College Record

Chapter 007 Reaching Consensus

From 8 p.m., the dining table in the living room is already full of delicious food. Although there are many meat and few delicacies, they are all Chu Xingchen's favorite dishes. The aroma is diffuse, and the smell of home is everywhere.

The family of four sat at the table happily, and everyone had a happy smile on their faces, especially Chu Xingyue, who smiled brightly and was always happy to close their mouths. They sat close next to Chu Xingchen, like glue, as if they didn't want to be separated from their brother for a moment.

And Chu Xingchen never mentioned his father's illness. Since his father is safe and sound now, he won't mention all kinds of things in the past, so as not to spoil everyone's interest.

"Eat it quickly, or the food will be cold." Zhang Cuifang took a bite of food for Chu Xingchen and said with a kind smile, "Mom didn't know that you came back early, so I didn't prepare grapefruit leaves for you. Mom will buy it for you tomorrow and wash away all the mold on your body.

"I have a 'divine fire' protection, and even if there is mildew, it will have been evaporated long ago." Chu Xingyue said playfully. And the 'divine fire' she refers to is Chu Xingchen's power. Chu Xingyue has always called it 'divine fire'.

Speaking of which, with the passage of time, some human genes have begun to mutate, resulting in extraordinary abilities. Such people are called 'powers' and have different attributes and characteristics, which can be said to be various and strange. However, not everyone has this ability. Among millions of people, only one person has this power. Chu Xingchen is one of them.

"Bad girl, you know how to talk nonsense every day. Hasn't your brother's power been closed? Where is the divine fire?" Zhang Cuifang gave a white look at Chu Xingyue, and then looked at Chu Xingchen and said with love, "Let's seal it. You don't need that ability. You have set yourself on fire once, and mom doesn't want you to get angry again.

Indeed, according to contemporary law, if a supernatural person violates the law and needs to go to prison, his power will also be closed for the same period of imprisonment. Chu Xingchen was sentenced to three years and six months in prison, and his powers would also be closed for three years and six months. Although he has been released from prison, his power is still closed. If he wants to use it again, he has to wait for a year and a half, because he has only been in prison for two years.

"Don't worry, mom, don't say that my power is closed. Even if it is not closed, I won't use it randomly. I won't let you worry about me anymore." Chu Xingchen made a solemn statement and seemed to be serious.

Zhang Cuifang nodded with relief and said nothing more. She just helped the brother and sister pick up the dishes and showed her kindness.

"Yes." Chu Xingyue ate half of the meal and suddenly thought about it. She raised her little face and asked curiously, "Brother, can't you go back to Nanling University? In fact, you can continue to complete your studies there. Anyway, you have to get a diploma back, otherwise your previous studies will be in vain.

Hearing this, without waiting for Chu Xingchen to answer, Chu Changtian immediately pulled down his face, suddenly dropped his chopsticks, stared at Chu Xingchen angrily, and scolded harshly, "Do you still want to go back? Do you think it's not enough? Don't you want to part with those brothers who used to fight with you? Do you still want to continue to be the boss of that school and take those people to fight and kill all day long?

Chu Xingchen lowered his head and bent his waist, was speechless for a moment, and was scolded by his father for no reason. He was really depressed and felt aggrieved.

It seems that I didn't say this to go back to Nanling University, but by the little girl Chu Xingyue. What's more, I have already decided that I will never go back to Nanling University.

Turning his head and looking at Chu Xingyue, Chu Xingchen couldn't laugh or cry. The little girl has pretended to be nothing and is currently devouring.

However, it is no wonder that Chu Changtian is so annoyed. Whenever he hears the word 'Nanling University', he will involuntarily surge in blood and get angry.

Because everyone knows where Nanling University is. To put it unpleasantly, except for good students, there are all kinds of students there. It can be said that there are three teachings and nine streams, and there should be all kinds of them.

It is a school on the surface, but it is actually a Colosseum. Students never go there to learn, and the only way to communicate between students is blood and fists. Chu Xingchen is an example.

In those years, Chu Changtian resolutely opposed Chu Xingchen's admission to Nanling University. However, Chu Xingchen insisted on his own way. As a result, he secretly signed up and entered the school. Then, he began his bloody days until he made a big mistake and committed murder, and he was able to stop.

Now that he suddenly heard Chu Xingyue say the four words 'Nanling University', Chu Changtian immediately thought of what Chu Xingchen had done in those years. For a moment, he only felt angry and couldn't help scolding Chu Xingchen.

