College Record

Chapter 205 Infinite YY


Fang Qing and Chu Nan were having fun, and the bell rang after class.

If in the past, when she heard the bell after class, Fang Qing didn't want to stay in this classroom for a moment, and she felt bored for a long time in a class.

But in this class, she felt surprisingly fast and almost unconsciously heard the bell.

She knew that it was because Chu Nan was by her side, so she felt that time passed very quickly.

At the same time, Fang Qing is also grateful to Chu Xingyue.

No wonder...

If it hadn't been for Chu Xingyue's letter, Fang Qing would not have made up her mind to ask Chu Nan that question. In this way, she and Chu Nan would not have been reunited.

If there is a chance, Fang Qing would like to thank Chu Xingyue in person, or wait for her to be completely recovered and invite her to dinner.

"Bright, how is Xiaoyue? Are you feeling better?" Fang Qing asked Chu Nandao with concern.

"She is more energetic than me now, otherwise how can she write to you?" Speaking of the letter, Chu Nan was curious and asked with a smile, "Can you show me that letter?"

Fang Qing smiled brightly, and her smile was brighter than the sunshine, but it only lasted for a moment. After that, her face suddenly changed and she bluntly refused, "No, this is a private message between me and Xiaoyue, which is related to our privacy. Please respect us and women!"


Chu Nan is dumb.

It's just a letter. Why did it still involve the majority of women?

If you continue to beg for white people, won't you become the public enemy of the majority of women?

Oh, Chu Nan thought he could not afford to carry this charge, so he simply did not continue to ask for it.

"To the way, has Teng Yunlong's matter been solved? Did he bother you?"

This time, Fang Qing became curious and couldn't help asking.

In fact, from beginning to end, she was not worried about what Teng Yunlong would do to Chu Nan. Even her father Fang Zhenghao would be in awe of Chunan, and Teng Yunlong would naturally be no exception. It's just that Fang Qing wants to know the context of the matter. After all, this is related to Chu Nan, and Chu Nan is her best friend, so she wants to know everything about Chu Nan.

Turning his head and looked at Fang Qing's expectant eyes, Chu Nan also smiled. It seemed that he had promised Fang Qing and would talk to her. Who would have thought that he used a trick to repay him. Suddenly, his face was stiff. The other party said seriously, "This is my private matter, which is related to my reputation, so please respect me. Please also respect our male privacy!"


Fang Qing was angry, but she was speechless. She couldn't help clenching her fist again and began to play with Chu Nan, which made the students around her envy and hate.

"Chu Nan, we can warn you that the president has helped us solve the trouble a lot. We owe her too much, so don't hurt her again, or we won't agree!"

"No matter what misunderstanding you and we had before you grew up, now that you have made up as before, we sincerely bless you. Chu Nan, I hope you won't let us down!"

"Yes, we don't want to see the president sad anymore. Chu Nan, I hope you can cherish our growth, otherwise there will be no store after passing through this village. It's too late for you to regret it!"

The students are united. You all said good words for Fang Qing, but they are all changing their direction to warn Chu Nan.

In the face of the warnings of his classmates, Chu Nan didn't care. He immediately took a sincere attitude and assured everyone, "Don't worry, from now on, whether it's our president's heart or body, I won't let her suffer any harm, otherwise you will take me into pieces, and I will never complain!"


As soon as Chu Nan's words came out, it instantly attracted a burst of laughter from the whole class, and only heard a boy say, "Haha, it's worthy of being a ' virgin'. I advise you to withdraw the promise just now, because our president's body will be hurt by you sooner or later. At that time, Chairman Fang will definitely shout pain, and maybe he will be red again!"

After listening to the boy's words, the whole class laughed again, while the girls blushed. Obviously, everyone understood the meaning of the boy's words.

"Cut, how can it be? I won't hurt her body, let alone make her red!" Chu Nan said in a frenheaded. He knew that "seeing red" means "bleeding", and bleeding means injury, but he would never let such a thing happen to Fang Qing.

Fang Qing also looked puzzled at this time. She really didn't know what the boy's words just now meant?

