The beggar's wife is enchanting

Chapter 308 Don't lift the siege

Su Xier sent the third and fourth brothers of the seven to sneak into the Water Margin Xianzhai to spy on the situation. Two or three hours later, they came to report: "The village is orderly and well-prepared. Everyone is surrounded by iron rods or killing sticks."

Su Xier's face changed greatly and said, "Do they know that you are waiting to come... take their nest?"

The first brother said, "It is impossible to reveal the whereabouts we are waiting for. Maybe the goddess of bandits returned from afar. They armed themselves to protect the owner of the fortress.

Su Xier think for a while and asked the third brother and fourth brother, "They haven't added any martial arts hitters, have they?"

The two shook their heads: "We are not very familiar with the people inside. But it is certain that those beggars are not the old, weak, sick and so on. Judging from the hands of several people working in the vegetable garden, they have recently practiced kung fu.

Su Xier felt incredible and muttered to herself, "How is that possible?" Then he asked nervously, "Could it be the cocoon mark left by working too much?"

"The traces left by working and practicing martial arts are different." The third brother said, "It's like a rough cocoon formed after years of hard work, which can be distinguished from the blisters and blood scabs grinded by sticks not long ago."

Su Xier said, "Well... how about you seven, plus the 30 or 40 strong men I carefully selected in the house, compared with those beggar bandits? Are you sure of a complete victory?"

The fourth brother pondered and said, "The current number of their beggar gang is only about 300, right? Is this data roughly accurate?

Su Xier looked at Jia Yubo and said cautiously, "There should not be much deviation. Members of Shuihu Xianzhai have been enrolled since last year. Even children who are a few years old are in the household register of Yanlan City.

Speaking of this, Su Xier is a little good.

She came up with this idea. It is to know the scale and strength of the Water Margin Beggar Gang. Once you tear your face against each other in the future, you will know it well.

For the so-called glory of the beggar gang and the so-called glory of the beggar gang, and in order to prevent the government from saying that the refugees are black household registration, they have completed the registration and registration of all the age, place of origin, family members and other comprehensive information of the beggars.

The fourth brother and the third brother calculated for a while and said to the first brother, "One of us can block 20; the thirty strong men, with one block five, it is more than enough to draw."

"A draw?" Su Xier said eagerly, "Can you capture the goddess beggar?"

The first brother looked solemn: "The bandit goddess can't do anything except for being more agile, can she? Their big boss and second head, one is a delicate boudoir, and the other is an old man, isn't it?

"Yes, yes!" Su Xi'er answered repeatedly.

The first brother nodded and said, "If there is no peerless master to protect the bandit goddess beggar... If there is no blood washing water and leaving a piece of armor, it should not be unexpected!"

Jia Yubo stepped forward and hesitated to say something: "She is...the...heart of Master Dongfang..."

Su Xier sneered and smiled for a long time before mocking Jia Yubo and screaming, "Jia Lang, if she is still with Master Dongfang, how can she become the mother of Huang Taisun? A shameless woman, Master Dongfang has not wanted her for a long time... There is no peerless master around her..."

"But she is a beggar concubine... and the prince... give her the decision..." Jia Yubo said intermittently.

The first brother laughed: "Prince? Don't worry! The prince is going to lead the army to war! Even my son has no time to see it. How can he have time to take care of a woman?

Jia Yubo was panicked, whispered a few times, and finally said nothing more.

Su Xi'er's bright eyes are kind, and her tone is quite eager to please: "When will you catch them off guard? Should I reply to the princess now, or should I clean up everything and report the good news directly to the princess?

The first brother said, "First, let Zhou Wu send the letter to the capital, and let the crown princess know that the goddess beggar is in the nest of Yanlan City, and there is no need to lock other places! And I want to praise the princess for being like a god and wisdom..."

Su Xier smiled and said, "Yes, yes! Look, I'm confused..." Suddenly, I frowned and said, "Do I have to wait for the princess to write again to capture the bandits? The bandit goddess is as cunning as a fox, afraid that she will slip away by then.

