College Record

Chapter 173 Another Wave

Qinhai City, a special police brigade directly under the government.

Chunan was sitting in a sealed interrogation room boredly, with handcuffs on his hands and empty. Even his mobile phone was confiscated and he couldn't make a phone call. Accompanying him was only a small camcorder hanging on the wall, which was still shining.

Because this case was personally interrogated by the deputy mayor, and in the opinion of the deputy mayor, the case was not small and had a great impact, so at that time he ordered Chu Nan to bring Chunan directly to the special police brigade directly under the government and strictly isolated him.

The so-called special police brigade is simply a judicial body specially set up by the government, which is located in the government compound. Except for municipal leaders, no one has mobilized the power of this special police force, and this team will generally not easily go to the police unless there is a major case, for example, a Famous people are injured by bandits, or a key enterprise is maliciously attacked. Once something similar happens, this special police force will be dispatched.

However, if Chu Nan wants to swagger out of here, no one can stop him at all, and the handcuffs in his hand are even more useless. He only needs to stimulate the power a little to incinerate it.

However, from beginning to end, he did not make any resistance. He should cooperate more and cooperate more. In other words, he is willing to accept the investigation of the relevant departments. Anyway, in his own opinion, he has done nothing wrong. Even if he is wrong, he will be worth the most.

However, so far, no one has known his true identity, and no one knows that he is a power. Everyone regards him as an ordinary criminal. What's more, Leilong has been extinguished, and there is no small cell left, which can be said that there is no proof of death.

Therefore, the relevant personnel only thought that Chu Nan maliciously injured four security guards and set fire to Teng Yunlong's private house. No one would have thought that he had just killed someone, let alone thought that Teng Yunlong had been seriously injured by him!

However, in some people's hearts, Chunan has also committed a great crime. He feels good just because of his three crimes of wanton arson, malicious attack and undermining social harmony and stability.

For a long time, the door of the interrogation room was finally opened, and then the fat-eared deputy mayor comrade strode in. Behind him was a young man in a straight suit and eight fully armed special policemen. The group of people were vast and solemn, all staring at Chu Nan.

After entering the house, four of the special policemen immediately stood behind Chu Nan for fear that he would escape and take strict care of him. The other four stood behind the deputy mayor. Only the young man stood side by side with the deputy mayor, all staring at him, holding a gun, and shooting Chu Nan back and forth. Come on, before the interrogation began, it was clear that Chu Nan was going to be given a majesty.

Fortunately, Chu Nan is well-informed, especially similar situations. He doesn't know how many times he has seen it. He has long been used to it and learned to be calm. Otherwise, he will have to be scared to death by the battles and expressions of this group of people.


As soon as he got to the table, Vice Mayor Li threw a heavy piece of information in his hand on the table, and then stared at Chu Nan without blinking. His eyes were full of anger and eager to eat people!

Speaking of which, Deputy Mayor Li used to work in criminal investigation. At present, he is also the top leader in charge of the four departments of public, procuratorial, department and law. He is an old-fashioned, so he knows better than anyone how to treat the criminal suspect.

Generally speaking, when the police interrogate a prisoner, the first thing is to conquer the prisoner's psychological defense line and make him confess and lenient.

And the eyes are the best sword to break through the prisoner's psychological defense line!

At the same time, this also fully shows that in the eyes of Vice Mayor Li at this moment, Chu Nan is a complete prisoner!

It is also no wonder that Vice Mayor Li is specially responsible for judicial work. Now that there is a public security situation, it happens in the golden development zone. In case he can't make an explanation in a short time, his black gauze hat is difficult to protect. That's why he tried the case in person.

However, his "killing with eyes" may be effective for others, but it has no effect on Chu Nan, because no matter how fierce his eyes are, Chu Nan has already had antibodies and will not catch a cold at all.

Seeing that Vice Mayor Li was always angry and staring at himself angrily, his eyes were about to come out, and he didn't speak like a wooden man. Chu Nan felt funny and said to himself: If his eyes could kill people, people in the world would have died long ago. This guy is always staring like this, don't you feel tired?

Thinking of this, Chu Nan couldn't help smiling, but he didn't want to waste time here. He just wanted to rush to his sister's side.

Since he didn't say anything, he had to let himself break the silence, so he said, "Actually, this matter is very simple, not as complicated as you think. I want to make a phone call and someone will explain it to me.