"Chu Nan is not only a virgin. Looking at him, he is obviously an honest man and doesn't know how to be romantic. And our president, this is her first love. She hasn't even held hands with other boys before. So don't make it too complicated for them to understand. Just say that they will have a bridal chamber sooner or later.

A girl's words were open and deliberately reminded.

As soon as they heard this, Chu Nan and Fang Qing suddenly understood and suddenly woke up. They couldn't help looking at each other. The word "bridal chamber" kept echoing in their ears. Their eyes were shining and their faces were burning, as if they were already immersive. They fell into the warm nest that only belonged to them in the future, making them have infinitely beautiful longing. Jing, I can't help but indulge in it!

Especially Chu Nan, at this time, I only saw him narrowing his eyes slightly, revealing evil light in his eyes, with a bad smile on his face, and staring at Fang Qing in front of him without squinting, but in his mind, Fang Qing had a different scenery...

Under the dark candlelight, in the fragrant greenhouse, on the big and comfortable soft bed, Fang Qing wore a white wedding dress and lay delicately under Chu Nan's eyes, while Chu Nan had put on a super-fitting black suit for himself, wearing a big red flower with the words "groom" on his chest, and magically Thinking about how handsome he is, and facing Fang Qing, who is full of amorous feelings and like jade, even if it is a fantasy, it is difficult to control himself. He can't help stretching out his mouth and move down from Fang Qing's pink neck inch by inch to her fragrant feet. For a moment, his love is burning brightly, * it is difficult to extinguish, and his self-ful fantasy with Fang The sweetness between the sunny**...

Fang Qing was very rational. At present, she took the lead in recovering, but when she saw Chu Nan's imagination, she couldn't help raising her hand and shaking in front of Chu Nan's eyes and asking curiously, "Hey, what are you thinking?"

Because Chu Nan is addicted to the beautiful YY, he is almost empty and real. His mind is full of Fang Qing's lovely appearance. At this time, he suddenly heard Fang Qing's voice, so he subconsciously blurted out his words in his heart: "Actually, it's quite beautiful if you don't wear clothes. Although the breasts are a little small..."

Hearing this, the whole class was silent.

However, all the boys did not pay attention to Chu Nan, but all turned their eyes to Fang Qing and were influenced by Chu Nan, as if every boy was trying to fantasize that Fang Qing was not wearing clothes.

In a pair of obscene eyes, Fang Qing only felt that her face was hot and ashamed, and she couldn't wait to find a hole to get in.

In anger, Fang Qing couldn't stand it anymore. She avoided the sight of her classmates, quietly stretched out her hand to Chu Nan's thigh, and immediately pinched it hard...


Chu Nan shouted bitterly, and then he woke up and returned to the cruel reality from the wonderful fantasy.

Suddenly found that Fang Qing was staring at himself shyly and angrily. Chu Nan recalled a little and suddenly remembered that he had said something he shouldn't have said.

It's too late to explain, and I can't explain it clearly, so I just pretend to be stupid.

When he made up his mind, Chu Nan smiled and asked knowingly, "What's the matter? Why are you looking at me like this?"

Fang Qing did not answer and was ashamed and angry.

Through Chu Nan's two words, she knew what he was thinking, but Fang Qing could barely accept the first sentence he said, but the second sentence, she believed that any girl would be angry and angry.

he glared at Chu Nan fiercely for a while. When he expected that his psychological defense had collapsed, Fang Qing asked blankly, "Is my chest really small? Or do you get used to the human chest, and after comparing me with other girls, do you feel that my breasts are very small?


Chu Nan knew the principle that "only villains and women are difficult to raise" for a long time.

What's more, the most taboo for women is that men say that their breasts are small, which is the same as women's saying that men's * is small, and it is not straightforward.

But I told the truth, and I had to muddle through anyway, so I was anxious and became wise. Chu Nan suddenly flashed and wanted to push it directly to my sister and said with a smile, "Compared with Xiaoyue, am I also telling the truth? As you know, the girl's development is not ordinary. You are better than her..." Chu Nan looked down at Fang Qing's chest, and then shook her head helplessly.

