College Record

Chapter 081 Differences?

Somehow, Chu Nan felt that Fang Qing suddenly became strict, and her words were full of concern for her future. She was not her girlfriend, but obviously her mother!

If she continues to sing against her, she will definitely be unhappy, so Chu Nan had to reluctantly nod and said, "Give me some time and I'll think about it."

"What's the point to consider?" Fang Qing said unrelentingly, "I don't know why Coach Miyamoto valued you so much, but I feel that what he said is true. He really wants you to join the karate class and train you into a karate talent. Moreover, Coach Miyamoto has always been very strict. He will never teach students without talent. You'd better give up martial arts and join the karate class, which will be of great help to your future.

"I just found a job, so I can't stop working for two days, can I? The monthly salary is 5,000 yuan, and I will take care of meals in the evening without delay in class. Where can I find such a job? No matter how good your life is in the future, you have to live a good life first. For three meals a day, for my sister and I to go to school, and to pay off debts, my parents work day and night. I don't want them to work too hard, so I want to work and more or less increase my family's income, which is my greatest wish now!" Chu Nan did not beat around the bush and directly put out all his thoughts in his heart.

"Do you mean that you only care about the present and the future?"

Fang Qing actually seemed a little angry. She felt that there was a difference in her mind with Chu Nan, and if there was a difference, there would be contradictions, which would form antagonisms and alienate each other.

However, in Fang Qing's opinion, she is right, and Chu Nan is undoubtedly wrong.

And Chu Nan is not as far as she thinks, and not as far as she thinks.

He has a plan for his future for a long time, that is, to find a legitimate job and be a martial arts teacher with a diploma after graduation. And the reason why he doesn't want to take professional classes and join karate classes is that he doesn't need to learn anything about major at all, because he knows all the things that coaches can do, and the only thing missing is a *.

As long as you can graduate safely in this school and get a diploma, it is not difficult. The key is that he doesn't want his parents to work too hard now, so he has to work to help his family reduce the burden. However, once you join the karate class, you will have to take boring karate courses every day. For Chu Nan, this is equivalent to a waste of time.

You should know that not every university can do whatever it wants like Nanling University.

Shengwu University is a relatively formal school, and the coaches of all majors are very strict. If Chu Nan joins the karate class, he will not want to be late and leave early. In this way, how can he go to work? If you are remembered by the coach, don't expect to graduate in the future.

Now he can be so relaxed and comfortable, half-time and half-study, because he is in the martial arts class. Although he is only his own student in the martial arts class, it is also a major. Therefore, as long as the coach Wubo agrees, he does not need to take professional courses and can also use the rest of his time to work to make money. Therefore, he didn't want to transfer from the martial arts class to the karate class. Besides, if you don't learn good Chinese martial arts, why do you want to learn Japanese karate? Is Japanese martial arts better than Chinese martial arts?

Thinking of this, Chu Nan couldn't help smiling bitterly, and the other party said, "I care about the present and the future. I already have a plan for the future, so you don't have to worry about this. However, before the future plan is realized, I still think about it now. Please thank Coach Miyamoto for me and thank him for looking up on me so much. As for the change of major, I still have to consider it.

Although Chu Nan didn't say anything, his implication was clear. Obviously, he was unwilling to join the karate class and did not want Fang Qing to interfere in his private affairs.

Seeing his resolute attitude, Fang Qing didn't say much. After all, this is his private matter. Saying too much will only intensify the contradictions.

Fang Qing didn't want to break up with Chu Nan as soon as she confirmed his relationship.

"Well, I respect your opinion." Fang Qing finally compromised and reluctantly squeezed out a smile. In her smile, she was full of bitterness and said, "If Coach Miyamoto knows that you refuse to join the karate class, he will be pissed off, right? Ha ha, many people want to get his personal advice, but they don't have this opportunity. You are really different. You don't care about such a good opportunity.

"That's not what I mean. I really have no interest in karate and I don't have the talent to learn kung fu. Even if I learn it, I can't learn anything. Instead of wasting time, it's better to work, so that you can still make money. Chu Nan said with a smile.

But why did Coach Miyamoto say that you have talent? He is very good at karate, and I believe he won't misread people. Although he said so, Fang Qing couldn't help but doubt Miyamoto Ichiro's eyesight. Mind karate is a very fierce fighting skill. Learning it requires not only talent, but also a strong constitution. But no matter how you look at it, Chu Nan is a gentle scholar. Even if he has talent, his physique is not qualified, as if the third-level wind can blow him away.

"Maybe he is dazzled." Chu Nan said in a word that he really didn't want to get entangled in this issue.

"Don't be heard by Coach Miyamoto, or he will be furious and I can't save you." Fang Qing kindly reminded.

At this point, Fang Qing's mood was obviously a little better, so that Chu Nan was puzzled and thought that women were really fickle animals. Just now, she looked like she hated iron and steel. In a blink of an eye, she became pleasant again. Could it be her physiological period?

The next moment, the two came to the classroom.

As soon as they entered the door, the students stood up as usual to welcome the arrival of Fang Qing.

It's just that when everyone saw Chu Nan, they all looked disgusted.

It's not surprising that under the leadership of Qin Shou, half of the students in this class inevitably seem a little deserted, causing everyone's morale to decline. And it was Chu Nan who caused all this. At that time, if he was willing to give up his seat to Qin Shou obediently, Fang Qing would not have turned against Qin Shou because of protecting him.

In everyone's mind, Qin Shou is not only his classmate, but also a fierce general of Shengwu University. When he starts a war with other schools, he can definitely be of great use. Fortunately, Qin Shou and Fang Qing were going to fight for a freshman. In the end, Qin Shou was so angry that he took away a large number of classmates, but it made this classroom so deserted.

It was nothing more than Chu Nan who caused all this, so it is also reason for everyone to be dissatisfied with him. It's just that Fang Qing spoiled him so much that everyone dared not say anything.

"Everyone sit down. You don't have to do this when you see me in the future. Everyone is classmates, which seems strange. In addition, even if Qin Shou leaves, aren't we still together? In the future, we will respect and love each other. Without Qin Shou, we will not be bullied by people from other schools. I promise you this!" Fang Qing said to everyone with a kind smile on his face.

Everyone said that girls in love would become particularly sensible, but Fang Qing's words verified this fact.

But in fact, Fang Qing knows that everyone is dissatisfied with Chu Nan, so she also wants to please everyone and set an example. She hopes that everyone can accept Chu Nan and treat him as a real classmate.

However, the effect is not obvious. At this moment, everyone is still staring at Chu Nan with contempt, as if they all want to kill him with their eyes.

In the face of everyone's contemptuous eyes, Chu Nan seemed to be indifferent. He went his own way and turned a blind eye to it. After properly sending Fang Qing back to his seat, he returned to his seat--