The beggar's wife is enchanting

Chapter 300 Temporary Deployment

Since Zhao Qian was so excited that night that he suddenly said that he would take the beggar on an expedition, and the beggar's heart was like the wind blowing on the wrinkled lake, shaking. But on the third day, Zhao Qian repented and said that he would let the beggar stay in the Pearl Hall honestly, take care of the son, and ask their mother and son to wait for his triumphant return.

Hard conception, ten months of pregnancy, and confinement, beggars have hardly taken half a step out of this lake for more than a year. According to her previous nature, being able to be imprisoned for so long is either a helpless miracle, a non-human suffering, or an open-mindedness.

and the first two undoubtedly account for the main ones.

Therefore, the beggar firmly set his heart to "throw" his son to play. Eight horses can't be pulled back.

No matter how Zhao Qian persuaded her, she wouldn't listen. Zhao Qian said that I would not take you before I left, and the beggar blinked and said, do you think that with my ability and wisdom, I can't leave the palace alone? Can't find the army? Even if you send a few more people to look at me, if someone knows that I'm eager to go to the palace, I'm afraid they will be very happy to help me and hope I will never come back.

Zhao Qian was dumbfounded and spit out a sentence for a long time: "You mean to make me walk unsteadily, right?"

"Then take me with you." The beggar is at peace with him.

Zhao Qian said, "Then tell me, how can you hide this from your father and mother when you have been out of the palace for so long?"

"I can't say that I want to take you to war," Zhao Qian said, "In case you don't win, the ministers of the court and the people of the world, won't you pile up the main faults on yourself? Do you think I'm mediocre and unbearable, and say that you disturb the dynasty?"

"If I win, will they compare me to a heroine like Hua Mulan or Liang Hongyu?" The beggar asked happily.

Zhao Qian said urgently, "Why are you always so optimistic?"

"Why do you always think bad things!" The beggar counted him.

Zhao Qian held her shoulder and said, "I call it dialectical and comprehensive. You are blindly optimistic."

The beggar opened his hand, sat in the chair and shook it, "I don't care, there are only two ways. You protect me to sneak into the battlefield, or I will escape outside the palace.

Zhao Qian frowned, thought about it for a long time, and said, "I'll take you into the battlefield."

The beggar answered "Okay" and laughed, "Then let's sit down and discuss countermeasures."

There was enough incense, and neither of them spoke. Nangong Zhili inadvertently came over, pretending to have just heard the news, and said, "I heard that the beggar is going to the battlefield with you?"

"One more person may have one more way!" Zhao Qian came to his senses and said to Nangong, "Yes, so help me think about it. Is there any good idea that can make my father accept this matter?"

The magic doctor Nangong said, "It's not difficult to say. The crown princess has a lot of business outside the palace. Now that she has given birth to the emperor's eldest grandson, she has made great contributions. If she asks the emperor to go out to have a look, help those fast-to-break livelihoods and feed more of disaster victims, the emperor will not agree if he attaches importance to people's livelihood, will he?

The beggar frowned and said, "When you say so, I think it's time to go back and have a look. Can the emperor allow me to walk too long?

"Let's see what you said." Nangong Zhili said, "Now that there are many wars, the hearts of the people can be stable so that the world can be stable. And the stability of the people comes from the abundance of food and clothing. The beggar's concubine has done good things to stabilize the rear. Her ability and deeds have been passed down among many people... If the emperor disagrees, it will be unreasonable.

Zhao Qian nodded and said, "I have to tell my father about the fact that the beggar used to get rich and help the poor in Yanlan City."

The beggar looked at Zhao Qian and said, "If the emperor allows me to prepare a good horse, I will go out of the palace for half a day. First, I will go to several old nests where I used to stay for a long time. When you lead the troops out of the capital at the end of the month, let's discuss a place, and I will go to you and gather with you.

"Where are you going?" Zhao Qian was worried.

"First go back to Kanping Shoe Village to say goodbye to Sister Xiu, and then go all the way back to Yanlan City from Biyun Mountain to see my brothers and sisters." The beggar sighed, "After many years, I don't know what's going on with them."

Zhao Qian said, "You are alone, it's not safe on the road."