Indeed, Fang Qing can't deny that compared with Chu Xingyue, this material on her chest is indeed not worth mentioning. Chu Nan shamelessly compared his sister with herself. If she refutes, it is equivalent to competing with Chu Xingyue. There is nothing she can do. Fang Qing has to bear her anger and reluctantly let Chu Nan go.

"Chu Nan, do you really want to have a wedding with President Fang?" A male classmate suddenly asked, the atmosphere in the classroom is rarely so good. Anyway, it should be maintained so that everyone can continue to have fun.

"Isn't this boy on purpose? What a son of a bitch!"

Chu Nan complained in his heart and cursed secretly.

How embarrassing is it to say that you want to have a bridal chamber with Fang Qing? He also made himself look like a horny sex demon.

But how embarrassing is Fang Qing? It makes me look like I don't care about her.

The key is that Fang Qing seems to be waiting for Chu Nan's answer. Obviously, Chu Nan is already riding a tiger.

"Wh, why are students so open now? What topics do you dare to discuss in the classroom? Are you behind the lag? Chu Nan was depressed, but since someone asked and couldn't answer, Fang Qing was still listening.

So he looked at Fang Qing and said euphemistically and sincerely, "In this life, I just want to take your hand, be beautiful with you forever, and never be separated from you until I grow old!"

"Hold your hand and grow old with your son!" Fang Qing couldn't help echoing affectionately. After that, the two stared affectionately. Except for each other, they seemed to have nothing else in their eyes.

At the same time, the whole class has been sweaty and vomiting, as if they had just watched a bloody love scene, and all the goose bumps fell to the ground.

However, the atmosphere in the classroom has been completely driven. Compared with before, the harmonious atmosphere between everyone is absolutely superior. Unfortunately, everyone does not know that an unprecedented crisis is quietly approaching Shengwu University.


In the afternoon, the first professional class.

In the martial arts museum, Chu Nan and Fang Qing are busy mopping the floor, and both of them are happy about it. They once again proved the famous saying that "men and women are not tired of working together".

Since we are determined to carry forward the martial arts profession, the first thing is to make the martial arts museum new, at least make it spotless.

However, so far, there are only Chu Nan and Fang Qing in the whole martial arts class.

Before in the class, Fang Qing has declared that she has transferred to the martial arts team. She hopes to use her reputation to attract some students to sign up for the martial arts class. Unfortunately, everyone is not optimistic about martial arts. Even if Fang Qing leads by example, it has not had any effect.

At this time, Uncle Wu also came to the museum. Although he only had two students at present, he was already very satisfied with a comfortable smile on his face. He looked at the handsome man and beautiful woman who were working hard to clean up and did not say anything for fear of destroying the sweetness between the little couple.

In a short time, Chu Nan and Fang Qing also almost finished their work, cleaning the four times, and the floor was even brighter. Although the two were sweating profusely, no one felt tired. Even if they were busy for three days and nights, I believe they would be happy and forget to return.

Fang Qing took out a tissue from her pocket and carefully wiped the sweat on Chu Nan's face. Her gentle smile made Chu Nan think together, especially Fang Qing's sweaty and delicate appearance, which also made Chu Nan's heart surge, blood spurted, and accompanied by an inexplicable happiness in his heart.

Finally, he couldn't help saying, "You are so beautiful!"

Fang Qing smiled and lowered her eyes. Although she couldn't talk about being charming, she was beautiful and wise. Especially at the time when she inadvertently raised her hand, she still hugged the pipa and half covered her face. From top to bottom, she revealed a kind of temperament. Seeing Chu Nan's eyes straight and fascinated, she couldn't help slowly stick her face to Fang Qing. She intends to confide in her in body language, and she has deeply attracted him!


Wu Bo really couldn't stand it anymore and pretended to cough.

If this pair of crazy men and women are allowed to develop, this venue will immediately become their bridal chamber!

Only then did the two find that Uncle Wu had stood in front of the door, so they immediately separated and panicked, as if they had been caught having an affair, both embarrassed and at a loss.