The first brother snorted on his back and said, "The reason why I reported the news to the princess is to give her a reassurance pill first!" Think about it with your toes and know what she will say in her next letter. If we don't do it in advance, will we miss the good opportunity to make contributions in vain?

Su Xier said, "The first brother is wise."

The first brother wrote the letter with a brush and handed it to Zhou Wudao: "Tonight, the chicken crows three times, you go immediately! At the same time, everyone and I attacked the Water Margin Fairy Village!"

Zhou Wu said "good" and hid the letter in his shirt.

In order to cheer everyone up and suppress the bandits at one stroke, Su Xier's dinner was extremely delicious and rich. After drinking enough and eating, he sharpened his gun and sharpened his knife. Huo Huo made a sound and prepared for the battle.

The first brother deployed: "We still need more than a dozen ladders to climb in from the remote area outside the courtyard wall. I waited for seven to attack the gate, block one tightly, escape one and kill one, and don't let anyone miss the net! Dozens of you, disperse in the hospital and kill them!"

Jia Yubo listened, restless and uneasy.

Su Xier's face was full of excitement.

Seven brothers and more than 30 strong men are full of ambition, with contempt and arrogance.

The chicken crowed three times, and Zhou Wu ordered his horse to go to the capital. When Su Xier was about to go straight to Shuihu Xianzhai with the thwarriors, Jia Yubo said, "There can't be no one in the house. I'll stay at home to look after the house."

The house really can't be without its owner. Su Xier scolded, "Just look. Waiting for our good news!"

Jia Yubo looked at Su Xier strangely and said an inexplicable sentence: "Take care!"

Su Xier ignored him and hurried away.

This night is a hairy moon. Half hidden behind the thick clouds, it covered the scenery with a dim yellow but not real halo. The sound of wild cats, crows and apes, the indescribable sadness and soul, made people shudder. Su Xier, who usually screams when she sees a mouse, is surprisingly bold tonight, leading a group of strong men to the southeast corner of the Water Margin Fairy Village.

The shade there is thick and far from the gate, which is not easy to be found by the vigil.

When he arrived at the place, the first brother said, "Mrs. Fu's office, don't go into the yard. Stand here and wait. We will come to meet you when we win.

Su Xier thought for a moment and said, "Then I won't make trouble."

The first brother commanded Ruo Jeong, set up more than ten ladders, divided the personnel into ten, three people on each ladder, two two maintained a five-step distance, and slowly climbed up the ladder one after another.

When the top man jumped on the wall and was about to jump into the grass in the yard, the last one also climbed to the waist of the ladder.

Before jumping, countless stones suddenly flew into the grass below. Those stones are not the size of fists, but they hit their facades like long eyes. Some hit their eyes, some knocked their teeth, some hit their foreheads... For a moment, they exclaimed, wailed everywhere, and some fell directly from high walls and ladders. Fortunately, he fell outside the wall and got up with a few hums. Unfortunately, he fell into the courtyard wall and was hit by a messy stick. His mouth was full of blood. He cried for his father and mother, was dizzy and couldn't tell the direction. How can he get out?

The thirteen big men who hit the head and removed several lucky people who moaned outside the courtyard wall were soon beaten into a puddle of mud by random sticks and tied up by five flowers.

The first brother arranged all his seven people at the bottom. I also want to preserve my strength and avoid the first wave of accidents. At this time, he saw that the situation was not good and hurriedly said, "The whereabouts are exposed! Hurry up and retreat!"

said, half climbing and half rolling from the ladder and falling to the ground.

The rest of the people stood firm, picked up several injured pioneers, and fled to the government office.

The beggar gang then climbed up the wall, put a large bag of broken stones in their arms, and smashed them reluctantly, like beating a bereavement dog.

Su Xier is a well-bred woman. The small script wrapped around the cloth can't run fast. She was tripped again on the way. She didn't get up for a long time. She was smashed and her face was bruised and swollen. Her hair was scattered and frightening. Fortunately, she was familiar with the path, and her ankles were soft and she copied the path back.

