The beggar's wife is enchanting

Chapter 287 Ripe

Cold, painful, numb... Su Xier only felt that her body was covered with sharp steel needles, which made her want to swallow immediately. Her eyelids were heavy, but she couldn't open them. The taste of life is worse than death. The dark and boundless fear, and the desolation turned into a whimpering wind, which made her shudder.

Suddenly, a hard and cold thing made her armpits extremely uncomfortable like a stone.

She raised her heavy hand and touched it. She vaguely remembered that it was the seal of Yanlan City.

Life is still there! This was exchanged for her mortal courage.

Su Xier's tears filled her eyes, like a sharp ice in the cold air in the morning, which made her heart tremble weakly.

Are there any other omissions besides one seal? Did she lose anything else?

In the chaos, there seemed to be a long shout running through her mind: "Jia Lang..."

Yes, Jia Lang! Where is he? What's going on with him!

Su Xier wanted to jump up in a hurry, but she didn't listen to her. The sad cry of the cold bird, like crying, couldn't stop crying in her ear. Jia Lang, where are you? Holding the seal tightly, Su Xier fought against her dull body.

The broken scene along the way was reflected in her mind like a portrait. It was not until the first ray of sunlight gently fell on her face that she woke up and turned around. As you can see, the clothes are ragged, blood stains, the back of the hands and arms are frozen blue and purple, and the scars are like, and even the seal is stained with dust and blood.

After working hard for a long time, she sat up and looked around blankly, but did not see Jia Lang.

The empty loneliness enveloped her heart like the shadow of death, which made her unbear to breathe for fear of a sound and suddenly woke up. She and Jia Lang were separated forever.

She wants to die with him, but she doesn't want to leave him to live alone. Even though this man is weak and unbearable.

She limped several steps and finally found him in several vines. He lay upright, his skin color was blue, and his face was still frozen with an expression of extreme fear and resentment before falling off the cliff, and his thin clothes were also hung messy.

Su Xier's heart was shocked, called "Jia Lang" and walked towards him.

After calling for a long time, he didn't. She approached him and rubbed his face, eyebrows and hair.

"Jia Lang, why do you ignore me?"

"Are you complaining about me pulling your back?"

Jia Yubo's eyelids are still tightly close. Su Xier stuffed the government seal into his hand, wrapped his hand with his hand, clenched it, and smiled, "Get up quickly, our lives are still here! No loss. With it, we will not be poor or bullied in the future..."

muttering for a long time, Su Xier was so tired that she fell asleep on Jia Yubo's chest.

has just fallen asleep for three minutes, and the strength of the pacemaker made her feel like beating drums. He is not dead yet! He is still in the same world as her! Su Xier was so surprised that she didn't know what to do. She stroked his chest, patted his back, touched his eyes, and kissed his lips. With so many tricks, Jia died uncleanly even if he wanted to die, and even his soul was dragged back from the bridge by her.

He said together, "I'm hungry..."

Su Xier couldn't take care of her dizziness and deserved to be happy: "Wait..." She hurriedly fling the vines and grass in an attempt to find some food. In the end, I couldn't help but be disappointed. I didn't pick anything except a few dried fruits. Su Xier bit the shell of the dry and cold nuts, chewed up the pulp, and fed them to Jia.

Jia Yubo's injury was not as serious as Su Xier's injury. The reason why he fainted for a long time was probably because he was anxious and angry. At this time, the high-energy kernels were ingested and gradually calmed down. After understanding their situation, he was sad and desperate and cried, "Xi'er, God is going to kill us!" Let's... can't get out. Let's wait to die!"

Su Xier was dazzled and said, "What depressing words! We have picked up a life, and there must be a blessing in the future. How can we not get out! Look, the seal is still there!"

Jia Yubo said dying, "I can't hold it anymore. You can take it."

Jia Yubo and Su Xier are trapped in the deep mountains where they don't know the way. When they are lucky, they can pick more nuts and walnuts. Unfortunately, they have to use grass roots and dried leaves to make the sun. It has been four or five days since the thin and difficult human form came out of trouble. Pedestrians avoid guidance one after another, such as seeing monsters. Su Xier had no strength to cry. In order to cover her shame, she knitted two rough coats with dead grass to keep out the cold.

