The beggar's wife is enchanting

Chapter 245 Open and enlightened Old Prime Minister

The letter makes it clear that the beggar lives in the attic on the lake of the college.

Without stopping, when he rushed to the beggar's bed, the physically exhausted Dongfang fell to the ground.

When the beggar saw it, tears flowed down and wanted to call him. His throat seemed to be blocked by phlegm, and he couldn't spit out a word.

Master Dongfang woke up under the massage and kneading of Zhao Qian and Nangong Zhili. He said, "I'll transfer all my internal strength to the beggar!" I hope it will make her life longer!"

The beggar's mouth closed, as if trying to say a word: "" It has become an indispensable part of life. Once he loses all of it, how can the excellent man mentality make him live?

The beggar saved the strength at the end of his life and said, "Master Dongfang... wait... Come here... I have something to ask you... or it will be too late..."

Master Dongfang's tears were dry, and he walked over steadily. He knelt down in front of the bed, held the beggar's hand and pressed it to his face: "It's all my fault. I didn't take good care of you, I didn't take good care of you, and let you suffer again and again..."

The beggar shook her head and could hardly see that she was shaking. She said, "She... why, pregnant with your child?"

"Stop talking about this! I'll pass on the skills to you first, and then you can say it, okay?

"Well, it's... late... you can't say it." The beggar floated out word by word: "Quick, tell me. Listen, I can close my eyes."

"It has been tamped with in the diet." Dongfang Yedao.

Who? Princess, someone else? The beggar's voice was so low that he couldn't hear it clearly.

Master Dongfang approached and heard it vaguely. He said, "When you are ready, I'll tell you slowly." After saying that, under the gaze of Zhao Qian and Nangong Zhili, he began to inject true qi into the beggar's body.

The hot sweat gradually penetrated out of the beggar's forehead, and the white gas was like gloomy, making Zhao Qian and Nangong Zhili's faces become an illusion. Like the wind blowing across the water, the ripples start, shattering all the complete images.

til dawn, Dongfang Ye's empty body collapsed.

In the beggar's body, the surging heat flow seems to be dancing with blood. She didn't know anything. She felt that there was too much heavy load in her body and slowly fell asleep.

Zhao Qian carried Mr. Dongfang out of the academy and carried him to the prime minister's house with the bodyguard.

Just out of the palace, Princess Sucome, who was full of tears and her pregnancy, rushed up like crazy: "I miss you so much! When you come back, why don't you go back to your house first and move to your brother's place?

Zhao Qian said, "Don't ask. Help the emperor's son-in-law take good care of his body.

Master Dongfang's color is green and white, and his black hair has lost its luster. It seems that after decades of vicissitudes, Princess Sucome sobbed and tears hit his face.

"Wake up, touch, the kid is playing in my belly. The fetal movement is very strong. The doctor said it was a baby boy." Master Dongfang fell asleep peacefully, and he didn't know that Princess Sucome's belly was close to his ear again.

The people in the prime minister's mansion panicked. How did Dongfang Ye become like this at the critical moment when the princess was pregnant?

Such a big thing spread in an instant. The Prime Minister of the East, Mrs. Mei, the emperor Zhao Yuan, Empress Li and Liu Cai also came to ask Zhao Qian what was going on.

The beggar hasn't woken up yet and lives a very hidden life. Zhao Qian can't let her curse on her back. In case they are so angry that they ask to punish the beggar... With such a great deal of hard work, can she still have half her life?

Therefore, Zhao Qian only replied vaguely, "Dongfang Brother has been coughing blood since a year ago, and his body has long been depleted. He has lost his life in the county and often forgets to eat and sleep. Hearing that Koer was pregnant and distracted, she finally couldn't support it. On the way back to Beijing, she coughed up several times. The reason why he went straight to the prince's mansion was to hear that there was a magic doctor hermit in the mansion... But after all, he saved his life and his body was empty, and he could no longer save his former martial arts.

