The beggar's wife is enchanting

Chapter 249 Continuous Man-made Misfortune

It is the beginning of July, and it is the time for the scorching sun and the remaining heat to pour out. Dongfang's spirit is slightly better, but he can't get out of bed for too long. One day, when he woke up from a midday dream, he remembered the valley in the county. Because he summoned his confidant Geng Su to take Rugu back to the prime minister's mansion and stay in the capital first. If he goes to the county to be the governor, he will go together.

Geng Su and Qin Yan were the two most powerful bodyguards of Dongfang Master in those years, and they were very trusted. However, Qin Yan was acquiesced in staying in Kanping Shoe Village by Master Dongfang. Later, he encountered ul speculation and there was no further news.

Geng Su is rigorous and upright, which is different from Qin Yan's humorous style. Dongfang Ye was originally worried that Geng Su's temperament would easily offend people, and generally left things to Qin Yan to do. Now there are fewer and fewer people available around him, so he entrusted him with the task of taking Rugu back to the capital, and wrote a letter to him to the new Xu Taishou, indicating that this was his own person, which may avoid some trouble. And warned him to act with both strength and softness and not being too straightforward. He went to contact a group of original entourage stationed there first.

Geng Su agreed one by one that he knew those people and had a good relationship with Li Hao, the leader of his entourage.

After Geng Su left, Master Dongfang happened to receive a letter from the beggar. Zhao Qian smiled at him and said, "You gave her two five-character poems, and she also gave you two sentences. You asked her to 'try to add food', and she asked you to eat more grains.

Master Dongfang looked at it and thanked Zhao Qian: "Brother Qian. You tell her that I remember, so I won't reply to her."

Zhao Qian sighed, and he was afraid that they would have no end. Even if it is a plain letter, the old couple is always uncomfortable for the current party.

Back to the college, Zhao Qian told him in his original words, but he didn't expect the beggar to be very happy.

The beggar is sure that since Master Dongfang said so, he obviously understands it. Then wait for the news of the safe return of Rugu.

And when it comes to the county, Xu Taishou heard that Master Dongfang had sent someone, and he was well prepared in advance. He was not in place to wash the dust. Li Hao and his entourage asked about Master Dongfang's situation, and Geng Su answered briefly, and did not say that Master Dongfang's martial arts was invalid.

If you want to get things done quickly and return to the capital to return to Dongfang, Geng Su said the intention to Xu Taishou.

Unexpectedly, when Xu Taishou heard the words, her face changed greatly and said, "Half a month ago, she climbed to a high place to clean up the spider web in the corner of Master Dongfang's room. She accidentally fell down and hung it on the rope used to tie the sandbag for martial arts practice. She couldn't speak and couldn't shout out. When she found it, her face was purple and she was out of breath."

Geng Su felt cold and asked, "Where is the body?"

"It's such a hot day, I can't let it go, so I'll be buried."

"Why don't you send a letter to Mr. Dongfang?" Geng Sudao.

Xu Taishou looked at Li Hao and replied, "Brother Hao said that he is just a little maid. When it's cooler, just go to the capital to tell him."

Geng Su said, "Take me to that room."

Xu Taishou took him there. The empty room was quiet and there was almost nothing. There are several ropes hanging on the top of the room one meter away from the back wall, but there are no sandbags under the ropes. Seeing Geng Su's doubtful face, Xu Taishou hurriedly said, "After this happened, put down the sandbag to prevent people from being pocketed there."

Geng Su hummed and said, "How did she climb up the corner so high?"

"She didn't know that she brought a ladder from there."

"But the corners and ropes are not straight up and down. She also fell down and fell to the ground. It's impossible to be tripped by the rope."

"This..." Xu Taishou said, "Probably after wiping the corner of the wall, she saw that the sandbag was full of dust. She turned around and wanted to grab it, but it was too far away. She was unstable and knocked down the ladder. She had to grab the sandbag in a hurry, but she didn't expect that her neck was hung by a rope."

After listening to this, Geng Su turned his face and said to Li Hao, "What do you think?"

Li Hao said, "As for the detailed process, everyone is also guessing that no one can restore it. Only the deceased himself knows it.

Xu Taishou's painting and Li Hao's singing and harmony did not convince Geng Su. He frowned and said, "Why should these dirty work be done by a weak woman?"

"She volunteered. She has always took care of Dongfang Ye's room. When doing these things, her face is full of happiness, and she is anxious as soon as others intervene." Li Hao said so.

Geng Su pondered for a moment and said, "Where is Miss Rugu buried? Tell me the location. Now the only way is to have an autopsy! Otherwise, you can't make an offer to Mr. Dongfang.

Xu Taishou and Li Hao looked at each other and said, "It's too hot, and I didn't use the coffin to hold it. I'm afraid that the body has..."

"Directly buried?" Geng Su raised his volume and said, "Why don't you use the coffin?"

"She is a maid. According to the rules of the palace, she was pulled directly to the mass grave and eaten by the beasts." Xu Taishou said, "It's good to let her be grounded."

