College Record

Chapter 161 Loneliness at Night

Indeed, as long as Chu Nan has a word, Nanling University will help each other and regard Teng Yunlong and Jinsheng Group as public enemies. If Nanling University suppresses Jinsheng Group's business in South China, Jinsheng Group will certainly suffer heavy profit losses in a short period of time.

However, as the top leader of the group, the interests of the whole group are damaged for personal grudges. In this way, Teng Yunlong is to blame himself. At that time, his position as CEO must not be guaranteed. In case the stock price of Jinsheng Group is shaken by this, then Teng Yunlong will still take the blame, and even he will become nothing. All may be.

This is not so much a chain reaction as that Nanling University definitely has this strength and shakes the foundation of Jinsheng Group!

But there are both advantages and disadvantages.

Although Nanling University can help Chunan deal with this matter, Chunan's whereabouts will also be exposed. After all, Nanling University is known as the strongest university, and Jinsheng Group is also a well-known enterprise. The two will definitely be earth-shaking and well-known. At the same time, Chunan will undoubtedly carry a "*" title, so At that time, not only will Nanling University learn about his situation, but also those former enemies will come one after another.

Therefore, if Nanling University settles this matter, it will be easy to calm down, but countless troubles will come one after another, and Chunan will no longer have peace of peace.

endure the calm for a while and take a step back.

This is the most reasonable saying that Chu Nan learned in prison.

Besides, Sun Minghai has taken people straight to the nest of the thirteen eagles to kill, and as long as the thirteen eagles fall, Teng Yunlong will lose the power of revenge. Maybe even Teng Yunlong himself will be punished by law. In this way, even if he wants to continue to avenge his son, he is powerless.

This is the point, why be in a hurry?

Gently patted Huang Han on the shoulder, and Chu Nan smiled and said, "Thank you for your kindness. I appreciate it. However, I still want to wait for the news from Uncle Sun. I believe he will not disappoint me, because I know him. He is a good man and a good official. There is no room for organizations like the Thirteen Eagles to do anything under his eyes.

After saying that, Chu Nan slowly went to the window of the ward and looked at his sister's little face that had regained a little blood color. He couldn't help smiling. At present, he is not worried about anything. The only thing he worries about is this little girl. He just hopes that she can get well soon, and then he will take her to play and fulfill his promise that he has not fulfilled her.

Chu Nan resolutely did not want to disturb Nanling University, and Huang Han had no choice but to wait for Sun Minghai's news here. However, Huang Han still adhered to his idea. He really dared not hope for the efficiency of those government departments. In his opinion, it is better to do some things by himself.


The night is quiet and silent.

In the dark infirmary, there is a small **, and Fang Qing tossed and turned, making it difficult to sleep.

Every time she closes her eyes, there are always many pictures in her mind, including her father's disappointed and horrible face, her brother's pitiful eyes when he looked at her, and Chu Nan's familiar and strange smiling face. For her, these people are the most important people in her life and the people who hurt her the most.

Lifted the quilt, got out of bed, went to the window, and looked at the endless dark curtain in front of him. Fang Qing felt empty and lonely. Thinking about the agreement she made with her father, she lost all her confidence in an instant, just like the dark curtain ahead. The goal of life was clearly ahead, but she couldn't see it. All she can see is the endless darkness, as if her heart has blended with the darkness, and there is no longer a trace of light.

However, before she was kicked out of the house, Fang Zhenghao had made it clear that Fang Zhenghao would never let her step into the house until she completed the agreement between the two parties. Therefore, joining Nanling University is her only way out. Only by completing this unfair agreement can the door of that family be opened for her.

Thinking about the ridicule hanging on her father's face at that time, Fang Qing felt sad, but she had no choice but to work hard to realize the content of the agreement.

Anyway, I can't sleep. It's better to practice boxing and work hard to improve my strength, so as to lay a good foundation for future goals.

When she made up her mind, Fang Qing picked up her coat, went out of the infirmary, and went straight to the gym.

Since Fang Qing did not have the key to the door of the Fighting Hall, she could only turn over the window to enter.

After a lot of effort, she finally entered the museum and turned on the light. Suddenly, the lights were bright and bright. Looking at the bright space in front of her and the equipment used for training, Fang Qing's heart was also wide. A pair of dull eyes became hot and bright in an instant.