Queen Li, Mrs. Mei and Princess Suko couldn't help crying. The factors in this are so complicated that they can't get rid of them.

The oriental prime minister sighed, "It's also fate. It's my fault that I didn't teach my son to be strong and lighten his feelings.

Zhao Yuan asked, "Ren'er has always been positive and enterprising, and her poetry, literature and martial arts have never been slack, and her body and bones are also one in a million. How did she fall like this? Isn't it stimulated by anything?"

In addition to Dongfang's open-mindedness, the people present have their own ghosts, and no one has answered for a long time.

Dongfang brushed his beard and sighed several times. The words were as heavy as a thousand words: "It's a long story. Before marrying Ke'er, Ren'er fell in love with a girl and had a deep affection, but later had to break up. The girl is fierce. I don't know whether she wandered or committed suicide. The latter is more likely... Ren'er is affectionate, and that kind of guilt has formed a net, making him unable to go out day and night, causing him to become terminally ill.

Zhao Yuan has long seen that Dongfang Biren is just a weak family affection for Koer, but he has never said it. After listening to Dongfang's words, I was not surprised, but I couldn't figure out how the ordinary excellent benevolence didn't know the importance of a man and fell in love?

This is very different from the old prime minister and Mrs. Mei. Zhao Yuan asked plainly, "I don't know if it's a girl from the He family that makes Ren'er so worried and sick?"

"Alas..." Dongfang said, "That girl once visited the prime minister's mansion. Because she had a view of her at first, she didn't like her very much. She tore her face without asking anything. I heard that she is a righteous chivalrous woman in the world.

"That should have some personality." Zhao Yuan pondered once and said this. I can't hear the intention at all, whether it's good or negative, happy or angry.

Princess Sucome was sad and sad, and her voice became sad: "What a righteous chivalrous woman! Just a bandit and beggar! Shameless fox!"

Zhao Yuan patted the back of the chair and said, "Koer, when is it? You are still so ignorant and jealous! It's your mother who spoiled you!"

Princes Sucome cried even more. Empress Li advised, "Your Majesty, please forgive Koer. Now that she is pregnant with a child, in case she is angry and Ren'er is like this, how can the prime minister have a long history?

Zhao Yuan snorted and stopped talking.

Queen Li's words aroused Mrs. Mei's infinite sadness. The old tears were like the heavy rain in summer, and she said sadly, "Koer, you must take good care of it. The blood of the Oriental family is counting on you..." With that, she had to kneel down and kowtow.

Zhao Yuan said, "Why don't you help your mother-in-law up?" Is that how you usually honor your old lady?"

Princes Sucome reached out to help the old lady Mei. The oriental prime minister said, "Your Majesty, Koo'er is very filial. To be honest, although she is a little delicate, her relationship with her wife is as good as that of mother and daughter. The maids in the prime minister's mansion always praises her."

Queen Li also said, "Yes, yes. The emperor didn't see her at the palace banquet. As long as Mrs. Mei was present, Koor must be closer to her than me!"

Zhao Yuan said, "Now that this is the case, Koer will rest assured to wait for delivery, and Ren'er will be quiet and recuperate. I hope that when the child is born, Ren'er's body will basically recover.

The Prime Minister Dongfang gave a hum, suddenly knelt down and looked straight at Zhao Yuan and said, "I have something to say. I don't know if I should say it."

"Love you, but it doesn't matter." Zhao Yuan smiled and said, "They are all from their own. Don't be formal."

Dongfang Qian Lao said, "After this, I guess Ren'er will still remember the old feelings after waking up. This is really aggrieved, and I, as a father-in-law, am also ashamed of her. I'm afraid that Ren'er will be useless for the rest of her life. If Koer can stand it and is willing to follow, it is really lucky in the East. If Koer has other plans, we parents should never interfere and let her have her own happiness.

Zhao Yuan waved his hand and said, "Aiqing's words are just bad. A woman should guard three virtues and four virtues. She is my princess, and she should set an example. Let alone Ren'er lose her martial arts skills, she is still quite excellent. Even if Koer is such a sloppy husband, once she gets married, she will follow the dog. How can she change easily?

