College Record

Chapter 156 Flame Showdown

Chu Nan didn't expect that the brothers brought by Huang Han were so righteous. In the face of a strong enemy and a supernatural person, they are fearless and do not let the fake nurse approach his sister's ward for half a step. Such a brother is really admirable!

Chu Nan was deeply moved and infected. At this time, he suddenly accelerated his pace and quickly chased him along the escape route of the fake nurse just now.

Chasing to the park that deviated from the hospital, Chu Nan stopped and stared in front of him. His eyes were full of dark curtains. Under the moonlight, several small willow trees swinging with the wind were faintly visible. In addition, there was no ghost.

As a fire power, the same energy flows in the body, and when this same force meets, it will resonate with each other, making the owners of these two forces cherish each other. That is to say, as long as it is not too far away, Chu Nan may sense the force flowing in the other party's body and then find the specific location of the other party.

Closing his eyes, Chu Nan held his breath and felt the power around him that could cherish the power in his body. After a moment, he suddenly opened his eyes, turned his head slightly, looked at the familiar dark curtain on the left, and then stepped straight into it without hesitation.

In the night, at Xiaolin, Chu Nan walked with a sarcastic smile on the corners of his mouth and said excitedly, "Since you chose to run away in confusion, why don't you run further? That nightingale is stupid, and it seems that you are not very smart. Or do you already know that the nightingale died here, so did you deliberately lead me here to avenge my companions?

Indeed, this is the place where the nightingale died. It's just that Chu Nan doesn't understand whether it is a coincidence that the member of the Thirteen Eagles came here today or wants to avenge his dead companions here?

I didn't know that the other party just took a fancy to the bad environment here. There are few people, there are many trees, and it is still dark, easy to hide, and can surprise the enemy at any time to kill the enemy.

At this time, Chu Nan's voice did not fall, and a firelight reflected the night sky.

Chu Nan quickly looked up and saw a fire knife split in the air, turning as fast as a meteor. Its sharpness is better than the sharp blade made by fine steel. If it is hit, the whole body will definitely be divided into two, and there will be no dead!


With a cold hum, Chu Nan clenched his fists and was about to fight back. Unexpectedly, his fist did not move. His front convenience shone again with a firelight, shaped like a half-moon knife, sharp, like a broken bamboo, rolling over.

With the two-force attack, Chunan could not avoid it at all. He could block the first blow and avoid the head-on cut. However, despite this, Chu Nan's face did not change, calm, always in place, looking ahead without any mood swing, and it seemed that he did not pay attention to these two blows at all.

The next second, two fire knives were about to come. Two sparks suddenly flashed in Chu Nan's clear eyes, as if *, causing flames to linger around, and the fire was strong. In an instant, it shone four miles of circles like day, grass and trees, with a panoramic view, magnificent momentum and flames soaring to the sky. In contrast, it seemed that The two fast-attacking fire knives are not worth mentioning at all.

Suddenly gritted his teeth, Chu Nan's fierce face was full of ferociousness, and his right arm was vigorously raised. The flames all over his body suddenly roared and were ready to move. It was like being blown by the wind and soared into the air. However, it quickly formed like a human-sized fire dragon, roaring in the air, swaying straight up and blinking. Between his eyes, he collided with the fire knife cut in the air, and there was a muffled sound. The two were evenly matched, and the jade was burned at that time.

At the same time, another fire knife was cutting head-on, and only one breath was close in front of him, and the target was Chu Nan's chest!

It was too late to dodge. Chu Nan simply tried his best. As soon as he came out of his right palm, he only took the oncoming fire knife in the palm of his hand with one arm. However, due to his strong power, even if Chu Nan could block this blow, he couldn't help but make a huge impact. His body quickly retreated backwards, but his feet were close to him. On the ground, almost all the soles of his feet came out of Mars, and after gliding for dozens of meters, he hooked the ground with his feet and tried his best to stabilize his body.

The right palm struggled to hold, and the fire knife that was blocked in his palm was suddenly crushed. Immediately, Chu Nan threw it with one hand, which sprinkled the sparklight into the air, gradually darkened and disappeared invisible.

"What else can you do besides pretending to be a woman, fleeing, and sneaking in the dark? I have heard for a long time that the thirteen eagles are full of talents, and everyone is a master in the power world. Well, when I see you these two days, your thirteen eagles are nothing more than that. I seem to overestimate you."

Chu Nanjili endured the burning pain brought by his right hand, raised his voice, and continued to stir up.

It is impossible to say that he was not injured just now. Anyway, he is also a mortal fetus with flesh and blood, and uses his flesh and blood to take a fire knife that is as powerful as a bullet. His palm is designated to peel off and suffer some injuries. But now is not the time for him to be pretentious. The first thing is to lead the enemy in the dark, confront him head-on, and then capture him as soon as possible, take the opportunity to find the nest of the thirteen eagles, and make a break one at a time.

It is said that they are always like this. Chu Nan really doesn't know that only the year of the monkey can bring them all down and return to a normal life?

I haven't waited for the other party's response for a long time. It's dark, the vision is difficult, and the trees are numerous and easy to hide, so Chu Nan can only try to concentrate and continue to feel the position of the other party. However, if the other party has a secret attack, how can he be given this opportunity?

Before Chu Nan could concentrate, suddenly brightened in front of him. When he fixed his eyes, he saw ten knives tearing the dark curtain, crisscrossed, bursting in unison, and roaring in the air. Wherever they passed, the surrounding trees were burning on fire. For a moment, the fire was bright, and even the air was even high. The distortion of steaming and roasting has changed shape, and the ten fire knives are even more aggressive, like a night meteor, which is very powerful!

In the face of the ten fire knives rushing across the sky, Chu Nan's face was solemn and waiting intently. However, no matter how fast his speed is, he can't escape from this attack range, let alone take it. Otherwise, he will definitely die here and die without a whole body!

At the time of life and death, Chunan did not want to be polite.

It's better to let the other party die than to die. After all, Chu Nan is not kind enough to catch a living enemy at the cost of his own life.

Without hesitation, he concentrated his whole body's strength. Under the full energy in his body, Chu Nan's body was full of flames, churning and straight to the sky. At first glance, it looked like a pillar of fire, covering his body in it. It was beautiful and spectacular!

At this time, Chu Nan suddenly kicked his feet and suddenly retreated a hundred steps. After retreating to the safe range, he put his arms across his chest and his palms were facing each other in an up and down posture. Even when he saw his applause, a red fireball the size of a table tennis came out of thin air, followed by his fierce face and suddenly bent down and his palms. Strively patted against the ground under his feet, the extremely inconspicuous small fireball that originally floated in his palm actually exploded. For a moment, the fire wave covered the sky, the heat wave hit the ground, and the fire spread wildly in a carpet, extending 100 meters. Then he saw the fierce flames, which swept the heavens and the earth, extending in an instant. At the end of the dark curtain, not to mention the broken ten fire knives, even the four fields have become a sea of fire. Whether it is birds and beasts, or living people, even an inconspicuous ant, I believe that they can't escape the madness of this sea of fire...