College Record

Chapter 194 Unintentional Sleep

After drinking and eating, it was still early, and the family of four sat on the sofa in the living room chatting.

"Brother, when are you going to go to school?"

At this time, Chu Xingyue suddenly asked.

In her opinion, this question is very necessary.

You know, if Chunan doesn't go to school for a day, he won't see Fang Qing for a day.

If the two can't even see each other, how can they talk about repairing the old and reuniting?

In fact, Chu Nan also wants to go to class. Why doesn't he want to see Fang Qing?

It's just that Chu Xingyue is not very sharp yet, and she is afraid that she will be bored at home, so Chu Nan wants to stay at home and spend more time with her.

"Let's talk about it when you get better."

"I'm fine."

Chu Xingyue suddenly jumped up from the sofa. In order to prove that she had recovered, she shook her head desperately. It was a hand-foot dance, lively, as if a monkey who ate stimulants almost didn't go to the room to lift the tiles.

"Why are you so excited? By the way, why do you have to go to school? Don't you want your brother to stay at home with you? Chu Nan looked puzzled. If Chu Xingyue answered yes, he would be very sad.

Of course, Chu Xingyue hopes that her brother can stay with her for a few more days, otherwise it will be somewhat boring to stay at home.

In contrast, she prefers Chu Nan and Fang Qing to get back together as soon as possible.

Moreover, Chu Xingyue could see that her brother still had Fang Qing in his heart, and Fang Qing also had her brother in her heart.

The two are only a little short of time to understand each other.

Therefore, Chu Xingyue couldn't wait for her brother to go to class as soon as possible.

Chu Xingyue knew Chu Nan. She knew that if she said what she thought in her heart, Chu Nan would definitely not go to school obediently. He was not the kind of person who valued his sister, let alone left his sister at home for Fang Qing.

At this time, facing Chu Nan's question, Chu Xingyue was intelligent and flashed. She seemed to be serious and said, "You haven't gone to school for more than half a month. If you don't go, you will be expelled from school. Once you are expelled, there is no place to go to school. Even if there are other schools in this city, you can't afford it, and you will waste the 30,000 yuan of tuition you just paid. Most importantly, you will lose the opportunity to get a diploma. Without a diploma, how will you work in the future? If you don't have a job, how can you support your family? You don't want me to make money alone to support you and your parents, do you? Brother, look, what a terrible butterfly effect!"


Chu Nan was stunned, but when he thought about it, what the girl said seemed to be quite reasonable.

After listening to what Chu Xingyue said, Zhang Cuifang also thought it was very reasonable, so she echoed, "Xingchen, listen to your sister and go to school tomorrow. Your sister is right. In case you are expelled from Shengwu University and pay your tuition for nothing, if you can't get a diploma and can't find a good job in the future, it will be a big deal.

"Your mother is right. You should go to class tomorrow. As for the family, you don't have to worry. Your mother and I have asked for a long vacation to take care of your sister at home. Chu Changtian also took Chu Xingyue's way. When the little girl said it, it seemed that the matter was quite serious.

Seeing the three of them venting, Chu Nan had no choice but to promise them that they would go to class tomorrow.

"Damn it, brother, wait, I'll come as soon as I go."

After saying that, Chu Xingyue hurried to her room.

After a while, she came out with an envelope.

Give the envelope to Chu Nan, and she said mysteriously, "Please help me give this letter to Sister Fang Qing."

"The letter?" Chu Nan is strange. What era is it now? Isn't it okay to call if there is anything? Why do you have to write a letter?

Curious, Chu Nan instinctively wanted to open it.

Chu Xingyue hurriedly stopped and said, "This letter is full of whispers from my sister Fang. Brother, you should respect my privacy and don't peek. Otherwise, I will be angry."

In fact, this so-called letter is just a "red rope" prepared by Chu Xingyue for Chu Nan and Fang Qing.

Although Chu Xingyue has never been in love, she has never eaten pork and has seen pigs running.

She knew that Chu Nan was unrestrained and had rich experience. In fact, he didn't know much about girls, so when he went to school to see Fang Qing, he would definitely feel embarrassed, and he didn't know what to say to Fang Qing. In this way, things were likely to fall into an impasse.

