College Record

Chapter 177 Midnight Miracle

Since Sun Minghai doesn't want to explain the words, there is no need for Chu Nan to ask, because he knows that Sun Minghai will speak endlessly when it is time to say it, otherwise, even if he kills him, he will keep his mouth shut.

Chunan doesn't want to think about unknown things in the future. At present, all the things that need to be solved have been solved, and the rest can only wait for the little girl to wake up.

In Chu Nan's opinion, as long as his sister can be safe, this is more important than anything else, including his own life!

Thinking of his sister, Chu Nan couldn't help but walk out of the government compound, reached out for a taxi, and rushed straight to the hospital.


When he came to Chu Xingyue's ward, Chu Nan looked in.

Seeing that his sister still had no response, Chu Nan's heart inevitably became anxious.

The doctor said before that if Chu Xingyue can't wake up during this golden time within 72 hours, her chance of waking up will be reduced. After all, her brain has suffered a violent impact, which is unusual coma. In the long run, the trauma of her brain will lead to her brain cells and brain nerve failure. If so, the consequences are unimaginable!

So far, this little girl has been in a coma for three days and two nights, and it's no wonder that Chu Nan is not in a hurry.

"President, has everything been resolved? Has that thunder dragon been killed by you? Huang Han has always been an inseparable guardian here. At present, he is also relieved to see Chu Nan coming back intact.

"Thank you for your concern. Everything that needs to be solved has been solved. You have worked hard these days, and the brothers under yours have also worked hard!" Chu Nan turned his eyes to Huang Han, as if looking at his benefactor, full of gratitude.

Although Chu Nan did not mention Lei Long, he was able to come back safely, which explained everything, so Huang Han did not ask. Fu Yi smiled and said, "In the past, when I was in Nanling University, I was taken care of by you a lot, so now no matter what I do, it is appropriate."

Speaking of this, Huang Han seemed to see Chu Nan's worry and turned his eyes to Chu Xingyue in the ward. Suddenly, his eyes were also full of pity and comforted Chu Nan: "Xiaoyue's sister is lucky in heaven, and she will definitely turn into good luck. What's more, she is the president of your own sister. How can she fall down so easily with the same blood as you?

"With your good words, I hope this little girl can really turn bad luck into good luck and wake up early." Looking at his sister who fell asleep peacefully, Chu Nan reluctantly smiled. He didn't know that now he had nothing to do but wait.

"Now that everything is done, I'll personally pick up my uncle and aunt to reunite your family."

After saying that, Huang Han first waved his hand to a group of left-behind brothers and motioned them to go back.

Now that the thirteen eagles have been destroyed and the crisis has been relieved, there is no need for Huang Han to ask his brothers to stay here. After all, Huaxing Society's business still has to be done, otherwise the brothers will have no food to eat.

After sending the brothers, Huang Han said to Chu Nan, "It seems that Sister Xiaoyue still has to live here for a period of time. I have already lived in a single ward before, and when Sister Xiaoyue wakes up, she can move in directly. In addition, I have paid 200,000 yuan in advance for Xiaoyue's sister, and also asked the hospital to use the best medicine for Xiaoyue's sister. If it is not enough, I will put the money into the account at any time. All right, I'll pick up my uncle and aunt. If the president needs anything in the future, remember to call me and I will be on call.

After saying that, Huang Han waved his hand to Chu Nan with a smile, and then turned around and left, so that Chu Nan didn't even have time to say "thank you", and he disappeared into the corridor.

Everyone says that this is an era of "seeing profits and forgetting righteousness", and everything related to "righteousness" should be based on rich "interests".

Chu Nan is also a modern person, so he has the same ideas as contemporary people and never believes in the so-called "righteousness".

However, the appearance of Huang Han completely changed his concept.

Especially during his time in prison, he often wondered what he had gained in the end since the day he stepped into the gate of Nanling University.

He has never figured out this problem.

Today, he understood that he did not walk in Nanling University for nothing.

Because today, he has gained friendship, righteousness, brother.

For a man, these three things are valuable and can't be exchanged for much money. However, the most precious things of these three men are completely displayed in Huang Han. For this reason, Chu Nan feels very gratified. If it hadn't been for his sister's serious illness that made him not be in the mood, he would definitely pull it. Huang Han went to have a drink happily. For the sake of the real righteousness that the world does not believe, he will not get drunk with Huang Han!

Thinking of this, Chu Nan smiled with expectation in his smile, and then looked at his sister.

He firmly believes that when his sister opens her eyes, he is the happiest person in the world. Because he has relatives, friends, dreams, and a girl he loves deeply. Although he has a little misunderstanding with that girl at present, this misunderstanding will not be solved sooner or later!


Half an hour later, Chu Changtian and Zhang Cuifang hurried to the front of the ward.

"Where's Huang Han?" Seeing that Huang Han did not follow, Chu Nan couldn't help asking.

"He said he had something else to do, so he went back first. He also said that if we need anything, we can go to his company to find him at any time. Chu Changtiandao.