Geng Su frowned and said angrily, "It's ridiculous! Dongfang Ye is in the county, and there is only one servant around him. Can't even afford to be treated as a coffin after death?!"

Xu Taishou smiled and said, "Brother, don't worry! Isn't it just opening the coffin for autopsy? It doesn't matter. First, open the tomb, smoke it with herbs for a while, let the insects crawl away, and then reduce the body with ice. After the temperature drops, it doesn't smell so much, just fine.

Geng Su immediately sent someone to prepare. After that, he didn't care about any taboos and went to test it himself.

Except for the bruises on the neck, there is nothing strange, and there is no sign of poisoning or stick. It's just that her teeth seem to be biting something hard.

Shouldn't people who hang themselves open their mouths and spit out their tongues? Geng Su was puzzled, pricked her acupuncture points with a silver needle, pried open her mouth, and saw a small wooden box about the size of an apricot and exquisite workmanship in it. He took it out and distinguished it carefully, with four very thin words engraved on it: "To Master Dongfang."

Xu Taishou and others next to him were very rare. They didn't know what it was. They said one after another, "Pry it open and see what's inside." Xu Taishou stretched out his hand to bring it over from Geng Su.

Geng Su's hand turned aside and said awe-inspiringly, "It says 'To Master Dongfang', which is obviously a relic for Dongfang Master. We should respect the dead and peek at it as injustice!"

Xu Taishou withdrew his hand and stopped making a sound.

A trace of uncertainty flashed in Li Hao's eyes. He walked to Geng Su and asked with concern, "When are you going to return to Beijing?"

Geng Su clenched the wooden box tightly and said, "Tomorrow! After such a long delay, Dongfang must have been anxious.

Li Hao also said nothing, and then dispersed.

At night, Geng Su lay on **, thinking about opening the coffin for autopsy during the day. He was always not very secure and never fell asleep. In the middle of the night, there was a cautious knock on the door. Geng Su hid the wooden box and opened the door on guard.

A young bodyguard who was familiar but couldn't remember who came over and asked, "Are you?"

The young bodyguard replied, "I'm Du Zheng next to Master Dongfang. After only one month in the prime minister's mansion, I went to the county with Master Dongfang."

Geng Su said, "What's the matter now?"

Du Zheng approached and whispered to Geng Su, "That maid died strangely."

Geng Su grabbed him and said, "Come on, go inside and say it. What do you know?"

"That afternoon, I took a nap for a while, and then I got up in a hurry. When he walked this way, he suddenly heard the sound of collapse. He was afraid of making noise, so he quietly came to see. Unexpectedly, Xu Taishou stood at the door. I felt that there was a problem, so I climbed up a tree behind the house and looked through the high window. Li Hao... held the maid and hung it on the rope tied to the sandbag. The maid struggled in the air for a while and was breathless. Li Hao clapped her hands and smiled at Xu Taishou. My lord, when the maid moved the ladder to wipe the spider web in the corner of the wall, the ladder fell down. She wanted to grab the sandbag in a hurry, but she didn't expect to hang it on the rope and be entangled to death. Xu Taishou said, well done, I will tell the prince that the credit is on you... After that, they talked and laughed and left. I dived over to have a look. The maid was out of breath, and the ladder was upside down. I didn't dare to say anything and ran away. It was not until the evening that the delivery man shouted in horror that everyone knew that the maid who served Master Dongfang accidentally died!"

Geng Su listened with a solemn face: "This matter is of great importance. Don't tell others again!"

Du Zheng said, "I know. I just want to remind you that holding that box in your hand may cause their speculation and will be detrimental to you!"

Geng Su was silent for a while and said, "Ru Gu died inexplicably in the Taishou Mansion. I'd like to see how to find another excuse to let me die here!" Master Dongfang is a person who understands how to see that there is an inside story!"

Du Zheng said eagerly, "What if... they don't do it at home, but on the way!"

Geng Su looked at Du Zheng carefully for a long time and said, "You see I can't escape the disaster, right?"

"Then it depends on your number of hits." Du Zheng said bluntly.

Geng Su thought for a long time. When the darkness was about to dissipate, he took out the box and handed it to Du Zheng, "You must take good care of this and go to the capital and give it to Dongfang! Let's go now!"

Du Zheng understands his deep intention to throw away his life and death. I couldn't help saying sadly, "You also have to find a way to dispel the idea of them harming you."

Geng Su said, "I'm afraid there will be a bigger conspiracy involved. Master Dongfang is always on good terms with the prince. He may not believe that only when I was killed can your words be more convincing and that Master Dongfang will have enough vigilance in his heart.

Du Zheng couldn't be persuaded, gritted his teeth, took the box, turned around and was about to leave. Geng Su said, "Wait, take my waist card with you, so that the people of the prime minister's mansion will see your face and prevent you from entering the house, and have an accident!"

Du Zheng's eyes were full of tears, bowed and said, "Take care of yourself." Without further delay, he slipped out of the house, bought a good horse on the way and drove to the capital quickly.