"Don't worry, I used to come alone. Although I don't know martial arts, climbing walls, monkeys fishing for the moon and so on, I can't help it. My skills are agile." The beggar patted his chest.

Nangong Zhili said lightly, "The beggar has been raised for so long, and her body is still as light as a swallow. Not to mention rock climbing and walking, let's talk about the several doors of the Divine Pearl Hall. Can you successfully turn over it?

The beggar rolled up his sleeves and said heroly, "Don't look down on me."

Zhao Qian wanted to stop him. Nangong Zhili pressed him and said with a smile, "Prince, there is a world outside where the weak and the fittest survive. You let her have a try and let her know that it will only be good for her.

Zhao Qian watched the beggar run towards the hanging flower door. This door is made of hollow alloy, carved with winding branches and lotus. The holes on it are small and can only accommodate the toes. The small and pointed feet can still climb up dangerously, and the five toes can't go side by side.

The beggar ran to the door and was out of breath. Her fingers went into the cracks and climbed up. Every time she found a place to settle down, it was even more difficult. In addition, she was no longer the small waist she held in those years. Her convex and plump body made her weight much more. Before long, she was sweating, and her tender fingers were soaked by the hard metal, which made her heart in pain. The beggar was unconvinced and continued to persist. Soon, his hands bled and water flowed, leaving them on every flower branch and became mottled liquid. Zhao Qian looked distressed and said, "Come down quickly!" Come down quickly!"

The beggar ignored him. It became more and more difficult, but the beggar finally rode at the top of the hanging flower door. She stepped over with one leg and was ready to jump. Unexpectedly, the skirt was too narrow and the other leg could not step over at all. In this way, she rode on the door with difficulty, and several pointed iron halberd rubbed through the skin on the side of her legs. For a moment, she really felt that it was difficult to get off. The beggar only felt dizzy. She thought vaguely that if she fell down, she would definitely be hung to death.

"Bear!" Zhao Qian was a little anxious and angry. He jumped to the door, stood firmly on the crossbar, picked up the beggar and landed on the ground.

The beggar's face was pale, but he scolded angrily, "This damn weight! I want to lose this fat!"

Nangong Zhili smiled and said, "There are still two doors and the gate."

The beggar looked at the towering door. There was no place to step from top to bottom. Even if she turned over the wall next to her, she could not jump high and could not succeed.

Fortunately, Zhao Qian relieved her: "Forget it, forget it! Don't try again! I sent a few people to protect you secretly.

The beggar was afraid of being watched and uncomfortable, and he was more worried that some of these people were unreliable, so he said, "Aren't they going to go on an expedition with you?"

Zhao Qian said, "No. Their duty is to guard the safety of the prince's mansion.

"So... are they your people or the princess?" The beggar hesitated and asked.

Zhao Qian was stunned and immediately understood what the beggar meant: "Can't you believe it?"

The beggar said, "I only trust my people."

"Then who do you think is going to be with you?" Zhao Qian said, "You have no cronies in the palace."

The beggar thought for a moment and said, "Then let the magic doctor."

"Ah?" Nangong Zhili didn't expect it and couldn't help making a sound.

"A magic doctor?" Zhao Qian thought about it for a long time and said with a smile, "Beggar, beggar, do you think the magic doctor is a servant? Have you asked for the permission of the magic doctor?

The beggar said, "It is his responsibility to protect the personal safety of the prince and the beggar. Otherwise, why did he let me give birth to a son? Isn't it just to prove his medical skills? Has he asked me if I agree or not? A real doctor can save and harm people, and it is not my wish to have children. So he owes me a will.

Zhao Qian was stunned.

The beggar asked Nangong, "I know that the magic doctor does not give in to the powerful and money. But there is justice and morality in this world. If you owe me a will, you have to return my will. Isn't it difficult?

Nangong Zhili looked at her deeply and said, "It doesn't count."

Zhao Qian said, "Does the magic doctor mean that he is willing to accompany her?"

Nangong Zhili said: "The beggar concubine gave birth to the emperor's grandson. When I first entered the palace, the promise I praised to the prince had been fulfilled. My task has been completed, and the beggar has recovered. It's time for me to leave. Since the beggar said that I owe her a wish, I'll return it to her. Anyway, I'm an uncertain person, just take it as a drifter.

