College Record

Chapter 042 Parting ways

In fact, Fang Qing is waiting for this opportunity. As long as Qin Shou does it, she has a reason to intervene and protect Chu Nan. After all, she set the rules. She will not be accused of "impressing sex less than friends" if she stops the internal fight.

In a word, she will not allow Qin Shou to hurt Chu Nan in any case. No, it should be said that from the moment Chu Nan confessed to her, she has been attracted to Chu Nan. Not only Qin Shou, but she believes that from now on, she will not allow anyone to hurt Chu Nan.

But no matter what, Qin Shou never thought that Fang Qing would take action on himself one day.

Thanks to her, she still respects her so much, and now she actually used force against herself for a new life!

Indeed, Qin Shou has always regarded Fang Qing as a female husband. She is not only good at it, but also very righteous. For this reason, Qin Shou is willing to be the leader of her and is willing to succumb to her and regard her as the boss of Shengwu College.

But at this moment, Qin Shou was extremely disappointed in her and had the intention to confront her, but Qin Shou still knew that he was not her opponent. Although her leg was injured, her skills were still good. Just now, she only made two casual moves, which made Qin Shou unable to fight, and was repelled by her seven or eight steps. So it can be seen that if there is a real fight, Qin Shou may not be her opponent.

In addition, except for the members of the judo team, the whole school is standing on Fang Qing's side. If Qin Shou confronts her here, then the whole school will attack Qin Shouqun. In this way, Qin Shou is equivalent to seeking his own death.

"President, do you really want to protect this boy?"

With Fang Qinghu beside Chu Nan, Qin Shou did not dare to come forward. He could only stay far away. He pointed to Chu Nan and asked Fang Qing, "I have been with you for two years. I have always respected you, and you also deserve Qin Shou's respect. Would you rather turn against me for this little white face that has been in school for less than a day today?

"I don't mean to protect anyone, but to maintain the rules I set." Fang Qing looked at Qin Shou seriously and said harshly, "Since Chu Nan sits here, it shows that he is from our Shengwu University, and the rules of Shengwu University are not allowed to fight with each other. You just took action against Chu Nan, which is a broken rule. It's natural for me to stop it!"

Speaking of this, Qin Shou also understood what she meant. What the fucking rules were broken. She was obviously determined to protect her heart.

Since he had nothing to say to Fang Qing, Qin Shou turned his head to Su Mengting.

Because he likes Su Mengting so much, as long as Su Mengting is willing to be his girlfriend, he can blame anything, so he said, "Xiaoting, now as long as you say a word, I can pretend that nothing has happened..."

He stared at Chu Nan fiercely, but this look made people feel that he had an impulse to kill and did not hide his hostility. Immediately, he looked at Su Mengting again. There was a warning in his sharp eyes, and there was a fierce light inside. He asked in a low voice, "I don't care whether this boy is your cousin or not. Now I just want a word. Would you like to date me and be my Qin Shou's woman?

Su Mengting changed her color when she heard the words and immediately fell into a dilemma.

She doesn't want Qin Shou and Chu Nan to become enemies, nor does she want to embarras Fang Qing. However, she is very sure that she has no feeling for Qin Shou. She wants to be a classmate with him and is very happy, but if she wants to be his woman, she really doesn't want to, not want to do it at all.

However, she also knew that if she refused Qin Shou, Qin Shou would definitely not give up. He would definitely continue to make trouble, and it would get bigger and bigger. This is what Su Mengting doesn't want to see.

Unconsciously, Su Mengting had taken all her mistakes on herself, thinking that the current unpleasant situation was caused by herself.

The next moment, after a fierce ideological struggle, she secretly made a decision and decided to agree to date Qin Shou.

Perhaps only in this way will everyone not be so stiff and the situation will calm down.

When Su Mengting made up her mind, she was about to nod her nod and promised Qin Shou and told him that she was willing to be his girlfriend. Unexpectedly, Chu Nan took the lead and answered Qin Shou for her, "Ha ha, I'm really not his cousin, but she is really my sister. I just recognized her. Now I have answered your first question, and as for the second question, I have no right to help her answer you. Let her tell you by herself."

As he spoke, Chu Nan gently patted Su Mengting on the shoulder, and then pressed his five fingers slightly, forcing Su Mengting to look at him.

Chu Nan smiled and had kind eyes. She looked at Su Mengting gently and amiably, especially his endless and kind eyes, as if she was clearly telling Su Mengting that she was by her side. She didn't need to worry about anything. She just thought about this. A beast says it--

Looking at Chu Nan's gentle eyes, Su Mengting also had some confidence in her heart, especially feeling the pressure brought by Chu Nan's palm. She clearly realized one thing. In this school, at least in this classroom, she was not alone, and there was another person in front of her cheering herself up. Hold yourself--

At the same time, an inexplicable sense of security suddenly broke out in Su Mengting's heart. At this moment, as long as Chu Nan was by her side, she felt fearless. Even in the face of Qin Shou, she dared to say the words in her heart to him loudly!

After understanding Chu Nan's meaning, Su Mengting nodded, then stood up, faced Qin Shou calmly, and said bluntly, "I'm sorry, I don't think I can accept your kindness. Because I... I've never liked you."

Suddenly hearing this, Qin Shou was even more ashamed and angry, and the anger accumulated in his heart suddenly soared, like pouring fuel on the fire, almost burning. But seeing his hatred covering his face, he looked at Su Mengting angrily and trembled all over. Even the two eyes trembled slightly. The iron fist of the sand nest was clenched tightly, so that the bones crackled, which seemed to reflect the unhity in his heart.

At this moment, Qin Shou can't wait to immediately smash the three people in front of him, but even if he doesn't see Chu Nan and Su Mengting in his eyes, he still has to worry about Fang Qing. Knowing that it is not the time to be her enemy, he can only temporarily suppress this anger.

As the saying goes, it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge.

Are you afraid that there will be no chance?

Now, women have lost their face. Under extreme disappointment, Qin Shou knew that it was useless to stay, so he decided to leave this school and go to him.

Moreover, although he didn't say anything, Fang Qing knew that he had married himself. As well as Chu Nan, Qin Shou secretly swore that if he didn't find a chance to remove this boy's legs, he would not be surnamed Qin!

Of course, what hurts Qin Shou the most is Su Mengting. Her outspokenness made Qin Shou deeply realize the feeling of failure.

Qin Shou has been obsessed with judo since he was a child. While studying authentic judo, he is also deeply influenced by the spirit of Japanese samurai. Therefore, this frustration is unacceptable to him. Simply put, it is because of love and hate. For Su Mengting's ruthlessness, he also hated it and vowed not to give up.

"General Secretary Fang, since you have your position, I, Qin Shou, also have my own position." Qin Shou suddenly opened his mouth, looked at Fang Qing with hatred, and said coldly, "It seems that I don't have to stay here for a long time. If I don't stay here, I have my own place to stay. President Fang, just take good care of your little white face. I hope your white face will still have sound limbs when we meet next time.

"Qin Shou, what are you going to do?" Fang Qingming knew what Qin Shou meant, but he couldn't help asking. She and Qin Shou have been classmates for two years and have defeated many opponents together. If Qin Shou wants to leave, she is really a little reluctant.

"I don't do anything. I just want to leave here and start over." Qin Shou raised his voice and shouted to Fang Qing, "From then on, your president will take your Yangguan Road, and I, Qin Shou, will walk on my single-plank bridge. You and I will die, so we will part ways!"