College Record

Chapter 153 Get Rid of the Relationship

"For me, Chu Xingchen is just a name, a name that represents my past and even I want to get rid of. If you can let me choose, I hope you can call me Chu Nan, not Chu Xingchen.

What Chu Nan said sounded in her ears. Through these words, Fang Qing understood that Chu Nan did not want anyone to know his true identity.

Fang Qing respected Chu Nan's will and did not tell everyone that he was Chu Xingchen, but there was one thing that she had to explain, so she said, "From today on, Chu Nan and I are just classmates. In addition, I have nothing else to do with him. Because we have broken up. Therefore, please respect me and respect him.


Hearing this, the infirmary was suddenly in an uproar, and everyone was surprised.

Before, Chu Nan's boy staged a romantic confession scene in the classroom, which made Fang Qing full of happiness. After that, the two were still intimate, inseparable and loved each other. Why did it take a few days for the two to suddenly say that they would split up?

"President, what the hell happened? Why did you break up with Chunan? Isn't he quite good at coaxing you?" A girl asked with concern. Because the status of Chu Nan and Fang Qing is too different in everyone's hearts, people don't think it was Chu Nan's breakup, but one-sidedly think that Fang Qing dumped Chu Nan.

In fact, Fang Qing didn't know why Chu Nan drew a clear line with her. At this moment, the only reason she could think of was that Chu Nan didn't like her, so she dumped herself and inadvertently said her thoughts: "Maybe it was because he didn't think I was worthy of him, so he and me Get rid of the relationship, right?


Hearing Fang Qing's words, everyone exclaimed and looked at each other. The surprise on their faces was even more surprising, but they were puzzled. What right does he have to break up with Fang Qing like Chu Nan?

In the first place, everyone is not optimistic about the relationship between the two, and always thinks that the two will break up sooner or later. Because both family* and their own conditions, Chu Nan and Fang Qing are somewhat far away, so everyone believes that Fang Qing will recognize the facts sooner or later and then kick Chu Nan.

This is everyone's consensus.

But everyone never thought that it would be Chu Nan who ended this relationship. For everyone, this is inevitably a little strange!

"President, why did Chu Nan break up with you? Does he like the new and hate the old and have a new relationship? If so, we will never let him go." A classmate said unhappily. As soon as he said this, the people present also echoed, all saying that they would support Fang Qing.

After all, Fang Qing is a symbol of Shengwu University. Since she became the president, she has contributed much to the school. Therefore, her matter is the matter of all the students of Shengwu University. If anyone dares to bully her, then the students will definitely work together to show up for her.

Looking at everyone feeling righteous and indignation for herself, Fang Qing was very moved, and her eyes were slightly rosy, which actually meant to cry.

looking around the world, perhaps the only person who knows how to care about himself is these students at present, right?

At the thought of this, Fang Qing suddenly smiled, as if all the unhappiness in her heart had been melted by the warm atmosphere created by her classmates!

Shaking her head gently, Fang Qing suddenly felt much more relaxed. At this moment, she stretched her eyebrows and said with a happy smile, "Thank you for your concern. Chu Nan did not like the new and hate the old, and I didn't hate him, but I wanted to thank him. After this incident, I feel that I have grown a lot. At least I know that there are some things that can't be forced. In addition, from now on, I will pursue what I want without hesitation. Isn't it good to work hard for your goals without any burden?

"But president, do you let Chu Nan bully you? Even if he wants to break up with you, he will give you a good reason, right? He set you up so vaguely, isn't that boy too arrogant?!"

"Yes, this tone will lead to you, but we can't stand it. Humph! What's great about him? Isn't it just a transfer student? Do you think our president is easy to bully? Let's look back and see how I deal with him!"

"Yes, be sure to show that boy a little. He didn't think that Qin Shou wanted to do it at the beginning, but who was the first to do it for him? At that time, for the sake of that boy, the president would rather turn against Qin Shou and protect him. Now, the boy was ungrateful and abandoned our president for no reason. This breath can't be swallowed so easily.

For a while, the students were impassioned and criticized, all of whom regarded Chu Nan as enemies, intending to beat him up and then quickly!

Fang Qing smiled and said nothing. She was not worried about what would happen to Chu Nan. By the way, who could hurt him with his ability? Besides, Chu Xingyue suffered such a serious injury. He will stay in the hospital day and night and will not come to class at all in a short time. There is really nothing to worry about.

However, Fang Qing originally wanted to tell everyone that Chu Nan's sister was injured and admitted to the hospital, so that she could ask everyone to visit together and give Chu Nan some encouragement. But seeing that everyone was dissatisfied with Chu Nan, she didn't open her mouth, otherwise it would only cause trouble to Chu Nan.

