College Record

Chapter 020 A False Surprise

Nanling University is not just the name of a school, it can be said that it is the object that all contemporary students yearn for and awe. It's just that so far, no student dares to set foot in that stormy land easily. Unless there are bold or itching to find excitement, no one dares to go at will.

Moreover, the students who come out of Nanling University are all fierce roles, either good at skills or famous Niu X characters, let alone anyone who wants to join. Especially since two years ago, after the end of the five-district university war, Nanling University has been recognized as the 'strongest university' in history. So far, the 'Four Heavenly Kings' are still in it. It can be said that they are well-represented, their status is prominent and powerful and untouchable.

The most important thing is that Nanling University is famous for its unity. All the students in the school take the lead and work together in the same boat. One person is in trouble and tens of thousands of people support. They do not allow any student of Nanling University to be bullied by other schools. Once this happens, the whole school will pour out and be invincible. This is also the iron rule set by Chu Xingchen in those years. Until now, this rule is still maintained, and no one dares to change it.

At this moment, hearing Chu Nan say that he used to be from Nanling University, he really scared everyone present. You know, any person from Nanling University is not easy to mess with, and it is not something that this Shengwu University can compete with at all. In addition, Nanling University has another principle. As long as you have studied in Nanling University, no matter who is in trouble, the school will take the lead. However, with the strength of Nanling University, they can completely step on any institution of higher learning, let alone this third-rate low-level school.

Therefore, if Chu Nan is really from Nanling University, then the first thing for everyone in this class now is to find a way to please him and remedy the tragedy for their previous rudeness, so as not to make Chu Nan angry. In case he returns to Nanling University to move rescue soldiers, it will be a bad thing. If so, within a day, this Shengwu University will be finished.

But after careful consideration, everyone can't help but wonder. If this boy is really from Nanling University, why did he leave Nanling University, which is known as the "strongest university" and come to this third-rate school to study? What's the difference between this and a fool?

With everyone's confusion, Qin Shou settled down and summoned up his courage, but he also asked timidly, "You just used to be from Nanling University?"

Chu Nan meditated and thought about it--

At this time, he already knew that he had spoken quickly and said something he shouldn't have said. Now he is also thinking about how to remedy it? If these people know that he is Chu Xingchen of Nanling University, then once this matter is publicized, they will never have a peaceful day!

Thoughts flew around, and suddenly flashed. Chu Nan smiled and hurriedly corrected: "I used to study in a martial arts university across the street from Nanling University, but that school had been flattened by Nanling University two years ago, so I suspended my school for two years. I just wanted to continue to go to school today, so I came to sign up.

Chunan is not unfamiliar with 'Martial Arts College'. It is a martial arts college run by a Japanese company in China, which specializes in recruiting Chinese students, and then promotes the Japanese samurai spirit to Chinese students in an attempt to let more Chinese know that Japanese martial arts are more practical and superior than Chinese martial arts.

Because of this, as soon as Chu Nannan unified Nanling University, he led Nanling University to destroy the martial arts university, and finally let those Japanese fully understand the power of Chinese kung fu, so that those Japanese could only choose to return to China in confusion, because Chu Nan once let go, if If you can see them in China, see them once and fight once, you will never be tolerated!

At present, martial arts colleges and universities have become a ruin, and all the information of students who once studied there has also perished with the school, so even if someone wants to check the authenticity of Chunan's words, there is no way to find out. It is also because of this that Chu Nan said that he had studied there. Although it was not what he wanted, the situation was urgent. This was the best excuse he could come up with.


Sure enough, as soon as Chu Nan's voice fell, the whole class suddenly booed and breathed a sigh of relief. Some people squinted at Chu Nan and patted their hearts, "I said, looking at his honest little sample, how can he go to Nanling University? Damn, it turned out to be a false alarm, which almost scared me to death!"

Qin Shou also patted his chest and couldn't help pouring a cold breath, and his panicked expression was also stretched. However, when he suddenly heard the name 'Nanling College' just now, he was really shocked and didn't even dare to breathe. At present, he felt relieved to hear Chu Nan's explanation, and at the same time, he was somewhat unhappy-

"Fuck! Can you stop breathing when you talk? Wudao University is only Wudao University. You still add a Nanling University in front of this. Do you fucking want to scare people to death? Qin Shou raised his voice high, and the exit was an angry scolding Chu Nan. However, if you look carefully, you will find that he is still a little frightened.

"Hey... I'm sorry." Chu Nan scratched his head and explained with a hippie smile: "After all, that martial arts university is a Japanese-run school, and those Japanese often belittle us Chinese. I'm afraid that I used to study in that martial arts college directly, which will make you laugh, so I want to say it gently.

"C cousin, don't blame your brother for burying you. You said that you don't go to so many schools, but you go to those Japanese-run schools and learn samurai. Aren't you cheap? Now that you have joined our Shengwu University, and you are still Xiaoting's cousin, we will all be a family in the future. In the future, you will follow me and join our judo team. I promise to train you well. How about it?"

As soon as Qin Shou said this, Chu Nan immediately rolled his eyes and despised him fiercely. He really didn't understand whether this guy was ignorant or an idiot?

Isn't Nima judo Japanese martial arts? As the captain of the judo team, he doesn't even know such simple basic knowledge, does he? If he knows, then even if he really went to that martial arts university, he is not qualified to say that he is cheap, right?

In addition, Chu Nan is really not interested in judo. Besides, he has signed up for a martial arts class, and in his opinion, this martial arts alone includes all martial arts, southern fists and north legs, knives, guns and sticks, attack and fall prevention, and all kinds of sets. So why do you have to learn Japanese wrestling? Crest?

However, as the captain of the judo team, this beast personally invited himself to join the judo team. If he refuses him face to face, he will definitely be beastly, right?

When Chu Nan was in trouble, Su Mengting suddenly said, "My cousin has been interested in martial arts since he was a child, so he has signed up for a martial arts class. Don't embarrass him."

Although Su Mengting lowered her head, she obviously said this to Qin Shou, and her words were full of 'please' meaning, which made Qin Shou's heart flutter and excited.

If this is said from Chu Nan's mouth, Qin Shou will feel unhappy. After all, he is the captain of the judo team. Imagine that the captain personally invited a person to join the judo team. If he is rejected by this person, what will he have? Presumably, even if he really has a cousin relationship with Chu Nan, there is no way to talk about it. No wonder he is not very angry.

However, if Su Mengting refuses for Chu Nan, it will be different in Qin Shou's view.

Although Qin Shou is rough, fierce and burly, his heart is full of water tenderness and can't stand the girl's sweet words**, not to mention that this girl is still his best friend. Since his boss opened his mouth, he must listen. At least Qin Shou would listen to what she said before he chased Su Mengting.

"Xiaoting, you talked to me again. Hey hey, it seems that our relationship has gone further. Don't worry, whether my cousin is in the martial arts team or the judo team, he will always be my cousin. I will definitely give you face." As he spoke, Qin Shou looked at Chu Nan with an open smile, and there was a little gratitude in his bright eyes.

Since Su Mengting came to this class, this is the second time she has taken the initiative to talk to Qin Shou, and these two times were thanks to Chu Nan. Therefore, Qin Shou undoubtedly regarded Chu Nan as a lucky star and did not mention him joining the judo team. I think that as long as he can improve his relationship with Su Mengting and eventually get a family, what does it matter where he is?