"Ha ha, young people, it's good to have a cavity of blood, but now it's class time, so I can only take the liberty to interrupt you two."

Wu Bo greeted people with a smile and was about to step into the hall when Fang Qing suddenly said, "Oh, Uncle Wu, please take off your shoes first. Chu Nan and I just cleaned up here, but we don't want to get dust here so soon.

"Okay, okay!" Wu Bo readily agreed. After taking off his shoes, he walked to the hall.

"How are the two coaches Wu Bo, Brown and Sato doing? Are they all right? Where are they now? Fang Qing asked with concern.

Of course, she is not concerned about Sato and Brown, but about Chu Nan. After all, the two coaches were injured by Chu Nan. In case their injuries are too serious, Chu Nan will also get into trouble.

"The two are currently lying in the hospital. It is said that Coach Sato caused stomach bleeding and a slight fracture of the cervical spine due to external trauma, so he did not hurt the nerves. Coach Brown fractured his sternum, but did not hurt his internal organs. Neither of them is life-threatening. After a period of rest, you can be discharged from the hospital. Speaking of this, Wu Bo looked at Chu Nan, and his turbid eyes suddenly lit up, and a trace of surprise flashed faintly. He seemed to want to say: If Chu Nan had used a little force at that time, the two coaches would have been seriously injured if they did not die, that is to say, Chu Nan could easily kill those two coaches!

Is this strong strength that an ordinary college student should have?

Of course, in this era, there are many students with strong strength.

For example, Chu Xingchen in the Southern District and Li Hao in the North District are good examples.

However, in everyone's opinion, students like Chu Xingchen and Li Hao will never appear in such an incompetent school.

However, Chu Nan's strength is no worse than any legendary student.

Who the hell is he?

Wu Bo really wanted to ask Chu Nan what was going on, but he knew that Chu Nan didn't want to reveal his true details, otherwise when he first saw him, he would say it and would not hide it at all.

Wu Bo respected everyone, so he resisted his curiosity and said to Chu Nan, "The headmaster has blocked the news. The school will not let it publicize such things. The two coaches can't beat a student and were beaten into the hospital by the students. If such a disgraceful thing spreads, it will have a serious impact on the school's professional projects and will also cause psychological blow to other coaches. The consequences are unimaginable. So don't worry, the school has dealt with this matter properly.

"Oh." Chu Nan answered casually, giving people the feeling that he would always be so calm.

"It's great if it's okay!" Fang Qing was in a good mood and said with a smile, "Tomorrow I will print some leaflets. Please write down the essence of martial arts. When I print it, I will send it to various classes and try to attract more people to sign up for martial arts majors."

"Wow, how can you ask other coaches to do this? You obviously robbed people for business!" Chu Nan looked at Fang Qing sideways and laughed in his heart.

If a woman wants to concentrate on doing something, it's really terrible. She vows to die!

"What should I do? I have promised in front of the principal that the martial arts class will be active. Handing out leaflets is the best way. Fang Qing has a bitter little face. She is a person who promises. Since she has promised, she will do her best.

"You can use your status as the president and the representative of the martial arts team to apply for a competition. At that time, as long as our martial arts class can overwhelm the heroes and prove that martial arts are not embroidered legs, people will naturally scramble to join. Chunan made suggestions. In the past, he often held so-called competition in Nanling University. On the one Hand, he could let the people of Nanling University exercise their strength, and on the other Hand, he could stimulate everyone's vanity, so that he could overcome everything and win every battle!

As soon as Chu Nan said this, Fang Qing and Wu Bo suddenly refreshed. They looked very interested and couldn't wait.

"Yes, why didn't I think of it? OK, that's it. I'll report to the principal tomorrow and arrange it as soon as possible. With that, Fang Qing looked at Wu Bo and asked, "Wu Bo, do you have any objection?"

"Of course not. This method is very good!" Wu Bo is full of joy and interest.

"We have an opinion!"

Suddenly, three rough voices came, as well as three complaints, which also permeated the whole venue with the sound!