In order to let Chu Nan take the lead in breaking this deadlock, Chu Xingyue prepared a letter. As long as Chu Nan gave the letter to Fang Qing, maybe the two will bring out many topics, and then chat, and the two may repair the old things again.

"Well, I'm so smart. I can really call the contemporary female Zhuge!"

A trace of pride appeared on Chu Xingyue's little face. She stepped on the coffee table with one leg, crossed her waist in one hand and her knees in the other. While looking up at the ceiling, she put on a look that everyone was drunk and woke up alone, and she muttered to herself.

However, I have to say that her method is indeed a wonderful trick, thanks to her idea.

"Mysterious, is this girl all right?" Chu Nan looked up and down at Chu Xingyue, but he didn't think she was a female Zhuge. This look was simply a woman and a dementia type. The child didn't drink too much, did he?

"You should go to bed." Chu Nan suddenly said to Chu Xingyue with that order that the girl had been excited all day and it was time to rest.

Chu Xingyue put away her shape and reminded with a smile, "Brother, don't forget to give this letter to Sister Fang Qing. Also, you are never allowed to peek."

"I know, I will give it to her. Before that, I will never peek at 'one word'."

After listening to Chu Nan's promise, Chu Xingyue was relieved, humming a small song with incomplete tones and jumping to her bedroom.

Confirming that his sister had returned to her room, Chu Nan couldn't help showing a bad smile on his face and said to himself, "Fool, I only said that I would not peek a word, but I didn't say that I would not peek at the whole content." As he said that, he was about to open the envelope in his hand. It was not his fault. He couldn't help but want to do anything related to Fang Qing. Who told him to keep her in his heart?


Unexpectedly, before it was opened, Chu Nan suddenly heard a cough.

Looking at the sound, I saw that my mother and father were staring at themselves with that warning look. In their eyes, there were also a few wisps of contempt, which was obviously disgusting for Chu Nan's obscene behavior.

Facing the contemptuous eyes of his parents, Chu Nan's idea of peeping immediately disappeared. He hurriedly put away the envelope and dared not touch evil thoughts again. Then he stood up, bowed his head silently and left, and returned to his room.

Unconsciously, it was late at night.

Chu Nan tossed and turned in **. Anyway, he just couldn't sleep.

I feel a little excited and looking forward to it.

He is looking forward to tomorrow and smelling the campus as soon as possible.

Of course, it was the girl he had been missing.

But in addition to expectations, he is a little nervous and really uncertain. What kind of attitude should he take to face Fang Qing when he goes to school tomorrow?

The more you think, the less sleepy you are.

He would never have thought that he would have trouble sleeping and eating for a girl.

Now, even if I want to continue to maintain a relationship with Fang Qing, recalling the day when I broke up with her, in order to stay away from danger, I seem to have said nothing. Now it is not easy to let others rekindle their love for me?

The bigger Chu Nan thought about it, the bigger it became. He simply turned on the desk lamp, got out of bed, and went to the computer.

Everyone says that from astronomy and geography to trivial matters, you will always find the answer you want in the computer.

With the idea of giving it a try, Chu Nan turned on the computer and began to keep searching on the web page. The search content was full of keywords such as how to please a girl and how to get a girl's forgiveness.

On the screen, thousands of entries appeared in Chu Nan's eyes.

Open it one by one, but find that everything on the Internet is simple, but there is no practical significance. Some even say that girls should fight until she forgives you, until she can't leave you, until she thinks you are a real man!

Isn't this Nima sick?

If you don't fight, you will be worried that they won't forgive you. After the fight, you don't have to worry anymore, and there is no need to worry about it anymore.

What's more, beating a woman for no reason is called a man?

Well, this method is not workable!

Buy flowers to make amends - no money!

Bow and admit your mistake - this method is feasible, but it requires a certain amount of courage, and you have to put down your self-esteem and consider it later.

Kill her, and then commit suicide, so that the two can be together forever - looking at this content, Chu Nan was full of depression and couldn't help replying: After death, if you are in hell, she is in heaven, what should you do?

The other party is speechless and offline...