Several people in the beggar gang wanted to take advantage of the victory and pursue. Miss Yanzhi stopped them and said, "They are prepared to come. Just scare them. Don't force the dog to jump over the wall!" And these nine prisoners were brought to the village owner and waited to be released!"


Su Xier arrived at the door of Jia's house and suddenly fell to the ground. Her left arm was dislocated with a crisp "cluck" sound. Her face was sweaty with pain, and her eyes were still full of unwillingness and disbelief. She said in a hoarse voice, "How could this happen? How can they stay there, just waiting for us to enter the net?"

The first brother came in with a shake, and his face was a little gloomy: "Mrs. government office, didn't you say that it was not easy to be found? Are they expected that we will attack from there at this time tonight?

Su Xier gasped, looked at the person around her, looked at the man, and said trembling, "Is it you or you?" ...Who on earth leaked the secret? Which one reported the letter? Stand up quickly!"

The maids in the room didn't even dare to come out.

Jia Yubo comforted her and said, "Xi'er, you should take good care of your injury first! You can't be in a hurry to kill beggars and catch bandits!"

The first brother sneered and said, "What does Jiafu government mean... Do you have to wait until the bandit goddess comes out of Yanlan City before you catch it? But the world is so big that out of this Yanlan City, what if you can't catch her? The bandit goddess will not die for a day. Can Jia Fuya eat well and sleep well?

Jia Yubo was stunned. Su Xier was shocked and frightened and hurriedly said, "Let's wait until tomorrow night to sneak attack!"

The first brother Fuxiu said, "Since the beggar gang has been prepared for a long time, don't sneak attack. Tomorrow noon, attack directly from the gate in the name of arresting the fugitive!"

Su Xier said, "A fugitive? Do you mean the goddess of bandits?"

"She can't be called a fugitive yet. She just left the palace without permission." The first brother said with no expression on his face, "Isn't counterfeiting the best? Can you all make a portrait of Xue's civilian daughter, and then you can't get a wanted criminal at will? Find two more witnesses and insist that the fugitive entered the Water Margin Fairy Village for covering up the fugitives. Don't we have a reason to beat them?

"Good!" Su Xier said, "Then find someone to draw a portrait now!"

Jia Yubo said, "Let's take a nap first to recuperate and save taxes. Just get the portrait of the fugitive tomorrow morning.

"Okay, let's go to bed. Let's kill tomorrow!" The first brother's eyes were cold.

At noon the next day, Jia Yubo wanted to use the excuse of guarding his family to not participate in the massacre. Su Xier did not comply: "If you don't have to be present in person, how can you be persuasive to the fugitive?"

Jia Yubo was helpless and barely supported a pair of sieve legs to follow the end of the team.

Su Xier ignored the pain on her arm, gritted her teeth and insisted on walking, and arrived at the gate of Shuihu Xianzhai.

The door is locked.

Several strong men smashed into the door with thick wooden stakes.

The yard is empty, only a few hundred meters away by the well, a 50 or 60-year-old man is cleaning the fallen flowers of oleander.

Hearing such a big noise, the old man looked over with frightened eyes and his beard trembled and said, "You are..."

Su Xier pushed Jia Yubo.

Jia Yubo had to act as a leading bird, took out a portrait on his chest, and tried his best to stabilize his voice and said, "Where are your big and second leaders? Last night, a group of robber fugitives came to Yanlan City, and someone saw them enter Xianzhai... As the parent official of Yanlan City, it is my duty to catch the important criminals and protect the safety of one side... Please come out to meet!"

The old man flinched and said, "How can we hide the fugitive? Last night, there was a group of people who wanted to steal Xianzhai and were captured alive by us... Although they were repulsed, the second head of the house were scared and sick, and now they can't get up!"

"Nonsense!" Thinking of the bad luck last night, Su Xier gritted her teeth and said, "Go in and search!"