Queen Li said, "Ko'er is pregnant. Wouldn't it make people feel sad if the prime minister says so again?"

Dongfang said, "I'm thinking of you. Although it is contrary to the ordinary, I think that my decision is enlightened.

Zhao Yuan and Empress Li saw that the old prime minister was stubborn and couldn't help it for a moment. They looked at Princess Sucome and said, "Koer, what do you think?"

Princes Sucome said, "Since I got married here, I haven't made up my mind. I am the daughter-in-law of the Oriental family, and there is no doubt about it in my life.

Dongfang's tears were wet and he wiped his eyes and said, "Silly child, it's Ren'er who missed you..."

Zhao Yuan patted the old prime minister and comforted him, "Aiqin, don't say such a thing again. Although it's good for Koer, it's just your wishful thinking. After Ren'er woke up, she was enlightened. After becoming a father, his identity is different, and it is estimated that he will gradually change. If you can't get him a few more concubines, how can you be so stubborn! Slowly forget the past, and you must be happy in the face of the old.

After saying that, he said to Princess Suo, "Sometimes it doesn't matter if a man is affectionate, at least this love will be divided on you; the most afraid thing is that the man is so dedicated and stingy that he refuses to share it with any other woman. Koer, you should remember that even if you give Ren'er a concubine in the future, you must be more righteous, help to choose some excellent and good character, and try to spread out some branches and leaves for the Oriental family.

Princes Suko nodded with tears in her eyes: "My father's words have come to the heart of my son. My son is not so jealous. Sometimes I just hope that Brother Dongfang will take more care of me and not be full of the figure of the fox.

Dongfang twisted beard said, "In my heart, the girl is really not beautiful. I guess she doesn't think she is beautiful. She is real, bold and has a lot of ideas, but the starting point is good.

Princes Sukou said, "But Ke'er just doesn't see her well. She looks like a fox, and sometimes even that face looks like a fox."

Zhao Yuan and Empress Li advised their daughter: "They are all passed away, so don't live with her anymore."

Princes Sucome looked at Zhao Qian and muttered, "She has a big life. Who knows whether she really passed away or fake her death!"

"Anyway, you are pregnant with a child, and you also need to have a mother-in-law style!" Empress Li said, "If she doesn't come back, she will die. In case she comes back, she will be resettled again!" Don't be happy all day long and imagine some imaginary enemies!"

Zhao Qian, who had never spoken, couldn't help interrupting at this time: "Yes, sister Koer, let go. Only the child born in this way can be lively, smart and can be done.

Finally, Zhao Yuan, Empress Li, Prince Zhao and others returned to the palace together.

On the way, Zhao Yuanyu said to the prince earnestly, "You and Xian'er, it's not been a short time after the wedding. You should take back your playful heart and let your mother hold the emperor and grandson as soon as possible!"

Liu Caipei looked at the prince resentfully and answered with a red face.

When passing by the prince's mansion, Empress Li said that she would sit down and have something to say to her son. Zhao Qian had to accompany him, but he couldn't listen, so he waited outside the house far away.

Thinking of the beggar, my heart is full of anxiety. Finally, when the mother left, the prince asked Liu Caixian sideways. What did the mother say, but did not ask for the detailed results.

The dinner was finished at the princess's place. Before she stepped out, she took off her coat, put on a pink transparent gauze chest tight skirt, snuggled up, and deliberately lowered her body and flattered.

Zhao Qian's eyes lit up at that time, but his interest was not high after taking him to bed. He hastily put on his clothes and said that he would read books for a while and didn't want to be disturbed.

The prince went all the way to the college and tiptoed into the beggar's room. Seeing that she was sleeping soundly, her breath was unstable but much heavier, which was much more comforting than the initial breath.

The magic doctor Wu Chaoqing was giving her pulse, frowning, as if there was some inexperable doubt. Zhao Qian asked worriedly, "How is she?"