College Record

Chapter 053 Life

After three bowls of rice in a row, Chu Nan stopped and patted his bulging stomach comfortably. He felt that the meal was very full, fragrant and satisfied.

I have to admit that Xiao Ping's cooking skills are indeed good, even more than the top chefs in those luxury restaurants.

No wonder the business here is so good that it is not unreasonable for guests to come to eat in an endless stream. Chu Nan is also deeply aware of this at this moment.

"Auntie, your cooking skills are really good. If you continue to do this, you can completely expand your business and open several branches." Chu Nan is not a mustache, but to tell the truth.

Xiao Ping was happy to hear this and said, "I also want to open a branch, but I can't do it alone. Or wait for Xiaoting's father..."

At this point, Xiao Ping stopped and did not continue talking. Her expression also became solemn in an instant, sad and she was about to cry.

At the same time, Su Mengting also lowered her head and looked like she was about to cry. Even the chefs showed no spirit, and her face was full of helplessness and fell silent.

Chu Nan knew what was wrong with them. After all, he had heard about the situation from Su Mengting and said, "Why don't you call the police and arrest those gangsters? Let their uncles testify against drug trafficking again, so that they will be punished by law. Isn't everything all over?"

"Never call the police!" Xiao Ping was very nervous and her face turned pale. She hurriedly told Chu Nan, "I just forgot to tell you that if those people come here to make trouble one day, don't call the police. I will deal with everything. If they bully you, you can go straight home or find a place to hide and don't come out. Anyway, you can't offend them, let alone call the police!"

"Ha ha, it's just a bunch of gangsters. Are you so afraid of them?" Chu Nan couldn't help laughing. Although he hasn't seen those gangsters, he can also expect that those gangs have no place, just some bullying the weak and afraid of the hard. Otherwise, they won't always trouble the family, and the reason why they often come to trouble is that the family is easy to bully. This is the consistent style of street hooligans. It is no exaggeration to describe them with the words of despicable and shamelessness and fear of bullying.

"They are not ordinary gangsters. They not only sell drugs, but I have also seen them carry guns!" A younger chef was shocked. Obviously, those gangsters have become his nightmare, but he can't help trembling.

"They also let go and said that if anyone dared to call the police, they would let my father die in the detention center." Su Mengting was also worried and solemnly told Chu Nan, "I have told you these things. We can't afford to provoke those people, and we don't want to continue to provoke them. If you see them here one day, just follow them, and they will leave when they have enough to eat and drink. If you argue with them or call the police, they will not only harm my father, but also trouble me and my mother. So, you'd better listen to me."

"Do you want to watch your father carry this black pot? Drug trafficking, this charge is not a joke. Chu Nan looked at Su Mengting with a relaxed face, which was in sharp contrast to the heavy expression of the current crowd.

"At that time, when my husband reported them, they didn't carry a lot of drugs. If my husband helped them stand up, he could get out of prison for three or five years. My husband said he admitted it. Even if they don't admit it, there's nothing they can do. Those people are inhumane. If my husband doesn't help them, they will threaten me and Xiaoting. Xiao Ping's lips trembled, and tears flashed in her eyes. She was both sad and helpless, and almost cried out.

Seeing that her mother was sad, Su Mengting also wanted to cry. She held her mother's hand tightly and tried to comfort her mother, but no matter how she looked at it, she was more sad and sad than her mother. Instead, Chu Nan laughed for a while. She thought that the mother and daughter were not ordinaryly honest. Those little hooligans bullied her at home. How can they swallow their anger?

Since they said they didn't listen, Chu Nan didn't talk too much. He immediately stood up and said, "It's getting late. I'm going home. Auntie, thank you for your hospitality. I'm full. I will come on time tomorrow, and thank you for giving me this job!"

"Wait." Xiao Ping also stood up, then went to the counter, took out a pile of red *, returned to Chu Nan's side, and smiled, "You have to come out to work at a young age. It seems that you also need money. This is the half-month salary I gave you in advance, a total of 25,000. You can order it. For the other half, when you complete this month, your aunt will pay you all.

Looking at the thick stack* in Xiao Ping's hand, Chu Nan was calm on the surface, but his heart was ecstatic. Now it was not too late. He reached out to take the 2,500 yuan, and stuffed it directly into his coat pocket. Anyway, I have to work here for a long time, and I will feel at ease even with this money.

"Thank you, auntie. Don't worry, I will definitely work hard and will never let you down." Chu Nan vowed to make a promise. At this moment, he just wants to go home quickly and give the money to his parents.

However, 2,500 yuan is really not much.

Once upon a time, the money that reached Chunan every month was more than one million? By collecting protection fees from major universities alone, there are hundreds of thousands, as well as all entertainment venues, nightclubs, saunas, hotels, construction sites, including various transactions in the underground black market in South China. The person in charge has to pay a large number of protection fees to Nanling universities, and then Chu Nannan distributes equally to teachers and students. This is Nanling. The strength of colleges and universities is also one of the reasons why many students want to join Nanling University.

However, Chunan has never been as happy as today. Although he only got 2,500 yuan and still paid his salary in advance, this sense of satisfaction, achievement and pleasure is something he has never felt before.

Of course, according to the law, the money he once earned is undoubtedly illegal, and even a lot of money is stained with filth and blood. Today, this money is earned by his work, so that he can accept it with peace of mind. Perhaps it is also because of this that he feels happy and satisfied, and for him, this is definitely a happy thing in his life!

The next moment, accompanied by Su Mengting, Chu Nan came to the bus station.

From the moment he received the advance salary, the smile on his face did not disappear, and he touched his coat pocket from time to time, for fear that the 2,500 yuan would fall off.

"Thank you!" Su Mengting suddenly opened her mouth and sincerely expressed her gratitude to Chu Nan. As Xiao Ping said, if it hadn't been for Chu Nan's help today, she would have been busy to death. Therefore, Su Mengting thought she should say this thank you to Chu Nan.

"Fool, you and my aunt gave me a job, and I should thank you." Chu Nan was also sincere and smiled. Then he looked up and down at Su Mengting with a bright street lamp and found that she was still wearing an apron. He said, "Ha ha, you are so cute!"

Hearing this, Su Mengting suddenly felt a sense of shame in her heart. She couldn't help blushing, lowered her head, and her mind was full of thoughts, and she completely fell into a beautiful fantasy.

To be praised for being cute by a favorite boy is enough for an introverted girl to be a beautiful thing and enough to bring a little hope of love to this girl——

The following sentence of Chu Nan was like a basin of cold water, pouring on Su Mengting's head, making her cold from head to toe, and then chilling into her heart, once again making her frustrated--

"As cute as my sister!"

After saying this, Chu Nan got on the bus and embarked on the way home with a happy mood.

In front of the platform, only Su Mengting was still standing there alone, looking at the direction of the bus and not moving for a long time--