In addition, the most important thing now is myself, not to mention being homeless and penniless. What should I do in the future?

Thinking of this, Fang Qing couldn't help smiling and felt very frustrated.

"Bear the president, you won't really quarrel with your family and run away from home like Su Mengting said, will you? Otherwise, why did you come to school in your pajamas? Still sleeping outside the school?" A classmate finally got to the point.

"Oh, I was just in a bad mood last night, so I went out to relax. I walked to school and fell asleep somehow. Don't worry about me. I'm fine. Fang Qing said with a strong smile. In school, she has to maintain her original image and pretend to be strong and great for no other reason, just because everyone calls her president.


Finally, the bell of the first class rang.

Seeing that Fang Qing had nothing to do, everyone was relieved and left one after another and walked to the classroom.

"You still have a fever. Take some medicine first." Dr. Wang handed Fang Qing antipyretics and a glass of warm water.

After taking the medicine, Fang Qing was thinking of going to class. Suddenly, she saw that she was still wearing pajamas, so she temporarily gave up the idea of class and began to look left and right in a boring way.

After a moment, she suddenly thought about something and couldn't help laughing and said, "Dr. Wang, can I ask you something?"

"Say it." Dr. Wang looked at Fang Qing with a smile. His original name is Wang Shuo. He is about 30 years old. He is loyal and honest. He has worked in this infirmary since the day Shengwu University was founded. Because this is a martial arts school, students inevitably bump into each other during training, so he has treated his classmates a lot. Over time, the students also have a certain affection for him.

Fang Qing knew that Dr. Wang was good, so she didn't beat around the bush and said bluntly, "I don't have a place to live at present. If Dr. Wang agrees, I want to live here for the time being."

"Ha ha, it seems that you have indeed run away from home. What, is it difficult for your father to do it again?" Dr. Wang smiled and looked kind. He also knows something about Fang Qing's family situation. Fang Qing has been injured a lot since she entered school. In addition to treating her wounds in the infirmary, she has talked with Dr. Wang a lot.

"Hmm." With a gentle nod, Fang Qing didn't say much. A small face is full of melancholy.

Seeing her blank and sad look, Dr. Wang didn't ask much. He readily agreed. Then he took out a spare key from the drawer and gave it to Fang Qing. He said with a smile, "This is the key to the door of the infirmary. You can go in and out freely at any time. There is a bed with boiled water. What's missing? Just give me a support. I'll help you prepare it later.

"Thank you!" Fang Qing looked gratefully at Dr. Wang and suddenly felt a warm current in her heart, which warmed her whole body. And she can only feel this warm feeling in this school.

After a while, Coach An hurried back and then gave a brand-new school uniform to Fang Qing.

Fang Qing opened her eyes, and suddenly her little face sank. She looked at Coach An angrily and said angrily and funnyly, "Coach An, am I a boy in your impression? Otherwise, why did you give me a men's school uniform?

Hearing this, Coach An and Dr. Wang immediately looked at each other with an unbelievable look on their faces.

You should know that for a long time, they haven't seen Fang Qing wear women's school uniforms, not even girls' uniforms, and in their hearts, men's school uniforms are really more suitable for Fang Qing.

After a moment of silence, Coach An blinked his thick eyebrows and asked in a low voice, "What, do you want to wear a women's school uniform?"

Fang Qing was speechless and couldn't laugh or cry. At this moment, even she felt that she was more suitable to be a boy. And the word "girl" seems to have nothing to do with herself, at least in the eyes of others.

After a class, Fang Qing's fever also subsided by seven or eight points. At present, she only felt that she was in good spirits and energetic.

It was not until the bell of the second class rang that she left the infirmary and went to the classroom.

On the way, she thought hard. Now the problem of accommodation has been solved, but she is still penniless. What should she do about the problem of eating and drinking?

No wonder there is an old saying that a penny is hard to defeat a hero.

Today, this is indeed true!

With a sigh, Fang Qing stopped and looked up to the sky, feeling helpless.

But there is another good saying: the so-called endless road...

At this time, she inadvertently put her hands into her trouser pocket and suddenly felt something in her trouser pocket.

Taking it out, a pile of thick 100-yuan banknotes came into her eyes, at least 3,000 or 4,000 yuan, and Fang Qing knew without asking. This was Coach An deliberately putting it in his trouser pocket, and he was afraid that he would suffer face, so he did not give himself the money openly, but secretly did it. This is the matter.

Looking at the red * in her hand, Fang Qing's eyes gradually turned red, and her heart was moved beyond words.

Last night, she felt that she was the most superfluous person in the world, but now she found that she was not alone. At least in this school, there are many people who really care about her and care about her!