The prince said, "Alas", "In this case, the prince can't keep you. It's a pity that you don't have such unparalleled medical skills in the imperial hospital. The prince will talk to his father on a certain date and let the beggar leave the palace with you. I also hope that the magic doctor will take good care of the beggar and send her to my barracks in good condition.

Nangong Zhili said, "The beggar's schedule is uncertain, and it may not be finished by the end of the month. We might as well meet at the Wanjin Ferry in Wuxing Mountain. It is not only a necessary road to the northwest border, but also a little closer to Yanlan City, with a journey of only more than 300 miles, so as not to make the beggar concubine too hasty.

"It's just as you said." Zhao Qian nod his head and said, "You are waiting for my good news."

Zhao Qian went to see the emperor.

The beggar smiled at Nangong and said, "Don't you thank me?" I let you leave the palace openly, instead of sneaky goodbye.

"Thank you." Nangong Zhili really said a sentence.

The beggar pooh said, "I can't hear it with any sincerity."

Nangong Zhili looked around and said, "As soon as you and I leave, will the Shenzhu Hall become someone else's world?"

The beggar hummed, "Master Zhang sat down and enlightened the children. Who dares to take half a step?

"What about when you breastfeed?" Nangong Zhili said, "Don't underestimate breastfeeding three times a day. There can be a lot of stories."

The beggar was a little uneasy, kicked the table leg, and said at a loss, "Then you can't break the milk of the beg'er. Let him eat and lie with Zhang Wushi, right?"

"Another house for the nurse He and live in the same courtyard with Zhang Wushi." Nangong Zhili said coldly.

"This... lonely man and woman, isn't it good to spread out?" The beggar hesitated.

"One is an old man, and the other is a wet nurse with a child. Everyone knows very well what will happen. Even if someone has ulterior motives, they have to weigh it carefully before they can say it.

The beggar said, "It's okay. Under Zhang Wushi's eyes, he is so arrogant and eager to protect him. Except for the emperor, he is really not afraid of anyone. This can also prevent those who take advantage of loopholes and want to harm children.

Nangong Zhili said, "People in the palace can be said to have all kinds of thoughts. With Zhang Wushi, a master master, and the emperor's careful protection, and with the strength of the emperor, it is not so easy to harm the emperor's grandson. Then you have to find a way to please the emperor's grandson.

The beggar sighed, "The child is young and knows no one. This is really a hidden danger.

Nangong Zhili pulled his hand and indexed: "In addition to Rong'er, Zhang Wushi and He Nanny, Shenzhu Hall only gave birth to Lanhu and a few chefs. Can you be relieved by these people?

"I'm afraid that the princess will come to trouble with Lanhu." The beggar talked about the day of the full moon banquet.

Nangong Zhili said, "Then you might as well tell the emperor that you need someone to take care of your life. Just take Lanhu with you."

"Isn't that a burden?" The beggar said, "To be honest, although the maids in this palace work hard, they still look delicate and not as me when they go outside."

"You can... leave her in Kanping Shoe House for the time being." Nangong Zhili proposed.

"Yes!" The beggar said happily, "After I leave the palace, the first thing I want to go to is Kanping Shoe Village. It is the safest to leave Lanhu with Aunt Xiu.

"Those chefs can't run out. Just leave two, one for making food for Longer, and the other for Zhang Wushi and He Nuniang. Nangong Zhili said again.

"You are so thoughtful!" The beggar patted the case and said, "This is waiting for the prince to come back, the dismissal of those who should be dismissed, the those who should be taken away, the nest that should be moved, and the ideological work that should be done... Everything should be done before leaving."


When Zhao Qian came back, he strode like the wind. The beggar knew that he had brought good news.

Sure enough, Zhao Qian said, "Father agreed! And let me tell you not to reveal your identity. If anyone knows that you are today's precious prince and beggar, you may be in danger.

"Don't worry. Keeping low-key and hiding is my usual style. The beggar said with a smile.

The prince laughed and said, "I'm not going to tell anyone about your departure from the palace except your father and mother. Even if others doubt you, they can't tell where you are. When you get to the prince's side, you will be safe."

