College Record

Chapter 075 Sanitation Workers

The next day—

At 4 a.m., Zhang Cuifang got up before the rooster announced.

No matter in which era, the work of cleaners is not easy. With the development of the times, people's living standards have become higher and higher, but people's civilized quality has begun to gradually decline.

In today's society, no one will talk to you about civilization, and no one will pay attention to hygiene and littering. It has almost become a daily habit of people, so the work of cleaners will undoubtedly be harder.

After a simple wash, Zhang Cuifang put on her work clothes and was ready to go to work.

When she passed by the living room, the light was suddenly turned off, and then she heard a sound: "Mom, let's have some breakfast first." I'll help you sweep it later."

Zhang Cuifang looked up and saw Chu Nan hugging his chest, leaning against the door wall and looking at herself with a smile.

Looking at the dining table, a bowl of hot egg noodles entered Zhang Cuifang's eyes. At the same time, a touch that she had never experienced also haunted her heart.

For most of her life, she has never eaten her son's cooking. Although it is just a bowl of inconspicuous egg noodles, the warmth contained in it is enough to warm her for a lifetime!

At this time, in Zhang Cuifang's view, what appeared in front of her is no longer the teenager who used to have only a cavity of blood, but a grown-up, mature and sensible adult!

After eating the noodles, Zhang Cuifang left the table with great satisfaction, looked at her son with a smile, and said with concern, "Mom is full and is going to work. It's still early. Go back to sleep, or you won't be energetic at school.

Didn't I tell you that I will work with you. Not only today, but also every morning from now on, I will work with you. I will do whatever you do." Chu Nan looked at his mother with a smile. Under the dim light, he found that his mother's white hair was getting more and more, and he couldn't help feeling sad.

"No, my mother is also idle. Besides, I'm used to it, and I can handle it. You are different. You have to go to school during the day and work at night. You work harder than your mother. Good boy, you'd better go to sleep and refresh yourself before you have the strength to go to school and work.

Zhang Cuifang happily accepted her son's filial piety, but she didn't want her son to sweep the street. Although this job is legitimate, the content of the work is very dirty, sweeping, dusty, quite unhygienic, and you will suffer from various respiratory diseases. Therefore, she really doesn't want her son to get in her work.

"Mom, I don't work hard at all. Compared with you and Dad, I'm just a waste. I don't want to continue to be useless, so please give me this opportunity to perform. What's more, it's not tiring to work together. After saying that, Chu Nan smiled at his mother, opened the door, walked out, and was determined to sweep the street with his mother.

Zhang Cuifang shook her head helplessly, but with a happy smile. Knowing that I couldn't resist him, I had to follow his will. Maybe when he knew that the job was boring and hard, he would quit.

Chu Nan rode an electric car, carrying Zhang Cuifang, and walked leisurely through the street lights. Along the way, the two women talked and laughed, breaking the silence of the night and adding a few laughter to the spacious and quiet road.

The next moment, the two women stopped at an intersection. Zhang Cuifang went to the roadside to open the cleaning box, pulled out a tricycle from it, took two brooms, and returned to Chu Nan.

Chu Nan looked forward in a daze, just at a glance. He couldn't see the end of the road at all, but he knew that this long and wide road was his mother's workplace. However, not to mention cleaning the road from beginning to end, even if it is a trot, if you want to run to the other end of this road, you will consume a lot of time and waste a lot of physical strength!

"Mom, do you want to sweep from here to the other end of this road every day?" Chu Nan looked at Zhang Cuifang with distress and asked in a low voice. It is difficult for him to imagine how much hard his mother will suffer and how much she will suffer every day.

"Stupid boy, such a long road, just by myself, can't make me tired to death?" Zhier Mo Ruo's mother, Zhang Cuifang knew that her son was distressed. At present, in order not to worry her son, she smiled and said, "My colleagues and I started working separately. She swept at the other end. I swept here, and then we met in the middle. At that time, we will finish our work."

"And then?" Chu Nan continued to ask. He believes that his mother should have other work to do besides cleaning the street. Otherwise, she would not have come home for lunch.

"The unit will eat at noon, and we will patrol this road in the afternoon to stop those who litter. Don't underestimate us cleaners. Now we cleaners have the right to pay fines. As long as we are caught throwing garbage, we will fine those people, which is also the right to enforce. Zhang Cuifang said jokingly, and she was a little proud.

However, she is right. With the continuous decline of people's civilized quality, today's cleaning departments have also obtained the right to supervise and enforce. As long as they find people littering, they will come forward to stop them. In serious cases, they will also issue tickets to those uncivilized people, so that people can remember more, so that some People regain civilization. In this way, it can not only keep the city clean, but also improve people's quality, which is definitely a good way to kill two birds with one stone.

But the job of a cleaner is still the hardest and most despised job. They often do the dirtiest and most tiring work, but get the lowest salary. Although they are known as "urban beauticians", I believe that they would rather the unit be paid a little more--

"It's getting late. Mom is going to start work." Zhang Cuifang put on a mask, walked along the street and waved her broom. She swept the street flexibly and began today's work.

Seeing that his mother was so energetic, Chu Nan was also energetic. He took the mask his mother had prepared for himself, rolled up his sleeves, picked up the broom, walked side by side with her left and right, and began to be a sanitation worker.

Along the way, the two women talked and laughed and accompanied each other, but they didn't feel tired. Soon they had swept one-third.

Unexpectedly, when the two women passed by the door of a breakfast restaurant, suddenly, a very tough flat-headed man rushed out of the store, stood in front of Zhang Cuifang, raised his eyebrows, looked at her angrily, and shouted harshly, "Are you sick? Didn't I tell you that I don't need you to sweep here in the future. You make dust everywhere. Is there anyone still food in my store? In case someone eats a bad stomach, will you accompany him?"