"Simple?" Hearing this, looking at Chu Nan's disapproving expression, Vice Mayor Li was even more angry and raised his voice and shouted, "Do you know whose house you burned? And let me tell you, the Gold Coast is a key development zone in our city, and the government has also promised to reduce the crime rate in the Gold Coast to zero. You are good. Not only did you burn down the house of the boss of Jinsheng Group, but also had a serious impact on the government and society. You want to finish it with one phone call. Do you fucking think you are the president's son?

In the end, Vice Mayor Li even said dirty words, which seemed to be really anxious.

"Ha ha, I just want to make a phone call. What about you?" Chu Nan crossed his legs, laid his hands on his knees leisurely, and looked at Vice Mayor Li with a smile. In contrast, he was more like a leader.

Deputy Mayor Li has checked Chu Nan's information before, and the document he just dropped on the table is.

However, there is almost nothing else on the information except Chu Nan's name, age and school.

Of course, Chunan is reported under a pseudonym, and most of the information he fills in is also fake, and Shengwu University is an extremely open school. As long as students pay, the materials can be filled in at will. Therefore, Vice Mayor Li has not yet mastered the details of Chu Nan.

Speaking of which, the reason why Chu Nan filled in fake information at the beginning was to get rid of the past, and to avoid his former enemies coming to him. Otherwise, the Thirteen Eagles would not have underestimated the enemy and end up with the destruction of the whole army.

Seeing that Chu Nan was in danger and smiling happily, Vice Mayor Li was angry and said angrily, "What's your name, family*, and the motive for the crime have been made clear to me. In addition, I advise you that you'd better not resist with a fluke heart, otherwise I won't be able to eat!"

"Who are you?" Chu Nan suddenly asked back. Up to now, he only knows that the man in front of him is very powerful and powerful. As for his identity, Chu Nan really knows nothing.

"He is our Deputy Mayor Li, and this case is also handled by our Deputy Mayor Li himself. I advise you to be frank and lenient, otherwise resist and be strict, and don't have a trace of fluke.

With no need for Deputy Mayor Li to speak, the young man next to him helped make an introduction.

After this introduction, Vice Mayor Li's face clearly showed a proud look, which seemed to be determined that Chu Nan would be scared by his identity.

Unexpectedly, when Vice Mayor Li was self-righteous, Chu Nan turned his eyes and looked at the young man and asked, "Who are you?"

"I'm the secretary of Deputy Mayor Li, and my surname is Du." Secretary Du seemed to be Chu Nan's way and unconsciously introduced himself.


Chu Nan said softly and didn't say much, so that Vice Mayor Li felt embarrassed. Since he was promoted to deputy mayor, this was the first time that he was ignored and ignored by him, and he was still a stinky boy.

In fact, Chu Nan did not ignore the Deputy Mayor Li, but thought that he had not done anything wrong. Since he had a clear conscience, he would not deliberately flatter the president.


Deputy Mayor Li pretended to cough. Secretary Du immediately woke up, his face darkened, slapped the table with one hand, glared at Chu Nan, and said fiercely, "Say, your name, *, motive for the crime. If you insist on resisting, don't blame me for being rude to you!"

Chu Nan smiled bitterly when he heard the words. He couldn't understand the government's method.

In order to perfectly solve all kinds of troubles, they will use all kinds of means. This is "official"!

These are unrealistic superficial words such as regulations that prisoners are not allowed to torture and force confessions, so Chu Nan can be sure that if they don't say anything, these people are bound to torture themselves. After all, in their eyes at this moment, they are a prisoner!

Of course, if Chu Nan doesn't want to be hurt, looking at the people present, who can hurt him?

However, it was hard to solve everything today. Chu Nan doesn't want to fight against this high-ranking Vice Mayor Li anymore, let alone be an enemy of the government.

With a helpless smile, Chu Nan had to say perfunctorily, "My name is Chu Nan, an ordinary student, nothing*. As for what you said about the motive for committing the crime, I think it's better to ask a persuasive person to talk to you. As long as you let me make a phone call."

Deputy Mayor Li and Secretary Du looked at each other and had the same idea in their hearts...

I thought that the boy dared to brazenly set fire to Teng Yunlong's villa. After his arrest, he was not panicked, like an innocent, and in the current environment, he still faced the deputy mayor, and he did not show any panic. His calm attitude can only explain two things. One is that his psychological quality is hard enough to far exceed ordinary people. Then there is his * unusual.

It seems that this boy is a great man!

Is it... his father is Li Gang?

(Note: Li Gang is the minister of the imperial capital*)