The beggar's wife is enchanting

Chapter 255 Abandoned Wife and Children

Time flies like smoke, and another year of Mid-Autumn Festival is coming. However, the prime minister's mansion is not very calm. It is destined to have a broken festival. Despite everyone's opposition, Dongfang is ready to leave his wife, who has been pregnant for seven months, and return to the county to serve as a magistrate on the 14th.

Mrs Mei cried for a while, and Princess Suo wept and felt sorry for herself.

Before parting, Dongfang changed his previous indifference and took the initiative to hold Princess Sucome's hand. Like a childhood sweetheart when he was a child, his eyes were a touch of gentleness and kindness. He said to her, "I'm leaving. Take care of you."

Such a Dongfang master, the Dongfang master in front of her, the Dongfang master holding her hand, staring at her, how many days and nights of Princess Suko longed for and nights. Every time she dreamed of it, she felt warm all over, and even his thinness in reality was forgotten.

However, at this moment, what I was done finally came true. But looking at his warm and empty eyes, her heart beat violently. She felt a deep chill and had a premonition of permanent separation.

Mrs. Mei was a little happy when she saw this scene. After Dongfang walked away, she said to Princess Suko, "Look at Ren'er's eyes, it can be seen that he still has you in his heart. To be a father is a little different from the past. You can live and raise quietly. When he comes back, he will definitely regard your mother and son as a treasure.

Princes Sukou looked at the figure of Dongfang Master, stroked her heart, and said to Mrs. Mei, "It hurts here. Why am I so worried today?

"After all, I'm young and can't stand parting. As soon as I leave, I miss it." Mrs. Mei comforted the princess and helped her back to rest.

In the evening of that day, Zhao Qian sent Dongfang's Juechen letter to the beggar. The letter reads: "After thinking about it, it's all true that you scolded me that day. The debt needs to be repaid, so I will make up my decision to guard the desolation in advance.

The beggar read it, and his heart thumped. He remembered the letter that Master Dongfang put in the brocade box some time ago, and he already had the idea of being a monk. But the beggar only thought that he still had a lot of things to do. After a few months or even a few years, the world may change, and he may not be really willing to become a monk.

But how can this letter hide the feeling of abandoning everything and retreating?

"Master Dongfang, didn't he go to the county to be a guard?" The beggar asked Zhao Qian, "Where is the surrogate Xu Taishou?"

Zhao Qian replied, "It's true that you are going to be the county magistrate. Xu, I transferred him to Yongcheng as a guard.

The beggar is a little sure. Since he is an official, he should not be born.

After half a month, all the people who escorted Dongfang to the county returned. Not only did Mrs. Mei feel frightened, but even the Prime Minister of the East couldn't stop and asked, "What's going on?"

The first follower said, "When I arrived at Dangyi Mountain on the border of the county, Dongfang said that he would walk alone and not let anyone follow him, and then he never came back. Everyone was so anxious that they searched the whole mountain and didn't see him.

"What's the matter?" The Prime Minister of Dongfang said urgently, "When I tell the emperor, send more people to look for it."

Before going to the palace, Dongfang Wei warned, "No matter what the outcome of this trip is, we must not let the princess know about this. Whoever leaks will be killed without mercy.

The pleasant old prime minister was furious like this, and everyone was silent, saying that they would keep their mouths and not talk nonsense.

When Emperor Zhao Yuan heard about this, he valued it very much and called a group of imperial guards to let Dongfang Yu personally lead him to search around Dangyi Mountain. Dongfang did not delay and went to the county on the same day.

When Zhao Qian told the beggar about this, the beggar was shocked and had a bottom in his heart, as if it had been expected for a long time. I'm still shocked and sad. Why is it so fast? Is it because she scolded him too hard that day?

Linking the last two letters, Dongfang's thought of being a monk existed for a long time, but her sharp scolding led to the early arrival of the day. Doesn't he know that he is helpless and careless? The beggar can't let go of this sense of guilt and depression.

Nangong Zhili advised, "It's not your fault."

The beggar shook his head and blamed himself, "If I hadn't scolded him so viciously, he wouldn't have been so frustrated that he had no concern for the world. You told me as an outsider, was it too much, too realistic and too heartfelt for me to lie that day? Even if Master Dongfang knew that I was acting, he still couldn't get out of the play afterwards?

Nangong Zhili said, "People have their own home. You shouldn't be so entangled. To let yourself go is to let others live a good life.

The beggar looked into the distance and wanted to see which foggy and steep mountains were the place of the Oriental Master, but he only saw the deep courtyard and the dark red barrier-like narrow palace wall winding like a snake.

The subordinate of the prime minister's mansion got the order of Dongfang Yu, and his mouth was very tight. Princess Sucome didn't know it, but she didn't sleep well every day. She dreamed that Dongfang's clothes were drifting away. On this day, I became more and more haggard. In a blink of an eye, I haven't seen my father-in-law for several days. On that day, I asked Mrs. Mei, "Why is the prime minister's mansion so deserted? Where is your father-in-law?"

