The beggar's wife is enchanting

Chapter 247 Monthly Letter

Zhao Qian rushed back to the college, showed the words written by Master Dongfang to the beggar, and said with a considerate smile, "You should rest assured."

The beggar spread out the paper and stared at the twelve words. She seemed to see the hard work of Dongfang Ye when writing it down with a stroke. After reading for a long time, tears blurred and said, "I asked him to write four paragraphs, but he only wrote twelve words? It's a lot of effort."

Zhao Qian said, "It didn't take much effort. Dongfangdi said that he didn't know what to write, so he had to think about it.

The beggar whispered, "Does he still need to think too much? There are too many things I want to say. I don't know where to start.

Zhao Qian sighed sadly: "If only you could understand my feelings like this."

The beggar seemed to have not heard it. He looked at the paper upside down, read the twelve words in his mouth, and said with his eyes, "Looking at this word, although he writes hard, I can also imagine his weakness."

Zhao Qian said, "It's better than you think."

The beggar smiled coldly and said, "I hope so."

Nangong Zhili looked at the beggar and couldn't help glancing at the words above.

The beggar put away the paper, covered it up, and smiled with a strong bitterness: "Master Dongfang... Is he going to say goodbye to me?"

Nangong Zhili looked tight, and she was too**.

"What do you mean?" Zhao Qian said sourly, "We will be friends in the future. How else do you want to get close to him?

The beggar stared out of the window and said, "A pair of close lovers, who are either together forever, or part ways and never see each other again, how can they be friends? Master Dongfang and I are the kind of people who have no choice but to be separated and not together.

Nangong Zhili's eyes were more gloomy and depressed, but he didn't say anything.

Zhao Qian pulled the beggar's body and said to her, "I don't want to hear this again. You are here with me, and everything is with me. From now on, you can't think about others.

The beggar can't move at all, but his face is calm and he mutters: "Do it again and leave you. Ten thousand miles away, each of them is at the end of the world; the road is blocked and long, and the meeting is safe! Huma followed the north wind and crossed the southern branch of the bird's nest. The days are far away, and the clothes are slowing down; the clouds cover the day, and the wanderers do not care about returning. Sijun makes people old, and the years are suddenly too late. Don't give up your donation and try to have more meals!"

chanted three times and said with tears, "He only took two of them. Trying to add meals is naturally a reminder and love for me; is the southern branch of the bird's nest blaming me for deviating from him, or is it talking about the unfavorable life?!"

Zhao Qian was extremely entangled, clenched his fist and loosened. I thought that there would be no big problem with such a simple ten words, but I didn't expect to pull out such a deep affection! It's not as good as the straightforward nostalgia word written at the beginning! Sometimes, the more obscure it is, the more room for imagination!

Zhao Qian's breathing ups and downs. The saddest thing is nothing more than that the woman is beside him, but what he misses is other men! Why does the current Dongfang brother attract the hearts of beggars?

Nanggong Zhili was so keen that he had already smelled the smell of tobacco vinegar and indifferently interrupted: "It is inevitable to touch the words for a moment. The prince let her relax, and she will naturally get better in the future.

Zhao Qian walked a few steps and said to Nangong, "You're right."

For three days in a row, in addition to eating and sleeping obediently, the beggar remembered from time to time, so he took out the words and looked at them carefully. I have never forgotten to recite the poem "Thinking of you makes you old", and the tone is tangled and sad, which makes people feel particularly sad.

Every time Zhao Qian felt that he couldn't stand it, he vented his distress to Nangong Zhili and said, "When will she be the end? Such prenatal education, the child born pretends to be my father or someone else!"

Nangong smiled and said, "Prince, don't worry. It's just a poem. The poem is the most affectionate. The prince is the father of the child. If the child is born with a deep affection, of course, this love will be transferred to his father.

Zhao Qian took a deep breath and left without seeing or listening.

The beggar came back from the divine tour and saw Nangong Zhili bring a soup made of red beans and golden dates. She took a spoon and scooped it up and let the heat dissipate. Suddenly, he looked at Nangong Zhili and asked, "I've been here for a long time. Why hasn't the monthly letter come? Is it possible that the trauma in April was too great, and the internal strength that Dongfang Ye lost for me was too domineering. Did he get old and out of time?

Nangong was speechless. What's in this head? Everything is always strange and bad.

I don't know how she will react after telling her the news that she might be pregnant. Nangong Zhili struggled with this problem for a long time, and finally chose to hide it temporarily and only said, "How can it be?! It's not early/menopausal, but a special condition in the body, which will be fine after a period of time.

"How long will it take?" The beggar asked with doubtful eyes.

Nangong Zhili said, "I have recovered well. It will be fine in less than a year."

The beggar said "Oh", let go of the question, and then said, "I came back this time and pretended to be amnesia. The prince asked me if I knew him with the portrait of Mr. Dongfang. I said I seemed to have known him, but I can't remember where I met him. When Master Dongfang came from the county to lose his internal strength for me, his emotions were too shaken and uncontrollable. I forgot everything and easily recognized him and called his name, and I care about him to the extent. Obviously, he is not like a person who has lost his memory of the past. Has the prince ever asked?

Nangong Zhili shook his head: "You were the only one who was excited at that time. Each of us has different excitement. The prince is only happy that you can recover, thinking that he didn't pay attention to this season. In addition, in his subconscious, he felt that your acquaintance with Dongfang Ye was very deep. At first sight, it was normal for you to recover his memory.

The beggar hesitated for a moment and said, "Although he is so suspicious, he will inevitably ask when he stabilizes down. I don't want to respond. How can you answer for me?

Nangong Zhili said, "I'll explain it with my subconscious! Say that you can't remember many things, but they all exist in the subconscious. Once stimulated, all the memories about him will wake up. The moment you see Dongfang Master really standing in front of you, you will be awakened. When Dongfang Master delivers internal forces to you, more old things in Yanlan City emerge in front of you, so the memory reappears, as if there is no gap with him.

The beggar nodded and said, "I believe in your sophistry."

Nangong Zhili praised this and laughed, "If I don't even have this ability, how can I stay in front of you for so long?"

The beggar glanced at him and was too lazy to quarrel with him again. He stood up, walked a few steps, and said, "Who is taking care of Mr. Dongfang?"