After begging all the way, he finally returned to Yanlan City, covering his face for fear of being recognized by the people. At the gate of the government office, Su Xier's eyes lit up, and the unspeakable excitement mixed with humiliation. Then there was a sweet throat, a mouthful of blood spewed out far away, and her thin body was weak and weak to the ground.

It scared the guard on duty at the door.

Jia Yubo craned his neck and shouted vigorously: "I'm Lord Jia, Jia Fu Ya... Come on, come on... Go to dinner..."

The guard looked at the scarecrow-like man and woman, changed his face and said angrily, "Where did the flower come from? This is not your place for you to stay!" Get out of here!"

Jia Yubo's eyes were gray, crawled to Su Xier's side, and his hands trembled and stretched out into her arms.

"Frightened! It's all like this, don't forget to make out!" The gatekeeper laughed and joked, kicked Jia Yubo and said, "This is not a beggar's place!" If you want to have a way to live, go to the Water Margin Xianzhai in the south of the city. Maybe there will be a bowl of rice to eat!"

Jia Yubo endured the pain, took out the seal from Su Xier's arms, and said weakly, "... I'm... Jia... Lord Fu..." Then he fell into a coma.

The two gatekeepers felt strange and took a look at the seal. Their souls were scattered and their eyes were like bullfighting, until one of them woke up: "Why don't you carry it into the room and ask the doctor to treat it!"

Several more people were called, and the couple were put on the spring stool, and Jia Yubo and Su Xier, who drank some hot soup, woke up one after another.

silently, as if you have suffered from a terminal illness, although you are lucky, your confidence has been devoid.

When they were eating dinner, the two devoured and worked together to eat three chickens, four pig elbows, two fish and a basin of soup, and then fell asleep tiredly.


When Jia and his wife recovered their vitality, the beggar was getting closer and closer to the production period. His lower abdomen was so big that he couldn't walk. Every time the beggar teased himself, "When I look down, I can't see my legs and feet; if I brush my teeth, green salt can fall on my belly. They look horizontally into mountains and side peaks, and I look at the ball up and right!"

The embroidered aunt couldn't stop laughing, and Prince Zhao and Nangong Zhili couldn't help laughing.

After another seven or eight days, it's mid-February, and it's time to give birth in October. But the little life in the beggar's belly, like the warmth of his mother's body, refused to land in the world.

The beggar couldn't help complaining, "I'm dying of urgency, and the little guy is only hiding in the dark and grabbing oxygen with me!"

The emperor, the queen and the crown princess also asked every day. Zhao Qian was restless and more difficult than being pregnant with a child. He said over and over again, "What's the matter? Why haven't you been born yet?"

Even the embroidered aunt who has had a child and has always been calm, feels incredible.

Only Nangong Zhi had a good time to eat and drink tea leisurely. When asked, he said slowly, "This is a rare late birth. The melon is ripe, and it is naturally excellent to forcibly unscrew it off than the cucumber handle.

Everyone has to wait for the ripe moment.

On the 28th day of February, the beggar thought, "There is no 29th this year. I'm afraid that this child will be born in March."

Or because he was too relieved, the beggar ate half a catty of roast deer and drank two large bowls of red bean and coix seed rock sugar soup. She enjoys the blessing of her mouth and finds an excuse for herself: since she is a double body, she must conform to the sky and eat enough of the two people.

Who knew that in the evening, the abdominal pain was unbearable, and the cold sweat fell like broad beans one by one, and several layers of clothes were wet.

Nangong Zhili took a look and immediately put the beggar horizontally on **, just like pressing a cat and dog on the cutting board.

The beggar stared angrily.

Nangong Zhili simply said two words: "If you don't want to die in childbirth, just be honest! Let you work hard, and let you relax!"

The beggar almost rolled his eyes. You think it will be elastic like you!

Without waiting for the beggar's reaction, Nangong Zhili had put a quilt on her and ordered the woman to say, "You give birth at this end, and I'll give her gas at that end!"

The embroidered aunt waited outside. After a while, the prince also heard the news and directly wanted to go in to visit. Aunt Xiu stopped him: "I can't do it! The blood inside is too heavy, and the beggar loves beauty. If the prince goes in, it will distract her mind, which is not conducive to natural childbirth.

Zhao Qian had to stop and circle in place.