College Record

Chapter 175 Special Identity

Approaching to the table, Sun Minghai stared at Chu Nan fiercely and whispered, "Bad boy, how can you make trouble for me!"

Chu Nanfu smiled and expected that the overall situation had been settled, so he got up and wanted to leave, but he didn't expect Vice Mayor Li to suddenly reach out his hand and shouted angrily, "Who told you to get up? Sit down!"

Hearing the roar of Deputy Mayor Li, the two special police standing behind Chu Nan immediately acted.

Chu Nan only felt that his shoulders sank. Before he stood up straight, he was pressed back to his original position by two Kong Wu's powerful arms.

Obviously, Vice Mayor Li did not intend to sell Sun Minghai, and even showed complete contempt for Sun Minghai!

In the face of Vice Mayor Li's arrogant attitude, Sun Minghai did not care. After all, he also served the public, and Chu Nan also took the blame.

But since he came, Sun Minghai must take Chu Nan away.

Moreover, even if Chu Nan really committed an unforgivable crime, now is not the time to convict him.

Turned his eyes to Vice Mayor Li. Sun Minghai said warmly, "Vice Mayor Li, we are also old acquaintances. Let me deal with this matter. I hope Vice Mayor Li will show me some face and let me take this boy away first."

"I'll leave it to you? Ha ha, what are you based on? Deputy Mayor Li squined at Sun Minghai and said solemnly, "Do you know what this boy has done? He just burned the house of Teng Yunlong, president of Jinsheng Group. I think Director Sun should be very clear about who Teng Yunlong is, right? If this matter is not handled properly, when Teng Yunlong investigates it, not to mention that you, the little director of the National Security Department, can't afford it, and even I, the deputy mayor, can't afford it!"

Sun Minghai was silent when he heard the words and did not object to Vice Mayor Li's words.

To be fair, if this matter involves others, others really can't afford it.

You should know that Teng Yunlong is rich and a complete business giant. He is famous, and there are many senior government officials to escort him. Once he is in trouble, I don't know how many officials will rush to run away. This Deputy Mayor Li is a good example.

So, if someone offends Teng Yunlong, then the person who offends him will definitely have no good end.

But Chunan is different.

In terms of reputation, this boy is no worse than Teng Yunlong. Everyone knows black and white.

On power, as long as this boy says a word, the whole Qinhai city can be turned over by him.

The most important thing is that at present, there is a "top" to support him, so even if he kills someone and breaks the law, as long as the "top" does not investigate, no department has the right to arrest him.

Since Deputy Mayor Li did not know the inside story, he only saw the surface and did not know the complexity of the whole thing.

Sun Minghai doesn't need to talk to him in detail.

There are two reasons...

One reason is that the official rank of Deputy Mayor Li is too small, and Sun Minghai is too lazy to waste his saliva with him.

Second, it is not convenient for Sun Minghai to say more about secrets.

Sun Minghai gradually lost his patience and his face became a little ugly. He looked at Vice Mayor Li very seriously and said in that assured tone, "You don't have to worry about Vice Mayor Li about these things. Teng Yunlong will not investigate, and he has no chance to investigate. I hope Vice Mayor Li can give me a favor to deal with this matter. I promise that I will deal with it properly and will never embarrass Deputy Mayor Li.

"Sorry, I can't let anyone take the suspect away before this case comes out." Speaking of this resolutely, Vice Mayor Li turned his back to Sun Minghai, then pointed his hand straight to the door and said lightly, "I still have official business, so it's inconvenient to send more. Please also ask Director Sun to leave."

Looking at Vice Mayor Li's back, Sun Minghai's face became more and more ugly.

Sun Minghai has a good temper, but if he is forced, he is not the one to provoke.

What's more, he has said this, and he almost begged in a low voice, but Vice Mayor Li still doesn't give him face. It's no wonder that he is not angry.

"Deputy Mayor Li, I'll ask you for the last time, will you let this person go or not?" Sun Minghai pointed to Chu Nan and asked Vice Mayor Li harshly, and his words were obviously full of warning.

Vice Mayor Li turned around and had an expression with his eyes above the top, with a few jokes in his eyes. First, he took a look at Chu Nan, and then asked Sun Minghai with a smile, "I said, Director Sun, who is this boy? Do you want him to work so hard to protect him? Is he your son?

At this point, a smile appeared on Vice Mayor Li's fat face and said, "Well, I'm not right. Everyone knows that Director Sun is a workaholic. I heard that when you were young, you could ignore everything for work, and even your wife ran away with others. At that time, Director Sun should not have a son, right? What, is this boy your illegitimate son of Director Sun? Ha ha, with all due respect, even if this boy is really your illegitimate son, and such a serious thing has happened, I can't let him go as you asked. If you mess around here again, I will be the first to take off your black hat!"