"Don't move forward rashly!" The first brother waved his hand indifferently.

Su Xier stopped her step, but smiled and said, "Don't take their empty city plan!"

The first brother suffered the loss last night, squinted and looked at it for a long time, and listened to the movement around him with vigilance.

When Su Xier saw that the first brother hesitated, she turned to ask the old man in the distance and said, "This is not a small matter. As long as you are still in charge, let them come out and cooperate with the investigation!" Otherwise, don't blame the government for being ruthless!"

The uncle coughed for a long time and almost got angry and said, "Robbers, we did catch a few... We scared them with mice. If we dared to hide, we would let them drill their ears and noses... According to their confessions, they came from Jia's mansion... Several people's confessions were unexpectedly consistent, and they all pressed their fingerprints. Now they were The beggar brothers are marching and exhibiting on the streets of Yiyuan! Their confessions are posted on the streets..."

Su Xier twisted her face in shock when she heard the words: "What are you talking about!"

Yiyuan is the most prosperous city in Yanlan City.

These demons! How can you put such a knife!

There are people watching jokes, and there is no way to retreat from the city. Su Xier tasted the taste of riding a tiger for a while.

The fugitive was proved to be from Jia's family... However, they came to the Water Margin Xianzhai to capture the fugitive. Didn't they hit themselves in the face?

"Kill in! You can't keep a living one!" Su Xier hissed.

As soon as the words fell, many people came to the gate of Shuihu Xianzhai. They shouted, "Jiafu government office! Don't make a mistake, the fugitive is here!"

Nine big men were pushed forward by the flow of people. The people made way.

The old student dove appeared from the crowd and said, "Lord Jia, Mrs. Jia, you'd better take a look at the fugitive's confession first."

Su Xier grabbed it, looked at it a few times, rubbed it into a ball, threw it on the ground, and said harshly, "How dare you use private practice and bend it into a move!"

The old dove smiled and said, "Do you think they have some scars on their bodies?"

These nine depressed strong men are all from Jia's house. Sometimes they come forward to do things in the name of Jia's house. Many people recognize them, and it's impossible not to admit them.

Su Xier secretly scolded them for their soft bones - she scared the mouse and dumped the beans into the bamboo tube and betrayed the master's family!

"There are no scars. You said that we made a move. Isn't this ulnerable and bloody?" The old student dove shouted "Oh" and jumped on his feet and said, "You are so murderous and broke into my village with weapons. Do you want to... raze this comfort house for the suffering people to the ground? There must be a good reason!"

Su Xier was worried and looked angrily at Zhen Zhengjing.

"All the fugitives are here!" The old student howled, "Please take them back to your house and teach them well!"

Su Xi'er's throat was full of blood.

The old dove walked around Su Xier several times and suddenly patted his head and said, "Why did Mrs. Jia hurt her arm? I almost forgot! Last night, there was a woman who sneaked up to attack Xianzhai. Finally, her arm was broken by a branch and fled in a hurry... This thing is getting more and more coincidental and interesting!"

The people were in an uproar and there was a lot of discussion.

Su Xier suppressed her dizziness and shouted, "Take this enchanting old man away!"

Two thimps, one left and one right, fought against the old dove.

The old student laughed and was fearless: "How can I confuse the public? Mrs. Jia, did you explain it clearly? Isn't it too childish to arrest people indiscriminately?

Seeing that so many people blocked the door and couldn't drag it any longer, Su Xier wink at the first brother and asked, "What should I do?"

"Take away this old immortal first!" The first brother ordered in a low voice, "Withdraw!"

The old dove was pressed by several reckless men. He just turned his head and suddenly heard a clear cry: "Wait!"

What a bold and resolute voice of a heroine! Everyone was shocked and breathed, and their eyes gathered to the exquisite figure: the bandit goddess!

After three or five years, the sound and appearance are unforgettable!

Jia Yubo's breathing tightened. Su Xier only felt the pain of splitting ants, and the crispness spread from her arms to the tip of her heart.