In fact, through the understanding of these days, Huang Han knows that Chu Nan wants to live a peaceful life with his family, but Huang Han is in the world. He can't help but spend time at the tip of a knife and gun, and he has a high mountain in the police station and will be wanted by the police at any time. Even if the police can't help it. He, his enemies are also countless. Maybe one day he will be hunted down and killed on the street.

Therefore, he wanted to stay away from Chu Nan and didn't want Chu Nan to be implicated.

Because he knows that if he has something to do, Chu Nan will never stand by, but in this way, he will take Chunan to the old road and then cause him countless troubles.

What's more, Huang Han thinks that what he should do has been done, and even if he stays for a long time, it is meaningless.

In a word, no matter what Huang Han does, it is out of the word "righteous"!

Chu Nan wanted to thank Huang Han, but he left without saying goodbye.

I have no choice but to wait until I have time to find him. At that time, I will definitely thank him well.

"How are you? Is there anything wrong with you? Teng Yunlong of Jinsheng Group, have you been embarrassed in the past two days? Chu Changtian looked at Chu Nan's body carefully and asked with concern. Although Huang Han had reassured him when he came, he still wanted to hear Chu Nan say it himself, which also showed that he had a certain degree of trust in his son.

"Dad, mom, don't worry, all the bad things are over. That Teng Yunlong won't bother us anymore. What his son owes us has been paid off. Chu Nan first promised his parents, so he looked at his sister in the ward and smiled, "I believe that my little sister will wake up soon. At that time, our family can live a happy and stable life."

Following Chu Nan's eyes, the couple put their eyes on their daughter at the same time. Unconsciously, their hands were tightly clenched together and sincerely prayed to heaven, hoping that their daughter could turn to safety and recover as soon as possible.

This is the only thing they can do at present!


until midnight.

Although the hospital is located in a bustling area in the center of the city, the whole hospital is shrouded in a dead atmosphere, and the smell of various pungent medicine is even more depressing.

Chu Nan didn't want his parents to be too tired, so he persuaded them to go home early, and he continued to stay here, looking forward to seeing a miracle tonight!

After tonight, it means that after the prime time, the opportunity for Chu Xingyue to wake up will be greatly reduced.

As time went by, Chu Nan was worried and couldn't sit still, and kept walking around in front of the ward.

From childhood to age, he has never felt that time passes so fast, and he has never felt that time is so ruthless!

If he can, he hopes to have a longer tonight until his sister wakes up. Even if he exchanges his life, he is willing!

The next moment, he slowly went to the window and stared at his sister, but it was not difficult to see that his face was a little haggard, and he seemed to be exhausted!

It's not surprising that in order to protect his sister from being hurt by the thirteen eagles, he has not closed his eyes for almost three days and nights. During this period, he released a lot of powers, consumed a lot of physical strength, and continuously solved the nightingale, Qin Lie and Leilong, which can be said to have reached the physical limit. In addition, he worries about his sister day and night, so his heart is also overloaded. In this way, even if he is hard-hearted, he will inevitably be overwhelmed.

Looking at his sister's cute and peaceful little face, suddenly, Chu Nan smiled and muttered to his sister through the window, "Silly girl, you have been sleeping for three days and nights. It's time to wake up. Open your eyes and look at your brother. On the contrary, your brother hasn't closed his eyes for three days and nights. I remember that you used to wake me up every day. As long as I got up a little late, you would laugh at me as a big lazy person. But now my brother hasn't slept for a few days and nights, but you can't sleep. If your brother is a big lazy person, then what are you?

"Don't you have telepathy? At this moment, do you feel your brother's mood?

"Good sister, if you feel your brother's mood, then open your eyes. Otherwise, I will think that you are blaming your brother for not protecting you!"

"Well, it's really my brother's fault. My brother really didn't protect you. You should blame him."

"But can you really bear to see that your brother is afraid of you every day, and you can't sleep at night?"

While talking, there is something flashing in Chu Nan's eyes, or the light of expectation, or sad tears...

What hope he has. His sister is really telepathic. In this way, the little girl can understand her mood. Maybe she will wake up because she is reluctant to make herself sad!

May well be that Chu Xingyue was really telepathic. When Chu Nan's last sentence fell, suddenly, her eyelids obviously squirmed, and even the little thumb of her left hand moved slightly. Although it was not obvious, it was clearly seen by Chu Nan!

Seeing this, Chu Nan couldn't help but move. His original tired spirit suddenly refreshed and condensed all his eyes. He stared intently into his sister's eyes, just like a gambler who had just bought 10 million lottery tickets, waiting with expectation and great trembling at this moment.

It's just that Chu Nan is not a gambler, and what he expects not to be *, but that his sister can open her eyes.

However, his mood at this time is more nervous and looking forward to it than those gamblers who are desperate to wait for *!

Maybe Chu Xingyue felt his brother's mood...

Or God's manifestation...

