beggar rushing in and went straight to a white soft cloth hanging on the edge of the hanger. He reached out to take it.

In an instant, Nangong's salute was clear in his heart. The corners of his mouth floated with a flirting smile. As soon as his strong arm was stretched out, he blocked the beggar on the side of the shelf and could not move.

The beggar looked at the strong copper body and couldn't help blushing and stabbing him, "Move away!"

Nangong Zhili smiled and said, "Why do you always take the initiative to send it to your door? I don't eat tofu, and I feel sorry for the Creator!" After saying that, he put his saliva on the beggar's cheek.

The beggar was so anxious that he tried his best to break free and scolded, "Are you ashamed? I want to make a mess without clothes!"

Nangong Zhili became more popular and deliberately teased her, "What do you think? Wearing clothes in a mess, isn't that called scratching through boots? It's better to make trouble without clothes. This is called skin taste!"

The beggar watched him lick her lips. The ears were so ashamed that he vented his confidence first, and there was nothing he could do.

Nangong Zhili flirted with her: "This is called shallow taste..." Then he kissed her neck and hummed while enjoying, "This is called step by step."

The beggar became more and more panicked, and his heart beat wildly and said, "What else are you going to do?"

"There are many more..." Nangong Zhili smiled in surprise and said, "Don't you know? A pure and inexperienced virgin like me knows 80 general essentials such as traveling clouds, traveling, traveling on horses, dragonflies and water.

The beggar opened his eyes wide. Where did he hear these messes? Why hasn't she heard of it? What I listen to occasionally seems to be very different from what he said?

Or has this romantic embryo been in the flower field for a long time and has created many original nouns?

The beggar responded with a burst of diaphragm, and he hates this kind of man with chaotic private life!

Anger surged up and bit him on the shoulder vigorously.

I don't believe him, and I can continue to kiss her with those shameless moves under the severe pain.

Nangong Zhili was slowly getting more and more intoxicated. He just wanted to open her cherry mouth and have an upside-down fairy "Clove Rui". He was bitten hard by her, and he could feel that she was not biting and playing to promote the sweet atmosphere, but real. There is a stubbornness that does not give him to death.

Nangong Zhili hurriedly said, "Let go!" There is something to say... it's easy to say..."

The beggar squeezed intermittent words from his teeth: "You shameless, you don't know how many women's physical debts you owe, and you always bid yourself, just like you are still a boy! You can't deceive the women in the world. I hate dirty men who are not single-off, full of lies and bully women!"

Nangong Zhili didn't feel any pain. Unexpectedly, he didn't stop the beggar from biting. He sighed quietly and said, "Am I so dirty in your mind? Only Dongfang and Major General Ximen are the pure men you think? Am I full of sin, desire/desire and uncleanness?

The beggar was slightly sad and heavy when he heard him. The force under his mouth unconsciously became small, and slowly straightened his head: "Did I say you wrong?"

Nangong Zhili shook his head and said with a wry smile, "No."

At this moment, the Nangong ceremony gave the beggar the illusion that he was a lonely and clean man.

Looking at the dark red and purple tooth marks on his shoulder, the beggar felt a little guilty and gently stroked: "Does it hurt?"

Nangong Zhili closed his eyes and did not answer, as if he were wandering in the sky, but the whole body trembled a little.

The beggar thought he was in pain, and his tone was a little lower. He said gently, "Is there any medicine? Let me paint some for you."

"No, if you rub it for me every day, it won't hurt." Nangong murmured.

"Nonsense again!" When the beggar saw that he had forgotten, he twisted it where he was bit and said, "If you are willing to be more serious, you won't suffer in front of me!"

Nangong Zhili suddenly opened his eyes, breathed and said, "I wish you would bite me every day", and then irresistibly hugged her tightly and kissed her lips deeply, so domineering, so ling, so turbulent, so merciless. His tongue was a little stiff and clumsy, but it contained great enthusiasm. It easily collided with her lips and teeth and entangled with her.

The beggar's head can't turn around, he is in a stupid state, and responds to him strangely and instinctively!

She had no choice but to take the initiative for two or three minutes. Nangong Zhili had been ignited by her, and her arms surrounded her like iron hoop. The changes in her body became more and more obvious, and her breath gasped out of rhythm.

When the beggar felt the wrong pressure on her lower abdomen, she said "h" and scolded weakly, "You bastard, let go of me!"

In fact, she scolded so innocinately. As long as Nangong Zhili indulged a little and insisted on occupying her to the end, she would have it.

But Nangong Zhili pushed her away at the hottest moment: "Get out quickly!" He closed his eyes and opened them again, took a few breaths to calm down, and then poured water from head to toe, as if driving something away.

The beggar was pushed unsteadily by him and squatted on the corner of the wall. I couldn't stand up for a moment and looked at him in a trite.

Suddenly, the pattern of Nangong Zhili's hip similar to a birthmark caught her sight! A purple fairy grass with two dense words engraved next to it!

Her heart was moved, and many vague fragments were reflected in her mind. She is familiar with this mark and seems to have seen it in many places!

To be precise, it is not in many places, but several people who are close to her, in the same part! They are all relatively hidden under the hips!

Some time ago...where was it? Military camp? Yes, even when she was lost/desire/th control by the rejuvenation sweat medicine, she saw that Ximen Moyi also had the same fetal mark here!

There are still some distant memories. She quarreled with the Oriental Master and had a mirageous adventure in the southern barbarians: after the murder of her beloved man, the woman gave birth by caesarean section, dipped a needle in the hip of the child, dipped it in paint, stabbed the words "glow" and "face" the size of rice grains, and outlined a purple fairy grass!

This scene seems to be bright and dark, and seems to be hidden. Is it a dream or a real thing?

But before the woman committed suicide, the beggar dug a square grave for the baby according to what she said and carved "Zhongshi Unknown" as a tombstone...

It should not be a false dream. It's just that the past is too strange, and there are many things that can't be explained, as if they are demagogic, so beggars often think it's a dream.

Yes, remember that the woman is the beloved Qinfei of the emperor today, and the man is the virtuous king, that is the emperor's second brother Zhao Yu!

...What does this mean?

Driven by curiosity and suspicion, the beggar got up and walked to Nangong Zhili. Walking in front of him, she pressed his shoulder with one hand and ordered "Don't move", then bent down, lying on the side of his hip, touching the fetal mark with both hands, and couldn't take her eyes off.

The heart tremor: Although it is vague, the words "glow" and "face" can still be recognized!

She was inexplicably panicked and looked at him for a long time and said nothing. Nangong Zhili was both nervous and puzzled and said, "What are you doing?"