"What if those who are important to you ask?" The beggar said with his head sideways.

"The father is the decider, and he knows that it is inevitable. In addition, this matter can't be hidden from the mother after all. Zhao Qian said, "I won't tell anyone else. Like you, I can't trust many people."

"Well, that's it." The beggar said to Nangong, "Doctor, pick it up. Let's leave tomorrow."

Zhao Qian listened to the beggar's deployment, pinched her face and said, "You are really trickling. But I have been here for more than 20 days, and I will help you improve it. Don't worry."

The beggar smiled and said, "There is a hard time, prince."

"You would never say such polite words." Zhao Qian lowered his ear and said, "If you really want to thank me, then wait for tonight. By the way, a little farewell is better than a newlywed. This is the last night before parting. You won't live up to my desire, will you?

When the beggar saw that Nangong Zhili was still there, he didn't know if he heard it. A face was so red that she could pour out of juice. She avoided Zhao Qian and said, "I'm not suitable... In order to ensure that there will be no accidents when leaving the next day, the prince would better let me go. I have to see you again and talk to He Lingniang and Lanhu. I guess it will be very late after finishing my work.

Zhao Qian said, "You always have a reason. Do you have anything to tell me?"

Zhao Qian's eyes flashed with a bright light of expectation.

The beggar smiled and said, "There are too many to finish. I'll talk to you when we get together in the barracks.

Zhao Qian touched her nose: "He played Tai Chi with me again."

The beggar turned sideways and didn't want to be too close to Zhao Qian.

I don't know why, if she had no resistance to Zhao Qian before giving birth to her son, she could only bear it. After giving birth to Leng Er, her health is much better and she can make her own decision, but she still can't afford Zhao Qian's heart.

It's okay to refuse three or five times. As time goes by, there are more rejections. I don't know if it will provoke Zhao Qian's violence.

The beggar is a little irritable.

After that, there will be some depression.

That's all, I don't think about it.

After dinner, Lanhu brought two clothes, both of which were bodyguard costumes. One set was given to Nangong and the other was put on by the servant.

The beggar is heroic, and it is difficult to distinguish between men and women after putting them on. Lanhu looked at her in surprise, and there was both admiration and surprise in Xing's eyes.

Zhao Qian smiled and said, "Oh, this is not good. My beggar in this dress is more handsome than the magic doctor looks!"

"A magic doctor?" The beggar smiled and said, "How can it be comparable? The magic doctor is a beautiful man, but it's a pity that the beautiful man is late! It's not like me, a gorgeous and beautiful boy!"

Lanhu giggled and couldn't stand up straight.

After a while, He's nurse brought her son. The beggar said, "Let me hug you again."

He's nurse said, "When will the princess come back from the palace this time?"

"I'm not sure." The beggar didn't want to tell her too much, but said, "I want to come back." Remember, if someone asks me where I am, you say that I went out under the order of the emperor and don't know where I went.

He Nanny nodded.

Your fat little hand tightly squeezed the two fingers of the beggar, as if she knew she was going to leave. She didn't laugh or make trouble. She only used her clear black and white clear eyes to look at the beggar's every move and every smile. It's hard to melt the beggar's heart.

The beggar kissed him fiercely and said, "Little enemy, what are you doing looking at your mother like this?"

Longer squeezed her mouth tightly and buried her head on the beggar's shoulder without saying a word.

The beggar can't stand it for fear of crying the next moment. She patted the little buttocks of the child, forced the tears in her eyes back, and coaxed the child, "Good boy... child, you have to be obedient in the days when your mother is away. Listen to the nurse's words and the master's words, do you remember?"

Yinger nodded hard.

The beggar was sad, grabbed his face and said straightly, "especially don't recognize anyone as your mother!"

Yang Er nodded again and again with tears in her eyes.

Zhao Qian and Nangong Zhili couldn't laugh or cry. They teased the beggar and said, "You see, even such a big child knows his mother's jealous temperament, so he is obedient, obedient and dares to disobey his mother!"

The beggar handed the son to He's nurse and said proudly, "That's it! If you offend his mother, it will be difficult to live!"

It attracted another burst of laughter.

It diluted the sadness before leaving.