College Record

Chapter 003 Reunion

It was not until the group of students were scared and fled that Chu Xingchen slowly turned around and returned to the car.

He knew that Sun Minghai wanted to express something, but he didn't know what it meant.

Looking at Sun Minghai's face that has become serious at some point, Chu Xingchen also asked seriously, "What do you mean?"

"Nothing, I just want you to know that not everyone can start all over again." With that, Sun Minghai raised his head slightly, first looked at Chu Xingchen's calm and slightly childish face, and then looked at the students running in the group and said meaningfully, "Some things have happened and can be forgotten quickly. Some things have happened, but they will always be unforgettable. Chu Xingchen wants to start all over and look forward to the future, but many people still live in the past. And you are part of the past."

Hearing this, Chu Xingchen also probably understood some meaning.

He is worried that those people he offended in the past will come to trouble for him. But on second thought, he is indeed right. He can start over, but some people may not give themselves this opportunity. At present, the performance of that group of students is a good example. No matter how they change, Chu Xingchen or Chu Xingchen, the name covers too wide and is too deeply rooted in people's hearts.

Moreover, during the days in prison, Chu Xingchen always felt that he was the only one in prison. No matter how fierce the prisoner was, they were far away from him and could not avoid it. No one even dared to talk to him. He simply regarded himself as a demon!

So you can imagine what kind of image you are in other people's hearts--

However, no matter how others think of themselves, this is someone else's business, and they can't control their thoughts. As long as you are clean and self-loved and worthy of others, what others love and think has nothing to do with yourself.

Thinking of this, Chu Xingchen's eyes were firm and said solemnly to Sun Minghai, "I understand what you mean, but as I just said, I have paid back what I should have returned in the past. As for what others think, it's their business, and it has nothing to do with me. In addition, thank you for your concern. It's getting late. I have to go home."

After saying that, he was about to turn around and leave, but Sun Minghai said, "As an old friend, I'll give you a suggestion. If you really want to start over, you'd better change your name. I don't think anyone knows better than yourself what your name means. It only means the past and hatred. If you continue to use this name, I believe countless troubles will follow. What kind of situation will you face then? I think you should You should understand. Of course, this is just a suggestion. It's up to you to decide.

Chu Xingchen smiled when he heard the words. He knew that Sun Minghai was also for his own good, and it was not too late. He said frankly, "It's just a name. If a new name can get rid of the past, I'm very happy."

Sun Minghai also smiled. He seemed to be glad that the boy could accept his opinions so easily. In the past, the boy would not be so obedient, and he felt that the boy did have a feeling of prosperity and return to nature.

It seems that this boy really wants to put down the past and start all over again!

This is fine. If he returns to Nanling University, speaks with force as before, kills lawlessly, and arbitrarily destroys public security, then Sun Minghai's head will really go up three times.

I forgot to tell you that your family moved to an old house in Qinhai City two months ago. They didn't know that you were released from prison early, so they didn't come to pick you up. Sun Minghai suddenly opened his mouth. Since he used to deal with Chu Xingchen, he is naturally familiar with Chu Xingchen's family, especially his parents, who went to the police station to bail him for three days. After a long time, Sun Minghai also knew him.

"Qinhai City?" Chu Xingchen wondered why he wanted to move? And Qinhai City should be regarded as its hometown, where there is indeed an old house. However, although it is a relatively prosperous metropolis, Qinhai City is full of dragons and snakes, and there are many universities, and the public security is very bad. Therefore, my parents found a new house and moved away from that city. Why did they move back today?

"Let's get in the car. I'll just go to Qinhai City to do something and give you a ride. If there is any problem, you should understand when you get home. While talking, Sun Minghai has opened the door of the co-pilot.

Chu Xingchen did not refuse. Now he just wants to go home quickly and ask his parents why he moved abruptly. Most importantly, it has been two months since my family visited the prison last time, and I really miss them in my heart.


Two hours later, the car has entered the territory of Qinhai City.

At this time, the sky is getting dark, and the setting sun is like fire, which reflects the golden glory of the whole city and beautiful. Countless high-rise buildings rose to the sky and entered the sky, showing magnificent momentum and prosperity. The spacious road is full of traffic, and people come and go, and it is full of the unique noise of the city.

Chu Xingchen felt a little uncomfortable with what he had seen along the way.

In the past two years, he has been far away from the secular world and has always lived quietly. Now that he is once again in the bustling city, he always feels very uncertain. In contrast, he still likes that kind of quiet life. Although it is a prison life, it makes him feel very full and down-to-earth. Or, he is used to a plain life without disturbance.

