The beggar's wife is enchanting

Chapter 262 Sentence

The beggar exhaled, closed his eyes and waited for the judgment of fate.

Nangong Zhili hung down the thick curtain in front of the bed and sat withered outside the curtain, hanging the veins, as quiet as a stone pillar.

Everything calmed down, and the beggar inhaled and exhaled repeatedly, trying to relax. Suddenly, I heard a gentle, round and majestic woman's voice asking, "Qier, what strange things do you want to see when you let your father and mother come here in the wind and snow?"

It should be Queen Li.

Zhao Qian's voice sounded: "Father and mother, please inside."

The calm man's footsteps are like stepping on the heart of a beggar. Closer, closer, it seems to be in my ear.

The beggar heard the heavy man's voice and asked doubtfully, "He is..."

For a moment, the beggar thought he was asking himself. She didn't wake up until the silk thread hanging on her wrist was withdrawn.

Nangong Zhili bowed and retreated to the door of the bedroom.

Zhao Qian said, "This is the magic doctor Wu."

"What should I ask the magic doctor to do?" Empress Li said, "Who is sick?"

Zhao Qian did not answer, but shouted with a smile, "Beggar, father and mother have come." After saying that, gently lift the curtain.

Zhao Yuan and Empress Li's suspicious expressions condensed at the moment they saw the beggar. It was not that they saw her face clearly, but that there was an inexplicable woman lying here!

The beggar did not dare to open his eyes and look directly. He only lowered his head and lowered his eyes. He clumsily and laboriously turned his side, which was regarded as a worship: "The women have seen the emperor and the queen. Emperor and Empress Wanfu Jin'an.

Zhao Qian smiled and said, "Don't blame her father and mother for not being able to get up. She is pregnant and it is inconvenient to salute."

Zhao Yuan was shocked and asked, "What's the matter?"

Zhao Qian replied, "She is my father's daughter-in-law. She has been pregnant for more than six months."

Queen Li opened her mouth in shock and forgot to speak.

Zhao Yuan reacted and grabbed his son, was happy and suspicious, and shocked: "Little boy, your father is in the dark! Hurry up and tell the truth!"

Zhao Qian said slowly with deep affection: "The minister met the beggar outside the palace. At first sight, he fell in love with him. He was afraid that his father and mother would blame his son for fooling. He dared not tell him. He quietly took her to the palace in the twelfth month of last year. Unexpectedly, she was pregnant at the beginning of April this year. At that time, she didn't know that she was not feeling well until June and her son asked the magic doctor to check her out that she had been pregnant for two months!"

Zhao Yuan hesitated for a moment, as if digesting this big feast.

Queen Li suddenly said for a long time: "Bold move! How can such a big thing be hidden until now!"

Zhao Qian took Queen Li's hand and said coquettishly with a smile, "Isn't this good news for you?"

"Absurd! It's ridiculous!" Queen Li suddenly raised her tone, which made the beggar dizzy: "Can this resist your absurdity?"

Zhao Qian looked at Zhao Yuan as if asking for help, and Ai Ai said, "Father, please persuade your mother..."

Zhao Yuanchen said, "You'd better tell the reason for hiding it, otherwise your father can't help you."

Zhao Qian replied, "Originally, my son just wanted to hide in the golden house, and I didn't want my father and mother to be remanced..."

Queen Li said solemnly, "Why did it take so long to say it!"

Zhao Qian said: "Her physique was so special that she had no reaction when she first became pregnant. It took two months to feel abnormal. When she looked at her pulse, her pulse was extremely different. If she could not be diagnosed, she was pregnant. This situation continued until the end of August, and she was sure that she was happy. At that time, there were too many things about the previous dynasty, the frontier, the eastern brother, and Kou'er... So I asked her to raise her for more than a month. It was not until the pregnancy was revealed and it was diagnosed that it was a male fetus that she looked at the father and mother were a little idle recently, thinking of giving you a surprise.

"Do you think... she is pregnant with a male baby?" Zhao Yuanjing listened and asked this sentence first.

The beggar thought to himself that the cunning old man was more important than the girl.

Zhao Qian's excitement overflowed with words: "Yes. The magic doctor said that he must be a healthy and strange child!"

Queen Li shook her head and said bluntly, "What kind of strange thing has the mother not seen in this harem? But I haven't heard of it for nearly five months before I was diagnosed with happy pulse! It's unprecedented, either the mother of the fetus has a problem or the fetus has a problem!"

Zhao Qian said sadly, "Queen Mother!"

Zhao Yuan listened, frowned and said, "Queen..."