In fact, no matter who hears the word 'Nanling University', he will think of the name 'Chu Xingchen' at the first time. The reason is very simple, because Chu Xingchen is the most ruthless role in Nanling University's history and the only one in history to lead Nanling University to unify all colleges and universities in South China. The hegemon can be said to be famous and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

"Dad, I don't plan to go back. Nanling University has nothing to do with me, and I don't want to go to other schools. Now I just want to find a job quickly, work hard to make some money, and help my family share it. Chu Xingchen looked at his father seriously, and this was even more sincere.

Chu Changtian had nothing to say, but just put his arms around his chest and looked sideways at Chu Xingchen. There was a trace of distrust in his face and eyes, which was obviously suspicious of Chu Xingchen.

And Chu Xingchen didn't say anything. He doesn't blame his father for not believing in him. If he changes his position with his father, I'm afraid that he doesn't even believe that he will abandon the past and reform. In this case, it can only be proved by time and practical actions.

"Don't you go to school?" Zhang Cuifang didn't seem to agree with her son's idea, so she put down her bowls and chopsticks and said lovingly, "You are still so young. How can you give up your studies when you are studying? Mom knows that you want to relieve the burden on your family, and your mother and father have received it. You don't have to worry about your family. Isn't it still supported by your father and me? You'd better find a formal school and wait until you finish your studies. What's more, if you don't have a diploma now, no matter what you want to do, there will be no good way out.

In fact, what Zhang Cuifang said is not unreasonable, especially in this era, with the increasing population, the economy is also expanding more and more, so major enterprises or units often lay off large-scale staff, focusing only on elite talents. Therefore, a diploma is quite important. No matter which enterprise or unit, a diploma is a proof of work ability and an absolutely indispensable thing.

A diploma does not mean that you are a talent, but if you don't have a diploma, you will be regarded as an uneducated loser. In this way, it will undoubtedly be difficult to find a good job. Otherwise, from the 21st century, those parents will not desperately want their children to enter key schools.

To this day, unless you have a good family*, you can guarantee that you have no worries about food and clothing for a lifetime, or have a skill that can guarantee to support yourself, or you have a flexible business mind, start from yourself and be self-reliable. Otherwise, you are destined to be a hard life, and never expect a good way out.

And the above three points have almost nothing to do with Chu Xingchen. On the one hand, he has no diploma and no flexible business mind. The only advantage is that he is good at it, which is a skill, but it is not a long-term solution. Of course, he can also choose to be a bodyguard for the rich or use his skills to obtain benefits. However, working in this way is by no means what Zhang Cuifang and Chu Changtian want.

Therefore, in Zhang Cuifang's view, continuing to go to school, completing his studies and learning more knowledge is the only way out for Chu Xingchen's future.


"Don't say anything. I'll decide this matter. That's it." Zhang Cuifang was resolute and resolute, and did not give Chu Xingchen a chance to refuse at all.

"Brother, just listen to your mother. Now let's study hard first. After graduation, our brother and sister will fight side by side and work hard to support our parents. I believe that our brother and sister will definitely make our parents live a good life in the future!" Chu Xingyue buried her head in eating and said vaguely. When eating with her brother, she obviously ate much more.

Two people in a family of four have now expressed their support for Chu Xingchen's completion of his studies, but only Chu Changtian has not said a word.

So Chu Xingchen looked at his father and wanted to hear what his father meant. At the same time, Chu Changtian also lowered his attitude and said, "Just listen to your mother. That's it. Now you can't do anything. Even if you enter the society, you will cause trouble all day. But this time, I hope you really go to study, instead of fighting with others and doing something meaningless.

Speaking of this, Chu Changtian stood up, left the dining table, walked upstairs and said, "I'm tired, so I'll go to bed first. I still have some money at home. You can pay the tuition fee first. You don't have to worry about me and your mother at home. You and your sister should concentrate on your studies and make less trouble for the family.

Looking at his father's vicissitudes and thin back, Chu Xingchen squeezed his lips and suddenly felt that his nose was a little sore and his eyes were a little wet, but he was speechless. Since the family wants to complete their studies, they have no choice but to do so. Besides, my mother is right. She can't do anything now. Even if she goes out to find a job, what kind of good job can she find?

The current plan is to learn something really useful, get a diploma as soon as possible, and then step into society to find a good job so that your family can live a good life--