Take off her coat, take her short hair, twist her neck and shake her waist. After slightly moving her muscles and bones, she picked up a pair of combat gloves, then went to a sandbag and began to hit it crazily and powerfully. The violent impact spread in the silence, echoing four walls, adding to the original dead venue. A little vitality also makes this silent night no longer quiet.

Sweating quickly soaked her underwear, but her constantly swinging fists did not slow down at all. The fists were as fast as the wind and powerful. Every time she hit it, the sandbag trembled violently, crumbling and about to crack.

The next moment, Fang Qing was sweaty and panting. The bean-sized sweat slowly flowed down her cheeks and gradually gathered into a small pool of sweat under her feet. Under the reflection of the light, the sweat shone, reflecting a unique picture, and the girl in the picture looked so beautiful. In the beauty, it seems that there is still a little sadness. Together, it presents a sad and beautiful picture.

It was not until half an hour later that Fang Qing felt exhausted. She couldn't help slowing down her fist speed and slowly stopped. Then her knees sank and she sat on the ground softly, leaned back with her body. She lay down steadily. Her little face blushed and began to breathe heavily, looking weak. However, this extremely tired feeling made her taste a sense of fullness, somewhat relieved her depressed mood, and at the same time made her have no extra strength to think about those unhappy things.

Finally, as Fang Qing's breathing gradually became even, the night became quiet again.

Maybe it's because she was too tired, or the light above her head was too dazzling. At this time, Fang Qingyou closed her eyes and gradually fell asleep with sweat under her...



The next morning, a loud bell spread to every corner of the campus and entered everyone's ears.

When Fang Qing opened her eyes feebly, she felt that her vision was extremely blurred, and the scene she entered was hazy. I don't know where this place is?

I wanted to sit up, but I found that I didn't have any strength all over my body. I could only continue to lie down, and I had a splitting headache and chills all over my body, as if I had a 40-degree fever, which was very uncomfortable.

"You are awake. Don't move any more. You have to be obedient this time, or you will really go to the hospital.

A familiar voice sounded, and Fang Qing knew that it was Dr. Wang's voice. Then she turned her head and saw that although her vision was still a little blurred, Fang Qing knew that she was lying in the infirmary and was dripping.

"You fell asleep at the school gate yesterday. Why did you fall asleep in the training hall today?" On the side, Coach An looked at the weak Fang Qing with care and whispered, "Fortunately, I came early today and found you in time in the training hall, otherwise you will have to fall ill."

"Yes, do you think you are iron? When Coach An sent you here, your sweat was not dry, and you were wearing so thin that you slept in the training hall all night. Even if you were really beaten, you would inevitably get sick. Dr. Wang said in that resentful tone.

Fang Qing only felt weak and didn't even have the strength to speak. She could only keep blinking her eyes and let the blurred eyes wander back and forth between Dr. Wang and Coach An, but Fang Qing thought it was worth the disease.

No wonder everyone says that a minor illness is a blessing.

It was not until today that Fang Qing fully understood the meaning of this sentence.

In the caring atmosphere of Coach An and Dr. Wang, Fang Qing couldn't help smiling. Her body, which had been cold, suddenly became warm. At this moment, she felt that her body and mind were completely relaxed. She couldn't help closing her eyes again and soon fell into sleep again.

"Alas! This girl is stubborn. There's really nothing she can do. Looking at Fang Qing, who fell asleep peacefully, Coach An shook his head helplessly.

Fang Qing is the captain of the fighting team and an excellent student who has achieved many excellent results for the fighting team. Therefore, Coach An has always regarded her as a treasure and really doesn't want to see her sick appearance.

"It's not easy for her. She lost her mother when she was a child, and her younger brother suffered from severe autism, especially her sharp and mean father, who never gave her a good face. I really don't know how she lived to this day?" Dr. Wang shook his head helplessly with sympathy in his eyes.

In this school, many people only see Fang Qing's usual scenery. It is said that the president of a triathlon student union drives a luxury sports car worth tens of millions of yuan, and his identity is still the daughter of Fang's enterprise. If this is not a glory, what other person in the world can deserve the word "scenes"?

However, what Dr. Wang saw was only the pain hidden behind Fang Qing's scenery.

Isn't that what she is now?