Queen Li knew that she had lost her words, snorted coldly and stopped talking.

The beggar's heart is like a thorn, and the feeling of pain overshadows the confusion and fear of the future.

Zhao Yuan coughed and asked a little oldly, "Did the magic doctor you just mentioned diagnose her?" Are there any other imperial doctors to confirm the diagnosis?

Zhao Qian thought for a moment and answered truthfully, "No, just the magic doctor. But my son can believe that his medical skills are good enough to surpass all imperial doctors.

Zhao Yuan said "Oh": "Really? Qian'er belittled the imperial doctor in the palace so much?"

"Don't tell the emperor..." Zhao Qian pointed to the beggar with his face hanging on his side and smiled, "Before that, her body was very weak and often fell ill. I asked the famous Dr. Chen to take care of her. There was no turning point for her for a month. I had no choice but to look all over the rivers and lakes. My ministers also knew some medical science. Finally When he met Dr. Wu and was diagnosed for the first time, he said the crux of the problem. The minister was very impressed and invited her to the palace. In two or three months, he took care of her and became pregnant.

Zhao Yuan's flat tone can't be divided into praise and sadness. He said, "Such a magic doctor is rare. Call him for me."

Zhao Qian walked out of the door and greeted him with a wintry: "Doctor Wu."

Nangong worshipped. Zhao Yuan didn't say anything for a long time. He only looked at him deeply and suddenly slapped him on the chest.

"Father, what are you doing!" Zhao Qian was shocked.

The beggar's heart was tucked up, and Nangong staggered a few steps, spitting blood and holding the door frame. Zhao Yuan nodded and said, "I have some skills. I guess it's comparable to Qian'er."

Zhao Qian hurriedly said, "If you don't have any strength to support people in the world, I'm afraid you can't go far."

Zhao Yuan said "um" faintly and said to Nangong, "The magic doctor, go down."

The beggar was frightened. At this most casual moment, Zhao Yuan could be impermanent, which was indeed unpreventable.

I don't know if Nangong Zhili is defenseless, or is it a countermeasure with mediocrity?

Zhao Yuan glanced at the beggar and said again, "What's going on with this girl's illness? How did the magic doctor treat it? Have you recovered now? Why can't it be diagnosed after being pregnant for so long?

The beggar secretly panicked. Zhao Yuan's every plain and caring words were hidden in the blade, straight in the key, and dug up the core of the matter.

Zhao Qian knew that his father might remember everything he said and thoroughly investigate and confirm it, especially the major events related to the emperor's heir. She didn't dare to be careless, so she replied, "She used to save a woman who jumped off a building and was crushed and scattered all her bones. A master took a bone for her and supported her recovery with internal force. But that internal force has not been extinguished in her body since then, and there have been some problems from time to time. The magic doctor has some martial skills, using acupuncture and internal adjustment to ease her condition. Now that I am pregnant with the emperor's heir, I can only let the magic doctor take care of me, so that I can rest assured.

Zhao Yuan said slowly, "The tall man who once saved her must have one's skills."

Zhao Qian didn't know whether he should spit out Dongfang Ye, and the beggar also pinched a sweat.

Suddenly, the beggar's wrist was numb and was captured. It turned out to be Zhao Yuan! Her cold sweat rolled down and soaked her back.

Zhao Yuanjing quietly turned his eyebrows into a big pimple. Finally, he didn't look at her. He let go of her wrist and said to Zhao Qian with sharp eyes, "Where does the true energy in her body come from? Who is that master? Why is he willing to lose most or even all of his skills to her?

The beggar's hand grasped the quilt tightly.

Zhao Qian answered bravely, "That master is Dongfang's younger brother. Dongfang Di saved people in danger and later fell in love with her. Because their love was not accepted by the prime minister's mansion, they had to break up. After they broke up, the minister met her. She was often tortured by this internal force. When she was pregnant in April, she almost died. Dongfang's brother came back from the county and passed on all his internal strength to her and saved the life of the emperor's heir. Dongfangdi has lost his martial arts since then.

The beggar was originally in fear and panic about Zhao Yuan. After listening to Zhao Qian's words, he aroused his feelings and couldn't help crying.

The curiosity and shock in Zhao Yuan's eyes were so strong that he said word by word, "Are you Ren'er's favorite sweetheart? The woman who made him willing to be a monk?"

Queen Li couldn't sit still, looking surprised and complicated, looking at the beggar.

Zhao Yuan wanted to look at the beggar carefully, but she always lowered her head and couldn't see her facial features. Because of the order, she said, "Raise your face and let me and the queen have a look!"