Mrs Mei lied to her and said, "Ren'er left in a hurry and didn't bring a lot of things. That's what he used to. The old man was afraid that he would not be able to adapt there for a while, so he sent it to him.

"When did the father-in-law become so sorry for his son? In the past, he never cared about superficial things. Princess Sucome said, "It's strange that I didn't arrange a bodyguard to see it off, but I ran away!"

Mrs Mei smiled and said, "If you want to be a grandfather, don't show your son. As soon as your grandson is born, the eyes of two generations will be on his grandson, and he will have no chance to love his son anymore!"

Princess Sucome couldn't help laughing. Touch your stomach and look happy as if you are about to become a mother.

It is said that when Dongfang came to Dangyi Mountain, the maple leaves were red and the forests were dyed, but he had no intention to enjoy the beautiful scenery. That evening, he sat alone on a riverside, remembering the scene when he visited Ke Mountain near the capital with his son. The father and son climbed high and talked not far away. Now it has become the past, and everything is like a dream.

When he stood up sadly, he suddenly saw a shabby man in white standing a river a miles away from him. Who is that figure, not the son?

"Ren'er!" Dongfang shouted in surprise and ran over. But there was nothing, only a huge red maple leaf drifted into the water.

Dongfang knew that there was something different in his heart. Despite the piercing autumn water, he jumped into the river, picked up the maple leaf and spread it in the palm of his hand to see. Seeing that two lines of words seemed to be engraved with a very thin needle on the back of the leaf, it was his son's handwriting: "For more than 20 years of nurturing, return to the mountains and forests at the end of a hundred years."

Dongfang Qian walked ashore from the water and thought all the way to the garrison of the imperial army. Suddenly, he ordered to retreat and return to Beijing immediately. Everyone was puzzled and asked, "If you haven't found it, how can you go back to your life?"

"I can't find it. I don't need to find it." Dongfang's voice left these nine words desolately, and the shadow left bleakly. Others didn't dare to ask any more questions and went back together.

After returning to Beijing, the emperor asked about this matter. Dongfang took out the leaf, said this strange thing, and said, "The time Ren'er came back from the county and his martial arts were useless, I said that he had a true temperament, and his feelings were so deep that he could not put aside the past. I'm afraid that it's hard to forget the beloved woman. If you don't want to do it, it's inevitable to escape into the empty door.

"If I had known this, I shouldn't have forced Koo'er and Ren'er to be tied together... Ko'er is too stubborn..." Zhao Yuan sighed, "I really don't know what kind of beauty the girl that makes Ren'er fall in love is. What a pity."

Dongfangqi paused for a moment without saying anything and sighed, "It doesn't have to be a peerless talent. It's pure fate. It's bitter."

Zhao Yuan was silent and said for a long time, "Aiqing, I have a question."

"Your Majesty, please." Dongfang looked awe-inspiringly and looked at Zhao Yuan.

Zhao Yuan pondered for a while and said, "You have a lot of concubines. Why has there been only Ren'er for so many years?"

Dongfang paused and said, "It's doomed to be helpless."

Zhao Yuan said "Oh" and whispered, "Maybe."

After seeing the emperor, Dongfang returned to the prime minister's mansion. After listening to Dongfang's story, Mrs. Mei cried depressively and desperately. First, she scolded her child for being unfilial, and then she was sad and almost fainted.

What if you scold your son for being unfilial again? Everything is irreparable.

If she chooses now, will she recognize the beggar as her daughter-in-law or marry the princess? She will still choose the latter without hesitation. Human obsession sometimes does not come from evil, but a predestined prejudice.

Princess Sucome's belly is bulging more and round, staggering and her behavior is difficult. It seems that as long as she bends down, life will burst out of her belly. Every day when the sun sets, she will have a big belly, rest in a few steps, hold the eaves and quietly lean against the porch for a while, squint at the sunset in the sky, and fall into reverie.

Master Dongfang still has no letter, as if he has disappeared since he left the capital. But his voice and smile are all hidden in her memory. In her childhood and youth, like the wind, the moon, and the warm sunshine in winter made her feel peaceful, made her admired, and occasionally swept through the desolate sadness.

Although his body is clumsy and inconvenient to move, his heart leaps far away. Waiting and looking forward to it, Dongfang returned one day, opened his arms and picked up their children, leaving a fatherly kiss on the child's pink cheeks.

All the last news of Dongfang Ye, everyone Zhao Qian knew, told the beggar. First, I was afraid that she would be unhappy because of his concealment, which would not be conducive to raising the fetus; second, I was afraid that she would be worried about it, so I deliberately let Dongfang Ye say it decisively and let the beggar's heart slowly die, and no longer rippled for the mood in the empty door.

The beggar smiled indifferently and listened quietly, as if the years were ups and downs, and he didn't care about these clutches. She was firm that Master Dongfang did not leave her. No matter where he was, he was always close to her heart.