At this moment, Chu Xingyue's eyelids beat a few times again, followed by her slowly opening her eyes!

This scene only made Chu Nan feel excited and excited.

From childhood to age, there has been nothing that can make him so excited!

At this time, he couldn't wait to break the window glass in front of him with one punch, and then rushed to his sister's side in one breath.

But reason told him that what he had to do now was to see a doctor.

Cuppressing his inner impulse, Chu Nan immediately rushed to the duty room and called a doctor on duty.

Ten minutes later, after a preliminary examination, the doctor came out of the ward.

And Chu Nan waited anxiously beside the ward.

He didn't dare to see his sister, because he was afraid that he had misread it just now, and he was afraid that his sister would not wake up at all.

Seeing that Chu Nan was worried and panicked, the doctor smiled and gave him a reassurance recently and said, "Congratulations, your sister has woken up. In addition, after the preliminary examination, all the patient's indicators are normal, and there should be no problem. I will arrange for her to have a comprehensive examination tomorrow. If there is no accident, she can transfer to the ordinary ward.

Chu Nan was overjoyed when he heard this, but like a child, he pointed to Chu Xingyue's ward and asked the doctor weakly, "Then can I... go in to see her?"

"Of course, but not too long. After all, the patient has just woken up and is still very weak. He needs more rest." The doctor told Chu Nan with a smile.

"Thank you! Thank you, doctor!"

After saying that, Chu Nan couldn't wait to rush to the ward.

However, when he came to the door, he slowed down in vain, and finally hesitated and stood still, falling into silence with an extremely nervous mood.

Obviously, he hasn't talked to the little girl for three days, but in Chu Nan's heart, he feels that he hasn't talked to his sister for 30 years!

At this moment, his mood is like he has just found his long-lost sister. He is both happy and nervous, and he has a lot to say to his sister, but he doesn't know where to start?

With an extremely nervous mood, Chu Nan lowered his head, took small steps, and slowly walked into the ward, like a child who made a mistake. He didn't even dare to look up at his sister, because he felt ashamed and ashamed of not protecting his sister!



A slight sound sounded and instantly came into Chunan's ear.

Although the voice is small, for Chu Nan, this weak voice is like a sugar-coated cannonball, sinking from his ear into his heart, and then violently exploding, making his heart happy. Even the fatigue accumulated in the past few days was blown away by this sudden sound at this moment!

The nose is a little sour and the vision is a little blurred.

Chu Nan still lowered his head, but he didn't know when his fist had been clenched.

There were some tears flashing in his eyes, but he did not cry, but laughed.

Behind the faint smile is full of joy!

With courage, Chu Nan slowly raised his head, his slightly wet eyes penetrated all the obstacles, and fell straight on Chu Xingyue's pale little face, and could no longer extricate himself!

Suddenly, he felt that there seemed to be a force behind him pushing him, making him unconsciously come to his sister's side.

Slowly squatted down. He gently held his sister's cold little hand, tried to maintain the kindest smile, and whispered, "Stupid girl, you finally woke up! How's it going? Do you feel any discomfort?"

Shaking her head gently, Chu Xingyue smiled slightly and smiled sweetly, which immediately dispelled all the pain on her face and completely beautified her expression. Even if she was lying sick**, she could not hide her innate beauty.

Chu Nan saw it in his eyes and felt a dull pain in his heart.

He knew that his sister was forced to laugh. Even if she didn't feel pain, how could she not hurt if she was carrying this wound?

"Brother, I'm fine. Even if something happens, as long as you are by my side, I won't be afraid!"

Chu Xingyue's voice was very weak, but the smile on her face became more and more overflowing.

Since childhood, Chu Xingyue has said the two most common words to her brother, "As long as you are by my side, I will be afraid of everything!"

Chu Xingyue doesn't know how many times she has said these two sentences to her brother, but she has never felt tired of it, because what she said is from her heart and the truth.

Indeed, from childhood to age, under the care of Chu Nan, Chu Xingyue has never suffered losses, and none of those who once bullied her have come to a good end.

This is not because her brother is the famous Chu Xingchen, but because she has a good brother.

For her, Chu Nan learned how to fight with people at the age of 13.

At that time, it was just because my sister was angry, but the other party was injured!

For a long time, Chu Nan has been acting as a patron saint in Chu Xingyue's heart.

As long as there is a brother, even if the sky collapses, Chu Xingyue will not feel a trace of fear, which used to be the same now.

Once upon a time, Chu Nan was also confident that as long as he was there, his sister would not be hurt by anyone.

But today, he found that he was wrong, or he was wrong!

From the moment he learned that his sister was injured, Chu Nan understood a truth.

It is said that no matter how powerful a person is, he will always have a fatal weakness.

In the past, Chunan did not believe this sentence and even disdained it.

Now, he fully understands the meaning of this sentence.

He doesn't know what other people's weaknesses are.

But he knows what his weakness is.


Just these two words can be completely summarized--