As soon as Vice Mayor Li said this, not only Sun Minghai was angry, but also Chu Nan felt that his words were a little excessive.

After knowing Sun Minghai for many years, Chu Nan knew that Sun Minghai had no regrets in his life, and his only regret was that he did not have a son and a half daughter.

This regret is caused by Sun Minghai's love for work. He hopes to do his best to fight more crimes and add a trace of peace to the people and society.

Chu Nan still remembers that when he was in Nanling University, even if he was a senior official in that area, no one dared to fight against him. At the beginning, the only one who dared to challenge himself was Sun Minghai.

For this point, Chu Nan admired him from the bottom of his heart.

At the same time, Chu Nan also knows...

The absence of children is the only pain in Sun Minghai's heart and the bottom line that he can't touch.

In fact, it's not just Chu Nan, but also people who know Sun Minghai know this, so no one will make fun of Sun Minghai about this matter.

However, today, Vice Mayor Li knows that he can't do it instead of what he wants to do. Every word is prickly, and the words are hidden in the pain of Sun Minghai, which is really a little too much!

"Hey, are you going too much?" Before Sun Minghai lost his temper, Chu Nan was furious. He looked at Vice Mayor Li with hatred and retorted, "As for your virtue as his mother Vice Mayor, are the leaders above blind and let you make such a thing indiscriminate? In addition, you talk about how Teng Yunlong is and think about his interests everywhere. Can I also understand that Teng Yunlong is your father?

"Do you dare to talk to me like this? For this, I can lock you up." Vice Mayor Li's face was pale, and a senior official of a municipality directly under the central government had never been humiliated like this? The person who humiliated him is still a prisoner who has just committed the crime!

In the face of the angry Vice Mayor Li, Chu Nan sneered, snorted, suddenly turned his eyes, looked at Sun Minghai, completely ignored the existence of Deputy Mayor Li, and said, "Uncle Sun, I owe you this time. But you don't have to be polite to such a person, do you? It's time to exert your real power."

Looking at Sun Minghai, his face was already covered with black clouds, and he was about to set off a storm.

After a moment of silence, Sun Minghai seemed to accept Chu Nan's advice, slowly took out his mobile phone, then dialed a phone, looked at Vice Mayor Li angrily, and said in a low voice to the person at the other end of the phone, "I demand that Li Xiangrong, deputy mayor of Qinhai City, be suspended immediately. The reason is that this person obstructs the implementation of Plan A. Please issue Order No. 1 immediately to remove Li Xiangrong from the government team in Qinhai City and take him away.

Hanging up the phone, Sun Minghai still stared at Vice Mayor Li without squinting, with blood in his eyes. The hatred was hard to hide, but without saying much, he began to wait silently, waiting for Vice Mayor Li to pay a heavy price for his arrogant attitude!

Deputy Mayor Li didn't care and thought Sun Minghai was crazy.

It is not surprising. Anyway, he is also the deputy mayor in charge of political and legal work, and his status should not be underestimated. Moreover, in his opinion, he has neither been investigated by the judicial department nor done anything to violate discipline. Even if there is, the relevant departments have no tangible evidence.

In this case, how can a department-level cadre shake his position with a phone call?

"Comrade Sun, if you finish your joke, please leave now." With that, Vice Mayor Li's face changed in vain and solemnly warned Sun Minghai, "If you dare to mess around and hinder me with the case, I will remove you now. You have to figure it out. How many years can you work when you are so old? If you lose your black gauze hat at this time, your pension will be ruined.

"Well said, it seems that not only will someone lose their black hat today, but also their pensions will be ruined." After saying that, Sun Minghai turned around directly and completely ignored the existence of Deputy Mayor Li, just like Chu Nan.

Vice Mayor Li was so angry that he suddenly waved his hand and ordered to the special police team behind him, "Take this Sun away, lock him up first, and I'll deal with him later."


Four special police officers immediately took orders and went to Sun Minghai's side in an instant.

Unexpectedly, when they were about to take compulsory measures against Sun Minghai, Sun Minghai suddenly made a move and put something in front of four special police members.

At this time, I saw an additional red certificate in Sun Minghai's hand, which clearly reads nine large letters "Specialist of the Supreme Government of the Central Government", which is located below, with the word "privilege" and the seal of the central government!

Seeing this, the four SWat members looked at each other. Soon, they reached a consensus through each other's eyes and retreated collectively, motionless.

while Sun Minghai is righteous and solemn, giving people a feeling that at this moment he is already anti-guest and has fully mastered the control here.