Sun Minghai seemed to see what he was thinking, suddenly smiled and said, "What's the matter? Is it because he has just regained his freedom, so he is still a little uncomfortable with the outside environment?"

Chu Xingchen always faced out of the window and still visited along the way, without answering Sun Minghai's questions.

No matter how uncomfortable it is, the road ahead will always go down, and he feels that it is his own business, and it is useless to tell anyone.

Seeing that Chu Xingchen didn't want to answer, Sun Minghai didn't say anything more.

However, Sun Minghai once thought that he knew him as if he were watching the fire, and touched his personality thoroughly. But now, Sun Minghai suddenly feels that this boy is very strange. Compared with two years ago, he is completely different. His transformation made Sun Minghai feel a little uncomfortable.

Twenty minutes later, under the guidance of Chu Xingchen, the car passed through the bustling urban area and slowly stopped in front of a relatively remote alley.

This is Chu Xingchen's former home in Qinhai City, but time has changed. Now it has undergone earth-shaking changes. Although there is no noisy noise and pungent car exhaust, it is a wilderness, deserted and quiet and terrible. Even the slums are not as good as the slums, which is simply an abandoned area.

"Such for me, I have something to do, so I'll go first. Call me if you need anything in the future. Remember, the prodigal son will not change his money. I hope you can really abandon the past and face the future well. After saying that, Sun Minghai handed a business card to Chu Xingchen from the window and drove away.

Chu Xingchen put away his business card and walked into the alley after he saw Sun Minghai drive away.

The next moment, after passing through the dark and long alley, a dangerous two-story building gradually came into his eyes.

Look carefully, the surface of the building is full of holes and thousands of sores, and the top and bottom are all dilapidated. It looks like a lonely boat, alone on an empty place. And Chu Xingchen is no stranger to this small building. It is the home he once lived in and the home he will live in the future.

He stopped in front of the building and stared at the door that didn't even have a courtyard wall. Chu Xingchen's nose was a little sour. He didn't know why his family moved back, but from the current bad situation, he knew that his family's life should be very difficult.

At the same time, he is very confused. It is said that the conditions at home are not bad. His parents have their own shops, Dad * home appliances, and his mother has her own beauty salon, and his size is also a boss. Life is not a middle class, and he has reached a well-off level. It is not a problem to buy a better house in this city. But why do parents want to live in this dangerous building that may collapse at any time?

Returning heart is like an arrow. At this moment, Chu Xingchen really wants to rush in, and then ask and find out what's going on. But he has always stood still, because he really doesn't know what kind of mood he should face his family?

You know, he didn't go out for two years, but spent two years in prison. Although his blood debt to others has been paid off, the huge debt owed to his family is still heavily burdened on him. So, even if the door is in front of him, he doesn't know how to face his relatives?


Chu Xingchen was stattering, and the historic wooden door suddenly made an old crack, and the sound came to Chu Xingchen's ears, even if he came to his senses.

I fixed my eyes and saw a beautiful 16- or seven-year-old girl pushing the door from the inside.

The girl has a devil figure, but has an angel face. Her long wet hair seems to be dripping. Obviously, it has just been washed, but it sets off her charming and sexy. When the girl's beautiful face was completely displayed in Chu Xingchen's eyes, Chu Xingchen couldn't help but bloom. A smile of joy.

Although time has changed, everything has changed greatly, but at this moment, in Chu Xingchen's eyes, this beautiful and lovely face has never changed. She is still so charming and lovely.

The girl held a soy sauce bottle in her hand and was about to move forward. Suddenly, when Chu Xingchen's figure entered her sight, she instantly froze and remained motionless, and the soy sauce bottle in her hand fell off her hand, as beautiful as flowers. The pretty face seemed to be full of unbelievable, but the crystal tears had inexplicably passed through her eyes, dripping across her cheeks, leaving two deep tears on her beautiful face. Then tears fell to the ground with the soy sauce bottle and fell to pieces.

The girl is crying, but her heart is very happy.

She is very happy, because the brother who has loved her and cared for her since he was a child is standing in front of her at this moment, but because the kind face is too real, she can't believe it--

"Stupid girl, don't you know your brother?"


It was not until Chu Xingchen's familiar and kind voice sounded that the girl firmly believed that she woke up and shouted, and then, regardless of anything, rushed into the warm embrace, happy, happily, crying...